Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 10, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. 20.
NO. 3.
Multnomah Will Bring Strong
Lineup; Hard Fighting
Likely on Saturday.
► ♦
♦ - ♦
❖ Coach “Sliy” Huntington this ♦
afternoon announced a tentative ❖
<► line-up for the Oregon game Sat- ❖
& urday. It is as fallows: ♦
O Center—Layton. t>
❖ Guards—Gilbert, Mautz.
^ Tackles—Strachan, Trowbridge. &
O Euds—-Hauser, Wilson. O
❖ Quarterback—F. JacoLbcrger- ^
O Light halfback—Chapman. ❖
<£> Left halfback—Brandenbcrg. ♦
Fullback—Blake. ❖
♦ Flowden Stott will probably be ❖
O referee. The umpire has not been
♦ decided upon, but it. is likely that ♦
the Multnomah team will be allowed ♦
$ to bring some Portland man. <f>
► ♦
A A A A • it & tl/S <?/ <!> A O A 4 4 .>
I While there is confidence on the eam
; pus that Oregon will win the opening
game of the season with the Multnomah
Athletic ciijh on Saturday, one of the
hardest fought battles of the season is
The Winged-M will journey to Eugene
■full of confidence and will undoubtedly j
put up the snappiest kind of football. In
a recent long-distance conversation with
Doan Walker, George Bertz, manager of j
the Multnomah team, said that he laid |
an exceptionally strong eleven, and that
they were out after the scalp of the
Lemon Yellow.
Oregon will go into the game having
had only one week of practice—the least
ever had before an opening game. Due
to misunderstandings and conflicts, many
of the men have not appeared regularly,
and Coach “Shy” Huntington has had
little chance to whip them into shape.
The Varsity this year will probably
he composed almost entirely of last
year’s freshman team, and so far, it is an
unknown factor. Saturday's game wili be
a real test and will give a line on the
season's prospects. In spite of the enor
mous difficulties encountered, it is ex
pected that Oregon will once more iurn
put a winning team.
The Multnomah team is said to have
Fin unusually strong line and Coach Pliil
brook is counting largely on that to win
the victory for the Portlanders. Ilughie
McKenna, a former Columbia University
star, will appear in the club’s line-up, and
much is expected from him. The backfield
of the Winged-M has been greatly
strengthened lately by Fred Kehbein, a
former Lehigh University halfback.
Coach “Shy” Huntington will make no
predictions concerning the outcome of the
It. is impossible to say wno will win,”
ho saiil. “I understand that the Multno
mah club lias a strong team. We are
working under exceptional conditions and
it would be foolish to attempt any pre
diction at this time. The only thing to say
Is that we will do the best we can for
the University, and we expect the Uni
versity to do its best for ns in support.”
“I aru not satisfied with the support
the team is getting at present. There
fcave been seventy uniforms issued, and
forty men on the average, are re
porting for practice. That means that
some one is riot doing the right thing
by the college. There must he more men
out. There are plenty of husky men about
llie campus, and every one of them should
be on the field at four o'clock every af
Spectators Wanted at Practice.
“We also want more people out to
watch practice. The University must let
the team know that it is backing it to
tiie limit. The grandstand should he fiTled
every afternoon. If you have the Oregon
Spirit, come out and encourage the
Scrimmage was held on Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons. Tomorrow the
team will have light practice, and run
tivough signals. preparatory to the game.
The whistle will blow at 2:30 Saturday
afternoon, following the annual nrder
;lass mix. Student body tickets will ad
mit to the game. Members of the 8. A. T.
C. may obtain their tickets upon oppli
•ation at the registrar's office
If One Could Only
Sing Without Opening
One’s Mouth; But —
Wanted: Someone to discover how to
sing without opening the mouth.
The bright person who is fortunate
enough to invent some plan will be al
lowed to attend the community sing at
the armory. But unless such a one is dis
covered no University student will be
able to give his vocal cords and chords
exercise Friday night, according to an.
order issued by President Campbell at
the assembly Wednesday.
