Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 12, 1918, Image 1

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    VOL. 20.
NO. 4.
Health Committee Guarding
Carefully Against Spread
of Contagion
Total Increase Friday Less
Than 30 Cases; Nothing
Serious Reported
With down town streets deserted as
far as college men are concerned, with
a'l meetings on the campus abandoned,
said with classes greatly reduced in num
ber, influenza is showing its influence
on campus life. But it is insofar as such
things are called off this week, that the
regular life may be resumed next week,
according to the campus health > ommittee,
which is headed by Dr. John 1*. Bovard.
i Friday's health report shows 204 cas
?s, an increase of less than 30 cases over
the previous day. The health committee
believes the additional number is due
not to a further spread of the influenza,
but to a more complete report.
“Things are well imeheck, and the doc
tors in charge are very much encour
aged,’’ sadi Dr. Bovard Saturday morn
Nothing Serious Expected
f No serious cases have been reported,
all being cases of colds and fevers held
well in check. Four infirmaries are now
equipped for use, but unless the number
of cases among the girls increase, the
new infirmary for women in back of the
[Women’s gymnasium will not be needed.
Those girls who are now in the Kincaid
infirmary will lie left there pntil they
are released, and will not be moved to
the new infirmary.
I Among the men 203 cases were re
ported Friday. Of this number, 104
were in the S. A. T. C. and 39 in the
O. T. C. The S. A. T. C. men were dis
tributed as follows: Mercy hospital 40,
Eugene hospital 2, S. A. T. C. infirmary
B5, Phi Delta Theta 11. at home 7, sick
in quarters 44. Twenty-five men re
ported in person at sick call. All these
eases are light ones, according to the
health report.
; 61 Women Sick
; Yesterday only 61 women were on the
sick lists. Hendricks Hall had 14 new
eases, making them a total of 30 cases.
Most of these girls are at the women’s
infirmary. At sorority houses nine new
cases were noted, distributed in this
way: IT Beta Phi 4, Delta Gamma 1,
Alpha I‘hi 1. Gamma Phi Beta 1, Chi
Omega 1, Delta Delta Delta 1.
Very little fear is manifest by au
thorities over the situation. All precau
tions are to be continued to prevent any
trouble, and the health committee hopes
to have all cases cured soon.
uampus unangea
Those people who have remained well
have found the campus a different place.
Class meetings scheduled for this week,
glee club tryouts, rallies, and even the
pajama parade have had to be given tsp
or postponed. Everything that has its
part in the normal college life with the
exception of classes has been given up.
ith all moving picture houses in Eu
^■ne closed, students have not been able
So turn to the town for amusement, and
Save had to defer their pleasures until
dl danger is over.
Student Council Acts to Save Grass On
Borders of Campus Trails.
Students who have forgotten that the
trails on the campus are to be used and
axe not for decoration only will soon be
reminded of the fact by the appearance
of "Keep Off the Crass” signs. Such was
the decision made atja meeting of the
student council held Wednesday evening.
H. M. Fisher, superintendent of
grounds, has been asked by the council
to place the signs where the students
trill be sure to see them. The signs are
lo war nstudents to keep in the trail and
not on the edge of the grass as the worn
paths at the edge of the trail mar the
the campus
No! “Shy” Didn’t Get
Nickname by Dodging;
Well, Read About It
Contrary to the prevalent supposi
'ii'u o ( the campus that “Shy” Hunting
ton, funner Oregon star under Bezdek
who as coach of Oregon's men this year
sent his Jit s t team on the field this aft
ernoon, fell heir to his nickname be
cause of the way he had of avoiding
his adversaries while running yardage
for Oregon, the coach says such is not
the ease.
• Why," he said yesterday, was hung
on hint as soon as he entered his first
reader. An older brother did it but
Iluntingt n dres not know just why.
However, it “stuck” and followed him
through high school aud into University
Sunday Concerts to Ba Given Dawn
Town by School of Music.
The school of music is planning a ser
ies ol' recitals to be given throughout
the year. The Eugene Theatre has been
rented for every Sunday during the
school year and most of the concerts
will be held there.
The first concert will be given by Pro
fessor Robert Barron, the new instructor
in violin, two weeks from Sunday, on
October 27- The time and program will
be announced later.
The following Sunday, Miss Elinor
Lee, also a new instructor in voice, will
appear in a concert.
