Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 12, 1918, Page Two, Image 2

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Official student body paper of the
University of Oregon, published every
Tuesday, Thursday nnfi Saturday of the
college year by the Associated Students.
Entered in the postoffico at. Eugene,
Oregon, as second class matter.
Subscription rates $1.25 per year.
Dougins Muli&itry ..Editor
Helen Brenton .Associate
Elizabeth Auniiller ....Associate
Dorothy Duniway .City Editor
Erma Zimmerman, Assistant City Editor
Leith Abbott .Make-Up
Adelaide Lake .Women’s Editor
Helen Manning ..Society
Alex H.'owu .Sports
Bess Colman ...Dramatics
Alene Bhillipn .Women's Sports
Helen McDonald, Ixniis Davis, Elva
Bagley, Frances Stiles and Stella Suili
Harris Ellsworth .Manager
Catherine Dobio .Collections
Elston Ireland
Warren Kays
Margaret Biddle
News and Business Phone 055.
During the last two years Oregon has
received honors and earned a reputation
outside its own state as no other uni
versity in the west. This year Oregon
has grown to u new position among
western educational institutions.
Much of the credit goes to the sever
al Oregon instructors, Chemists, and re
search workers who have turned down
larger salaries from eastern schools to
continue their work at Oregon because
they like this I'niversity and its spirit
u student, body and faculty.
Oregon’s new standing in American
I'oliege athletcis also is now recognized.
A foundation for this was gradually
built at Oregon by continually success
ful football teams under Bezdck and
the great track men placed in th coast
conferences for Oregon by “Bill" Hay
ward with the result that Oregon was
represented at the last Olympic games
with a representation above th average
for a western I’niversity. Before that
time eastern men had not thought of
tlie westerns us competitors. When
Oregon followed this gradually built
reputation by the defeat of Pennsylvan
ia’s winning teutu from the east at. Pasa
dena, lemon yellow fame spread and the
’‘lemon yellow" peril was no longer eon
firmed to coast conferences.
This year, however, conditions in Uni
versity life have changed. Oregon is
still holding her now niche in American
University life. ■
Acting in Ids cnpncty an Heeretury
treasurer of (be American Council of
Kdiiculiou, u position given hi in ok ii re
sult of Oregon’s new position unit be
cause this very position of his I nvers
ity was a lasting reeinmemlation of Ills
ability among Anierieau luversty heads,
lTesdenl Campholl, of Orgon, was one
of the leaders, who frameil ami eausoil
the military ilepartuieut of the l nit oil
States to adopt for HlH) American col
eges the present Students' Army Train
ing Cutups one of which is located at
All last summer the eyes of American
1 niversilies were fixed upon President
Campbell ami ins few associates in
Washington. That itself was a distine
lion alike for a western I'uiversity pres
ideal and for a westru t uivorsity.
Hut Oregon has gone farther. i'u
der the plan for the S A. '1'. C. which
President Campbell helped work out, the
S. A. T. C. unit at Oregon lias achieved
n tgnitiou as a model for the other uni
vt rsities of this section.
Tills latest tribute to Oregon came
jistcrday through the \isit of Chancel
I., lad We'd i . Klliotl of the t 'uivernity
ot Montana, featl of the education! auc
tion ol the f- A T. S. in the northwest,
win* i~ touring (lie units in thits district.
Oregon wilt he held up ns an exam
ple of efficient y to the other military
units in lids district. Chancellor KUiott
a i while here. He gave warm com
mendation to all connected with the
Oregon organisation.
Mighty Oregon!
Why dhl you come to Oregon? To
get married? To study Military Tactiea?
To have a good time? To learn how to
make a big income? Or are you after
You won’t be disappointed if you are
after any of these, but there are some
other things to remmber. The citizens
of Oregon made possible your oppor
tunity and demand useful men and wo
men from the University. To be a real- j
ly good citizen it is ncessary to be more j
than a .highly trained, efficient work- I
man. A man or woman is not fully de
veloped until he has lenrnfed through
contact with other pople, what sympathy
means, until he can see the other fel
low’s view point.
If you do not learn to mix at college
your chances later will be greatly dimin
ished. The four years at college arc
four years of living. The standards set
at college will be held through life.
To deepen sympathy is to improve
judgment. With an increase of knowl
edge comes the realization of the worth
of people.
Don’t neglect tho study but get into
student activities. Dive while you are
going to Oregon. H. B. 1
Directory Shows 23 Instructors
of Last Year’s Staff
This year’s faculty directory is being
compiled by Miss Charlie Fenton, clerk
to President 1*. L. Campbell and secre
tary of the I'nivuruity alumni associa
tion. It will probably be out the first
part of next week. There are 24 new
instructors on the campus, while 2d of
last year’s facility are missing.
