Oregon Emerald NO. 80. VOL. 19. EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1918. Douglas Mullarky to Edit the Emerald; Elsie Fitzmau rice Will Handle Oregana. HAMLIN TO CONTEST ELECTION OF BYERS Ella Dews Wins Secretaryship; Ail Offices Warmly Contested. *• STUDENT BODY OFFICERS * * ELECTED FOR NEXT YEAR * » - ♦ * President—Dwight Wilson. ♦ > Vice-President—George Taylor. ♦ > Secretary—Ella Dews. ♦ > Editor of the Emerald—Douglas <> > Mullarky. ♦ > Senior Men on student council.— >♦ > Norman Philips, Pau ISpungler and ♦ * Tracy Byers. ♦ ♦ Senior women on student conn- ♦ cil-—Helen McDonald and Essie ♦ > McGuire. ♦ ♦ Junior men on student council ♦ > — Kenneth Lancefield and Elmo ♦ > Madden. ♦ ♦ Junior woman on student conn- ♦ > cil—Florence Hemenway. ♦ > Sophomore man on student conn- ♦ > cil—Ignatius Chapman. ♦ > Senior member of executive com- ♦ > mittee—Lawrence IJershner. ♦ > Junior member of executive com- ♦ > mittee—Lyle McCroskey. ♦ > Editor of the Oregana—Elsie ♦ > Fitzmaurice. ♦ Athletic council—Arthur Berg, ♦ > Ned Fowler and Bruce I’legal. ♦ > Manager of the Emerald—liar > ris Ellsworth. ♦ > Manager of the Oregana—Curtiss ♦ > Peterson. ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦« 1 Dwight WTilson was chosen president )f the student body for next year, over Charles Comfort yesterday in one of the closest elections ever held on the campus. Wilson and Comfort ran pretty nearly even during the count up to the last 100 votes when Wilson increased his lead rapidly and finished with a ma jority of 50. The totals were 300 to 241. Douglas Mullarky was elected editor of the Emerald by a majority of 105 over Dorothy Duniway. These two candidates also ran neck and neck up to the finish irhen Mullarky pulled ahead. Ella Dews (Continued on page two) HIGH SCHOOL DEBATERS WILL BEGIN AT 7:30 Time of State Contest Tonight Is Changed from 9 o'clock, When Canoe Fete Set Ahead. The Marshfield and Salem high school debaters who are contesting for the state championship, will meet tonight in Guild hall at 7:30 o’clock instead of at 9 o'clock*, as was formerly anmLtnced. The reason for (his is that the canoe fete which was lo take place at 9 o’clock has been postponed until 0:30, and will thus give the students a chance to at tend both events. Those debating on the Marshfield team taking the affirmative are Albert Pow and Thelma Lyons. The Salem team & composed cf Dewy Krobst and Phillips Elliot. The subject up for debate differs just slightly from that used by the Varsity team. It is. ‘ Resolved, That at the close af the war the United States should join s league of nations, with police power to enforce the detrees of its interna tional court.” The winn'-r of the debate tonight will be awarded the University of Oregon cup. given to the victors in the state nigh school league. For the last sis fears it has rot gone twice to any high school. In 1911-12 it was won by the Albany high school team; in 1912-13 by Vorth Bend; 1913-14 by Pendleton; 1914-13 by Salem; 1913-16 by Cooks county hign school at Prineville, aud last year :ae cup was won by the Jo seph high school. Dr. Joseon Schafer. Dr. Henry I>. Sheldon, and Professor E. E. DeCoo have been .■ ■ ked to serve as judges for lie evening. ALL IN READINESS FOR UNIVERSITY LUNCHEON; .. •• man l rtlVCS DtJlier MllllUOei Tables Will Be Outdoors; Otherwise in Gym. The Junior AA'eek-end campus lunch eon will he served Friday at 12 o'clock sharp, and if the weather man permits, 1 it will he served on the campus be tween McClure and Friendly halls, otherwise it will be served in the men’s : gymnasium. At a committee meeting this after noon the girls in charge of the luncheon niade a final survey of the plans and Helene Delano, chairman, announces that all is in readiness. Six juniors, four seniors, four sopho mores, and four freshmen, with a capt ain for each class have been choseu to serve at the luncheon. Two men will help serve the ice cream. The list of those who are to serve is as follows: Seniors—Celeste