Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 24, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. 20.
NO. 9.
Coburg Hills Practice Ground
For Members of
0. T. C.
Men of Camp Leave Daily for
Central Officers’
The sleepers along Thirteenth street
were rudely awakened this morning by
the lusty songs, of the men in the O. T.
C. as the r .mpanies marched up to
Friendly H; for their breakfast. It was
about (5 A. M. as the men marched by
with full marching equipment.
The reason for so early a noise was
that the O. T. ('. were almost ready for
their hike to Coburg. Col. Leader lias
,vo big buildings in Coburg which he
will use as a sleeping place for the men.
Ordinarily, the men would have to seek
their own shelter, but with Spanish in
fluenza around, plans had to be made
for the safety of the men. Straw lias
been lmuled and the men are packing
their heavy blankets.
Col. Leader plans to take his men
out this evening to a place where he
would stay for the night and give them
a lecture and illustrate outpost duty.
Raor Guard Action Planned.
On the return journey. they will fight
a rear guard action back to Springfield.
Mess Friday noon will be on the river
above Springfield. And the men will
make it back to Eugene about -1 P. M.
The general orders for the tramp are
as follows:
1. The Battalion will be clear of the
Gymnasium by S:Ci5 A. M.
2. Major McKinnon will command the
battalion and Lieut. Clark will act as
3. Companies will move off in the
following order: A, B, C, D, E, and
[Machine Gun Company.
4. At intervals of one hour the lead
ing company will give way to the Com
pany immediately following, and fall in
at the rear of the coltimu.
5. Company Commanders will de
tail two reliefs for night sentry duty.
[Each relief will consist of eight privates
pud a corporal.
6. Commanders of A. B. C and Ma
chine Cun Company's will detail a ser
geant to act ns sergeant of the guard.
7. Lieutenant Graham will be officer
pf the day.
S. Lieutenant Clark will be officer of
,the Guard.
Night of Guard Duty.
After returning Friday evening, the
pten of the O. T. C. will do guard duty
pll night.
Saturday, funeral services will be held
fo rtheir late comrade, Bobert Stuart,
pf Medford.
A. V. TUtchie, A. P. Stewart, F. E.
.Blanchard and F. O. Bradshaw of com
pany C have received their commissions
in the heavy artillery.
A telegram arrived yesterday asking
for their late comrade, Bobert Stuart,
$«eader has recommended 35 out of the
7} in the Machine Cun Company. If they
ret their call they will be sent to Camp
[Hancock, Georgia.
Military Aeronautics Officers’ Training
Calls S. A. T. C. Men
Fourteen men of the S. A. T. C. ap
plied to Colonel W. II. C. Bowen yes
terday morning as military aeronautics
Officer candidates. Detailed instruc
tions regarding entrance into this branch
of the service are expected by Colonel
Bowen soon.
The men applying are John W. IIol
llen. Joe Trowbridge, F. Jacobberger, K.
V. Hauser, John Dundore, It. F. Calla
han. all of Portland; Frank K. Fowler,
Pendleton: William Morrison, R. II.
Martin. It* hard Lyons, Sam Lehman,
ill of Fug ne; Guy F. Mon-lock and Ser.
plus Gaulke. goth of Joseph, Oregon;
Sleepy Men Called
Hour Too Early Take
Revenge on Bugler
O. T. C. men turned out for drill at
5:15 Monday morning. They discovered
the mistake,' however, in time to revenge
themselves on Bugler Rollin M atson.
Obediently, trustfully, yawning and
sleepy-eyed, the men had turned out at
the first tuneful notes of reveille. The
hands of Matson’s tin watch had stuck
and misled him.
It was not until all were up and
awake that they realized the mistake of
their chief bugler. Then they were more
than righteously indignant. They wore
thoroughly upset.
Some spent the hour's vacation read
ing and writing letters. One man said
it was the first opportunity he had had
for two weeks to write to his wife.
M'hen time came for assembly, Mat
son's bugle had vanished. Finally, after
a frantic search it was found—smashed!
