Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 11, 1918, Page Two, Image 2

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Official stu lent body paper of the University of Oregon, published every
Tuesday, Tburslay and Saturday of the college year by the Associated Students.
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter.
Subscr'ption rates $1.00 per year. Single copies, 5c. Advertising rates upon
Gladys Wilkins .
Helen Brenton .
Bess Colman .
Anna Landsbury Beck ....
Elizabeth AumiJler .
. City Editor
.... Managing Editor
.Dramatic Editor
. Feature Editor
Head of Copy Desk
Assls tants
Elsie Fitzmaurice, Dorothy Duniway, Erma Zimmerman, Lucile Messener,
Helen Downing, Adelaide Lake, Victoria Case Alene Phillips, Elva Bagley, Pearl
Crane. Louise Davis, Frances Blurock, Marjorie Campbell and Helen Manning.
Business Staff
Catherine Dobie . Circulation Manager
Advertising Staff
Alene Phillips. Helen Downing, Rosamond Shaw, Eve Hutchison, Lyle Bry
son, Dorothy Dixon.
University Women In Newspaper Work.
Oregon is proud to be the alma mater
of a corps of newspaper women who
sro filling responsible positions in dPf-*
ferent journalistic lines. Journalism is
becoming more and more popular ns a
profession for women, and the war has
made them necessary to that profes
sion. It has been to them an oppor
tunity not only to get a good position
but to make good in such a position
and thereby overcome the antipathy to
some editors.
Every yeur the school of journalism
increases the number of women in ac
tive journalistic work, and keeps track
of their work. That they are making
good is apparent from the fact that
they hold their positions; and the
steady rise of the majority to more
responsible and better paid positions
gives evidence of the dynamic force
and push which, added to ability and
conscious work, makes the successful
Among Oregon's contributions to
newspapordoni are Lucile Saunders,
tclogro’di editor, of the Oregon States
man, formerly reporter on the Bend
Bulletin; ('lytic Hall, reporter on the
Pendleton East Oregonian formerly with
the Eugene Guard; Louis Allen and
Peggy Driver, reporters on the Tacoma
Ledger; Nellie Hemenway, reporter on
the Cottage Grove Sentinel; Madge
Pulton, reporter on the Morning As
turian; and Echo Zalil, feature writer
for the Portland News and formerly
with the Seattle Star.
Former Oregon students are also
represented among the society editors:
Nonna Hendricks of the Eugene Reg
ister, Margaret Spangler of the Eugene
Guard, Mignon Allen of the Astoria
Budget, Beatrice Locke of the Specta
tor, and Claire Raley of the Pendleton
East Oregonian until recently of the
Pendleton Mail-Tribune.
Another Oregon graduate who is re
flecting credit upon the University is
Louise Bryant. At present she is writ*
mg special signed articles from Russia
for the Portland Oregonian.
Pica For Trained Women.
‘(tivc us trained women," plead the
business men daily -deprived of men who
have been filliutC positions of trust un
der them. And more they are saying,
"We prefer trained women with college
educations.” They feel that these are
the broad minded women who can best
aid them in these troublesome times.
Are we as I'niversity women ready
to answer this eall for trained worker*?
We feel deep down in our hearts that
rertainly every college woman should
be. llow useless and inadequate must
any woman feel who can think of spend
ing the summer idly loafing. If she is
not already prepared so that she may
be putting her training to practice in
every possible way this summer, she
should spend her available time in learn
ing to he proficient in something of
practical value so that she may begin
to do her share in relieving the criti
:ai situations in the business world
which will follow during the war and
during the vital reconstruction period.
The i'niversity is outlining such prac
tical courses for women to take here
next year. Among them, are the new
courses being planned by the school of
ommerci. as Heap U. W. Morton has
just announced.
If the women are at all interested in
doing their part, and we feel that they
are, they will find it will not be difficult
to train themselves thoroughly so that
seriously and whole-heartedly they may.
with their fellow students, answer the
gill to sen ice for their country.
Women’s Welcome To R. 0. T. C.
\nd how do we feel about having
ft. ti T. recognition? We oongratu
Me the University on having it at
iast particularly congratulate the men
who are to go to the Presidio as the
first official representatives of the I ni
auve accomplished through their train
ing uide.r Lh uLw^xii-Colynel John
Leador and we feel sure will prove a
credit to him and to the University.
There ore others who are anxious to
go, hut they are§itoo young, for the
age limit is 20 years and 9 months.
Afany of them seem to be chafing un
der the restraint which keeps them
here, but they must remember that
there will be other camps and that there
will be room for them later.
To those who are leaving, we wish
•Godspeed. They are the pick of those
of the University battalion who could
meet the requirements. *Thcy will de
monstrate, we know, what they really
.Van do. Oregon and Oregon’s women
I feel pi oud that they have such men
to send.
Theta Sigma Phi Holds Convention.
The first national convention of Thetn
Sigma Phi wur held in Lawrence, Kan
sas at the University of Kansas, on
April 25, 20, and 27 with Epsilon chap
ter ns hostess.