Foulkes, Beatrice Gaylord. Mildred Broughton, Gladys Wilkins, and Louise Manning. Juniors— Dorothy Flegel, Ituby Bogue, Helen McDonald, Caroline Alex ander, Mellie Parker, and Nan Axtell. Sophomores—Reba Maeklin.Mary Mc Cornaek, Elsie Fitzmaurice. Freshmen—Esther Banks, Lyle Bry son, Lois Macy, Helen Nicolai and Helen Watts. GYMNASIUM GRADUATES SUCCEED IN SCHOOLS Write Miss Cummings Telling of Demon strations Given at Close of Year's Work. Letters from University graduates, who majored in physical education and who are physical education instructors Bow, have been coming to Miss Mabel ’Cummings, head of the University de partment of physical education, telling her of various demonstrations. Louise Bailey, who is now instruct ing in the Pendleton high school, tells of her demonstration which was such a success that she was asked to repeat five numbers for the junior Red Cross benefit.. A era Moffat, who is instructing at The Dalles, and Jewel Tozier, who is in Portland, also tell of their demon, strations winding up their year's work. All of these girls are interested in re construction work, and write frequently to find what they can do to help in this work. BYERS m SUCCESS! Junior Catches West Irish Spirit in One-Act Tragedy. Production Is Received with Enthusiasm by Members of Dramatic Class. Tracy Byers, of Eugene, a junior in the dramatic interpretation class con ducted by Prof. A. Reddie, put on Wed nesday afternoon in Guild hall before the class a one-act play which he had both written and produced. The play, entitled “The Warning of Norah Michael,” is a drama of the Donegal coast. It carries the superstitious dread of the elements so characteristic of the simple fisherfolk of that time and place. The play is built around the fear of Nora Michael to let her lover Dennis go out with his fishing boat in the storm, since she has had a premonition of death and has felt the spirit of her dead mother hovering around her. The surprise ending, in which Nora is the one to meet a sudden death, being struck by lightning just as her lover returns safe to her. having heeded her warning, gave a tragic thrill. The play was not without its little comedy • moments, which were not too strongly emphasized to mar the essentiality som bre and tragic tone of the production. Scenic and lighting effects were carried out with skill and finish; the lightning looked real and the moaning of the wind cast its spell over the student audience. The part of Nora was taken, most acceptably, by Ethel Waite; Tracy Byers himself played Dennis, the fiancee, with more than his usual effectiveness; Mar ion Gilstrap made a delightfully mis chievous if perhaps rather feminine Bar ney, the neighbor's boy, and Delilah Mc Daniel was adequately lugubrious as the comforting neighbor. At the close of the action the class gave Byers and the cast an ovation, and Professor Reddie was unstinted in his ! praise of both the plav and the actirut. 1 OFFICIAL PROGRAM OF EVENTS FOR JUNIOR WEEK-END. THURSDAY EVENING. Interscholastic Championship Debate, Villard Hall.7:30 Canoe Fete, at The Raceway .9:30 (FRIDAY. Annual University Day on the Campus.8:00 to 12:00 Painting of the “O” on Skinner's Butte .10:00 Campus Luncheon at Hayward Hall.12:00 Military Review and Retreat on Drill Field.1:00 to 2:30 Oregon-O. A. C. Baseball Game .3:00 Senior Class Play at Eugene Theater.8:30 SATURDAY. Oregon-O. A. C. Freshman Baseball Game.9:30 Interclass Swimming Meet at the Race .11:00 Sophomore-Freshman Tugof-War .11:00 Burning of Frosh Green Caps.1:30 Oregon-O. A. C. Baseball Game .2:30 Junior Prom at the Armory.8:00 ! I I PROM SETTING TO BE !IH MIL COLORS Committee Heads Say Plans Are Working Out Nicely; Large Attendance Urged. Presentation of Medals and Cups, and Singing of Girls’ Giee Features. ' Promptly at the stroke of 8:15 on Saturday evening, the grand march, led by Paul Spangler and Ella Dews, pres ident and vice-president of the 1019 class, will start the Junior Prom. This annual event will wind up the official