Oregon VOL. 20. JGIttl EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, OCT. 17. 1918 Emerald NO. 6. i l Number of Sick Men Declines: and Women now Hold Their Own. » l 1 _ , 1 i With 2SS cases of colds, grip and in Huenza among the student body of the University. and many of the men affect »d well along the road to recovery, the healtn situation today is regarded as lucre hopeful. |v Warning is issued by the faculty com mittee on student health that great care be used in dress during the present 'changeable weather. During the cold and rainy days which must now be expected with increasing frequency, such wear ables as Georgette crepe waists and Drench-heeled slippers must be laid away by ithe women, it is pointed out, and good, warm clothing and rubbers worn If the present epidemic of colds is going to continue to lie successfully held in Vheek is the report from the health of fice today. j Rain, according to 1 >l\ Bovard. chair man of the student health committee, is "grippy” weather and students should be advised to dress properly. / The number of sick among the men is decreasing steadily, anil the latest re ports say that the women are holding their own today. The total number of cases is 2S8. Convalescents to Be Careful. jy Those who have been recently releas ;d, the h: afth committee advises, should lx doubly careful, for a relapse of this special kind of grip is not only very serious but often times fatal. These con valescents should take things easy. There have been three cases of relapse among the women due to overwork. Students have been assured by mem bers of the faculty today that upon re turn to classes ample time will be given to make work up and no anxiety should be felt in this direction. , List of Sick. r A list was given out yesterday of roved to be more than needed and yes- I erday 150 of them ' re sent to the! students’ Army Training Corps unit at Willamette University, which hej wired here for aid. j Good Ship Galleon Appears in Offing Sou’-west of Campus The Sigma Chi House, quarters of the men in the Navy unit, will be called the (loud Ship Galleon this winter It is well built, well equipped, and will be well manned by 50 stalwart young sailor lads. Although now an chored in an ocean of influenza, it will not go upon the rocks, for the Navy is its watchman. The Galleon is a three-decker. The main and lower decks are more popu lar than the upper (weather) deck during these rainy days, but it is expect ed that soon the sailors will become in different to the wind and the weather, as all good seamen should. Two Freshmen recruits will keep watch on top in the. crow’s nest. The sailors will roll or fall out of their ham mocks at 2 bells (5 a. m.) It is perhaps unnecessary to say that 8 bells (12:00 o'clock noon) tolls the popular hour, for a seaman is always hungry, and the provisioning aboard the Galleon is good and substantial. The Galleon is so anchored that the forecastde commands a view of every thing navigating. The porch will be re ferred to as the promenade deck, and the steps will of course be the gangway. The Navy unit's leaders, the S. A. T. C- officers, will be referred to among the boys themselves as Navy officials of cor responding rank. The various corners of the house will be spoken of as forej aft, starboard, port- In short, the Navy boys will carry out the idea in realistic fashion. It will be no mere schooner, mail boat or merchant ship, but one of Uncle Sam's own—a real ship, a man of war. EUTAXIANS ELECT OFFICERS Meetings to be Held Every Two Weeks; Program to b Arranged Alone Phillips was elected vice-pres ident of the Etutaxian Literary society at a meeting of th members last night in Professor Schafer’s room in the li brary. She fills the vacancy made by the absence of Helen Guttery. Marie Badu i was made chairman of the mem bership committee. On account of the heavy work on the campus this year, it was voted to hold the meeting very two weeks instead of every wek as heretofore. The programs for this year have not as yet been out lined, as the vice-president has charge of that matter. Officers for the first part of the year are. President. Ethel Waite; vice-president, Alene 'Phillips; secretary, Marian Andrews; treasurer, Helen McDonald; and sergeant-at-arms, Nanna Axtell. CAPTAIN COVERT LEAVES Sent to a Tacoma University; Lieuten ant Spratlin Successor Captain Klare Covert, adjutant to Col. onel W. II. C. Bowen, commanding of ficer of the S. A. T. C. here, left to day for the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington, where he will be commanding officer and quartermaster. Lieutenant Prank Spratlin Jr. will be adjutant here. Colonel Bowen does not know who will be detailed here to replace Captain Co vert. Captain Covert returned to the Uni versity yesterday, from Portland, where he organized the Students’ Army Train ing Corps unit at the University of Or egon School of Medicine. The enroll ment in the corps is about fifty men. An officer from the University will pos sibly be detailed there. COURSE IS LENGTHENED Civil Service War Emergency Classes Continued One Month. 