I>ue to the war and the departure
of so many newspaper men for the
front, women are having their chance
to make good in the newspaper world
and they have taken their opportunity
in both hands and are succeeding better
than even they themselves had dared
to hope. They are taking the places
of the men naturally aud easily.
rl his state of affairs will not' end
with the close of the war. Women
will not be willing jto step out of the
places they have usurped. They will
look upon the newspaper field as be
hyiging to them, because it is worth
while work they can do well.
The national convention hold recent
ly afforded the opportunity of a closer
union of newspaper women throughout
the country. Representatives from tho
various chapters met, became acquain
ted and exchanged experiences.
Among other things they put out an
edition of the University Daily Kansan
during the convention and visited the
offices of the Star, Journal and l’ost
on their trip to Kansas City.
Soldiers from Army Camps Give Mar
tial Aspect to Festivities on Campus;
Fraternities and Sororities Have Old
Students Hack.
Many former University students are
buck ou the campus to enjoy the fes
tivities of Junior Week-end. Yesterday
at review and at the campus luncheon
uniforms were much in evidence and
almost every fraternity and sorority
house has several old students back.
Marjory McGuire, Myrtle Smith,
Margaret Hawkins, Gertrude Taylor
McMurray and Louise Adams are guests
at the Kappa Alpha Theta house; Peggy
ltoylen and Florence INirelius are spend
ing the week-end at the Gamma Phi
Keta house; Kdna Uowd, Genevieve
Cooper and Doris Sloemu are at the
Kappa Kappa Gamma house; Eulalie
Crosby and Naomi Bernard are guests
of Chi Omegas; Gretehen Sherwood
Cake and Vera Redmond are at the
1‘elta Delta Delta house; Myrtle Camp
hell «t the Phi Beta Pi house and
Claribell Williams at the Delta Gamma
Many members of the Oregon Am.
balance (3t!lst) Unit are here from
American Lake, Krtineth Hartlet, Jay
Gore, Warren Edwards, Tom Campbell,
and Donald Robinson of that unit are at
the Beta Theta Pi house as is Leslie
Schwering now stationed at Bremerton.
Lieutenant Este Brosius of Fort Ste
vens was at the A. T. O. house until
Friday morning. Lieutenant Brosius
has just returned from Fortress Mon
roe. \ irginia. where he spent three
months taking special work in the coast
wrtillerv training school there.
Ian Campbell, ex-’20 is spending the
week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Dougald Campbell in Fairmount. Mr.
Campbell is a member of the Oregon
Ambulance Unit at American Taike
Fod Mason and Kenneth Kobinson
til'd at Kappa Kiguis h-oua* for Lha
Junior Week-end
Films Developed, Printed and Enlarged on
Special 5 Hour Service during the Week-end
week-end; Ralph Cake, Pete Jensen and
Earl Heitsehmidt are at the Phi Gamma
Delta house and Paul Downard and
Earl Murphy are at the Delta Tau
Delta house.
Lee Waldron, Walter Ranks nnd Joe
Ingram are at the Phi Delta Theta
Lieutenant Lloyd Mott, Ernest
Rertsoh, Neal Ford. Hugh Ford, Earl
Fleishman and John McGuire have also
returned to the campus for Junior
Those spending the week-end at the
Alpha Phi house are: Lucile Elrod,
Portland; Bernice Bright, The Dalles;
Helen Gardinier, Baker; Madeline Stef
fen, Portland; Geraldine Fillungton;
Portland; Marguerite Johnston, Port
land; Frances Peterson Sutherlin;
Jennie Laughlin, Portland; Lydia Hud_
Klleston, Portlund; and Grace Talbet,
An informal musical, given by Mr and
Mrs. Arthur Faguy-Cote followed by
an informal dance for which Mr. and
Mrs. Marion F. McClain were hosts,
was an event of last evening. The Cote
home, where the impromptu musical
program was given, was decked in
Scotch broom uud marigolds. Baskets
of wild flowers were hung throughout
the rooms of the McClain home where
the dancing took place. About thirty
guests were present.
I’i Beta Phi entertained at dinner
Friday evening, complimenting their
week-end guests. Rose colored tulle
streamers radiated from a center piece
of hawthorne blooms which decked the
table. Guests of the event were Mar
garet Fell, Vivian Hargrove, Salem,
Irene Curtiss, of Salem, Thelma Dykes
and Francell Hawlew, of Corvallis,
Klainc Cooper, Margaret M'inbigl'r,
Mary Brobst, Cora Miller, alKof Port
Despite the wartime simplicity which
will characterize the Junior prom, this
event, which takes place tonight in the
Eugene armory and marks the climax
of Junior Week-end activities, is to l>e
quite as attractive and interesting as
ever before. The military idea will lie
carried out by the use of the University
and various campus organizations ser_
vice flags. These with the flag of the
battleship Oregon, will transform the
armory into a riot of red, white and
'Pho grand march is to be led by
Paul Spangler, president. and Ella
Dews, vice-president of the class.