program for the week-end. The committee in charge have worked faith fully to have a Junior Prom which will j be as largely attended and as pretty a < Prom as has ever been given. Dwight | Wilson, chairman of the dance commit- j tee, has all of his committee in work- 1 ing order and is confident that there will be nothing to mar the evening’s program. Helen McDonald, chairman of the music committee, reports that the Gross orchestra consisting of ten peices, will furnish good, new, and peppy music. ; Genevieve Dickey announces the pat rons and patronesses for the evening as Governor and Mrs. James Withy combe, President and Mrs. P. L. Camp bell, President and Mrs. W. J. Kerr of O. A.C., Mrs. Irene H. Gerlinger, Dean and Mrs. John Straub, Dean Louise Ehr mann, Judge and Mrs. W. Hamilton of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dixon, j Colonel and Mrs. John Leader, Pro- | fessor -and Mrs. A. It. Sweetser, Miss \ Mary Perkins, and Dr. and Mrs. George Rebec. The committee in charge have ruled against dress.suits, the wearing of flow ers and the use of taxis, the latter to be enforced, provided the weather is fair. The girls will be sented in al phabetical order so that confusion will! be done away with when so many guests are present. Nellis Hamlin and Harriett Garrett, (Continued on page three) ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALIST TO SPEAK HERE MONDAY( Eugene Physical Education Society Will; Hear Talk on Infantile Paralysis. A lecture on “The Operative Treat ment of Infantile Paralysis” by Dr. Charles It. McClure specialist in ortho pedic surgery in the t niversity medical school in Portland will be the order of the meeting of the Eugene Physical Education Society to be held next Mon. day evening at 8 o’clock in Deady hall. The let-rure will be illustrated with lantern slides, and all physicians, towns people, and University students interes ted are invited to be present. Accord ing to Miss Mabel Cummings, head of the department of physical education, this is a wonderful chance to hear au thentic information upon the handling of infantile paralysis. KIM IS DELAYED UNTIL ENDDF WEEK New Military Head Awaits Of ficial Confirmation to Get Release at Camp Lewis. Twenty-one Applicants Ask to Go to Training Camp; Will Name Friday. Captain Jacob Kanzler, who was ex pected to arrive on the campus yester day, has been delayed awaiting official government authority confirming his appointment here and securing his re lease from Camp Lewis, where he has been captain of G company 3(11 Infan try. “The word may come quickly to him from the government or he may be delayed a few days waiting for it," said Karl Onthank, secretary to Pres ident Campbell this morning. “We can not speculate on the days he will be here, but it should be very soon, possibly, not. by the end of this week, however.” Twenty.one applications from men of the battalion who wish to go to the Presidio training camp, which opens May 15 have been received up to last night. 'This does not mean that all these men will go or that Oregon will even be able to send her full quota of 20, although Colonel John Leader is very anxious that Oregon shall be able to send 20. Applicants to be examined. Applicants are subject to physical ex amination and more important still, subject to the orders now on the way from Washington, which will give the qualifications of the men. A letter giv ing the exact requirements for men going to the camp and the conditions under which Oregon may send them, was mailed Monday and should arrive Friday. Then definite appointments will be made. If there is not a sufficient number of undergraduate men who qualify, the field may be opened to graduates, who come under Class C, so that the full 20 men may be sent. The age limit, understood at present to be 20 years and 0 months, is barring several men; whom it is thought could qualify in other ways. Physical defects are keep ing other men out. The present applicants are Dean Har old Hayes, Lewis James Manuel, Errin