Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 11, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. 19.
NO. 68.
Much Green Materia! Faces
Moose Muirhead on His
Opening Day in
Steady, Hary Grind Needed to
Put Men in Shape for
0. A. C. Meet.
Things began to come to life on Kin
caid field yesterday afternoon when
about thirty Varsity candidates and
as many freshmen turned out for track
for the first real workout of the year.
The majority of the men are inexpe
rienced and have everything to learn,
but if decent weather continues a
good team should be rounded out be
fore the meet with O. A. C. on May
4th, according to Moose Muirhead,
who has taken over the coaching of
the men in the absence of Bill Hay
“While the number out today is
much larger than that of the first
part of the week, it is not large
yet. Remember there should be three
men for every event and not three
events for every man, as it is at pres
ent. Every man in school that thinks
he can run or place in the weights
should be out,’’ says Muirhead.
Hayward left yesterday for his farm
after a couple of days on the campus
and in all probability will not be back
for a week or ten days.
Hurdlers and Jumpers Needed.
Mulrhead lias been out on the field
only three days, and as last night was
his first night in command he has
had little chance to get a line on the
ability of any of the men as yet. Men
are needed and needed badly, accord
ing to “Moose,” for the high jump
and the hurdles. A hard, steady grind
from now on is the only thing that
ean bring the men into condition for
the Aggie meet, according to Hay
ward, and Muirhead, in the two weeks
or so that he will spend on the cam
pus, is facing a gigantic task in try
ing to get the fellows into shape.
While it is a little early to get any
dope on any of the fellows and as
those who have just started to turn
out have had no opportunity to show
what they can do, some of the men
are coming along fine and should be
able to grab a few points in their re
spective events. Runquist is show
ing up to advantage in the shot-put,
and is rapidly rounding into form in
the other weights. It is probable that
he will enter in the discus and jave
lin events. Gilbert is also out for the
weights and is spending most of his
time with the shot-put, but will prob
ably try the discus also. White and
Wilson are tossing the javelin in fine
fashion, and while they have not
equalled any records they should im
prove with proper training, says Muir
Foster Looks Best in Jumps.
Foster will be seen this spring in
the broad jump as well as in the
sprints, and so far he looks about the
best bet in this event. In the pole
vault Hill looks pretty good for the
(Continued on page two)
12 Students Needed to
Label Soldiers’ Books
l|$Siranan Asks for Volunteers to Aid
In Preparing Volumes for
for Shipment.
M. H. Douglass, librarian, wants
about a dozen students to volunteer
to spend an hour or two next Friday
oi Saturday in pasting labels and pock
ets in the books which are collected
to send to soldiers.
“It is a big job,’’ Mr. Douglass said,
“but if a number of students help with
the work it will help the library staff
a great deal.”
The books boxed ready for shipment
were not labeled but all from now on
will be. Two boxes of the collection
were shipped yesterday to Camp Cody,
where the citizens of Doming, New
Mexico, have established a library for
the soldiers at the cantonment with
Rev. Edward Day, former pastor of the
Unitarian church of Eugene, in charge.
Mr. Day requested that Mr. Douglass
send some of the books collected in
the drive to his library.
Frosh Baseball Squad
Rounding into Shape
Maison to Coach Team Until Called for
Military Service—Three
Games Arranged.
Coach Walker reports that the fresh
man baseball squad is rounding into
good shape and is developing some
good material for next year’s Varsity
team. Jaeobberger, the only pitcher
of the squad, is showing good form.
Durno is doing good work behind the
bat. The fielding is also good, accor
ding to Walker, and the most drastic
need now is for more efficient bat
ting. Gamble and Durno are leading
off the highest batting average but
the team as a whole have not been
able to locate the ball.
“Fod” Maison has consented to
coach the team for the remainder of
his stay on the campus. He is daily
expecting a call from military head
quarters, but until then he will give
his afternoons to coaching the team.
The freshman team will probably
have two games arranged with O. A.
