Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 16, 1918, Page Three, Image 3

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I Kiilinery Parlors
— and —
Saco Patterns
Orders Always Satisfactory
Over First National Bank
Electrical Aids
for the up-to-date
For the after theatre
bite, the hasty lunch or
afternoon tea, as well as
for regular every-day
use, electric table cookery
has become all the rage.
Of course, vou can not
take advantage of these popular
conveniences unlesf your home is
* X
High Grade Wiring at
Low Prices
is our motto this spring. Modern
methods have brought the elec
trical home within the reach of
all and we can quote you prices on
a partial or complete wiring plan
that will prove a pleasant surprise
to your pocketbook.
Why not settle this wiring
question NOW! It will cost you
nothing to have our representative
call and make you an estimate,
Steers .3S
Lind .u38
Medley .40
Grebe .42
Morrison .28
Danton .38
Skcehy .3G
Runquist .34
Wilson .17
Berg .18
Team .329
II. H. Pet.
8 22 .579
17 IS .474
13 15 .375
16 15 .357
7 10 .357
9 11 .2S9
5 10 .27S
5 S .235
3 4 .235
4 4 222
87 117 .356
Mrs. Paul Douglas Tells Girls
Chances for Employment
Stimulated by Lack
of Men.
Work in Railroad Yards, Box
Factories and Fruit Fields
Open to Girls.
Because Oregon has no war indus
tries that women can do actual work in,
Mrs. Paul H. Douglas, of Portland,
speaking under the auspices of the Or
egon consumers’ league at the regulai
assembly hour Wednesday morning, ad
j vised women of the University that j
their best line of endeavor was in in
dustries stimulated by the war and in
work done in co-operation with the
Consumers’ league.
“There is no need to get excited over
war work in this state,” said Mrs.
Douglas,” for activities here are all
men's. There are no munition factor
ies to work in as in the east; there are
only lumbering and ship building indus
tries, demanding work that women can’t
I do.”
Work in Railroad Yards.
In speaking of the industries stimu
lated by the war which are open to
1 women, Mrs. Douglas mentioned work
in railroad yards, wooden box factories,
fruit picking, and sorting scrap iron.
The latter work in being carried on
quite extensively now by women in
Portland, according to Mrs. Douglas.
“The special work you women can do
this summer,” the speaker added,” is to
keep your eyes open to industrial con
ditions and report them to the Consum
ers' league, which you ought to join.”
Describing the work of the league as
that of protecting women employed in
industries throughout the state, Mrs.
Douglas stated that the league was re_
sponsible for the minimum wage law
for women, which was the first and best
of its kind in the United States.
Workers Must bo Protected.
“The Consumers’ league acts as a
clearing house for industrial informa
tion.” she explained. ‘The greatest
work this year will be to find new in- I
dustries for women, and to get more in- I
i dustries under the supervision of the
welfare commission. To save the health
[ of the nation, women in all lines of work
must be protected. The welfare com
mission is toh proper organ for this.”
Mrs. Douglas told of the change in
i industrial affairs for women in England
since the outbreak of the war. An in
crease of a million and a half women
workers, making a total of 5,000.000
j women engaged in work now, has taken
[ place. The whole character of indus
| try has been changed by the entrance
of women into so many branches of
work, according to her statement. Spe
Kuykendall Drug Store
Every University Student can do something
to help win the war, even though he can’t go
“over there.” Every time you put 25c aside for
a Thrift Stamp you are helping the United States
in the vrar—you are backing your soldier friends.
Buy. Buy. Buy
First National Rank.
United States National Bank,
Rank of Commerce
eialtwifcion and semi-skilled work are
the new order of things. The women
nre keen, steady, reliable, but untrained,
and what will happen after the war
when the men return to work again is
the question puzzling the industrial for
: ees of England.”
Woman's League to Raise Large Amount
of Money by June to Run Canteen t
in France.
An active campaign to raise $2500
sfor the University Woman’s War Fund
will be launched Monday under Roberta
Schuebel, chairman of the Woman’s
League committee. The drive will close
the first of June when pledges are to
be paid. Working under Miss Schubel
is the following committee: Leura Jer
ard. Helen Wells, Erma Keithly, Ruth
Ann Wilson, Dorothy Collier, Rosamund
Shaw, Emma Wootton Hall, Martha
Tinker. Margaret Crosby, Maud Lom
bard, Caroline Alexander, Frances Fra
ter, Harriett Garrett, Jennie Maguire,
Gladys Smith, and Lois Macy.
It is estimated that, au average of six
dollars for every University woman will
have to be given if the mark set is to
be reached. “This does not mean,” Miss
Schuebel explained, “that smaller gifts
will not be just as gladly accepted. It
does mean, however, that girls who are
able to give more will have to make up
the average.”
Girls who want to give to the war
fund, but who will have to earn then
money this summer may pledge the
amount now and pay it next year. “Our
aim is to make the fund a permanent
thing to go on year after year as long
as the war lasts,” declared Miss Schue
bel. “But our present aim is to raise
the $2500 by June.”
