Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 09, 1918, Page Two, Image 2

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Official ate lent body paper of the University of Oregon, published eviry
Tuesday, i'huislay and Saturday of the college year by the Associated Students.
Enteric in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter.
Sir s rpticD rates $1.00 per year, jingle copies, fy» Advertising rates upon
William Haseltine . News Editor
Douglas Mullarky .Insist ant
Robert G. McNary .. Make-Up Editor
Adelaide Lake .... >*’ linen's Editor
Douglas Mullarky . feature Editor
Melvin T. Solve . Dramatic Editor
Pearl Craine ...... • > • Society Editor
Elsie Fitzmaurice, Dorothy Duniw y. Helen Hrenton, Leith Abbott, Her
man Lind, ih-s.s Colinau, Alexander Hr own, Levant 1’ease, Helen Manning,
John Houston, Giady Wilkins, Elva I’ugley, Alone Phillips, Louise Davis,
Frances .stile--. Erma Zimmerman, Kenneth Comstock, Mary Ellen Halley, and
Helen Downing.
Catherine Dobie .-. Circulrtion Manager
E e i. -on .Vdsertising Manager for Apru
Ilirris Ellsworth. I.yle Bryson, Madeline Slotboom, Dorothy Dixon, France*
•Schenk, i . n Advertising.
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compiaints to the Editor.
Manager 177-J
News and Editoiial Rooms 655
Editor 841
Business* Cff.ce 1200
A condition unusual in the extreme exists upon the campus
this Spring. That the war is responsible, or rather the division
of student interests caused by the war, is not to be questioned,
but'for the first time in years student politics are slumbering
with the annual election less than a month distant.
Were this a normal year the students seeking nomination
for student body offices at the regular meeting of the Associated
Students, May 1, would be definitely in the running by*this time.
Fireside and campus discussion would largely be centered upon
the candidates and the qualities recommending, or discrediting
them for the office sought. And it is to be regretted that such a
condition does not exist this year.
In electing men and women to carry on the activities of the
student body next year the University faces a serious problem.
When there are usually a large number of outstanding leaders
from which to make the selection of officers, the coming election
will find candidates in the field whose qualifications are little
known to the average student. It is unlikely that there will be
more than a handful of candidates whose ability has been dem
onstrated by past achievement and there are twenty-one offices
to be filled. It is not that there are not men and women in the
University capable of carrying on the duties of these offices cred
itably, but that to choose their representatives intelligently the
students must know the qualifications’of the candidates.
Those who previous to this year have been the outstanding
leaders in the student body have, most all of them, left their
studies to enlist, or have gone out into some line of industrial
employment in answer to the demands of the war. Many of them
would have been candidates for election this spring and each
would have had an active record of two or three years, with
which the students were familiar, upon which to stand. But with
conditions as they are, the students will be asked to choose a large
part of their officers from among men whose records are now
unknown to them.
• The time between the clay upon which the nominations are
to be made and the day of elections, one week, is altogether too
short for the busy student to gather the information needed to
cast an intelligent ballot, especially where he is liable to know so
little about many id' the candidates. To ask the students to pass
judgement upon candidates and select the officers that are to act
through what promises to be one of the most critical years of the
University’s history is not just, nor fair. Obviously it is not fair
to the voter and it is equally unjust to the candidates.
The responsi! lily of selecting officers capable of meeting
the problems of next year and solving them successfully rests
primarily with the students casting their ballots. For them to
mark their ballots without full consideration of the qualities of
the candidates from whom they vote will be inexcusable neglig
ence—be Her that the ballot be not cast at all than that it be cast
for the candidate who will fall down on the job. lint a large
measure oi re sensibility reals with the candidates themselves.
A candidate seeks election for one of two reasons: either he
wards to serve- and is willing to make the sacrifices necessary to
efficient service, or he seeks office for selfish considerations.
The first type has something definite and valuable to offer —
qualifications that gain in strength under thorough investiga
tion. The "dark horse” is invariably the candidate who lias
“nothing on the ball," or who has some quality detrimental to his
chances of success which he fears might be uncovered by
thorough investigation.
Within the coming few days it is probable that several stu
d< nts will announce their candidacy for office. To those who
come forward in this manner the student body owes careful con
sideration > their qualifications. There is something to com
mend the candidate who has no fear of criticsm and investiga
The l'niver*iity of Washington board
eif control ha* made sweeping chances
in the aduiinist radon of the athletic
*.\, tenj, aa.vs the t uiversity <*f \\a*u-|
i itt it lhiil.v. The plan, subject to the
aiipvov.il of President Suraallo, con
- sts of nn athletie director who will be
at the head of all athletics in the in
stitution, including vyinnasium instruc
tion and a new couching system.
New Officers and Cabinet for
Next Year to Be Installed
by Hon. R .A. Booth.
Varsity Quartet to Sing; Every
body Urged to Attend Feast
at Christian Church.
! The annual Y. M. C. A. banquet will
' be given in the rooms of the First
Christ iin Church, next Thursday night
at six o'c-lo. k. Immediately following
l the banquet the n»w officers will be
| installed, by the Hon. R. A. Booth.
I senior member of the Booth-Kelly lum
[ her company, and prominent member of
i the state Y. M. C. A. council.