C. rooks and another with the Eugene
High school before the close of the
Maison reports that hereafter he
will have the squad out at 3:30 in
stead of 4:00 as heretofore, in order
to give them as much coaching as pos
sible before he leaves.
Needs 100 More Subscribers to
Produce Book.
Two - day Campaign Brings
Fifty Orders—Rest Must
Be In by April 13.
“The Oregana campaign on Wednes
day and Thursday netted fifty more
subscriptions, but the situation is still
acute,” says Dwight Wilson, circula
tion manager of the Oregana, edited
by the class of 1919. “The book is
ready for the press, but until there
are one hundred more subscriptions
the book planned cannot be published.
“For the honor of the University
the book must be published and it
must go to the press free from debt,”
he declares. “The students of the
University want an Oregana that they
can be proud to compare with the pub
lications of other institutions. If more
students don’t realize the seriousness
of the situation and buy an Oregana
the University will have to be adver
tised throughout the state by a cheap
and incomplete year book.
“So far the percentage of subscrip
tions has been unusually low and for
the first time since an Oregana was
edited the manager faces the possi
bility of not being able to deliver the
book during Junior Week-end. Fri
day at the speeches of the ‘Order of
the O’ men in front of the various'
buildings there will be junior repre
sentatives to ask each student whether
he made his first payment and if not
why not. There are six people on the
campus who are officially taking sub
scriptions, but if you fail to see one
of these people or any of the junior
representatives, call the manager at
660 and he will arrange to get your
money. April IS is the last day. It
is either now or never.”
Nine Schools to Have Faculty Members
for Ccinmencement Addresses.
Several Oregon high schools have al
ready applied to the extension division
for commencement speakers for com
mencement exercises this spring.
Three men from the University have
been assigned to schools. Dr. .Tames
Gilbert will deliver the commencement
address at Nehalem May 17. Gray Dyers,
secretary of social welfare, will deliver
an address in Stanfield May 15, Her
miston May 1(5. Echo May 17; Dean
John Straub speaks in Elgin May ltl.
Lostine May 17. Joseph May 18. 1‘endla
ton May 24, Drain May 31 and Rose
budg June 15.
Six Make Trip; Mrs. Leader and Mrs.
Hayes Included.
Colonel John Leader and the staff
' officers of the battalion reviewed the
O. A. C. battalion at Corvallis this af
ternoon. Mrs. Leader, Dean Hayes
and Mrs. Hayes, Major Eric W. Allen,
Major Ray Couch, and Captain Robert
| Cosgriff, adjutant, ma4e tho trip.
Results of Lottery Announced
for Party Friday Night
at Kappa Sigma
Class Picks April 2 5 as Data
to Accept Invitation of
Mrs. W. F. Osburn.
The results of the senior lottery as
drawn at a class meeting Wednesday
in Deady hall, for the all-senior party
to be held Friday night at the Kappa
Sigma house, are as follows:
Charles Tisdale—Edith Dahlberg,
Caroline Taylor, Olga Soderstrom;
Jack Montague—Gladys Conklin, Hel
en Bracht-Maurice, Edythe Bracht;
James Sheehv—Jeanette Calkins,
Charlotte Baniield, Gladys Wilkins;
Larue Blackaby—Jeanette Kletzing,
Delilah McDaniel; Harold Maison—
Mary Hislop, Kathryn Johnston, Ruth
Rotlirock; Tom Cutsforth—Jo Drlls
coll, Mildred Woodruff; Henry Eick
hoff—Esther Jacobson, Helene DeLa
no, Selma Baumann; Cord Sengstake
—Ruth Gregory, Cornelia Heess, Kate
Schaefer; George Winters—Winifred
Starbuck, Ethel Newland, Florence
Arlo Bristow—Cleome Carroll, Leu
ra Jerard, Ruth Custer; Melvin Solve
—Lurline Brown, Agnes Dunlap, Ruth
Nye; Satolla Hanns—Esther Furuset,
Isa Wasson, Helen Anderson; Elmer
Howard—Jessie Hartley, Lela Cush
man, Elizabeth Hall; Don Roberts—
Melba Williams, Frances E. Bakei|
Ruth Wilson; Dorris Medley—Marga
ret Crosby, Elizabeth Carson, Dorothy
Collier; Ray Couch—Mildred Brough
ton, Ada Matthews, Louise Clambv;
Herbert Heywood—Elva Estes, Helen
Wells, Jeanette McLaren Nelson;
Harry Crain—Miriam Page, Martha
Tinker, Frances Schenk; R. N. Allen
—Dorothy Dunbar, Louise Manning,
Lillian Bohnson.
