Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 07, 1918, Image 1

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Telegram Asking for 20 Men
to Go to Presidio May 15
Confirms Appointment
of Kanzier.
Selections Cannot Be Made
TTr,ril Instructions
A telegram asking that eligable men
from the University battalion be recom
mended up to 20 in number was re
ceived yesterday afternoon, practically
confirming the appointment of Captain
■Jacob Kanzier and making Oregon an
R. O. T. C.
Applications are now being taken
from students who wish to go to the
Presidio camp, May 15. A letter is
being sent by the war department stat
ing the qualifications necessary for the
applicant. Authorities here must await
these instructions before definite ap
pointments can be made, unless Colonel
Leader and Captain Kanzier, expected
to arrive on the campus late this even
ing or early tomorrow, have received
the instructions personally.
Men To Be Chosen Fram Upper Class.
It is understood here that the men
seeking to go to training camp must he
at least 20 years, 0 months old at the
time they enter, and will probably be
chosen only from the two upper classes
as these are the only classes paid under
R. O. T. C. regulations.
It is feit that the battalion officers
will be very careful in the recommenda
tions made for the camp. As one
officer here pointed out, the camps arc
raising in the general average of the
military knowledge possessed by the
entrants, because of sergeants, cor
porals from the national army and the
officers from old R. O. T. C.’s entering
these camps. Much depends upon Ore
gon’s showing at the first camp its men
attend, and it is possible that only
those who have shown good ability and
:aken practically all the military cours
es here, will be recommended.
Principal Aim Of R. 0. T. C. Attained.
Now that Oregon has been assigned
i quota for the May camp at Presidio,
the principal aim of the It. O. T. C.
las been attained, and confirmation of
the war board order will cause no fur
ther immediate worry even if not an
(Continued on page two)
Dean Moiton to Give Special
Courses for Women.
Says Business Training- for
Girls Is Necessity Caused
by War.
Special courses in commerce for worn.
=n nest year are being planned by Dean
D. W. Morton, head of the school of
commerce, who returned (o the campus
Sunday afternoon after a year’s leave!
of absence in the East.
“Women should be trained in business
methods and we ought to have more
rourses for women in commerce,” he
»aid yesterday. “Every time a firm
inses a man now it is getting a woman
to fill his place and we must have
throughly trained women to do the work
Dean Morton has been head of the de
partment of accounting methods with
the Industrial Sendee and Equipment
Company of Boston during the past
rear. “We have had a great dearth
of men and it has ben hard to carry
on some businesses because of the lack
of employes.” he said. Theh company
with which Dean Morton was connected
was a staff organization, serving about
20 different business firms, with a total
of 7000 employees, so he had an oppor
tunity to come closely in touch with the
>mploymen situation.
"There is one thing I would like to
impress on the students here.” he said
,-esterday. “Make use of every minute
>f the time you have here. We have
to think of the reconstruction period
'hii h will follow the war as well as
he war itse'f.”
Jacob Kanzler, Captain of G
Company, 361st infantry,
at Camp Lewis, to Aid
Won Commission at First Pre
sidio; Chamberlain Bill
Mak;« Coming Possible.
Jacob Kanzler, captain of G company.
301 Infantry, at Camp Lewis, has been
selected by Colonel John Leader as the
American army officer to be the assist
ant in charge of the University battal
ion to secure Reserve Officer’s Train
ing Corps recognition from the govern
Captain Kanzler is about thirty-five
years old. has a wife and two children
in Portland where he acted as secretary
of the Chamber of Commerce before
He comes highly recommended by
Portland people as a regular hustler
and a good organizer.
Was Schoolmate Of Pershing.
Captain Kanzler is personally ac
quainted with General Pershing, having
been associated with him at school.
Definite information as to where they
went to school together is lacking, but
General Pershing was educated at the
Kirkville, Missouri, Normal school and
at the United States Military Academy.
If Captain Kanzler succeeds in se
curing his release from Camp Lewis in
time, he will accompany Colonel Leader
to Eugene, arriving here Wednesday
Captain Kanzler received his com
mission at the first Presidio and has
since been captain of one of the best
regiments at Camp Lewis. The pas
sage of the Chamberlin bill by the
United States congress last Saturday
makes it possible for an officer of one
year's training to take charge of a ITni_
versity battalion to secure R O. T. C.