The people of Eugene and the students
of the University were to have a chummy
little gathering and display iheir patriot
ism and singing qualities. But the heultn
committee decided that such a rally would
raise a lot of dust, which would find
plenty of open doors during the rendition
of such things as the “Star Spangled
Fear that after such a rally there
would be more people who could say “I
opened my mouth and in-flu-enza,”
caused the abandonment of the idea.
Instead of letting the deadly germ cir
culate in a crowded armory, the students
are to hold a rally’all their own out on
Kincaid field to give the Cist football
game of the year the right kind of a
Friendly Hall Men
Eat From Hands of
Celebrities on K. P.
“This army lifo ain't so bad, >y’ know,
when you have millionaires and promi
nent statesmen handing- out the chow.”
“What d’ ye mean millionaires? Those
fellows on Iv- P. today? Well, what do
you know about that?"
All of which gives the gist of several'
bits of conversation which were flying
about the big new cafeteria ;n Friendly
bail, on the campus, where the men of
the Oregon State Officers’ Training
Camp are assembling for mess these
For some prominent men were on
kitchen police duty that day. Prominent
among the waiters who kept the long
serpentine moving was Harry L. Corbett.
Portland capitalist.
Henri Cloutier, late manager of the
Multnomah hotel, in Portland, was in the
group with Corbett. Others who did their
bit among the plates and kettles were
State Senator Julien Hurley, of Malheur
county, and Plowden Stott (Stanford ’07)
former noted athlete, now Portland law
More than 250 men are enioiled in the
Officers’ Training Camp, and they take
their turn3 at keeping tlm home fires
burning by carrying trays, peeling pota
toes. clearing tables and otherwise help
ing keep the formidable aggregation of
militant appetites in check.
Athletic Association to Bar Frosh With
out First Term Work.
Freshmen girls are not to be admitted
to the Women's Athletic Association un
til they complete their first term of col
lege work with an average pf “M” and
making SO points in athletic work, ac
cording to the new constitution adopted
by the association at its meeting Tues
To fill the vacancy caused by the fa!)
ure of Margaret Bailey to return to col
lege, Eva Hansen was elected treasurer
of the organization. Adelaide Lake was
elected reporter, and Ami Lngus eusto
dian. The heads of sports are to bo
chosen by a nominating committee which
will be appointed soon.
According to the new rules adopted,
a girl to retain her membership in the i
association must make 30 points in her
sophomore year, and 25 each in both
her junior and senior years. Point* are
awarded principally for participation in
contests- For interclass contests 2 pointr
are awarded, to members of champion
teams 3 points are given, and to Varsity
players 5 points.
A girl may also win one paint if she
substitutes for one-half of a routes*. For
an “A” grade in posture i points rre
Women's sport will not be organize 1
until the heads of «pon n,*o chosen.
Maud Lombard, who was elected presi
dent at the spring election*, presided at
the meeting.
Rapid Spread of Colds and Grip
Brings Drastic Faculty
All campus and student social affairs
and public and studept gatherings ex
cept regular classes are prohibited until
further notice according to a special
announcement issued this morning by
John F. Mo card, chairman of the stu
dent health committee at the University.
Dangerous cases of influenza have not
yet developed the announcement states
but the number of severe colds and grip
pe and the danger of the rapid spread
of these as well as of th influenza make
it necessary that every means of pre
caution be taken to prevent an epidmie.
The whole number of cases at last re
port was 179
The total number of men confined
yesterday was 42. Of this number, 35
are at the Mercy hospital, three at the
Eugene hospital, 33 at the S. A. T. C.
hospital, three at home andr 55 confined
to quarters. Fifteen men of the O. T.