'The War Emergency course in Civil Service, given by the School of Com merce. under the supervision of D. IVal ter Morton, dean of the school, will con tinue one month longer, due to the great number of absences from the class on account of illness. This will result in the course ending on February 1. Grad uates of this course are put in civil ser vice positions immediately. Herbert Decket, of Portland, will give a course in Stenotvpy to men in the S. A. T. C This course will be espe cially helpful to men in the quarter master and paymaster corps. Arrange ments are being made for this course, says Dean Famous Football Star will Di rect Undergraduate Activities. Charles ("Shy"') Huntington is now acting graduate manager of University activities to succeed Dean 1!- Walker, who leaves for the artillery training school at Camp Zachary Taylor, Ken tucky. next week. The athletic council and executive committee in joint ses sion Tuesday evening, elected Hunt ington to his new office. Dean Walker handed in his resigna tion. but the committee refused to ac cept it. lie will go on a leave of ab sence and when he returns to Oregon, will do so as graduate manager. "Shy" Huntington came here this fall to coach Oregon's football team, alter Hugo Bezdek resigned from his duties here. lie played three years on the Oregon varsity football team and was famous as Oregon's quarterback in the game v ith Pennsylvania at Pasadena- "Shy" | has tried to enlist in the service but has ; been rejected, and before he came here I this fall, was at his home in The Dalles. ! Dean Walker, graduate of the Uni- | versify in the class of 1013 came to the j University hist year as coach of the | Freshman football I . which had nj successful season under his guidance, lie wa chosen graduate manager when Mr j Tiffany resigned that position. In eol- ! lege. Walker was a famous: football star ; and a favorite with lovers of the game in 1 the northwest. 11 is management of the University activities under the trying war conditions has received much com mendation. 14 OUT FOR WEST POINT Second Examination in Progress, Di rected by Colonel Bowen. The second West Point examinations, j smarted Wednesday morning at i) o’clock under the supervision of Colonel W. II. t ■ Bowen, commanding officer of the S. ; A. T. C. unit and Lieutenant W. E. (1. i Thacher, in charge of the- personnel de partment, will not be finished until Fri day. Fourteen men are trying out for the West Point appointment. They took the physical examination yesterday morning. The men are: Donald McDonald, of Eugene; Iliehard Emmons of Portland; Stephen W. Math- ' ieu of Portland; John Ackerman of North Dakota, who has been at Fort Stevens; Richard Ransom of Portland; (leorge Doust of Salem; Ralph A. Tudor of Sutli erlin; Martin A. Howard of Portland, Homer F. O’Neal of Rainier, Oregon; William M. Lyle of Oklahoma; Cecil W. Nist of Salem; Ward A. MeSweeney of Pocatello, Idaho; John Gamble of Port land and Kerb.v Miller of Medford The committee in charge of the exami nation is made up of Lieutenant W. F. . K.” "It is surprising with what enthusiasm the men in the (). T. t'. take up their work and the time they are willing to put in on it,” said Major K. \V. Allen. “iThey can't get enough of it." While a similar situation prevails in regard to the convalescent reading of the men in S. A. T. C. there lias been at least one exception. Yesterdaj n pa tient at the lHii Delt house infirmary was nearly ready to leave with a normal temperature. A copy of a Wild West novel fell into his hands from some friend who would relieve the monotony of hospital life. This gentle reader's temperature went mp two degrees, which, according to the rule that the tempera ture must remain at normal for three days before discharge, means a half week longer stay in ward No. —. Y. W. HEAD ll\l PORTLAND Miss Dinsdale Busy on State War Work Campaign Miss Tirza Dinsdale, secretary of the l Diversity 't \Y. t'. A. and now Oregon student executive for the coming 1 TO. 000,000 war-work campaign, spent last, week end in l’ortlaml ivlieere she attend ed a meeting at the Multnomah Hotel on Thursday. At the meeting were gather ed representatives from all over the state and speakers from the Y. M. (A. and Y. \Y. ('. A., Knights of Columbus, Jeweish Welfare Board, Fosdick Com