Tlie directory includes the following
new instructors but as yet does not list
their ntldroRHCv:
Lieutenant Itueben S. Zimmerman,
personnel office.
Celeste Foulkes, assistant in botany.
Itcta Hough, assistant in chemistry.
Annie Lnuirio Rogers, assistant in
Helen Flint, assistant in chemistry.
II. T. Boyce, assistant professor in
llelene Delano Vesper, assistant li
(1. E. Finnerty, assistant in educa
J. (’. Almaek, acting director of the
extension department.
Miabcl Dorsey, instructor in public
Gladys Gorman, assistant professor in
physical education. ^
Nonna Dobie, instructor in modern
E'nrl Packard, professor of geology.
Charles Huntington, ph.vsieial train
er for men.
Antoinette Rhumwny, assistant in
housohold arts.
Helen Rhodes, professor of art and
Robert I.. Barron, professor of vio- J
1011>tutor I .or, teacher of voice.
Colonel W. R. Rowan, commanding
officer of tho S. A. T. C.
Captain Kltiro I' (’overt, IT. S, A.,
officer itt the S. A. T. ('.
2nd Lieutenant lOdwttrtl 10. Radcliff,
IT. S. A., officer in S. A, T. <\
2nd Lieutennut Krauk Spritttin, Jr.,
V. S. A. in S. A. T. C.
2nd Lieutenant Roiuli II. Tarteiilfte,
V. S. A., in S. A. T. ('.
2nd Lieutennut Cornelius O. VTitlls,
r. S. V., in s. A. T. O.
Eleven In the Service.
Many of the menthols of the faculty
who were on the campus last year have
not returned. Some of these have boon
| called to the colors, some have resigned
to take up new lines of work, and some
j are away on leave of absence.
In the service are Roy Andrews, at
('nine Taylor, Kentucky*, Roswell
1 Poach, second lieutenant stationed at
Heed l'ollen<>; Trofessor I'. S. Putin, on
his way to Italy as V. M. t\ A. secre
tary ; John Stark Kvtuts; Peatt Kli/a
heth FVx, in war work in Trance; R. U
lit anger; Alfred Tower*. In nip Kear
ney, California; A ll Slteltem, second
lieutenant at the Rtwkefellow Institute,
New York; R. R. Teachout, on a p*y
clndtijrical examining boanl at (''amp
Lewis; U O. Rosenberg, wirh a cam
ouflage section in Trance, A. T. O. TUI;
tide* M. liiK'h, on a psychological ex
amining board at Camp Kearney, Cali
Those who have gone to other cot
leges or schools are Hugo Keadeok,
lVntisy Ivrutia State College; Professor
| A. T. R. PrtK'ker, Colorado College,
| Colorado Springs; llat.el Rader. Oak
land. California: Roy M. Winger, pro
When you can’t come down town to
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feasor of mathematics at the University
of Washington.
Variety of Work Taken Up
l)r. Joseph Schafer is at the head
of the national board of historical re
search in Washington, D. C.; Professor
O. F. Stafford is working on the wood
distillation process in Boston; Miss j
Mary Watson is doing post graduate i
work at Columbia University; Professor j
K. S. Hnmiyton is practicing law at
Bend, Oregon; E. L. Keezol is ill on a
leave of absence; Earl Kirpatrick is
director of the home service of the
northwest division of the Bed Cross;
Mrs. Daise Beck Middleton is studying
voice in New iork; Miss Winifred
Forbes is with the Ellison-White Chau
tauqua organization in Portland; Profes
sor A. Fergus Iteddie is also with the
Iillison-White Chautauqua circuit in
Kiby Miller, of Medford, S. A,
T. C. Man, Takes His
One* applicant, Kirby Miller, was ex
it mint'd this morning for admittance to
West i’oiiit by the examining board
Which met at t(Mi o’clock in Professor E.
E. l>e('on’s room in Johnson Hall.
Should Mr. Miller pass the examination,
he will receive his appointment the first
of November for the full term of train
ing at West Point.
Mr. Miller is a resident of the first
congressional district of Oregon and is
now a member of the S. A. T. C. llis
home is in Medford.
The examining board composed of
Professor E. E. Del'ou, chairman, Col
onel W. 11. C. Hovven. Major Eric W Al
len, Or. E. S. Hates and Dr. t . II.
Edmondson, will recommend applicants
who have passed both the mental and
physical tests to Congressman \V. C.
Hawley who will finally make the ap
pointment. Previous records in schol
arship and a high school education or
its equivalent and within the age limit
of not under IN or over 11- and at least
five feet in height are required of all
applicants who qualify.