Has Had Recent Training.
“Since Captain Kanzler has had the
most recent training in military tac
tics of the United States and exper
ience with the American system of of
fice work, he ought to supplement
Colonel Leader unusually well,” de
clared Karl Onthank, secretary to Pres
ident Campbell.
“The University will be exceedingly
fortunate to have two military instruc
tors, one with practical experience in
the trenches and the other with the
latest American technical information.
“Captain Kanzler’s name sounds Ger
man,” continued Mr. Onthank, “and he
is of German descent but since his fam
ily has lived in America seven genera
tions, he ought to be properly disin
Admission to Three Baseball Games 25
Cents; Unused Coupons May
Be Redeemed.
Arrangements for University organ
izations who desire to buy tickets to the
three junior week.end baseball games
for their guests, have been made by
Registrar A. R. Tiffany.
Tickets to the three games will be
originall.vsinr.'ar to a season ticket plan.
One ticket will serve as admission to
fne three games, the price of the tick ■-,*
being 25 'ents. OrganizP'ons can joa
secure there tickets at the registrar's
cjfice. Wnen buying there tickets in!
large numbers, the purchaser can leave
a check at the registrar's office calling
for a sum covering the entire cost of
the tickets. After the week-end is over
each organization can return their un
used tickets to the registrar’s office and,
provided they have not used all they
bought originally, their check will be re
turned to them and they can write an
other to cover the cost of the tickets
that they actually used.
Mr. Tiffany calls attention to the fact
that after a ticket is punched once as a
signification that the bearer has wit
nessed vne of the three games, the ticket
cannot be returned to the office for re
Mistaken Identities, Traps,
Complications Galore, Fill
“Arrival of
Rehearsals Show rrogress;
Seat Sale Opens Thurs
day Morning.
Rehearsals of the senior play are go
ing steadily forward, under the direc
tion of James Mott. “The Arrival of
Kitty” places before the attention the
exciting events which happen to an
heiress who must marry a man with
whom she is uot in love or lose her
fortune. Emma Wottoou Hall, takes
the part of Jane, the heiress.
The scene is laid in a fashionable
summer resort in the Catskill moun
tains. The curtain rises on the arrival
of Jane and her aunt. The manager of
the hotel is away, and “Ting”, a junior
at Yale, is in charge. “Ting” expects
to take on some spending money for
the coming winter through tips. The
wedding of Jane is scheduled to take
place in five hours. Ilor uncle, the
vilian of the play arrives—also Bobby,
with whom Jane is in love. Bobby and
“Ting” were friends at Yale.
The Villan Enters.
Now, Uncle William is a lover of
wine, women and song and has been
having gay parties with one Kitty Ben
der. the leading lady of the “Girl in
Red” company. A telegram arrives for
“old boy” announcing her arrival. Unc
le William in his hurry to wire her not
to come loses the telegram. “Ting”
and Bobby find it and plot his downfall.
Bobby has been noted at college for
his Julian Kiting talents so he decides
i to impersonate Kitty. Uncle will give
himself away by his actions. But Kitty
herself arrives.
Complications begin, mistaken iden
tities are plenty, and exeitment reigns,
“It is a play that will give ample
. opportunity for the display of much
1 dramatic ability,” said Mr. Mott. “The
; cast is a crack one.”
The seat sale for the play will open
at the box office of the Eugene theatre
Thursday morning, May 0, at t) o’clock.
All Seniors But One.
The entire cast includes:
William Winkle .Ray Couch
Bobbie Baxter .Harold Cake
Beujamine Moore .Bill Hazeltine
Ting .Lyle McCroskey
Sam .Giles Hunter
Jane .Emma Wottoon Hall
Aunt Jane .Rosamund Shaw
Suzette .Ethel Newland
Kitty .Helen Braeht Maurice
♦ Up-to-the-minute returns on the ♦
♦ student body election tomorrow ♦
♦ will be kept by the Emerald in its ♦
♦ campus office and the relative ♦
♦ standing of all of the candidates ♦
♦ will be obtainable there from the ♦
♦ time the count starts until it is ♦
♦ finished. Bulletins will be announc- ♦
♦ ed every few minutes and telephone ♦
♦ information given. The telephone ♦
♦ number is 655. ♦
Edison Marshall Contest Decided; Lyle
McCroakey Wins Honorable
The first prize in the Edison Mar
shall contest, which has just been de
cided. was awarded to Mrs. Anna
1 Landsbury lteck for her story entitled
‘‘The Big Evidence.” Mrs. Heck is a
1 senior in the University and has writ
ten several stories for magazines. The
prize story which she handed in was
based upon authentic facts which had
been told to her of the operations of
a counterfeit gang and their conflict
with the secret service.