The bugle he had carried through the
Spanish-America.m war.
Nobody enlightened him. However,
later in the day he was presented with
a shining new one by the conscience
stricken men. But Watson’s heart
yearned for his veteran friend. Somehow
he managed to patch it up i ntime for
tattoo and taps on Tueseday. But alas!
the faithful instrument was somewhat
the worse for wear, and people in the
vicinity of the O. T. C. down town quar
ters, who were used to beautiful, high
and clear, gradually softening and dying
away notes of taps, heard false notes—
high pitched and falling- flat.
Among themselves they said, “The
.regular O. T. C. bugler must he down
with the flu, poor fellow, an.l they have
a new man.’’
Two Killed In Action; Plague
Takes Six Other of
Twelve more gold stars are to be add
ed to th.' service flag of the University
of Oregon. Six men are now represent
ed by gold stars. The twelve to be added
are for Kenneth Farley, Malcolm John
ston, Earl S. Powell, Leslie O. Tooze,
Earl Cobb, Lee Meadows, Robert H.
Sherwood, Claude Still, Allen Casey,
Richard Shisler, Emanuel Northrop and
Glen Walters.
Farley was a graduate of 1915 and
sergeant at Camp Lewis at the time of
his death, which was caused by influ
Lieutenant Tooze and Lieutenant
Sherwood, graduates of the class of
1916, were both killed in action in
Powell, ex-TS, Cobb, of the class of
1912, Still, also a graduate, were all
victims of influenza.
As soon as a complete list of the Uni
versity men iu service is compiled, the
correct number of blue stars will be
University Man At Camp Hancock Had
Attack of Pneumonia.
Lieutenant. Ray Couch, graduate of
the University in the class of 1918, who
has been seriously ill with Spanish influ
enza and pneumonia at Camp Hancock,
Georgia, has passed the danger stage
and is on his way to recovery. This in
formation is contained in a telegram
from Couch received at the University
yesterday morning. The telegram reads:
“Am just recovering from an attack of
Spanish influenza an.l pneumonia. Dan
ger stage passed and hope to be out
again by another week.”
Ray Couch was major in the Univer
sity battalion Inst year. He was one of
the twenty University men sent to Camp
Lewis for further training last spring.
He was prominent in campus and student
| body activities, vice president of the stu
dent body, and member of last year’s [
varsity football team. He is a member j
of Alpha Tail Omega.
Harlow Lindley. professor at Earlham I
College. Richmond, Ya.. who visited the ■
University last fall, hits written to the j
extension department asking for Ore- |
gen pictures and slides to be used in the i
educational department.
Lemon-Yellow Rooters to See
Candidates Try Out Un
der Council Plan.
Some of the old time pep was brought
nto the student eouneil meeting held in
[>r. Schafer’s room in the library last
evening when Don Orput, a member of
he class of ’15 and a former yell king,
net with the eouneil and outlined a plan
for electing a new yell leader.
A few days ago the council elected
3rput ns the new yell leader to fill Paul
Spangler's place, which was made va
cant when he became student body pres
ident, but Orput feels that he cannot
;ake the position, but offers to help
train a man for the place. Tlie tryouts
will be held at the football game next
Saturday afternoon.
An advisory committee consisting of
Paul Spangler and Jack Pundore arc to
meet with Don Orput and make arrange
ments for the tryout. They will recom
mend a yell leader to the student coun
cil. “Ie .s not necessarily going to be
:he senior man who is chosen, for the
rryout is going to be entirely on merit,
ind a sophomore stands as much chance
is anyone, provided he can produce the
joods,” said Orput last night. Anyone
lesiring to try out can see some mem
jer of the committee before the Satur
ia.v’s event.
The committee on the campaign for the
Emerald subscriptions which is to be
-nised on the campus some time soon,
•epnrted no committees appointd as yet,
Herald White, Helen McDonald and
Florence Ilemenway are on this commit
:ee. Harris Ellsworth was present and
:old the council of his appreciation for
their getting back of him in the Emerald
circulation work.