mission and the Camp Library associa tion. General Pershing's brother and several returned Y. M. secretaries also spoke. The state representatives glean ed information about the campaign, which is to last from Xovuiber 11 to November IS. HOSPITAL PLANS ASKED University Telegraphs Washington for Details of Building The University wired yesterday for plans and specifications for a new hos pital building for the institution. These plans are now in possession of llie com mittee on education and special train ing at W ish'ngton, It. G. There is no assurance that the 1'niversity will get the hospital, Karl Onthanlc, secretary to the president said yesterday, hut, ow ing to the poor facilities for earing for the sick in the Students’ Army Training Corps unit here the 1'niversity has asked for a hospital. The cost of the build ing wall in a large measure determine whether it can be built here, he said. APPLICANTS TO BE TESTED More Than 200 to Be Examined for Central Training Camps Alma 1). Kratz, civilian aide to the 1. S. Adjutant (ienernl, and his commit tee wall be in Euigeue the beginning of the week to xamine all applicants for central officers’ training camps. It is expected that there will he over 200 applicants. Over half of the last camp were recommended for the O. T. ('. Many of them are just now receiving their calls. Captain George Wilson, army sur geon, will accompany Alma Kratz to Eu gene and wil1 make the medical examina tion s. RAY COUCH CRITICALLY ILL Former Major of U. of 0. Battalion Sick at Camp Hancock. Hay Couch, T8, a lieutenant in a ma chine gun company' stationed at Gamp Hancock, Georgia, is critically ill and his parents who live in LaGmnde have gone to his bedside, according to a La Grande dispatch Tuesday, Couch was maj r and the student head of the Uni versity battalion last year until in the spring, when he received his appointment to Officers’ Training Gamp at Gamp Lewis. lie is a member of Alpha Tan Omega. Friars, and of the Order of the “O," winning ids leGe' )vt HI Lr fort ball. ♦ TRYOUTS POSTPONED ♦ Tryouts for The Fortune Hunter ♦ ♦ will be postponed until further no- ♦ tier because of the present health ♦ ♦ conditions, according to Klin Dewes, ♦ ♦ chairman of the student body play ♦ ♦ committee. ♦ LIBERTY LOAN AID URGED Men of S. A. T. C. Got Urgent Message from War Secretary. A telegram front Secretary of War linker to 'the Students’ Army Training Corps yesterday urges all to give full support to the Fourth 1 liberty Loan. The telegram comes as a personal appeal from Secretary Baker. The text of the message follows: "There never was a more critical time i t the history of the war than this pres uk week. Overseas American valor and efficiency are carrying the banner of tri umphant democracy with resistless force toward the German soil. The ardor of the fighting line must not be cooled and thi> wonderful initiative and spirit of our [ lighters must not be dulled by any fail j tire to carry the fourth Liberty Loan I victoriously over the top The people at home must show that they are as reso lute tis the soldiers at the front are brave. No influence is so potent in its stimulating effect on the people of our < ountry as the example of the men with the colors. Let every American soldier and every American officer do his duty not only by subscribing himself but by urging those at home to subscribe." SOCCER TEAM AT WORK Prospects Bright with Numbor of Lasl Year's Men Back. The soccer team has been hard at work for the last week, although serious ly handicapped by the "flit.” Only a few of tlie men were able to turn out. Dean Walker will start regular practices the last of the week. The team will be put through the reg gnlar grind in an effort to got the team into .good shape for coming games Several games with O. A. C. will be ar ranged in the near future. The pros pects of a good team are very bright as (here are a number of last yeaifs men buck, llazokine ..nr, Bill Rouiston, Klmo Madden, and Herman Lind of last year’s team will be out for practice. They will be the men around whom Coach Walker will build this year’s team. There are also a number of promising high school men who bid fair to star in this yeur.s soccer games. FORUM WOMEN INVITED Two Minute Speakers Class to Meet Next Friday Evening. The forum debate club women are re guested by Helen McDonald, president of t he club, to attend Professor Pres cott's Four-minute Speakers’ class Fri day evening at 8 o’clock. Professor Prescott, will explain at this time his four-minute speakers’ course and will discuss the possibility of the forum rendering the government service in furthering patriotic move ments. Other students as well us the club members are urged to