Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 10, 1918, Page Three, Image 3

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Military Men Meet in Portland
to Plan for 10,000 Citi
zens to Train.
IMans for the extension of the Ore
ton State Officers’ Training Camp
:hron£S>out the state were formulated at
a meeting of military men this week in
Portland, at which Lt. Col. Johu Leader,
Commandant of the Oregon State O. T.
C.. was present.
There are over 10.000 men in the
state who have asked to take advantage
of the Oregon State O. T. C. This is
to be accomplished by dividing the state
into four areas, and dividing these four
areas each into twenty-five sub areas,
thus making 100 sub-areas. By split
ting the state into the small areas each
sub-area can be under the command of
a graduate from the Oregon State O. ’
T. C. at the University of Oregon.
Each Area Supervised
Each area will be under the supervis
1 University and will be directly respon
sible to them. They will be inspected '
as constantly as possible by the mem
bers of the Oregon State O. T. C.
The course will he for *he period of
six months and at the beginning the ap
plicants will be sworn in as members
of the Oregon State Officers’ Training
Camp. There will be penalties inflict
ed for absence at parades, etc. All of
those who receive certificates will be
recommended to one of the three cen
tral Officers’ Training Camps. If va
cancies occur in the National Guard in
the state, members of the Oregon State
O. T. C. will be given a second lieuten
$5.00 Covers Course
•incic its a ice <u ,>>.uu ror me sax
months course. This is necessary to
pay for the traveling expenses of the in
spectors from fhe O. T. €. staff at the
University of Oregon. There is also
a fifty-cent fee, half of which goes to
the local organization and half to the
commanding officer at the University of
Three evenings a week of two hours
each, Saturday afternoon and a few
hours on Sunday are required as the
ueeessary work.
The high schools throughout the state
may take advantage of this course. The
details for the high schools have been
Worked out with E. L. Carleton, assis
tant state superintendent of public
schools. Mr. Carleton made the trip from
Salem in order to have a conference with
the military authorities at Eugene.
The uniforms for the extension O.
T. C. will be khaki colored and may be
either coveralls or a two piece uniform.
The Home of Good Meats, Fish
and Groceries.
675 Willamette St. Phone 38.
Canvas gaiter* and the campaign hat
wll be worn. There will be the Gregor
seal and medallion on the collar of the
The subjects taught at these trainiuc
| camps are listed in the following.*Mil
jitary, which will be gotten through the
Home Guards, field engineering, trench
construction, trench warfare, tactics am]
strategy, signalling, musketry, bayonet
ing. bombing. French, military organisa
tion. mathematics, prnciples of cam
paigning, camouflage, physical training,
topography, law. administration, gas
school, mahcinc gun school, first aid and
officers’ school.
(Contvuied from page 1.)
football work and urged men to turn out
for both. He explained that all will have
a chance to show their worth, and that
tju re is a big need for everyone to try
Health Reports Required.
Those who do not hand in health re
ports are to be sought out, according to
the report of Captain John F., Bovard,
chairman of the campus health com
mittee. For those people who have no
means of reporting the condition of their
health as organizations, there are to be
health cards presented to them at their
morning classes. These are to be filled
out and handed to the professor in
charge of the class, or the person will
be traced down.
“It is absolutely essential that we know
the condition of every student’s health
in order that we may meet the inquiries
that come to us.” stated Captain Bo
vard. “We are trying to find the centers
of trouble so that we may stop the trou
ble at its source.”
It was announced that toe band nton
would stand the same chance as uther
men in the S- A. T. C.. when it. comes
to recommendations. Many have inquired
about this point before agreeing to sign
tip in the band work. President Campbell
assured those who wished to take up
the work that every chance v ill bn given
them to make good.
Student Tickets Out.
Student body tickets are on hard at
the registrar’s office, and ty-ty be had
if registration fees have been paid, ac
cording to an announcement of Dean
Lyle McCroskey led yells for the dif
ferent speakers and a final “oskie" te in
still spirit. The yells which were weak
at: first swelled to a creditabl volume, as
soon as the freshmen caught on to the
swing of them.
Miss Elizabeth Hogg, formerly of the
Relinks- Walker .business college, of
Portland, has arrived at the University
and will take charge of new sections in
shorthand and typewriting on Friday.
Miss Hogg was with the Portland
school for three and a half years. Dean
D. W. Morton, of the school of com
merce asks all students wishing to take
these courses to make arrangements nt
hi office Friday morning.
Phone 392. 47 Seventh Ave. E.
THE Right Place
The Right Price
First and Always the Right
Romane’s Studio
“The Sunbeam”
New Plan Adopted to Devote
One Faculty Member to
Lecture Trips.
