Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 11, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 81
Senior Play Is
Big Hit; Comedy
Amuses House
Huge Audience Sees Merriment
Producer Put on by Class of
*18; Harold Cake in “Kitty”
Take Off Gets Laughs.
Emma Wootton Hall as Jane,
and Helen Bracht Maurice as
Kitty, Splendid.
Before a house which boasted no
vacant seat for almost as far as the
naked eye could reach, “The Arrival
of Kitty” got across last night to the
tune of more laughs and more real
enjoyment of the plot situations than
have greeted any senior play for several
The plot concerned itself with getting
the affairs of Jane and Bobby Baxter
and Uncle William Winkles and Ben
jamin Moore just as tangled as it pos
sibly could, and then untangling them
with satisfaction.
Jane, in love with Bobby who trained
his Julian Eltinge talents at Tale, has
hut six hours in a CatskiU mountain
summer resort to free herself from an
engagement forced upon her by Uncle
William, whose fingers itch for the feel
of money and whose fortune depends
upon getting Jane safely stowed away.
The man of his choice is one Benjamin
Moore, who upon his arrival at the
hotel finds himself taken for the mat
rimonial agency product which Uncle
William has sent for to marry off the
rich aunt nrt thereby take unto him
self another cool ten thousand.
Bobby too had arrived for a pleasant
vacation at the hotel, encountered Jane,
discovers the skeleton of one Kitty Ben
ders, actress, in Uncle William’s closet,
and has hit upon the scheme of playing
Kitty for awhile himself, just to see
Uncle William dance and incidentally, of
course, to get him in a place where
he’ll have to give up his plans for Jane.
When the real Kitty came on the
scene things grew uncomfortably hot for
everybody, and Benjamine Moore, drunk
but happy, became the brunt of every
body’s plans and jokes.
The cast was a cast of stars—from
Aunt Jane to Giles Hunter as the
negro porter and Ethel Hunter New
land as the omnipresent ladies maid.
But of them all, Harold Cake in his
scarlet coat and other feminine attire,
blazed forth like Halley’s comet.
Tn Vito TtT ittr- "Rnti Jnr* to Vi Li ^ionlatr.
ed absolute ease, and that natural awk
ward, angular appearance which char
acterizes a man in skirts.
Helen Bracht Maurice, as Kitty and
Emma Wootton Hall as Jane were char
acteristically good in their individual
roles of tempestuous and temperment
al dictators, and both were strikingly at
tractive in personal appearance. Hftfca
Bracht Maurice as the peevish actrais
pulled hair and lammed pillows with real
old-fashioned thoroughness.
Rosamond Shaw as Aunt Jane was
equally good. She fluttered and gurgled
with delight at the prospect of having
a real man to play with.
Uncle William in the guise of Ray
Couch was great, playing his part of
desperation and the leading of a life
too gay to be comfortable, with glee and
/jlisto. When the real action of the play
f«t started after a rather slow opening
in which Glenn Walters as Ting and Giles
Hunter as the negro porter were the two
oases in a desert of scenery, the charac
ters raged and tore their hair and yell
ed at each other and talked all at once
'Ike a scene from a family quarrel.
Bill Haseltine as Benjamin Moore
brought down the house with his lines
ind his characterization of that emaciat
ed individual.
In spite of one or two missed cues and
audible prompting from the wings, the
stole play got across to the audience
with its freshness and real enthusiasm.
The Oregon Frosh met the O. A. C.
Rooks in a baseball game this morning
which resulted in the Frosh losing a
hard fonght game by the score of 0 to
0. Batteries for the Rooks were Miller
and Stewart and for Oregon freshmen,
Jacofrbevger aud ilurno.
Class Committee Submits Plan to Start
Fund to Erect Monument for Oregon
Students in Country's Service.
The senior class this year will start
a fund to establish a memorial for the
I. niversity of Oregon men who have en
listed in the service of their country,
if the plans made by the class memorial
committee, consisting of Ray Couch,
chairman, Leura Jerard, and Hairline
Brown, are accepted by the class.
“There is scarcely a doubt that the
Class will adopt this plan for their me
morial to the University,'! said Ray
Couch yesterday. “We hope that within
two or three years the fund will be large
enough to make it possible to erect on
the campus a fitting memorial, some
thing really big for the boys who have
gone from the University.”
The class this year will ne able to start
the fund with a neat sum, though Mr.
Couch could not yet give an estimate
as to what it will be.
All Freshman Women May Be
Housed in Hendricks Hall for
One Year Beginning in Fall
of 1919.
Abolishment of Pledge Pins
and Sophomore Pledging Are
Under Consideration.
At a meeting held yesterday on the
campns, the local college and alumnae
Pan Hellenic boards discussed with Mrs.