Then the first orchestra recital wiii
lie given as soon as possible and at this
lime, Professor Arthur Faguy-Cote and
Professor Barron will do the solo work.
At the second orchestral concert A!her a
Potter and Miss Lee will be the concert
Professor Barron is planning for his
pupils’ recital for the latter part of this
Besides having charge of the orchestra
and concerts, Professor Barron is choir
director at the Methodist church.
0. T. C. Attacks Foo at Spencer’s
Butte With No Casualties.
The Oregon State Officers’ Training
Camp worked out a military problem in
a field clay event, Friday afternoon.
The enemy was reported in the vicin
ity of Spencer’s Butte. • B Company, as
advance guard, left the men's gymnasium
under the command of Lieut. Jacob
Ivainm at 2:00 pj m|, and the main body
composed of companies A, C, D, E. and
M, G, followed <>00 yds. behind the ad
vance guard. They turned to the right
around cemetery ridge, southwest to the
Rifle range and out Alder street to
Spencer’s Butte. The main body was
under the command of Lt. Iluelat.
Col. Leader says the problem was ex
traordinary in that there were no cas
ualties as in any of the former marches
when from 10 to 20 of the men would
become exhausted and have to drop out.
These are thou reported as deaths.
There was one slight casualty when one
of the men injured his knee.
Armed Men Will Patrol East End of
Kincaid Field During Game.
Following the policy of cutting down ns
much as possible on every expense, Her
ald White, undergraduate manager of
football, has decided that no fence will
be built at the east end of Kincaid field
this fall. A rope, stretched across the
end of the field, will serve ns substitute
for the fence, and will be patrolled by
armed guards.
The decision not to build the fense
was made suddenly, and orders for the
material contracted for had to be can
celled. The fence would have cost about
Lieutenant L. H- Blythe Addresses
Men in 0. T. C.
Raids as a worked out system of at
tack were explained by Lieutenant L. II.
Rlyth. member of the first Canadian Es
j peditionary foices to reach France, t j
[the members of the O. T. C. this morn
ing in Villard hall. Lieutenant Biyth
>spent 22 months ay the front and has
been tcrough much intensive fighting,
lie -will lecture every Saturday morning
An the men.
ill iiiiiurnm?!rn
Chancellor Elliott of Montana
Praises War Ac
Tht> University of Oregon is bring
beld tip to other colleges in the AVestby
Chancellor Edward S. Elliott. of the
University of Montana, head of the edu
cational section of the western depart
ment of the Students’ Army Training
Corps, as a model of what can be ac
complished along military lines by an
educational institution. Chancellor El
liott himself made this statement at a
luncheon tendered him at the Osburn
Hotel yesterday by President Campbell
and the military department of the Uni
l)r. Elliott had spent the morning in
specting the military plant of the Uni
versity. in the course of a tour of the
different colleges in his jurisdiction, lie
was taken over the campus by Persi
dent Campbell and viewed the barracks
under construction to accommodate S.
A. T. C. men who will come in larger
numbers after the end of the present
university term.
Commends Military Work
In his remarks at the luncheon after
ward, Chancellor Elliott expressed his
strong commendation of the military
work of the University of Oxegon,
The colleges have demonstrated in a
wonderful way. he said, their ability to
handle the multiplicity of details in the
organization of the S. A. T. C. They
have been able to make, as a rule, all
the arrangements necessary to put, the
organizations into working order. Tt
now remains to be seen, he concluded,
what they can do in a collegiate way for
the young men whose military training
they are handling so admirably.
Emphasize Intensive Work
Chancellor Elliott emphasized the nec
essity of the colleges doing intensive
work with the men and completely revo
lutionizing their courses of study. “The
colleges must give the men exactly what
they need to make them competent of
ficers,” ho said., “and they must do this
work in a very short time.”
Mr. Ellioctt went over the courses of
study offered here with President
Campbell. He is particularly anxious
that the course in War Aims be em
phasized. At his suggestion, members
of the faculty will assist Professor U.
C. Clark in the lecture work. Mr. El
liott said yesterday that this course is
of particular importance in that it
teaches the men soou to be officers, just
why we are at war, so that they can
convince the men under them beyond
the shadow of a doubt of the justifica
tion of our part in the conflict.