Dr II. D. Sheldon dean of the school
(f education, left Tuesday for nil ex
tended four of the southeastern conn
; ties of Oregon. While away he wil
visit and speak at the county school in
statutes and make extension lectures
I Following is Dr. Sheldon's iustituti
itinerary: Enterprise. October !'-ll
Heppner, October 13-16; Condon. Octo
| her 1(1-18; Madras. October 21-23; Burns
October 24-25; Lakeview October 28-30
Hillsboro, November 5-0; Pendleton, No
vember' 25-27.
This is the beginning of a new plan
recently adopted by the school of edu
cation which provides that each quarter
one member of that department shall
make all the extension trips, throughout
the state, teaching no classes at the
University. Instead of the old plan of
different persons niakng the trips, caus
ing confusion in his classes at the Uni
versity. as well as not always giving
satisfaction at the extension places.
This term Dr. Sheldon has charge of
the extension work and will not teach
classes at the University. Professor C.
A. Gregory will take the extension lec
tures during the winter term, and Dr.
It. W. DeBusk the spring term.
In addition to his regular extension
work. Dr. Sheldon will also speak for
the Northwest division of the Red Cross
Ion "What the Teachers of the State Can
| Do for the Army.”
Circulation Causes Trouble; Missiig Pa
pers Will Be Delivered.
Due to inability to perfect the deliv
ery system of the Emerald because of
j difficulty in securing reliable delivery
boys, Harris Ellsworth, business man
lager, has made arrangements whereby
| Emerald subscribers who do not get
!their papers may obtain them by call
ing at ecither the University office of
the Emerald or the Eugene Guard edi
torial rooms.
Ellsworth enacted something new in
the annals of Emerald business man
agers when he was compelled to deliv
er part of the Emeralds of the Tues
day evening edition on his own bicycle.
McArthuur Wires S. A. T. C. Multno
mah Boys May Take Examina
tions Friday.
| Oregon student members of the S. A.
T. C. whose home address is within
I Multnomah county wilt 1 be eligible to take
examinations for entrance to West Point
! Friday morning at 10 o’clock, according
to word received by the military au
| thorities here from Representative “Pat”
McArthur, of Portland. The examina
| tions will Ms held at the High School of
Commerce, Portland.
Posters in bright orange with flaring
black headlines warning everyone to
“Prevent Influonze” have been put up
in prominent places all over the campus,
' with directions on how to prevent the
spread of the malady. 1
Every member of the faculty, further
more, beginning today, has been direct
ed to fill out a complete health report
for each member of his classes who is
not reported from some housing group.
Iu this way a complete check of health
condition is kept.
Red Cross to Remain Open
Under Special Permission
♦ 1 The local chapter of Red Cross ♦
♦ by a special permit from the health ♦
♦ officers will remain open to a lim- ♦
♦ toed number of workers. This is ♦
♦ arranged to permit the local chap- ♦
♦ ter to finish their quota of surgical ♦
♦ dressings. As only a limited num- ♦
4* her are permitted, it is urged that ♦
; 4 the trained workers respond and ali ♦
♦ finished knitting will be received, ♦
♦ those knitters from out of town may ♦
♦ send their work the same as before, 4
♦ but anyone suffering from illness ♦
♦ or the slightest cold are requested ♦
i ♦ to stay away. 4
4444444444444 44 4 4
Liberty Day Sing Program
For Friday Is Called Off
♦ Because of the danger of spread- 4
♦ ing Spanish influenza incident upon 4
I ♦ public gatherings at this time, the 4
4 Liberty day sing, which was sched- 4
4 uled to bo held in the armory Fri- 4
• day evening, has been called off. 4
♦ 4444'444444444444
Mr. Barron Wants 30 or 40
Musicians: All Urged
to Turn Cut.
One of the college activities which ;
i has resumed its work for the year is j
! the University Orchestra, which meets |
very Tuesday and Thursday from 7-0.
The orchestra this year is under the
direction of Professor Robert Rarron.
i instructor in violin, who takes the place
of Miss Winifred l-'orbps. Professor Rar
ron is a student of Listemaun and Max j
Fisehel, and has taught for five years
in the Sherwood Music School in Ohioa
i go. lie has also had intensive concert
Professor Rarron is very anxious to
| have a large orchestra. .'!() or 40 pieces
if possible. He has already a pianist,
two eelloists, string bass, and bass vio
lin, with six firsts and eight seconds.
Everyone who has an instrument or is
nterested in the orchestra is urged to
coine out. Professor Rarron will be in
j his studio in the Music hall every school
day from 10:00 a. in. to 4:00 p. m. and
will be very glad to meet any applicants ,
at that time.