attend. APPOINTMENTS GIVEN OUT lack Dundore, Wilson and Dowd to Fill Vacancies. Jack Dundore has been appointed to the executive committee of the student body to fill the place left vacant through the failure of Lawrence Hershncr to re turn to the University for this year. The appointment was announced by Charles Comfort, president of the stu dents. Dow Wilson and Kd Diirno have been appointed to the athletic council to the places left vacant through the enlistment of Arthur Berg and Bruce Flegal. STUDENT BAND ORGANIZED Thirty Men, Mostly Freshmen. Apply at First Practice. The University is to have a student band. Thirty band men turned out last night for practice. Most of those pres ent were freshmen, only about five old men being there. So it could almost be known as a frashmun band. As yet no hours have been granted the S. A. T. C. men for practice, so it is still doubtful as 'to whether there will be a military band. The University band will play for all the student activities. The boys seem de termined and Director Albert Perfect is optimistic over ‘he success of the pew band. OF STUDENT BODF All His Time Taken by Respon sibilities As Captain In - 0. T. C. DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE DEVOLVE ON SPANGLER Two Positions to be Filled Yet by Committee; No Ore gana This Year. Charles Comfort, elected president of the student body October 4, withdrew from college yesterday and resigned his newly won office. He found that he would tied to give all his time to the Oregon State Officers' Training Camp, in whiieh he is a captain. The student council elected Comfort twelve days ago to fill the place left va cant by Dwight Wilson, who has en tered army service. Paul Spangler nutomaucal'.y becomes preseident upon Comfort's resignation. This leaves a vacancy in the vice-pres idency, wh’ieh will be filled by the exec utive committee this week. Spangler was also yell leader and a new man for this position will also he chosen this w celt. Economy Program AUoptod Tin' executive committee in special meeting yesterday afternoon adopted meisurcs for an economy program this year. Principal among the changes was the suspending of the Oregana, the an nual puid'idied by tin? junior class, and tile forliidding of the awarding this year of nay trophies, such as football sweaters, and gold pins for student ac tivities. Although ni trophies will he given., each student, who under the old system would have been nti.tled to an “(>,” will he given a certificate showing that lie Inis taken part in nit activity for one year, and upon presentation of the card after lie tins participated in this activity during the normal year, credit will be given such as in football where two arms stripes will be awarded. Tlie Oregana will not lie published in its (dd form, but '.f is possible thatt a cheaper book of some form may be is sued tins sprit'.;;, so that the seniors will have some sort of a memento of their college days. No Long Trips In line with liie government’s policy for reduction in long trips, the executive committee decided that there would lie shorter trips th’>s year, fewer of them, and that a smaller number of people would take them. The regulations of the S’. A. T. (cover most eases, but ' his mew ruling will apply to debate team trips and other organizations, not affected by rulings of the athletic coun cil. The executive committee has ruled that all trips not self supporting must be passed upon by them. ‘‘'TIk' reduction in student body ex penses this year,” sai.l Dean Walker yes terday, "is a necessity, and the execu tive committee wishes it understood that the reduction will lie proportionate for every activity. We are not hitting any one but feel we must cut down on all ex tra expenses. We hope that the student body at large will realize that we arc not in any curbing student ILfe, but that the measures we have adopted are war emergency economies, such as occa sioned in every business this year.” Y. M. HUT WILL BE BUILT William Vance to have Charge of Build ings for Men. The University will soon have on the campus a regulation V. M. A- hut and canteen, just like those on the western front-. The National War Work Council will finance the building of the hut, which will be 50x100 feet and have a seating capacity of 300 in its nudittorium. William F. Vance, of Caldwell, Idaho, now on the campus, will be the Y. M, secretary in charge of the hut. Mention picture shows will be given in the hut twice a week; there will lie a piano, Yintroln, writing rooms, a library, and billiard tables for the use of the boys Mr. Vance will conduct classes in Y. M. C. A. study. The canteen will be built adjoining the hut, and will be ndc V M. C. maj» agemnnt