George Gerlinger. regent of the Univer
sity, plans whereby all first year women
t at the University of Oregon may be
housed in the hall of residence for a
period of one year, the plans to go into I
effect in the fall of 1919 according to
Mrs. Gerlinger's present aim.
Since Hendricks hall first became a j
hoped for ideal, Mrs. Gerlinger has ;
cherished a companion plan—that of
(Continued from page five)
Theta Sigma Phi
Elsie Fitzmaurice
Adelaide Lake
Alone Phillips
Catherine Dobie
Erma Zimmerman
Dorothy Dunlway
Victoria Case
Helen Downing
Lucile Messner
Campus Day Brings
Back Old Memories
Work on Grounds and 0 Carried
on with Same “Pep”; Frosh
Slave Under Seniors.
Campus Day!
Once more the day which each year is
devoted to improving the campus we call
Alma Mater has slipped into the things
of the past, and we face another year.
Always the spirit of service has been
the uppermost feature of University day
service combined and executed with that
rare fellowship, willingness and sports
manlike co-operation which make Ore
gon Spirit the never-dying thing it is—
make it stand out clear and strong
against odds of every kind which would
shake the strength of an institution of
less fine morale.
Always there are the same brigades
starting out in the early morning in the
time-honored old clothes, off to paint
the guardian “O,” to build walks and
driveways, to clean the campus and to
work on the track; there is the Senior
police force with its paddles and canoes,
always so much hungrier than any one
else when lunch time rolls around; the
duckings in the Senior fountain; the
awarding of the ‘“O” to the Butto crew
of Freshmen; the good natured jostling
and laughter of the bread lines at lunch
Many Old Students Return for
Festivities — Lunch in Gym
Enjoyed by Everyone.
And always there is happiness.
But yesterday there was something
more. A mark of seriousness in all the
tasks, a note of deeper meaning in the
greetings, a sense of whole-hearted earn
estness desiring to do its utmost for the
University in the small time allowed.
Never has the change in the attitude
of the students been more apparent, and
the alumni who have returned to the
campus, the transformation must indeed
be vivid. Kvcn the sun caught the spirit
of the day and the committees, armed
with picks and shovels and axes nud
rakes, went their many ways in bright ,
sunlight which made the campus scene
doubly beautiful and labored in royal
good humor, cheered on by visions of
sandwiches running into the thousands,
great stone jars of salad, with something
hot to drink and something cold to finish
They labored in royal good humor, but
with a strange wistfulness. Many eyes
glanced toward the great service flag of
the University watching proudly over the
sons who do her work here, the symbol
(Continued on page six)
Members March In Caps and Gowns to
Campus Luncheon: Pledge Mario Ba
dura, Ethel Waite, Mrs. Beck, and
France* Prater.
Mario Badurn, Mrs. Anna Landsbury
IVik, Ethel Waite, and Frances Frater
were pledged to Scroll and Script, senior
honor society, yesterday, when Emma
Wootton Ilall, Mrs. David Graham;
Miriam Page, Olga Soderstrom, Mar
garet Crosby, Peggy prim, Helen Wells.
Ada Ilall, Ruth Ann Wilson, Cnllie
Beck, and Dorothy Wheeler, active
members of the organization, marching
in caps and gowns to the campus lunch,
eon at the men’s gymnasium and chose
the new members.
Miss Radura is a member of the Uni
versity women’s debate team and Eutax
ian. Mrs. Beck is a member of the Sigma
Phi and Mu Phi Epsilon. Miss Waite is
president of Eutaxian and a member of
the Y. W. C. A. cabinet. Miss Frater
is a member of student council, and is
prominent i'l athletics.
Scroll and* Script, which was organized
June 3, 1000, pledges its members every
Junior Week-end. Scholarship, and cam
pus activity .ire the aims of the society.
77 Graduating Women to Be Guests of
Y. W. C. A. at Feast May 18: Plan
Was Success Last Year in Spite of
Rain; Each Woman to Be Escorted by
Association Member.
The second annual breakfast for sen
for women given by members of the
Y. W. C. A. will be served this year on
the Campbell lawn on the morning of
Saturday, May IS. There are 77 senior
women in the class, and each will be
escorted to the breakfast by an assoc
iation member.
Last year was the first year the plan
was used. The breakfast was a pro
nounced success, according to all re
ports, mlthough it was held within the
Campbell portals instead of on the lawn,
on account of rain.
Mellie Parker, chairman of the social
committee of Y. \V. C. A. is in charge
of the breakfast. Committees to as_
sist her will be appointed later.