Ella Dews, chairman of the student
body play which is to be put on as soop
is the influenza scare is over, reported
that the tryouts had had to he post
poned for a while but as soon as possi
ple it would be arranged for. Others on
this committee are Jack Pundore, Henry
English and Dorothy Elegel.
All plans for Home Coming have boon
eft to a committee composed of Harold
Hrey, Helen McDonald and Essie Ma
juire. November 9 is the time of Home
doming. Plans will be given out as soon
is possible.
A committee for the arranging of stu
ient dances was appointed as Nish
Chapman, Ella Dews and Elmo Madden.
Ruth Graham, Abraham Rosenberg
and Marie Badura have been appointed
student members of the forensic council
and will meet in the near future with
Professor R. W. Prescott, ex-offi-da
chairman of the committee, to discuss
the debating situation of tlie Eniversity
this year.
Helen McDonald, Dorothy Elegel and
rraey Byers were appointed to draw up
resolutions of sympathy and have them
ready for the next student body meet
llerold White was appointed to see
Col .W. H. C. Bowen and ascertain if a
freshman distinguishing mark can be
used after the men get their uniforms.
Those absent at last night’s meeting
were Dorothy Elegel, Essiie Maguire,
Elmo Madden, Florence Ilemenway and
Henry English.
The meeting was held at nine o’clock
in order that the men might attend.
Captain It E. Russell, medical officer
from Camp Lewis, was in Eugene yester
day. He delivered a lecture on Social
Hygiene to the men of the S. A. T. C.
yesterday afternoon in Villard Hall.
Captain Russell is delivering his lec
tures at the request of the government.
He left for Corvallis iast night.
Officers of the spruce division at Van
couver have cancelled Saturday's foot
ball game. This was the word received
late this afternoon by Coach “Shy” Hunt,
If no other game is secured, a game
wiil be played here between the firs!
and second teams.
Mrs. Laura A. Beck, Cousin of
Governor’s Wife. Enjoying
First College Work.
Mrs. Laura A. Bock of Portland, is
th>' oldest student on the campus. She is
lit> yours old, and says she docs not be
lieve in age. To prove it, she is working
for a degree front the Fniversity of
Mrs. Beck is a cousin of Mrs. .Tames j
Withyeombe. wife of Uovornor Withy- |
combe. She is a special student, and i
taking a course in General Geology,
Modern F.uropean History and in Educa
tion. She has taught. French and Art,
and speaks Spanish and German. She
has also done considerable work in Mu
sic and Grama.
After Grammar school, Mrs. Beck
received all of her early educational in
struction through private teachers. This
is her first legitimate college year.
Mrs. Beck is alone in the world, hav
ing lost her husband si nil only son. She
does not believe in idle waste of time.
She says that there has never been a
time when she found life anything hut
• Mrs. Beck is of Swedish and Irish de
scent. but she says: "I am American.”
She has lived most of her life in the
west, coming to Portland from Idaho,
but has traveled oxtnesively in the
states and in Alaska.
Colonel Bowen Asked to Send Many Eli*
gibles to Schools
Candidates of the S. A. 'I'. C. for ad
mission to Central Officers’ Training
Schools began today to file their applica
tions with Colonel \V. II. O. Bowen,
commaadiitig officer here. At present,
there is no limitation in the number to
lie recommended l*y Colonel Bowen, says
a telegram this morning from »S. A. T.
C. headquarters. The telegram follows:
‘■In October and November reports,
include every enlisted man in your jur
isdiction who is qualified and eligible
for admission to infantry, machine gun
or field artillery Central Officers’ Train
ing Schools. No present limitation on
number recommended. Make every ef
fort to include every enlisted man qual
ified and eligible.”
Colonel Bowen will send in bis Octo
ber report of the number of eligible men
this week.
Men May be Admitted to S. A. T. C.