James Mannel, Giles Hunter Jr., Wal ter Bailey, John Stark Evans, Cyrus A. Sweek, .1. Nellis Hamlin. Oran A. Jen kins, Robert Cosgriff, Ray (.’ouch, Lloyd Perkins, Raymond N. Allen, George W. Taylor, Ralph R. Keeler, Charles K. Crandall, William Coleman, Paul L. Scott, Charles It. Mathews, and Claude Hill. It is expected that other names may be added to the list today and to morrow. Twelve From A Company. An interesting feature of this list is that twelve of these men are from Com pany A. counting Captain Cosgriff, for merly captain of that company. Capt tain Charles K. Crandall of Company A is very proud of his men. He says that his cou^iny is the most warlike (Continued on page thxeei SENIORS RENEW PETITION FOR EARLY GRADUATION Student Council in Favor of Setting Commencement Back 1o June 10. In a special meeting of the senior class held Wednesday morning after assembly in the lecture room at Heady it was de cided to petition for the commencement exercises to be set ahead one week, this making them begin June 10. A committee was appointed composed of Emma Wootton Hall, Walter Myers, and James Sheehy, who will petition the faculty on the matter nt 4 o’clock today. l'r. John F. Bovard spoke to the class on the advantages and disadvantages of such a change and said that he was thor oughly in favor of giving the class the very best commencement, possible, espe cially this year. lie advised the commit tee members to have their arguments well in hand and right to the point when they present them to the faculty has al ready ruled against setting the com mencement ahead. The point is that if the exercises are held the first part of the week, all of the students will be here, while the ma jority will be gone the latter part of the week. Arrangements have all been made for June 17. and if the date is put ahead, a new speaker will have to be found. The matter was referred also to the student council which is wholly in favor of it. I CO-OP TO BE DISCUSSED Executive Committee to Meet and Find Means tj Finance Student Store. A mooting of the executive committee of the student body with A. It. Tiffany and M. F. McClain, manager of the co-op store, will be held this afternoon. Mr. Tiffany said yesterday that there is a possibility that the store may borrow $1000 to put tin' business on a good financial basis for next year. lit* de plored the impression created by a re cent published article, which seemed tit reflect on the management of the store. As a matter of fact, no fault has beer, ,■ found in the management. COLONEL LEADER RETURNS Battalion Head Secures Captain Kanzlor for University R. 0. T. C. Colonel John Leader, comandnnt of of the University battalion, who has been in Portland over th*' week-end on a lecture trip, returned to the Univer sity Wednesday afternoon. While in Portland be secured Captain Jacob Ka lisle r, of Camp Lewis, to be head of the department under the regulations of the It, O. T. C., which lias been prac tically granted to Oregon under the new Chamberlain bill. Colonel Leader will remain on the campus, dividing his time between the home guards and tho Uni versity battalion. MED FOB CAMPUS DAY CLEAN-UPSELECTED Everyone to Report for Work at 9 O'clock Saturday or Take Water Penalty. “ .1 Driveways, Walks, Track, and Bridge to Be Points of Attack. Tho /'ommifti'no for Saturday campus cloau-up day, have aeon announced by Lawrence Hershner. chairman of University day committee, The time will he spent in cleaning and improving the University grounds. The Jrivoway at Hendricks hall well be grad ed down and gravelled. A new walk will he made across the campus, west of VUlard hall. The track will be put into shape, and a force hag been ap pointed to complete the construction of the McAlister portable bridge across the mill race. A police force has ben selected to see that everybody is out and ready for work at 0 o’clock. The committee an nounces that the penalty for any man who docs not appear is WATER, and plenty of it, from the senior