Giles Hunter—Tula Kinsley, Erma
(Continued on page three)
Greater Oregon Club Ready to Promote
Session’s Interests.
The Greater Oregon Club, whose
purpose it is to promote interest in the
University Summer school, is organized
and ready for active work. The club is
made up of Oregon graduates and men
and women who have taken work in
the University Summer school.
“The fact that the Summer school
has kept abreast of the times and is
offering a complete war school this
summer has caused much interest >n
almost all of the towns and communi
ties that I have visited on my exten
sion trips,” said Alfred Pawers, assist
ant director of the extension division.
The officers of the Greater Oregon
dub are: president, W. It. Ruther
ford, superintendent of Eugene schools;
secretary, Alfred Powers. There are
also four vice-presidenas and a county
representative lor each county.
Dean Arnold to Address Mass Meeting
Friday Afternoon.
A woman’s mass meeting will be held
Friday afternoon at one o’clock in Vil
lard Hall at which time Miss Sarah
Louise Arnold, deem of Simpson Col
lege, Boston, and official college lect
aurer on food conservation. Miss Lil
ian Tingle met Miss Arnold while at
j the conference of the Inland Home Eco
] nornics Association and speaks very
! highly of her ability as a speaker.
Miss Ada B. Milan, head of the house
hold arts department wt O. A. C. will
accompany Miss Arnold when she visits
the University. Both will be enter
tained at Hendricks Hall.
Games to Start Next Wednesday. New
Diamond Will Be Made.
Doughnut league baseball games will
Coach Dean Wolker. There will be i
meeting sometime next Monday of rep
resentatives of the various teams. A
new dimond is lieing made for the p-imes
so that there will be no interference
with the practice of the Varsity team.
Formal Rotreat to Take Place
of Regular Drill Hour;
Parade on Saturday
to Be Military.
Dance, Canoe Fete, Luncheon,
Athletic Events, Will Be Up
to Usual Standard.
A formal retreat and battalion drill
reviewed by Governor Janies With
ycombe. will take place on Friday of
Junior Week-End at the regular drill
hour. This review is to take the place
of the sham battle which was planned
but which cannot take place on ac
count of lack of ammunition.
Charles Comfort, in charge of this
feature, said that the retreat would
consist of lowering the flag with the
battalion at “Present Arms.” The
band marches and countermarches,
finally playing the Star Spangled Ban
ner. This form of retreat is that ob
served every night in the regular ar
Parade to bo Military.
The parade on Saturday which will
immediately follow the campus lun
cheon, will bo a military parade and
for that reason the girls will not. par
ticipate this year. However, th prize
feature of the canoe fete, and the jun
ior float will he a part of the parade
as usual.
Dorothy Flegal and Henry English
in charge of the parade promise that
it will be over in time for the games
in the afternoon.
Dwight Wilson, chairman of the jun
ior prom, has secured t.he use of the
armory for the dance, and promises
a good feature. The patrons and pat
ronesses will include Governor With
vcombe, President and Mrs. P. L.
Campbell, Colonel and Mrs. John Lead
er. The entire list, lias not yet. been
chosen. For the rest good music is
promised with a big orchestra and the
punch and decorations will be of the
finest. Nellis Hamlin and Helen Mc
Donald have these features in charge.
Special Effects Planned.
Special electrical effects are plnnned
for the canoe fete to take place Thurs
day and probably seats will bo ar
ranged on the platform above the
On Friday night the Senior play is
to be staged. For the caste of this
play the seniors in all the sections
of Prof. A. F. Reddie's Dramatic In
terpretation classes will be given the
For the rest of the Junior Week-End
festivities, there will bo a swimming
meet arranged by "Billy” Morrison,
track and baseball events and the us
ual painting of the “O” and beauti
fying of the campus.
