OREGON EMEI \LD Official stulcnt body paper of the University of O. published evcTy Tuesday, I'hurzJay and Saturday of the college year by the Associated Students. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates $1.00 per year. Single copies, 5c. Advertising rates upon request HARRY N. CRAIN . William Haseltine . Douglas Mullarky . Adelaide Lake .... Assistants . EDITOR .. News Editor ,.... Assistant W omen’s Editor Elsie Fitzmaurice, Dorothy Duniw ay, Helen Brenton, Leith Abbott, Her man Lind, Bess Colm&u, Alexander 15r own, Levant Pease, Helen Manning, John Houston, Gladys Wilkins, Elva Bagley, Alene Phillips, Louise Davis, Frances Stiles, Erma Zimmerman, Ken ueth Comstock, Mary Ellen Bailey, and Helen Downing. JEANNETTE CALKINS . BUSINESS MANAGER Catherine Dobie . Clrculrtion Manager Assistants Bams Ellsworth, Lyle Bryson, ,\l‘l LET US SHOW YOU THESE SPLENDID GARMENTS. Wooltex Garments $20.00 UP. Other Makes.$10.00 UP Ky 865 WILLAMETTE ST PHONE 525. m tr 2 ■ m MM m All Flowers in Season, Corsage Bouquets a Specialty, Prompt Delivery. REX THEATRE BUILDING. Phone 96 a H gg tp L a & & WILL CLOSE ITS DOORS SATURDAY NIGHT. there is still a variety of beautiful pieces AT UNHEARD OF PRICES ^ ou know that this is Red Cross \\ eek therefore prepare to give and give till it hurts. You owe it to those who fight your battles.