fountain. Crandall Is Chief Of Police. The committees are as follows: Po lice force, Charles Crandall, chairman; 11. N. Allen, ,1. Arthur Berg, J. C. Brandon, C. Mortimer Brown, .lames Burgess, Harold Cake, Bay Couch, Ted Clinton, Ned Fowler, Walter Grebe, Nellis Hamlin, Claude Hill, John Hunt, (). A. Jenukins, Thurston Caraway, Herman Lind, Dorris Medley, W. H. Morrison, Prod l’ackwood, Arthur Run ciuist, Win. Steers, Lloyd Still, George Taylor, Herald White, George Winters, Larue Blackaliy. This committee will meet in front of the library at nine o’clock. Driveway By Hall To Be Fixed. Commit tee in charge of the drive way at Hendricks hall: Bill Ilnseltine, chairman; Leith Abbott, t'heater Adams, IOvon Anderson, Perry B. Arant, Ken. noth Armstrong, Richard Avison, J. S. Baekstrnnd, Walter Baily, George Ban ey, Harold Barde, Day Bayley, G. J. Boggs, (). W. Bently, B. E. Boettieher, Joseph Boyd, Elmer Boyer, Lawrence Boyle, J. W. Brock, Robert Bradshaw, James Bradway, Everett Brandenherg, Carter Brandon, Ben Breed, Arlo Bris tow, Alexander Brown, Prentice Oalli son, Wilbur Carl, Lay Carlisle, Iveslie Carter, Sprague Carter, T. J. Chapman, Kuang Yu Chen, Kiang Ohu, William Coleman, Fred Coley, Ainslie Collins, tPaul Cook, R. M. Cooley, Robert Cos (Continuod on page four) Campus Scandal Exposed; See Finish Friday Night Sh! Liston—Gather round! Says Emma Wootton Hall to Harold Cnko: “Dont you lovo mo any more?" Then says Helen Bracht Maurice to Ray Couch: “Arent you glad to see me —why dont you kiss me?” And Ray answers, quite matter of fact: “I cant kiss you every five minutes." Rut Rill llaseltine, the slickest, of the slick, who reigns more often than the law' allows, says in honeyed tones to Emma Wootton Hall, to Helen Bracht Maurice and to llarold Cake in turn—“Fairest, rarest maiden of the world, for thee my hair is all uncurled!” 'Harold, in feminine robes approaches Rill and takes a wisp of Bill’s already scarce locks; be counts off absent mind edly—“He loves me, he loves me not—” This sort of thing has been going on for the last ten days, and a big blow up is expected to end the affairs at a very early date. Scandal in the class of ’18 never! Every little session has been under the chaperomige of James Alott and an old maid auut, und the doin’s of those young folks are being carefully guided to a grand climax. The document is due ssometime Fir day night, when Helen Bracht Alaurice ns Kitty, leading lady of the “Girl in •Jted” company, arrives at the “fashion able resort in the Catskills,” where the young folks will be temporarily sta« tioned until the unraveling of their dif ficulties—and she will arrive just in time to keep Undo Williajn out ot a, duee of a mess, and to complicate mat ters for everybody concerned, as inter fering nctresses are wont to do. Mr. Mott, who is an actor himself and who has coached the University senior plays for three years, considers "The Arrival of Kitty” an ideal vehicle for a college class to produce and seems to think that the characters he has picked were built for their parts. Every day for the last week he has been put. ting them through their paces like a t>unch of circus animals, and despite the fact that some of them started out more like elephants than veterans ow ing to the entire absence of former training the’rc jumping through the hoop in an old-hand manner now, and the student-body is going to get a lot of good laughs out of a lot of funny situations. Girls, have you all got your best clothes all nicely pressed np to dazzle the rushees with? Because the cam paign for clothes is going to start at once among the cast and yon never can tell who’s going to hit you for what. It really doesn’t make any difference If yon have to stay home from the play or go to bed and forego the Week-end stunts so long as the Senior thespiani are property decked oat in all theb glory. Get yoror tickets for the “Oatakillel —all aboard! Mott says they’re goinj to cost $1, 75 and 50 cents and that thf 'sltovy srill posiUYelS. start at _ j