The orchestra is rightly called the j
University Symphony Orchestra, and will !
form the nucleus for the Eugene Sym- !
phony Orchestra, whfteh organization will j
■also he under the direction of Professor 1
I Rarron.
Monday evening at 7:30 there will be ,
a meeting in Professor Uarrou’s studio 1
in the Music hall of all the music teach- |
ers in Eugene, at which time the Eugene i
Branch of the Oregon State Musiv
Teachers’ Association will be formed.
Miss Eleanor Lee of Pomona is
Director for This
Tryouts tor the Women’s (lire Club ,
for this year were held this afternoon
lot 5 o’clock in Miss Elen nor Leo's room
in the music hall, and will he hold attain
tomorrow afternoon at the same time.
The prospects for the club this year
are unusually good, as there are a great
er nunmber of girls registered in col
lege than ever before. There is also a
rather large nucleus of old members
with which to build up the association.
At least ton places are to be filled for
the new club, but if a large amount of
good material shows up. it may he that
the usual number of twenty-four mem
bers will lie increased. There are va
cancies in all the sectors, So first ami
second sopranos and first and second
altos are needed.
Melba Williams is president of the
club this year and Emma Stephenson
Miss Eleanor Lee is director this year
and is very enthusiastic over the pros
pects for a good club. “There is a fine
1 showing of old girls out and I’m sure
that when we have our new members
we will have a better clnb than ever,” 1
said Miss Lee. She is a new instructor
at Iho University, coming from Pomona,
California, the same school at which
Lean Lyman, former glee club director,
is now teaching. All girls arc urged to
try out. ,
Government Wants Hostess Houses Built
Near Cantonment*.
Hostess house advertising materials
in the form of numerous attractive ad
vertising posters, pamphlets and stick
ers hearing the blue triangle, sign of
the Y. W. C. A., and prepared especial
ly to he pasted on writing paper, were
received Tuesday at the Y. \V. C. A,
bungalow, hostess house for the S. A.
T. C. and Officers’ Training Camp.
“Put your dollars and your faith in
the girls in America’s great second line
of defense,” is the message on one of
these printed slips. “War calls women
and girls, as well ns men, into service,”
declares another. One folder contains
material answering the question, “What
is a hostess house?”
“In spite of this constructive attitude
toward the social life of the camp,”
says the pamphlet, “it is impossible for
the governiment to provide for such a
specialized need. It is therefore asking
the work council of the Young Women's
Christian Association to erect and con
duct hostess houses within or in the
immediate neighborhood of cantonments
which will serve as one center of home
life available to all men in the camps.”
All the latest song hits. Musical Instruments. Everything
in the Music Line. Get our prices first.
59 East 9th Avenue. Phone 312.
Cjeorcria .1 ■> Tvo*ir*li ar11p. a T'a.- ,i>
° -— ' - K*v''* ' ’* • A»1 tl I »t* J.,V 1 .
in your rooking Ilolls cakes, pit's, r.to.,
"ill be richer and finer in flavor if you
do so. Ise our milk on the table too.
I se it Freely. It is the one perfect
food that is indlspe.nsible to children, old
people and invalids. It is the cheapest of
all foods too. The more of our milk yon
use. the less other higher priced foods
you'll require.
141 Ninth n von lie West. I’hone :?!)()
Kncene, Orejton
Elgin $25.50
10|0 Size —
Bracelet Watches
Exclusive Elgin
Three-quarter plate model with
double roller escapement, eased
and timed at the Elgin factory.
Both Movement and Case are ful
ly covered by the Elgin Guarantee.
Complete in twenty-year con
vertible case, plain-polished or en
graved, fitted with expansion link
Complete in individual Presenta
tion Box.
National Council of Defense asks you to Imy some of your
Christmas Gifts in October.
Luckey’s Jewelry Store
Eugene Lyceum Course
Four Entertainments and Two Lectures
That will be held this Fall and Winter at the Christian
Church. The opening number will be TUESDAY, OCTOBER
29th, BESS GEARHART MORRISON, Reader. The press
reports say “she is a very rare artist. Her work excels abso
lutely on the American platform. The other numbers are as
2— November 14—Zedelers—Symphonic Quintette.
3— January 29—Charles C. Gorst—The Bird Man.
4— March 4—Sam Lewis Concert Company.
5— April 22—Arthur W. Evans—Lecture.
(5—C. H. Herbsman—Lecture.
Everyone interesting and delightful numbers.
Season Tickets, Adults . . $1.50 Plus War Tax.
Season Tickets, Students . $1.00 Plus War Tax.
Tickets now on sale by authorized canvassers.
Grocery" Co.
]f‘ it is Good to Eat, wc have it.
We make a specially of Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables.
Our Phone Is 183.