The second examination for admit
tance to West Point occurs next Wed
nesday, and James C. Pullet* is the on
ly one so far to show his telegram
which grants him the permission of try
ing for the appointment to the national
miliary school. This examination will
be coducted along the same lues ns the
other it is thought, though full instruc
tions and tin questions have not yet ar
rived. Should the questions fail to ar
rive Imfove the exnminftti n the examin
ing hoard here has received orders to
make out the questions. This examina
tion is open to men in the whole state
and no limit has as yet been put upon tne
number of men who may he selected.
Colonel Howen will appoint the five ex
amining officials for the board.
Oregon lllrl Expects to Start for
Franco Sometime Next Week.
Fit hoi Murray, a member of the class
of 1010 who took the reconstruction
course offered at Reed Collette this sum
mer and who for the past few months
has been an assistant there tuid engaged
In playground work received her call
for overseas service on October 5, and
will probably start for Prance some
1 time i»e.;t week.
Colonel Leader Must Have
Trench Material Next
Red Cross work in the form of mak
ing sand hags may he undertaken by Uni
versity women, if a suggestion made by
Colonel John Leader to a meeting ut'
the executive committee of Woman’s
league held Wednesday is carried out.
Because the V. W. C. A. bungalow is in
use as a gymnasium for the women, reg
ular Red Cross work has been post
poned until Inter, although work in or
ganization has already been started by
Bernice Spencer, chairman.
The sand bags are needed for building
trenches, said Colonel Leader, who de
clared that t!ie women of the University
would be performing a real patriotic duty
in making the bags. No definite decision
has yet been reached in regard to this I
work. Two hours of Red Cross work
each week for each woman in the Uni
versity was decided upon by the execu
tive committee as its recommendation.
All-Girl Dance Planned.
Plans lor the spons >r-sponsee dance,
given annually for the freshmen women,
were made and a dance will be given as
soon as possible after the ban is lifted on
public gatherings, according to Dorothy
plegal. president of Woman’s League.
Organizations of Triple “11” and Triple
"C” were done away for this year by
the executive committee, after the decis
ion that these organizations never paid
for themselves in former years and sen - ;
ed poorly the purpose for which they ;
were formed, furnishing a social organi
zation for sophomore and junior women.
Triple “A” will continue.
The following committees were named
by Miss Plegal for the Woman’s league
for this year:
Social committee: Unity I
Committees Are Namei
lie, Era
Godfrey, Lois Mao.v, Evelyn Smith, Lota
Kiddle- Athletic association: Maud Lom
bard, Harriet Garrett. Hazel Rankin, j
Municipal service committer. Louise Da
vis, Frances Stiles, Helen Woodcock.
Consumers' League: Grace Hammer
strom, Ethel MeGilehrist, Elvira Thur
low. Sponsor committee: Frances Eliza
beth Baker, Ruby Rogue, Marion Cof
fey. Finance committee: Re'ou Macklui,
1 Nana Axtcll, Melba Williams. Women's
building committee: Helen Anderson.
Gladys Hollingsworth.
War fund work: Marion C tffev, Made
line Slotboom, I.ucilc Caswell. Exccu- I
live board personnel: Dorothy Flcgal,
piesident; Ruby Rogue, vice-presidrut;
Maud Lombard, woman's athletic associa- |
- tion: Eva Hausen, secretary; Rein j
Maeklin, treasurer; Dean Ehr- !
| maim; Frances Elizabeth llaker.^spon- !
: sors; Louise Davis, municipal; Grace!
Hammerstrom, consumers’ league; Helen !
Vr.derson, women's building; ^Inrion
1 Coffey, war fund; Essie Maguire, Y. W. i
I C. A.; Melba Williams, glee club; Ethel j
! Waite, Eutaxian; Madeline Slotboom,
ICwama; Mabyl Weller, Tre Xu; Bernice
Spencer. Red Cross.
The librarians are still collecting
hooks for the soldiers, sailors and men
,>f the lumber camps, ihe books m 1/
e >ft aowti-stairs in the library at any
time ot the day.
j The Science club will meet Tuesday
I evening at T :o0 in the lecture hall of
1 1 toady for a business meeting.
Punches delivered any time and place at right prices.
Phone 578.
Phoenix Silk Hose for.$1.00 and $1.50
Crepe de Chine Waists.$6.00 to $14.00
Silk Sweaters ........... .$10.00 to $24.00
Army Uniforms
The only Tailors in Eugene with owner in
active service,
Moore & Moore
Phone 250.
42 West 8th.
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The Table Supply Co,
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