The second prize in the contest was
won by Victoria Case who came here
this year from Iteed College and is a
junior at the University. Her story en
| titled "Thursday At Five” was a story
| of the war. By a strange coincidence,
| Miss Case's brother, Robert Case, ex.
T9, who is now with the doth artillery
in France, won the first prize in the
same contest which was held last year.
Eleven stories were handed in for the
contest which closed at the end of the
second term. The judges Dr. E. >S.
Bates, Dean Eric W. Allen and Mrs.
George Rebec, owing to the wide dif
ferentiation in, the stories, found some
(difficulty in making a decision and only
decided upon the prize winning stories
Monday. The merit of the stories that
were handed in, was judged consider
ably higher than that of the stories that
1 were written last year.
The Edison Marshall short story con
test is to be an • annual affair. The
prizes of ten and five dollars for the
best and second best stories are awar
ded by Edison Marshall, ex-’lS, who has
had a number of stories published in
the American, The Saturday Evening
Post and other eastern magazines. Mr
Marshall’s purpose in offering the priz
es is to stimulate an interest in short
story writing among the students of
the University.
One Senior, One Junior and Four Sophs
Enlist—Remain Until Close Term.
Six T'nive.sit.v students wore among
those who enlisted at the naval reserve
headquarters down town yesterday. The
men are Herbert Jleywood, a senior, an I
member of I’hi Gamma Delta, Thurston
Laraway, junior, and Horace Foulkes,
sophomore, both Delta Tau Deltas, ltert
Woods and Merle Moores, Kappa Sigma
sophomores, and Everett Pixley a Phi
Delta Theta sophomore.
The men will not be called until the
term is over, according to the arrange
ment made for all college t-iudents who
enlist now.
Rev. Walter T Sumner Will Speak on
“The Quest of Security."
Bishop AVniter Taylor Sumner, head
of tlie Episcopal church in Oregon, will
speak on “The Quest Of Security” at
Y. W. C. A. meeting tomorrow at 4 p.m.
in the Bungalow.
“I hope every girl in the University,”
said Miss Tirza Dinsdale, campus sec
retary, “will avail herself of the oppor
tunity to hear the Bishop.”
Bishop Stunner addressed the mem
bers of the cabinet today on general1
subjects pertaining to the work of the J
assoc iatio-c
Rain Drags Out Contest from
10:30 Until 2 Saturday,
With Score of
12 to 10.
Steers Gets Four Hits in Four
Times up; Next Game
Oregon stepped on the O. A. O. bnse
l>nll nine again Saturday and took the
sixth game of the series by the seore
i of 12 to 10 thus winning the series,
ns this was the fifth victory for the
''Varsity, out of six games played. The
game was played whenever old .Tup
, l'luvius would give up the field for a
few minutes and as a result the con
test. dragged from 10:20 in the morn
ing until nearly 2 in the afternoon,
with an actual playing time of three
The Oregon team started off in fine
shape and would have made short work
of the contest if the seventh inning bad
ibeen passed over. In the seventh in
ning the Aggies scored seven runs on
six bits, an error and a bit batter, up
to this point Ilerg had only allowed
two hits and while the Aggies had
gathered two runs they did not seem
to be in any way dangerous.
Dry Ball Supply Runs Out.
The pitchers were allowed the privi
lege of calling for a dry bull at any time,
but by the time the seventh frame' had
i rolled around the old pellet was soaked
clear through nml it did little good to
try to dry it off. It rained through
out this critical period and Berg was
unable to put any hop on his delivery.
The bearers of the orange and black
started another festivity in the ninth
filling the bases with two down when
Berg fanned (iurkey retiring the side.
The Oregon team seemed to be con
tented to get a few runs each inning
and to increase the batting averages at
the expense of Kruger. Bill Steers
led the lemon-yellow willow wielders
getting four safe cracks out of ns many
trips to the plate. The Y’arsity took to
Kruger’s slants like a duck takes to
water getting lit safe bingles.