C. were reported sick yesterday.
The Kincaid house on Fourteenth and
Alder Streets is to be used as a tem
porary infirmary for the wo,men until
the house on University Avenue is ready
for occupation. Miss Margaret Morris
trained nurse will have charge of the
sick women here. Yesterday 17 cases
of bad colds among the women hal been
reported. Of these seven were Hen
dricks Ilall residents, four Alpha l’his,
one Tri f)elt, one Theta, two Kappas
and two outside girls. All serious cases
are to be moved to the Kincaid house.
Dean Ehrmann spoke to the Hen
dricks Hall girls yesterday urging them
to take every care of their health. She
announced that every girl must have a
thermometer in her room and not allow
the temperature to rise above 72 de
grees. This step was taken because most
of the girls had unconsciously kept
their rooms too warm.
“Emerald" Business Staff Short Hand
ca; Freshmen are Eligible,
Another vacancy <>n the staff of the
business manager of the Eincraid is
thrown open through the resignation of
Lee Bartholomew, who was appointed
recently after lie had secured some two
hundred subscriptions to the Emerald,
topping till tin* other solicitors. The
place will be filled from the business
staff which at present consists of but
two or three aside from Harris Ells
worth, maftnger.
The business staff is short handed, and
much in need of either girls or boys to
aid in gathering the advertising copy
for the Emerald, according to Ellsworth.
Freshmen are eligible to Mills activity.
New members of the staff will be given
a chance for the circulation manager
position to be vacated by Bartholomew.
The Emerald “O” awarded to the best
reporters and leading members of the
business staff last, year will be continued
this year, and with the present small
business staff practically every one be
ginning early in th eyear will be able to
get the award, Ellsworth said.
Under Classes will Hold Meetings to
It is possible that the annual sopho
more-freshman mix, which in past years
has been a preliminary to the first foot
ball game to be played on the Oregon
campus and which this year was sched
uled to take place Saturday afternoon,
will be postponed a week because of the
epilemio of sickness which has swept the
Several men of the freshman and soph
omore classes are on the sick list, which,
with the fact that many of the huskies
of both classes will take part in the
football game Saturday afternoon, makes
it look advisable to members of both
aggregations to call the meet off until
the following Saturday. The mix can
then be staged us an individual feature
of the day.
Both classes are meeting this nfter
no>oa to decide upon the matter.
Pajama Parade Friday Night
To Be One Fine Old Jazz Fest
Plenty of Pep will be Produced if Plans of Managers Mater
ialize: So Trot Out Those Old Garments and
Don't Forget, Di n is Demanded.
And the girls will laugh long find loudly.
And tin' boys will have a good time.
And best of all Oregon pep will be
! started up with a fervor whieli for
i months will chase away the battalion of
j “no pep" and "lack of student spirit"
! bugs which for the last two weeks have
; threatened the students of Oregon as
badly as have the Spanish henfluenza
In a few words. A PAJAMA PAPA OK
These few words need no explanation to
old men at Oregon. To the new men they
might be confusing. For years Oregon
students feeling the need of student body
spirit and Oregon fight, have held t pa
jama parade on the evening of the day
I before Oregon’s first football game. They
i have always been big jazz-arouset'a and
one of the things which students have
remembered in their after years. This
year is to be no exception. The parade
is to form at the library, on the campus,
at seven o’clock. EVERY MAX in the S
A. T. C. and if possible the O. T. (’., is
expected to be present AND wear his
pajamas. There is absolutely no limit to
the color, size or shape of raid articles
of raiment and in fact the louder and
more fancy they are the better the crowd
likes 'em. Costumes of all s'lts art' en
couraged. It is possible that a series of
prizes will be offered to the men who
appear in the best comical costume. If
you have no pajamas or a costume - wear
your Nighty! Hut he there and come pre
pared for a regular time with lots of
Y number of stunts and special
features are being arranged for the down
town trip, hut best of ali, it is going to
lie one old noise fest which will stall the
old Oregon fight going with a resounding
crash wlmh will he heard from Corval
lis to Washington.