The University women's glee club
will sing and between the fourth and
fifth dances, a group of Japanese songs
will be given iu costume.. Those are to
be accompanied by characteristic Jap
anese daucing.
The especial feature of the program
which comes during the eighth dance,
Is being shrouded in mystery by the
committee in charge, of which Marian
Uoffey is the chairman.
Patrons and patronesses of the event
are Governor and Mrs. James Withy
combe. President and Mrs. P. I, Camp
bell. President and Mrs. \V. J. Kerr, of
Oregon Agricultural College. Mrs. Irene
11. Gerlinger, Doji* and Mrs. Joh.ni
Straub, Dean Louise Ehrmann, Judge
and Mrs. Hamilton, of Roteburg, Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. Dixon, Colonel and Mrs.
John Leader, Professor and Mrs. A.
R. Sweetser, Miss Mary Perkins and Dr.
and Mrs. George Rebec.
The cup won by Chi Omega in the
canoe fete, the Koyl cup, given to the
best all round junior man, the Gerlinger
cup, given this year for the first time
to the best all round junior woman,
and the medal from swimming meet
will be presented during the evening.
Chi Omega will entertain with a din
ner party at their chapter house this
evening. A handsome center piece of
old-fashioned flowers will be on the
attractively appointed table. Bouton
nieres and old-fishioned nosegays will
mark the places of the guests. Bask
ets of flowers have been used through
out the rooms.
Covers are to be arranged for the fol
lowing guests: Colonel and Mrs. John
Leader, Miss Jean McKenzie, of Tort
landMrs. Biddle, of Portland, Miss Mar
garet Biddle, of Portland, Miss Ruth
Teal, of Portland, Roswell Dosch, Mar.
gnret Studer, of Portland, Mildred Ap
person, of McMinnville, Katherine Lock
wood. Grace Miller, Marjorie Camp
bell, Elizabeth Kirby, Helen Houghton,
Mary Iledgcrt, Phoebe Gates, all of
Portland, Helen Lougherty, of ihe Dal
les Hazel Young, and Gladys Farrell.
Members of Kappa Kappa Gamma
are entertaining Grace Evans, Emma
Garbado, Dorothy Cunningham, all of |
(Portland, Ruth Austin, of Woodburn,
Lee Fortmiller, of Albany, Lois Rar
nett. of Wasco, Dorothy Pattock, of
j Independence, Vivian Hopson and Vida
| Howd, of Salem, during the week-end.
On Saturday evening a special dinner
party is planned by the hostesses. A
| purple color scheme will be carried out
| and a centerpiece of plumey wisteria
will be on the tahle. Sunday breakfast
is to be served al fresco on the banks
of the Willamette. Theh party will
motor to and from the picnic place.
House guests of Kappa Alpha Theta
during the week-end ado Mariam Hol
comb. Margaret Studer, Mary Gill.
Emma Coolige, Telen Breen, Marjory
Reid. Jane Shea and Alpha Hutchinson,
all of Portland, Kathleen Shaalde, Sal
em, Marjory McGuire, ex-TO, Portland.
Margaret Hawkins, 'IT. Portland, Myr
1 tie Smith. ex-'lT, Portland, and Gertie
' Taylor McMurray, ’15, Albany.
Complimenting their house guests. Gam
ma Phi entertained with informal dane_
ing before and after the canoe fete,
Thursday evening, tin Friday evening,
preceding the senior play at the Eugene,
an attractive dinner party was given i
by members of the fraternity. Brightly j
colored flowers of various kinds were
arranged in brown baskets throughout
the rooms and on the daintily appointed ,
table. Brilliantly colored birds marked
the places of the guests and tiny nests j
filled with nuts were given as favors. !
Week-end guests of the fraternity are j
Katherine Baker, Marie Berry and Lila
Xiohols. of Hood River, Bernice Graig.
of Salem, Rose Albright, of Marouimn.
Alice Wherity, of Astoria, Alice Tomp-;
kins, of Cascade lawks, Xadene Bol
lander, Katherine Wilson. Alice Flnn
tiigau. Evelyn Fitrgibbon. • Lenore Bloe
siud, all of Portland. Margaret Pagltz,
•‘■'id Helen at
The Home of Eastman Kodaks
and Films.
Let us Develope and Print your Junior Week-End
Methodist Episcopal Church
Willamette Street.
Sunday School at 9:30.
Classes for the Students.
Preaching by the pastor at
10:45 and 8:00.
Morning theme, “The Red Cross
of the 80111.”
Evening theme, “In the Court of
At no time in her life can you better show your devo
tion to your friend, by sending her a remembrance, than
when she graduates—unless it is when she weds.
For both' of these occasions we have beautiful, appro
priate gifts. Come to see our wares and it won’t take you
long to decide on what to give.
When asked, we shall be glad to help you make your
• selection.
Our reputation in this community is such that when a
present comes from us. the recipient is pleased to receive
it; our name assures a high quality.
We make “Quality” right; then the price right.
Get That Wedding Present From Us.
See Our Charming Presents for Brides and Sweet Girl