City Ed'tor Appoints Fivo Assistants
for Reportoria! Work
Assistants on the editorial staff,
just appointed by the city editor, are
announced in this issue. They are Hel
en McDonald, Louise Davis, Diva Bag
ley, Frances Stiles and Stella Sullivan,
veteran reporters of last year’s Emerald
staff. The staff of assistants is to he
much larger, and members of the ele
mentary newswriting class and other
students interested in journalism, are
now serving their term of probation of
one month before being placed on the
The Emerald “O”, awarded last year
for the first time, to members of the ed
itorial and business staffs, who did sat
isfactory work on the paper throughout
the college year, will be given again this
year to those doing consistent work, on
recommendation by the editors. There
is an especial demand this year for men
to try out for the xeportorial staff,
since very few of last year’s men are
back. Anyone wishing to win a place on
the staff, is urged to call at the Emer
ald office for assignments.
The question as to the possibility of
publishing an Oregana this year will he
derided at a meeting of the executive
council Monday evening. There may he
a special edition of the Emerald for the
seniors. Another plan offered is that of
e paper-backed annual
Mystery Even Deeper
Than Usual Pervades
Fraternity Circles
Mystery usually centers around a
Greek leter fraternity, but mystery in
the u-th dgree surrounds the actions of
one fraternity on the campus. It is
firmly believed that some medium must,
be among the chapter roll.
You se, it’s this way.
One day in front of a little, nay. tiny,
house that now serves as a meting place
for the dear brothers, was seen n. huge
table as large as the little house itself.
The table had been of normal size in
the fraternity house that was occupied
last year before 1'ncle Sam asked the
men to turn over their chapter houses
to hini, but now it was of ah-nh-ab
norrnal size.
Onlookers worried all day as to where
the table would be put in the house and
their dreams were troubled that night
by the vision of the big table standing
in front of the little house. In the
morning when 'they arose wan and
weary and hurried for another glimpse
of the puzzling sight, they were shock
ed beyond belief
The little house had evidently swal
lowed the table for no other trace of it
could be found The impossible had
Been accomplished, and they are still
Mmiy of th men’s frnternitis have al
ready obtained their small houses or
group of rooms for their meetings and
they are having unite a time adapting
themselvs and their furniture to their
new quarters.
Building to Be Ready by November I,
Says Dean Morton.
The University barracks, being built
west of the trenches to house the men
of the S. A. T. C. will be under cover
by tonight, 1>. Walter Morton, dean of
tiie School of Commerce and secretary
treasurer of the University Barracks
company, announced yesterday, l’lumbers
and electricians will start work early
next week. According to Dean Morton, it
is expected flint the buildings wi’l be
ready by November 1.
The building of tin1 barracks is 1 einc
financed by the University Barracks
company, whose principal stockholders
are citizens and business men of Eugene.
The builder, W. A- Meeknit, says that
every possible means will be used to get
the building ready at the earliest possible
Stockholders of the University Bar
racks company are as follows:
11. Burgoyne, W. A. Kuykendall, l.loyd
1„ Baker, Jos. II. Kobe, MiMorran and
Washburne. I>. 'Walter Morton, C. S.
Frank, Ethan A. Collier. I*. L. Camp
bell, Smith and Bryson, U. II- Johnson,
Begister Ihib. Co., Mrs. B. (!. Osburn,
Fred E. Brown, Geo. Midgley, J. A Mc
Lean, W. IV. Calkins, U. E. Dunn. U. N.
McAlister, John B. Coe, L- 11. l’otter,
T. I). S. Wade, W. Kuykendall, W. W.
Brown, Griffin-Babb ildw. Co., Fred L.
Ludford, L. B. Sigwart. Jim Wilkinson,
Preston and llales. Ax Billy Dept. Store,
C. F. <1. Weiss, Will II. Tlodes, Elisha
Large, The Haberdasher, Guard Printing
Co., Burden and Graham, D. E. Ynran,
Brauer and Conley, Sidney B. Allen, B.
T. Burnett, Tv. I>. Bierce, J. Milton Mil
ler, Vick Bros., Sherman W. Moody,
Chambers How. Co.. E. K. Wheeler, Linn
Drug company, Hauser Bros., ,T. D.
Hamlin, Broders Bros., E. TT- Lee, L.
M Travis, B. B. Brundage, John F. Kel
l.v, Mason, Ehrmnn and company. Cock
erline and Wetherbee, The Brice Shoe
company. The Booth-Kelly Lumber com
pany, W. O. TIeckarf.