Without High School Diplomas
Mmi over IS, with or without high
school diplomas, may now be admitted
to the S. A. T. C. at the University, fol
lowing woid received from the commit
tee on education and special training in
Washington, 1). this morni.ug.
“In order to maintain authorized quo
ta of your unit, induct if forms are
available, eligible applicants for S. A.
T. C. to replace vacancies caused by
transfer to Officers’ Training Schools,”
the telegram reads.
The men must lie IS and roust he able
to puss tlie physical examination -and
demonstrate to the examining hoard that
they have the necessary mental qualifica
tions to keep up with the ciuws work in
the S. A. T. C.
Former Cadet Captain Recommended
For Artillery Training.
Henry Eickhoff was yesterday recom
mended bv Col. W. 11. C. Bowen for ad
mittance to the field artillery officers’
graining school at Camp Zachary Tay
lor, Louisville, Kentucky, lie is the first
man to be recommended for this camp
from the S. A. T. 0., but several mem
bers of tiie Oregon State Officers’
Training Camp held on the campus art
now in training in light artillery.
Eickhoff entered last year as a senior
in law from Stanford. lie served as cap
tain of oin of the cadet companies dur
ing the winter and spring and is now
first sergeant at Eriendly I lull barracks.
EiclthdfP is president of the local chap
ter ofj, Sienna Chi.
Companys A and B
At Outs; Open War
Of Words Declared
Extra! Extra; Diplomatic relations
have been severed. The air is full of wild
rumors, (.’onditions arc precarious. War
is likely to be declared at any moment.
Company A and Company 11 of the S.
A. T. C. are at outs. Company A, com
posed of the men stationed in the men’s
and women’s gymnasiums, the Kappa
Sigma house and the Delta Tau house,
points derisively at the company 1> yiei;
as a set of “rooks.” “Kook at theii
ears, asses for fair,” is the retaliatoi-'
call of the company H men, stationed ii
Friendly llall, the Sigma Chi bouse am
the Thi Delta Theta house.
So far the hostilities have been eon
fined mostly to songs and bootings
"Awkward Archies,” "Would-be super
men," and *' 1 .aily a-tha-letes," are a few
of the epithets hurled at the “A” men
b,v company 11. while company A returns
with such common-place ones at "Hook
ies" and "llean Chausseurs."
11 company led the way in singing up
to today. To the tune of “Li'l Liza Jane"
they had set certain words, expressing
their utmost contempt for company A,
and condemning them to the place of
supreme heat. Today company A came
hack with a song composed by the self
styled "Ladies from llell” living in the
women's gymnasium. According to it,
tin- worms in tin- ground are higher and
more w> rthy of commissions than the
members of 1! company.
Itoth companies though arc united in
one tiling, their mutual contempt for
the Hobs. “Daniels’ Darlings.” The
phrase "Spruce Divisioners" expresses
the sailors’ opinion of the army. The
language used by the army when dis
cussing the navy, will not he cited here.
New Quarters For 200 Men To
Be Finished In Week;
Work Rushed.
The new S. A. T. (barracks <>n Uni
versity avenue will probably bo ready
for occupancy in a little over a week.
The work has been delayed to some ex
tent by the illness of some of the work
men with influenza, and the inability to
replace them with other men. The con
tract is now being rushed, and the fin
ishing work is in progress.
The barracks is two stories in height
anti will accommodate about two hun
dred men. The ground floor is divided
into two large rooms. In the rear of the
barracks, a. separate building is being
erected containing shower baths.
It has not yet been announced who
will be quartered in the barracks, but it
is likely that those platoons now stn
tionea in the men’s and women’s gym
nasiums will be ordered there, lu ease
the I’hi Delta Theta house is still need
ed for cn infirmary, the platoon for
merl.\ stationed there may also be sent
to the new barracks.
Editing Class Issuing Bulletin for Boys
‘Oregon Over Seas” is going to be the
name of the special newspaper which is
being published by the Editing class un
der Dean Eric \V. Allen for the Uni
versity men ill the service.