Lyle McCroskey and llernid White will
act as Yell Kings for the evening. Until
have a number of new iiieas in tin* way of
costumes and stunts and will lie glad to
explain about the parade to any of the
new men who do not know what the pa
jama parade at Oregon is or wliat it
really means to Oregon students.
Biil Hayward Urges New Stu
dents to Turn Out
for Team.
Thirty track men repoit«i« to the gym
nasium, Tuesday afternoon, for the first
track call. The team will be composed of
the eighteen-year-old men. Therefore,
the young men, regardless of past experi
ence, are urged to come out- l!ill Hay
ward does not xvant experienced men
from which to pick the team. Any man
that can put one foot m front of the
other, and is willing to work, will have
a chance to make the team. Shisler and
Lyle, both of last year’s squad, reported
and appeared to be in good condition.
The first work will he cross • ouatry
running. This is to put Hie men .Y. good
condition for the future track worn. Hill
Hayward has arranged to have the o'd
men have charge of the 'weals in which
they have experience. It will require a lot
of hard and steady grind to develop a
winning team, hut the men are coming
out with the old “fight.” These are turns
in which every man must keep himself
in good physical condition and every man
that is able should ti 1 r out for trick It
will require the marly co-opera km of
every man in ti (adversity to liv* up
to the tradition- or Ou-gon. So .a"a out
early and start ;;mm < u.teiy so thru each
man will have a chrnce to make good.
The men wih j-rerinr every Mi rirlav.
Wednesday anil Friday afternoon. The
track will In pet in .rod condition and
every opportunity w:' to givn the men
to make good, i h- I' rst meet has no yet
been definitely settled hut "HI pro;-,ably
be in the course of the next few ir.r>;.ths
Training for Limited Service to bo
Given 27 Men.
The final registration figures are at
| last counted at S. A. T. C- lieadquar
1 ters: 42." have enrolled. Ten of this
number are under eighteen years of
age and seven have been rejected.
| About thirty or forty are still to take
their physical examinations.
Twenty-seven have been put in lim
ited service on account of physical dis
ability, in most cases due to defective
eye sight. These men will be trained in
the quartermasters, ordnance and chem
ical warfare departments.
There will lie no vocational branch
for special technical training.
Only men registered before Septem
ber 12, 1 HIM, are to be inducted now.
Special forms for Individual induction
are being forwarded from headouarters.
Two Are Victims of Influenza,
One Is Killed In Action
In France
Karl Cobb, who graduated from tho
University in 11112, died Monday at Camp
Zachary Taylor. Kentucky, according to
a letter received yesterday by his father,
S. 15. Cobb, a Portland lumberman. Mr.
Cobb had been ill with Spanish influenza
for a week, lie attended tin second Of
ficers’ Training Camp al the University
of Oregon and was ordered to Camp Tay
lor n month ago. lie was also a graduate
of Portland Academy. 11 is widow who
was Ada Kendall, graduated from the
University in UM'_’ also. Itosides Mrs.
Cobh he is survived by a three and a
half year old son.
Claud Still of Milton, Or., whose death
was announced and later denied, died a
few days ago at Gettysburg, Pennsyl
vania, another victi.. Spanish influen
za. lie was a graduate of the University
aim it member of the Kappa Sigmu fra
ternity. Ilis brother Lloyd Still, is now
tit the University in the S. A- T. ('.
He leaves a wife who is working in a
V. \V. ('. A. hostess house somewhere i n
tho Pacific const. lie was a member of
the tank corps.
Lieutenant Kobert II. Sherwood, a
giadunte of the University of Oregon
Medical school of litlli, was killed in ac
tion in Franco. His death was reported
on. September U>, I'.tls. After a year's
intensive- training at a navj hospital in
San Francisco he took the- public health
examinations required of al1 men in his
class and received the second highe sf
honors in the United States.
Dramatic Classes Sutter for Lack of
Masculino Members.