There was not much of a crowd out
to watch the celebration as the rain
kept the fans seeking shelter nbout
every other inning. During the fourth
(Continred on page two)
Nine O’clock Will See Start of Parade;
Aesthetic Dancing Before.
The time for the canoe Fete Thurs
day night has hen changed to 0 o’clock
in order to secure a more effective
background. The hour previously set
was 8, but due to the fact that it is
still light at that time of day, the canoe
fete committee has ruled that the water
parade will begin an hour later,
Blans have not been completed as
yet, hut it is thought that there will
be aesthetic dancing on the campus by
classes of Miss Hazel Rader and Miss
Catharine Winslow, Thursday evening
before the parade starts.
All canoes must be in the water by
8:30, in order to lie ready the minute
the starting bell rings at 0.
Candidates Announce Attitude
Toward Offices; Everyone
Makes Glowing
Campus Buzzes with Political
“Dope”; Combines Are
♦ POLLS OPEN 10 TO 2:15 ♦
♦ - ♦
♦ The polls for tomorrow’s stu- ♦
♦ dent body election will be located ♦
♦ in the hallway of Villard hall and ♦
♦ will be open from 10 o’clock in ♦
♦ the morning until 2:15 in the af- ♦
♦ ternoon. During the first hour two ♦
♦ balloting places will be provided to ♦
♦ accommodate the expected rush. ♦
♦ All regularly registered students ♦
♦ of the University are eligible to ♦
♦ vote. +
♦ Head your ballot carefully and ♦
♦ mark according to directions, ns all ♦
O mismarked ballots, or sections of ♦
♦ ballots will be cast out by the ♦
♦ judges. ♦
♦ President James Shcehy today ♦
♦ named the following students to act
♦ on the election boards: Martha ♦
♦ Tinker, Lay Carlisle, Harry Jami- ♦
♦ son. Hill Ilaseltine, Genevive Dick- ♦
♦ ey, Leuru Gerard, Sprague Car- ♦
♦ ter, Herald White, Ivan Warner, ♦
♦ Caroline Alexander, Ruth Wilson, ♦
♦ Larue Blncknby, James Burgess. ♦
Call me early, mother dear!
With the day of judgment a few
hours away, hopeful candidates, both
professional and otherwise, are shining
their shoes and pressing their finery in
preparation for the final conquest; their
faces crack with smiling, but its “on
with the dance” till tomorrow.
Strange groups collect on every
available corner and indulge in Solomon
like prophesies; overybody mixes with
everybody, and nobody cares. “Poli
tics!” is the slogan, and once more the
campaigning shows signs of winding up
with a blaze of glory. All comhines are
in working order and everybody has a
good chance to be satisfied.
Down to brass tacks was the ulti_
tnatum issued to the aspiring ones last
night, and pronto they become the per*
spiring ones—-searching through vocab
ularies, alas! too scant to express their
aims. Conservation and an attempt to
keep campus life in all its phases en
tirely normal were the outstanding char
acteristics of the numerous platforms,
and certainly there should be no slowing
up of the pulse of University life if it
is possible to carry out the almost con
certed aim of the candidates, regardless
of what office they are running for.
Here Is What Thoy Say.
Here is w'hat the various people in
whose hands the trust, of the Univer
sity’s progress lies, have to say of their
Charles Comfort: “Careful admin
istration according to funds. Encour*
(Continued on page four)
McAlister bridge
Portable War Structure Spans Stream
Near University Street; to Be
Left All Term.
The University battalion spent the
two-hour period today iri setting up I’ro
feasor E. II. McAlister’s portable bridge
across the mill race, at the point where
the race course curves at University
The bridge will remain there the rest
of the term and will afford passage
across the race to the acre of ground on
the other bank, owned by the Univer
sity. Here it is rumored some girls have
asked permission to put out a war gar
den. It is too late for anything but corn
and beans, Professor McAlister says, but
if any University girls want the land
to farm they are welcome to it.
The bridge will allow room for canoes
to pass under it, but one span will have
to be taken down for the canoe fete
Thursday evening. The distance between
the water and the bottom of the bridge
is but four feet, and this will not allow
sufficient room for the decorated floats.
Company C under Captain Charles
Comfort spent the drill hour yesterday
in puttine the suunorts of the bridge iu