A special effort is being made to have
the publication out the last of next
week. It is to contain a list of all the
addresses of uien in the service, excerpts
from the letters of the men themselves
and items of interest from the campus.
In order to make this publication a
success and to insure that every Uni
versity man now in the service gets a
copy, everyone is asked to hand in any
addresses or interesting bits of letters
either to members of the class or to
place them in one of the small boxes for
that purpose on the library bulletin
The members of the class are Erma
Zimmerman, Adelaide Duke, Alene Phil
lips, Helen McDonald, Frances Blurock,
Bess Col mu n and Elizabeth A11 miller.
Dr. II. D. Sheldon is lecturing on the
“Teaching of the War” at Burns in Har
ney and also in Malheur counties this
week during the institute sessions. This0
is the biggest institute trip th<> exten
sion division is carrying on this year
Brown at Guard, Watson and
Howard to be Seen in
O'Rourke, Montana Tackle,
Out; Malarkey’s Eleven
to Face New Team.
Several new fners will be seen in the
lineup us tentatively announced by
Coach Shy Huntington, for the game
with the Spruce division team next Sat
urday on Kincaid field. Watson, Brown
and Howard are the new men who will
he seen in action against “Tick” Malar
key's aggregation.
Brown will plav left guard, according
to Cion eh Huntington’s present plans,
taking the plac • of ‘‘Suiffii ” Dresser,
who is just gettie ; over the “fi.i ’ and
will not try t.> play Saturday unless he
is hadly needed. Watson, who is new to
Oregon football fans, will handle the
right half position taking I’lummer’s
place on that side of the hack field.
New Mon in Backfleit'.
Martin Howard will be seen in the
haekfield along with both of the Jaeob
berger’s. Francis and Vincent, and Wat
son. lie will play fullback and from
practice lie should make good at that
position. The backfield will be in good
condition for the Saturday contest, al
though the services of Blake and Chap
man will be missed.
On the line Cnllison will take the
place of Layton at center nnd Manta
will he Brown’s partner at the guard
Joe Trowbridge and “Scotty” Stra
chan will take care of the tackle posi
tions, while tin' end places will be hand
led by Wilson and Hauser.
Lineup May Bo Changed.
This lineup, according to Coach Hunt
ington, is subject to change without no
tice and, as he has Hilbert, Sharp nnd
Dresser on the line reserve list and
Durno and Tuerek ready ‘to go into the
backfield, some changes may be made,
“SkeeC Manorial is still a little too weak
to try to play and so, in nil probability
will not be seen in action in this game,
.1. L. O’Rourke, who is stationed here
connected with the S. A. T. C. for pre
medic work, was out last night nnd
showed up well in practice. O’Rourke,
who is a naval man, is a former tnekle
for Montana. He is built somewhat like
"Bill" Snyder, of the Oregon team of
1010, except that he is closer to the
ground. On his first night out he look
ed like a million and will make some one
travel to keep him from grabbing a line
job by the time the O. A. C. contests roll
How Lineup Looks Now.
The tentative lineup as given out is
as follows:
Wilson, R. E.; Trowbridge, R. T.;
Muntz, R. <J.; Cnllison, C.; Brown, L.
O.; Straehan, L. T.; Hauser, L. E.; F.
.Tacobberger, <X. Jaeobberger, L. H.;
Watson, R. II.; Howard, F.
Organization Successful During First
Year On Campus
All women of the University who play
band instruments or are interested are
urged to be present at. a meeting ini Vil
lard hull Saturday at 2 p. m.. Profes*
Hor Albert Perfect «Bks that in the mean,
time all interested see him between the
hours of 1 and 2 any day during the
week. It is doubtful if there will be
enough instruments to supply the girls,
■but a special effort is being made to col«
lect us many as possible from the neigh*
boring towns. . ..
Last year the women’s band was a de
cided success and was.the first venture
of its kind on the campus. Under- the
directum of Professor Albert Perfect
the bund was able to play at a public en
tertainment three weeks after organ
A" '