The list of plays for the winter’s pub
lic performance is not yet decided upon
by the Hrnnistie Interpretation depart
ment. Because 'id girls mid only one mini
huve registered, plays wliii h call only for
women are being sought. These will
probably have to be morality plays us
there arr> very few high class plays of
other sorts, according to .Miss Jlanfield,
instructor in the department.
A feature of the winter s work is the
organization of “The Company” a special
advanced class, which V1ill present all of
the productions of the season, draw
ing material from other classes as need
ed. “The Company,” represents “II” stu
dents and is limited to U members. So
far this class includes Buth Young, Hes
ter llurd, Gladys Dlment, Katherine
Hartley, Frances Prater and Helen Tur
lington. Rehearsals will lie held Tuesday
evenings from 7 to 9 o’clock and Thurs
I dnv evenings from 7 to 10 o’clock.
Sacred Traditions Must Be
Guarded, Says New
Band Men Have Equal Chance
With Other S. A. T. C. Men
For Commissions
A general plea for students to inter
(Ost themselves iu college activities of all
kinds characterized the first student body
meeting of the year hold in Villnrd hail
Wednesday morning. Captain Charles
Comfort, who was installed as student
body president at the nieetirg; l’resident
Campbell; Mill Hayward, track coach,
ami Dean Walker, graduate manager,
milted in urging nil to participate in ac
tive college life.
Speaking of the years of work that
have been necessary to bring the student
bony lo its present point of organization,
l’lesident Comfort called on all students
to meet the new conditions of tin year
as i usiness men are meeting their trou
In older to keep the student body in
tact, in order to keep student, activities
U]), we need the active interest of < very
man and woman.” stated President Com
Presorvo Oregon Traditions.
That the traditions of Oregon, which
have been made sacred through the stu
dents’ love for Oregon, should not bo
violated was another plea made by ilie
"Oregon students never walk on lbo
Oregon sail,” he explained to the new
students. ”Xor do the juniors or under
classmen sit on the senior bench. Soma
traditions, such as the Varsity room in
the men’s gym, will have to be given up,
but let us keep all those we can.”
Iu speaking of the Oregon spirit, Pres
ident Comfort stated that all those who
enter into the activities of college life
get that far-famed spirit, which means
’ fight and fight for Oregon.”
President Campbell urged that every*
oik meet the problem of preventing tlia
spread of influenza as if it were a prob
lem of the battlefield, lie advised obe
dience to orders, cheerfulness and good
Keep Courage Up
‘'Let this situation he a lest of your
morale,” lie added. “Your war work will
come in keeping Bp your courage and
spirits. Also keep up your college organ
Dean Walker explained the situation
that faces the student body this year,
both in a financial way and m the inattir
of broken-up organization.
“There is a big need for hard, self sac
rificing work by everybody,’’ said Dean
Walker. “The only way you can get the
broad college experience is to get in the
games for all there is ill it.”
Mill Hayward spoke on the track and
(Continued on page Ihree)
Juniors and Seniors to Fill Vacancies
At Next Class Meetings.
New class officers will he elected ta
the vacant offices in the two upper class
es at the next meeting. Gladys Smith,
vice-president of the junior class, has
called a meeting of the juniors for
Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock to elect
a. president for the place left vacant by
Harry Jamieson, now in the navy. The
seniors will meet, probably sometime this
week, nothing definite bus been decided
about the time or place. The seniors need
a new class secretary to take the place
of Helen Downing, who has not returned
to college.
Tuesday afternoon the sophomores
held a class meeting. Oriino Miekleseu,
class treasurer and sole remaining offi
cial of that class, acted as chairman pro
tern and conducted the elections for new
class officers. Ed Durno was elected as
the new class president, defeating Leith
Abbott, the other nominee for the office,
by one vote. John Kennedy, sophomoro
class president elected last spring is now
in the navy. Unanimous vo.es were east
for Margaret Jones, as vice-president^
and Gladys Hollingsworth, secretary.