Impressive Farewell to be Given Men Going to Officers' Camp
Their Final Drill Pleases Colonel—Six of Vacancies Filled
A parade followed by impressive
ceremonies at the station, with the band
playing Oregon songs, “Auld Lang
Syne” and “The Girl I left Behind Me,”
is planned for Tuesday afternoon to
bid good-by to the men who will be se
lected to go to the officers’ training
camp at Camp Lewis. They will prob
ably le**e on the 1:50 train.
Of the 21 applicants, probably not
more than 15 men will go to Ameri
can Lake. The letter from Washing
ton giving the required qualifications
for the men going to the camp, did not
Commanded by Major Ray Couch and
accompanied by the University band, the
University battalion furnished the spec
tacular feature of Junior Week-end in
a parade review on Kincaid field which
delighted a grand-stand full of visitors
Friday afternoon and surprised Colonel
Leader with its beautiful precision. For
several of the officers, including the
major, this was their last appearance
in the University battalion before their
departure for the training camp where
they go, as representatives of Oregon,
Six appointments in the University. :
battalion to fill the vacancies left by'1
the men selected to go to the officers’ <
training camp at American Lake were
announced this morning by Lieutenant. ’
Colonel John Leader.
Charles Comfort, captain of Company
C, will be major of the battalion, taking
the place of Major Ray Couch. Henry
Eickhoff, captain of B company, will
be battalion captain and adjutant, the
rank held by Captain Robert Cosgriff,
who has been selected to go to the
camp, subject to the government's
James Sheehy will remain captain of
D company. Curtiss Paterson will be
'ome yesterday as was expected, so the t
template official list cannot be nnnoun- t
There are ten men, however, whom <
Colonel Leader has selected to go to I
:he camp, although their appointments i
iviil he subjected to the orders from
Washington and to physical examina- (
Jens. The men chosen are Ray Couch, t
Charles K. Crandall. Robert Cosgriff, t
3ran Jenkins, Nellis Hamlin, Dean t
Hayes, George Taylor, Claude Hill, i
Charles R. Mathews, and John Stark 1
Kvnns. Others are to be chosen from t
he lis‘ of applicants. They are being
eied out now.
Colonel Lender has telegraphed Qeu
rai II. A. Green at Camp Lewis that
he men will report Wednesday inorn
ng at ten.
The length of time the men will he in
lamp Lewis has been given out as
bout three months, but Colonel Lender
hinks that there is a great possibility
hit the men may be in France by that
imo. At least, they will leave for
''ranee probably at the dose of the
brae months’ training.
:o fit themselves for actual leadership
Jn the fighting line. These men were
jut to show what they could do. What
they did may be indicated by the com
ment of Colonel Leader after the re
“I have never seen,” said the Col
jlonel, “better drifting in all my life.”
rhe weather was ideal for the occasion.
Most impressive of the movements
ivas the retreat, a new feature of the
Irill, executed just before the men left
the field. The command “present arms”
was carried out by the battalion while
the flag was slowly lowered to the
strains of “The Star Spangled Banner.”
When Lieutenant Karl Onthank and
Lieutenant Arnold Koepke had lowered
the flag the band struck up the pop
ular “Colonel Leader” march, to which
the battalion left the field.
The drill, which changed the battalion
formation from column of sijuads to
company fronts lasted three quarters
of an hour. The command “battalion
>romoted to captain of A company to
'ill the place left vacant by Captain
Crandall. Herman Lind will be captain
3 company, in the place of former cap
:ain Eiekhoff, promoted to captain and
idjutant. Dwight Wilson will command
D company, taking the place left vacant
jy the promotion of Captain Comfort
:o major.
The advance of first lieutenants Lind,
ind Wilson to captaincies and Oran
Jenkins’ selection for the camp leaves
:hese three places unfilled. There is
ilso a second lieutenancy unfilled in A
lompany, for the first lieutenant, Oran
Jenkins will go to Camp Lewis, and the
jecond lieutenant, Curtiss Peterson, has
seen promoted to captain.
There is also a second lieutannur w*
cant in B company, if Charles Waugh
is promoted to first lieutenant to fill
the place of Lind, who is now a captain.
In Company C, there will be no lieu
tenancies to fill for the present. Com
pany D will lack a second lieutenant,
if Larue Blaekabay is advanced to fill
Captain Dwight Wilson’s place.
Just who will fill these positions has
not been officially announced or even
hinted at, but campus speculation sug
gests sergeants and corporals William
Steers, Clyde Mason, Kirby Miller,Doug
las Mullarky, William Haseltine, and
James Burgess. These promotions will,
in turn, mean advances from corporals to
sergeants and also advance of privates
to corporals. A move-up in the whole
battalia** will follow from the departure
Oregon is eagerly awaiting the ar
rival of Captain Jacob Kunzler, who
will come to the campus to take charge
of the University battalion to secure
It. O T C. recognition for the Univer.
sity. Captain Kanzler has not received
official v\(. i d from Washington as yet,
confirming his appointment and giving
him authority to come here. He is
expected some time the first of the
week, because it is thought that the
government’s notice of his authoriza
tion which will free him from Camp
Lewis is on the way to him now.
front" which was executed in the cou
ter of the field formed one of the most
striking movements of the drill. While
the battalion thus stood at attention
the hand paraded before it playing
“Marching Through Georgia."