The sum of $225 was pledged at the
meeting of the Woman's League about
three weeks ago. This amount was
pledged by 46 girls. “We will have no
cause to worry about raising the fund
if all University women give as freely
as the first 46,” said Miss Schiebel.
Attends Architecture Convention in
East; Elected Director of
American institute.
Dean Ellis F. Lawrence, of the school
of architecture, returned to Eugene today
after a three weeks’ visit in the East
where he went to attend a convention of
the Association of Collegiate Schools of
Architecture, Philadelphia. He also vis
ited six of the largest architectural
schools in the country.
“My object,” said Dean Lawrence,
“was to enter our University school of
architecture in the association of Col
legiate Schools of Architecture. This is
the first year that we have been eligible.
As the association did not have a quorum
present at the convention Dean Law
rence’s petition was not considered. “It
will be brought up.” ho said, “at the
next convention which will be held some
time in 1919.”
At the convention, Dean Lawrence was
elected director of the American Insti
tute of Architects. This is the first time
an Oregon architect has received such
an honor. There are fourteen directors
of the institution. The offices are held
for two years.
According to Dean Lawrence, the Uni
versity school af architecture compares
very favorably with the larger archi
tectural schools in the East. This is
shown by the signed recognition given
the work of Oregon students at the
Beau Arts Institute of Design, New
Co-eds Plus Coaster Came
to Grief on Heights
Stiffness Result of Night Ride;
Personnel of Party
Kept Secret.
Co-eds—a small coaster wagon—dark
ness—a space—and thereupon hangs a
sad tale.
Last Saturday evening while most of
the University people were tripping the
light fantastic at the Armory—it being
such ail especially nice evening—some
of our college friends seemed to have
taken steps intt> their second childhood.
A little thing called a coaster brought
back fond memories, so although long
out of experience at guiding, they press
ed the little wagon into service. Noth
ing would do after a short, swift flight
but that the steepest hill around must
be descended. The climb up Fairmount
heights was quickly made, the start
downward was called—the first corner
was rounded on two weels—the next—
but alas—for our friends—something
happened—<and they were flying into
There is only one possible story as a
result—Why arc some people so stiff?
Military Styles — very smart
Hart BtiuAnar A Mara
Here’s one of several.good ones;
they’re especially becoming to the
well set up young American fig
ure — older men look well in them
have produced a wide variety of
these suits for young men and
older men. We’re ready to see that
you get the right thing for you.
It’s every man’s duty to help win the
war by practicing economy; not a “pen
ny wise and pound foolish” sort of
economy, but real economy that results
from paying a reasonable price and get
ting merchandise of known value.
You practice real economy when you
buy at our store for we guarantee
everything we sell to be the best value
for the money.
Wade Brothers
The Home of Hart Schaffner amt Marx
Forum to Urge Women to
Greater Food-saving.
Miss Burgess Suggests that
Members Study Extem
poraneous Speaking.
The members of the Feruin, the re
cently organized women’s debating so.
ciety, decided at a meeting, which was
held last evening at eight o’clock, in
the Administration Building, to present
an appeal to Woman’s league asking thut
every woman on the campus pledge
herself to abstain from eating between
meals and to conserve on bread by eat
ing not more than three slices a day. It
is the hope of the organization to start
ia breadless movement on the campus
and incidentally to cope with O. A. C.
students. The latter, according to Miss
Koberta Schuhel, are conserving to the
extent that confectionery stores and
eating places near that campus arc go
ing out of business for want of pntron
ago. “What’s more,” says Miss Schu
bel,” when 1 was at Corvallis during
their junior week-end I realized that jt
was only Oregon students who frequent
ed such places. It’s a matter of social
ostracism for an O. A. C. student to
etop to eat on tho way home from a
dance.” Miss Julia Burgess, whose
professor of debate and oratory at Well
esley was Dr. George I’ierce Baker, who
had formerly coached President William
T. Fostdr, of Reed College, talked be
fore the assemblage on her experiences
with women’s debating. She suggested .
that along with debating the members
consider extemporaneous speaking on
subjects of current interest. “One must
not forget that for good debate one
must have not only phrases but facts,” 1
concluded Miss Burgess.
It was decided that the meetings of
the society be discontinued until next
fall since the college term is so nearly
over. The Forum will begin work in
dead earnest at that time, now that the
organization has been established.
Herald White Running for Treasurer;
Era Godfrey for Secretary.
Two members of the class of 1920
have already announced their intentions '
of running for office, Herald White for j
treasurer and Era Godfrey, for secretay.
Is'o aspirants for the other offices have j
(put in their appearance up to the pres
ent time. There are four offices to he
filled for next year and a meeting of
/the class is to be culled in the near fu
turo by Ned Fowler, class president for
(be purpose or nominating. The dole
of the class meeting will be announced
[ as soon as it has been decided ‘upon.
Hark, laughter Loud, Look at the Crowd—There Must Be
somethin’ hapj’nin’—
Just get in Line—You’ll learn in time
They’re there to see—
In his newest 3 reel ,
comedy >■
Dorohty Dalton I
“FAITHFUL” Charlie Chaplin. Ma; . .v 5f.70.000
S avey
Don’t You Ever Get Hungry?
The Oregana
11th and Alder—Near the Campus.