The TTnivarsity Symphony Orchestra
under tlm direction of Professor Robert
i Rarron held its first praetiee Thursday
[ evening in Villard Hall. Although there
i are a number out for orchestra 'here
are yet vacancies to he filled and Pro
V:;?or Rarron is desirous that any who
contemplate joining see him immedi
ately in his studio in the Music Hall.
Practce hours are from 7-0 Tuesday
and Thursday evenings in Villard Tin!].
Those -who were present. Thursday
night and are lined up so far are: l'irst
violins. Alberta Potter, Mrs. Ursula
Pim, Margaret Phelps, Stanley Wentz,
Ralph Johnson and Margaret. Biddle;
Second violins. Gwedolen Hampshire, El
sie Marsh. Edna Riee, Raymond Ad
leisson and flail Winchell; pianist, Au
rora Potter; cello. TPtrry Deveraux;
bass rioh Ijeofofurd Gross.
_ _ t
Colonel Leader Sees
American Football
First at Game Today
Colonel John Leader saw his first
Amorienn football game this afternoon,
lie took great interest and was load in
his applause of every good play of Ore
gon’s. No more loyal supporters eould
have been found than he and Miss How
ell, daughter of Colonel \V. II. O. How
on, who was also in the party. Others
in Colonel Leader's party were Mrs.
Leader. Colonel Bowen, Mrs. F.mnia
Wooten Mall and Lieutenant G. H.
diaries McDonald, Ex-’I9. Now Lieu
tenant, Writes Advico.
Advice to students who have luid any
training in mntliematioR to enter th ar
tillery brunch of the service, is the mes
sage of a letter written to l)r. E. E. I)e
t on from Lieut. Charles McDonald, n
sophomore in the University in liUii-17.
Lieutenant McDonald writes that a
year in the service has brought him
varied experience. He has been from
l’ort Stevens to Fort. Monroe, Virginia,
and is now hack at Fort Stevens again.
“At Fort Monroe,” said Lieutenant
McDonald, “as T took instruction In
heavy artillery, mathematics was the
thing for which the stage was always
set. The course only required a good
knowledge of trigonometry and algebra,
but one must he entirely familiar with
those branches. Of course we did have
to work very hard indeed, lulf it cer
tainly is something that I shall never re
According to lieutenant McDonald,
heavy artillery is the most fascinating
branch of (ho service for anyone who is
interested in mathematics. Tie says,
“There is so much more to it than T ever
dreamed of but the more I study it the
more I want to get to France and to put
some of m.v theoritienl knowledge into
actual practice.”
-•- -•
Complete List of Caaditlatos Will Bo
Given Out Soon.
Students who are up for honors this
year in the English literature depart*
ment are, Teressa Cox and Freda
.Laird, seniors; Irva Smith, Lueile lted
inon.d and Luceil Morrow, juniors
These students are all majors in the de
partment and are talking honor work
for the first time. The list for honor
students in other departments linn not
yet been completed but will he given out
by Mr. Tiffany in n few days.
Those doing honor work do so at the
request of the head of the department
in which honor work is to he done. They
must have junior standing, however, and
show an "K” average in the preceding
year. At the close of the senior year
the candidate must come up for an oral
examination before a hoard of five mem
bers of the faculty upon whom the de
cision lies for the granting of the hon
Mrs. Boudinot Seeley to Address Y.
W.’s Next Meeting.
Mrs. Boudinot Seeley, well known on
the University campus, having visited
here before, bus been scheduled to speak
nt the first meeting, of th Y. VV. €. A.
lifter the ban on meetings is raised. Be
cause Mrs. Seely is especially interested
in young people, her subject will be Ac
tivities of the College "Woman.
Mrs. Seeley is Presobytrian student
secretary of the northwest, and it is her
special interest to help the young men
and women of the Presbyterian ehurcn
•who come away to college to maintain In
terest in church work. Both Airs. Seely
and her husband, who works in interest
of missions for this snyod of the church,
have gone to the Heabeck Y. AI. and A .
\V. (’. A. conference for several sum
mers, eondu ticsg mission study classes
I tliere:
Lemon Yellow Line Hold*
Against Club; Backfield
Fails for Yardage. Z
Playing on the defensive for nearly th<
entire game, Oregon lost the first foot*
ball match of the season to the Multi
noniah club this afternoon, by a score ol
20 to 0.
t Oregon's line held well bnt the hack*
field, weakened through a forced reor*
guni&ntino because of Spanish influx
en/n was unable to make yardage.