Semi-Finals Betwoen Teams of Eugene
and Marshfield Friday.
The semi-final debate of the high
school debating league between Grants
Pass and Marshfield high schools will
l>e held Friday evening, April 12, at
the Eugene high school. C. A. Howard,
principal of the Eugene high school,
will be chairman of the debate, and
Burleigh Cash, A. It. Tiffany, Registrar
at the I'niversity and Dr. James H.
Gilbert, professor 'iSf economics, will be
the judges.
The semi-final debate between Salem
and The IXiHes high schools will he
held next week, possibly in Portland
although it has not been definitely de
rided. The winners of these semi-final
debates wil meet for a final debate ft
the I’niversity of Oregon, during Jun
ior week-end.
Marshfield and Grants Pass Will Meet
in Semi-Finals.
Grants Pass and 0 Marshfield high
schools will meet in the semi-finals
of the high school debate league at
Eugene high tomorrow night at 8
o’clock. The subject is the league to
enforce peace and the judges will be
Dr. James Gilbert, A. R. Tiffany and
Burleigh Cash.
Muirhoad, ex ’18. Takes
Bride in Portland
Former Track Star Will Coach Hay- j
ward's Team For Four or
Five Weeks.
Walter •'Moose" Muirhend, ex-'lSand|
member of Delta Tnu Delta, and Miss |
Bonnej Henderson, a former Portland i
Academy girl were married at the home
of the bride's parents by Reverend
I high Fcdle.v in Portland last Saturday.
Following the solominization Mr. and
Mrs. Muirheud motored to Eugene an 1 ;
they are now staying at the Hotel
Oslvurn. _
Mr. Muirhend is the son of Mr. ai. I
Mrs. William Muirhend of Portland an 1
is well known in the I'niverslty as a
track star. In 1917 he made almost
enough points to win the track meet
alone. According to the Orcgana
"Moose" was a sure winner in the
high hurdles and high jumps and could
be counted on for place in the broad
jump, low hurdle, pole vault and javbn.
1 Mr. Muirhend plans to coach Bill
Haywards track team Tor the next
' three or four weeks : nd has already
held a meeting of the men to lay down
rules for training.
Professor Meets Oregon Men on
His California Trip.
Brings Greetings from Tregil
gas, Dnndor and Stan An
derson, in Service.
Dr. R. M. Winger, professor of math
ematics in the University, returned
last Tuesday from his trip south,
where he attended the San Francisco
section of the American Mathemat
ical Association, which met this year
at Stanford University. Mr. Winger
says that. although the convention was
the attraction, he found plenty of time
between sessions to make himself ac
quainted with the many points of in
terest about the Stanford campus.
Seea Stanford Rally
Arriving on the eve of the Stanford
vs. U. of C. baseball game, ho had the
good fortune of being present at the
traditional “rally of the sacred axe,”
which is always held in the large out
door theater the evening before tho
big game. “Tine crowd was enor
mous,” ho said, “and the stunts were
very clever, but the yell-R and singing
wore not a bit better than ours, it
seemed to me.”
Mr. Winger went through tho avia
tion school at Berkeley and also vis
ited Camp Fremont, near Stanford.
He was especially interested in the
gun department of the aviation school.
“I saw enough guns there,” he said,
“to convince mo that tills country is
not suffering from a gun shortage.”
They had on hand a large supply of
Lewis machine guns and another type
of air gun which is maintained to he
the most efficient air gun in the ser
1VI I .
vvniio in i tiiiiormu, ivj i. vviu^m
quite unexpectedly ran across throe
Oregon boys. He met "Chuck" Dun
dore and Stan Anderson in the avia
tion school at Berkeley, and ho saw
Harold Tregilgas on a San Francisco
street car. Stan Anderson has nearly
completed his work in the Berkeley
school and is expecting to be sent to
a flying school either at San Diego, or
one of the schools in Texas.