The staff officers of the battalion
commanding the drill wore Major Hay
Couch, Adjutant Ilob Cosgriff, Captnin
Charles Crandall, Captain Ilonry Kic
koff, Captain Charles Comfort and Cap
tain James Sheehy.
of the 15 selected men for Camp Lewis
If Nellis Hamlin, top sergeant In
A company leaves, and if Douglas M'til
lurky is promoted to the second lieu
tenacy in this company, two sergeants’
places must he filled from the corporals
in this company, who follow in the rank
J of seniority, I. E. Warner, Jack Mon
tague, Harold White, und K. Wiegel.
One of the corporals of this company,
George Taylor, has been selected for
the camp.
Company C will stand particularly as
it is. but there will he several changes
in Company D. Two sergenteies will
be open. The shake-up in B company
will not be as pronounced as in some of
the ethers, as affecting corporals and
Campus Day
Busy One For
CrandaWs 30
“We Want Blood” Is Police
Motto; Transgressors Given
Dip in Senior Fountain; Stiff
Collar Grebe’s Undoing.
1200 Cro.vd Men's Gymnasium
' to Doors; “The Best Yet,”
Says Dean Straub.
Policemen with the majesty of the law
heavy on their shoulders—busy workmen
brandishing picks and shovels—sluggards
bubbling in the senior fountain—1200
people contentedly eating at the campus
luncheon—“frosh” painting the "O” and
receiving the usual reward, were some
of the sights seen yesterday by campus
visitors for Junior Week-end.
“Blood! Blood! We want blood!"
was the motto of the ,‘tO sleuths under
the leadership of Chief of Police Slim
Crandall, is they searched the campus
for transgressors of the law. Mortimer
Brown, himself a. member of the force,
was charged with wilful neglect, of duty
and was the first to kiss the flowing
“Men,” said Slim, making the mystic
sign, “take -10 alibis. We must do oar
duty in accordance with the will of the
people. So be it!”
Walter Grebe, arrested for wearing a
stiff collar, was found guilty and offered
no defense. “Make his neckpiece soft,”
ordered Slim. “Let the water do the
Bill Morrison, Herbert Hoywood, For
rest Whitson, Harry English, and Giles
Hunter all incurred the displeasure of
the cops and received watery reminders.
Bert Woods, M. E. Wilson, Richard
Shinier, Morris Morgan and Abe Rosen
berg were “swotted” for symptoms of
hookworm r.hown while working on ths
walk and driveway.
“Your conduct is deploranlo,” de
clared the chief. “Give them another,
boys, ‘lest, wc forget.’ ”
Carl Nelson and William Steers, in
charge of painting the “O,” said that
the wielders of the brush were worthy
of the insignia which they received. “It
gives me great pleasure,” said Nelson,
“to mnke you boys ‘letter’ men. Seldom
is it the good fortune of frosh to become
members of the ancient order of
the ‘O’.”
“Looks like a bread line,” said an
alumnae, is she joined the double lino
of people waiting in the street for en
trance into the men's gymnasium, where
tlie campus luncheon presented a scene
like a first-rlnss cafeteria.
A never-failing supply of beans, salad,
sandwiches, pickles, potato chips, coffee,
and ice cream fed the hungry mob which
passed the long tables in orderly lines
and loaded plates with the food served
by members ce woman’s league.
‘‘The best yet,” said Dean John Straub.
“The old Oregon spirit is as strong as
ever on the campus.”
Second Victory in Series of Seven En
counters with Oregon—Last Game
Staged This Afternoon.
O. A. P. found an opening down een_
ter yesterday, and piled up a score of
10 to l against the Oregon nine. Thia
gives theni two games of the series to
! Oregon’s five. Oregon seemed to have
lost the fight with which they won the
series, and O. A. C. registered a strong
come back. The last game of the ser
ies was played late this afternoon.
Only one tally was made before the
fifth frame, when five men crossed the
plate for O. A. C. Gurley and Seiberts
both tried a line through second base
successfully, bringing in two and three
men respectively.
Oregon's only trip around was made
in the lust of the sixth, when two errors
put Sheehy on second. After a steal
i to third, Morrison’s single sent him
i home.
I Oregon lost a good chance to score
[ in the fourth with men on second and
! third. Medley had been poit out at first,
i Steers had been caught in stealing to
[ (Continued on page four)