I'siug their strong backfield to tht
best of advantage, Multnomah plunged
through the Oregon line time and again
for their yardage. The Winged M wan
represented by a trio of stars, Peterson,
formerly of the I'tah Aggies, who play
ed fullback, Tobin, a University of Min*,
nesota half, and llughie McKenna of
Portland who played quarter. McKenna
made two of the touchdowns for Mult*
nomali, while liixbeo made the third.
First Quarter
Oregon won kick-off and chose west
Soul. Jacobberger kicks off 40 yards to
iMcKeiina who advanced hall ten yards.
.McKenna jointed 25 yards. Jacobberger
punted lit! yards to McKenna who was
downed in Ids tracks on 50-yard line- Mc
Kenna line plunged through tackle twice
for ten yards. Tobin makes 10 yards ou
fake |niss. Graham goes through line loi
five yards. Tobin through tackle for three
yards. McKenna makes no yardage
through right tackle. Peterson plare
ki<ks for 20 yards to Jacobberger who
advances it for three yards. Jacobberger
punts "5 yards to McKenna who ad
vances hall hack for three yards. Ball on
50-yard line. Peterson goes round right
end for five yards. McKenna makes yard
through left tackle. Peterson goes
through left tackle for five yards. Tobin
goes through center for one yard. Tims
out for Vincent Jacobberger. McKenna
and I lien Peterson take hall through
center and tackle to Oregon’s 20-yard
line. Tobin through tackle for one yard.
Multnomah |>onniissed five yards for off
side. Peterson makes no gain around
right end. Peterson to Tobin fail pass.
Multnomah fails to make yardage. Ore
gon’s hall on 20-yard line. Jacobberger
joints fin yards to McKenna who is down
ed in his tracks by llauser in center of
field. Peterson makes six yards right
tackle. Tobin makes a yard through (en
ter. Peterson to Tobin forward pass
gives 10 yards. McKenna makes one yard
through right end. Peterson makes yard
through center. Tobin makes two yards
through left tacgle. Peterson makes no
gain through center. McKenna fails to
make yardage through center. Peterson
makes five yards around right end. Quar
ter ends with hall oil 15-yard line.
Second Quarter.
l’eterson makes five .van's through
right tackle. McKenna fuils to make
yardage through center. Tobin makes
two yards through tackle. Ih-terson takes
hall to within one foot line with tine
buck- McKenna carries ball across line
with lino buck through center, l'etersuu
fuils to kick goal ball hitting side arm.
Score M. A. 0. 0. * Iregon 0.
Jacobberger kicks off 40 yards to To
bin who runs ball back ten yards. Mc
Kenna loses one yard around right end,
Wilson tackling. Multiioiniih penalized
15 yards for offside play. McKenna punts
35 yards to Jacobberger who runs ball
back IS yards. Jacobberger fails to make
yardage around right end. Jacobberger
punts 10 yards to McKenna who Is down
ed in his tracks by Wilson. Dresser goes
in for Sharp. Peterson breaks around
light end and makes 20 yard run lint is
downed by Wilson saving touchdown.
Tune out for Dresser. McKenna go«:§
through right tackle for one yard, but
fails to gain on next line buck. Mutlno
mnh fails to make yardage- F. Jacob
berger makes five yards around end.
Iilake fails to coin through center. Bail
on Oregon’s 30-.vurd line. F. Jacobberger
makes yard through cinter. Oregon
makes yardage. Dimple out. Kerns goo*
in for Iiimpi**. F. Jacobberger fumbles
but recovers. Pass from F. Jacobberger
to Wilson fails. F. Jacobberger makes
eight yards on end ruu, then punts 30
yards, ball going out of bounds. Multno
mah’s ball on 30-yard line. Peterson
makes two yards through tackle. Graham
makes yard through center. Tobin fum
bles. Oregon’s ball on 80-yard line. F,
Jacobberger to Hauser fail pass. Jacob
la rger to Jacobberger fail pass. F Ja
cobberger to Wilson fail pass, when Mii
son stumbles. F. Jacobberger fails to
moke yardage on run around right end.
Multnomah's ball on 40-yard line. I’eter
(Continued on page three)