Oregon Men Send Greetings.
"I merely saw Dundore and Tregil
gas and did not get to talk with them,”
he said. “Tregilgas is in the medical
division of the navy and is stationed
at Goat Island.
“The boys seemed glad to see some
one from home, and sent a ‘hello’ to
their Oregon friends."
“Don’t think that these tilings de
tracted from the Association meet
ing. 1 enjoyed every minute of it.”
Mr. Winger read three original papers
to the assembly, and says that the
hearty response which he received
pleased him greatly.
Mr. Winger was the only man from
outside California who attended the
association meetings.
Member of First Ordnance Class Arrives
Safely Across the Sea.
Word was received from Chester Zura
walt, ex-'l’O, that he had arrived safely
across the sea. Zumwnlt was enrolled in
the first Ordnance course, and wag made
a sergeant prior to his journey “over
Chemawa Coming Saturday for
First Came of Season on
Cemetery Ridge. ?f
1 Jattle of Southpaws Dtie, with
Berg on Mound for f
Oregon. j
Fans will have their first opportu
nity of seeing the Varsity baseball
team in action Saturday afternoon,
when tlie team lines up opposite the
Chemawa Indian nine, which they re
cently defeated at Salem by a score
of 6 to 2. The game will be played
on the Cemetery Itidge Held and will
start at 2 o’clock.
Despite the fact that the Varsity
teasers were able to score a victory
over the redmen in their recent tan
gle at the Indian city, Captain Shee
hy and others of the baseball world
prophesy a hard fought game Satur
day afternoon. Two flukes which
went for home runs in the last game
with the Indians were all that saved
the score from being very close. Cap
tain Sheeliy says that the Chemawa
nine has a good pitcher and a fast
and accurate infield. Should the Var
sity men have a little “off day,” the
redskins might turn the tables in the
opinion of the men who viewed tlie
bat-busting bee up Salem way last
Will Have to “Go.”
“Evorv man on the Chemawa nine
plays good ball and we’ll have to ‘go*
every minute of the game to defeat
them," is the way Captain Sheeliy
sums up the situation.
Art Derg will probably start, the bar
rage from the Varsity mound Satur
day. lie will have a chance to vie
with a heaver of his kind, as the
inoundman of Chemawa is also a
southpaw. The rest of the Varsity
lineup will bo the samo as it was for
the games last weekj-endt “Chief”
Wilson will he on hand ready to toss
the hide after Berg lias had a session
with it. The batting order of the
team is as follows: Grebe, ss; Lind,
lb; Medley, If; Steers, cf; Sheeliy
(Continued on page two)
Win Twice from Oregon Club—Final
Scores 21 to 9 and 21 to 6.
The final championship games of the
Interfraternity handball series were
played Thursday afternoon. The
games were between Phi Gamma Del
ta and the Oregon Club, the final
scores being 21 to 9 and 2 lto 6, in
favor of Phi Gamma Delta.
Jimmie Sheohy and Herbert Hey
wockI represented the Fijls and Spring
er and Estes the Oregon club. The
latter team was somewhat handi
capped by the loss of Hartley, who
was substituted by Estes.
Much interest was centered in the
I final games, as both teams consisted
of exceptionally good players. It is
predicted, however, that if Hartley
had played the results would have
been much closer, although, as it was
the games were very interesting and
caused a great deal of enthusiasm and
interest among the handball players
on tlio campus.
Prominent Church Man Is Moderator of
Presbyterian General Assembly.
Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman, moderator
of the general assembly of tho Pres
byterian church, said to be the most
prominent man working in the Pres
byterian churches of America at the
present time, will speak in Villard
hall to students and townspeople Fri
day night. His subject will be,
“What’s the Use of Religion?”
In speaking of Dr. Chapman yes
terday, Karl Onthank, Secretary to
President Campbell, said, “Dr. Chap
man is said to be an exceptionally
powerful speaker. We consider our
selves fortunate in securing him to
speak on the campus.”
Rev. William Moll Case, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, will in
i troduce the speaker.