The varsity quartet, consisting of the
following members: .John Evans. Arthur
Fa guy-Cote, Curtiss Peterson, and
Harold White, will sing. This will be
the first appearance of the quartette.
Paul Spangler and Elmer Boyer will
tell of their experiences at the Sea
beck conv ntion last year and volun
teers for this year’s convention will b»
called for.
Clinton Thines. the president of the
association, urges that all men who
are the least bit interested in the Y.
M. C. A. work be present at this ban
quet, for it is here that they will get
an height into the pVns ,fnr next
I year.
| Tiie association is anticipating the
addition of a new department on the
I cabinet-—the war relief committee. The
j function of this committee will lie the
| handling and raising of all funds con
j neeted with the war and special relief
1 work.
The officers are: President, Harold
j W. White; Vice-President, Lindsay Me
; Arthur; Recording Secretary, Warren
j Hilbert; Financial Secretary, Elmo Mad
! deoi. The members of the cabinet are:
, Membership, Lindsay McArthur; Gen
voluntcers, Joseph I). Boyd; Publicity,
I Leith Abbot; Meetings, Curtiss Peter
son; Bible study, Fred Dunton; Mission
study, Richard Thompson; Employment,
William Steers; Deputations, Merritt
Whitten; Socials, Xollis Hamlin; Social
study, Richard Avison: Social service,
Kenneth I,an -efield; Conferences, Wil
liam Coleman.
Oregon Girls Preparing for Washington
Meet April 19.
The four varsity co-ed debaters who
[ will meet the women’s debating team
from the University of Washington,
both hero and iu Seattle, April 10,
have been working for some time on
the question for debate which is, iv
swived that the tendency of the news
papers to consolidate is a salutary
movement iu our national life. The
members of the team, who are Marie
Madura and Ruth (i rail a u, affirmative,
and Amy < 'arson and Eileen Tompkins,
negative, have made a very satisfactory
analysis of the question, according to
I Professor It. W. l'reseott, who iV eoach
, ing the debate.
The girls are now beginning to work
on their speetb.es and may make exten
sive trips before the final debate of
April 111, although this has not been
definitely decided.
Members of the Oregon affirmiitityi
will meet the Washington team in
Seattle, while the Washington affirm
ative team will come to Eugene.
Contributions Turned in so far Exceed
Demands for Solriiors' Reading.
The goil of G.000 books from the
state of Nevada has been passed, re
ports lb,' Nebraska Sagebrush, and a
record of s.lll contributions set with
only half of the sub-chairman heard
front. Of this number Iteno contrib
uted o.GtlT, while other districts have
sent iu figures of 1.1 IU collections.
Craig Hall Matron at Montana Uses
But One-Third of Allowance.
Craig Hall at the University of Mon
tana uses hut one third of its govern
ment allowance of wheat flour is the
report of the matron. Mrs. Lucy E
Wilson. She says that she has Ik her
d spos.il more than 300 pounds of wheat
flour, sine* she has not accepted the
amount which the proportion of suh
slitutes titled warrants. lusteud she
uses large quantities of potatoes, rice
and corn.
♦ of ♦
♦ elects ♦
♦ 1.Y1.E McUROSKEY ■»
I. ETO 2
(Continued from page- one)
clash, and none in the Willamette en
counter. Berg was a little wild on Fri
day, hitting three batters and walking
four, but Wilson’s control was almost
The Varsity will receive another
chance to show what they are aide to do
b fore the rumcg with the Aggies, when
they meet the Chemawa Indians in a re
turn contest on Cemetery Ridge Field on
Saturday afternoon. A close contest .s
predicted by members of the team who
played in the game last Saturday. Two
flukes which went for home runs were
the only things that saved the score from
being close, and the Indians will undoubt
edly make a creditable showing in the
return encounter.
May Play Double Header.
A double-header may be played on Sat
urday — time will permit, but otherwise
the game will start promptly at 2:00
o’clock in order that an early train may
be taken homo.
Committee Nominates Candidates to Be
Voted on at Bungalow
Next Friday.
Election of Red Cross officers for tic \
University student auxiliary for the ie- j
mainder of this year and for next year i
v-ill take place next Friday from 10 n. ie. !
to 2 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A. bungal nv. j
Nominations for the various offices wen. j
made by a nominating committee, and !
an opportunity will be given for further
nominations by Red Cross members at I
the Woman’s League meeting to be held i
'Thursday at five o’clock.
The report submitted by the nominat
ing committee is as follows: For presi
dent, Helen McDonald and Bernice Spen
cer ; for vice-president, Claire Warner
and Bess Colman; for secretary, Jean
l’ttte Muss and Virginia Hales; for treas
urer, Winona Lambert and Jennie Ma
guire. Only Red Cross menibers in good
standing will be allowed to vote.
The election at this time was made
necessary by the departure of Ruth
vVestfall, former. Red Cross president to
accept a position in Cotter d’Alene, Ida
ho. Since an election of all officers would
be necessary before the term closes, it
was decided to have it immediately.
Course of Lectures for Five Weeks Given
by University Instructors.
A Red Cross course in home service,
consisting of five weekly lectures, is
being given by the University extension
division at Salem, IS women of the Wil
lamette chapter of the Red Cross are
The University lecturers are Dr. R.
M. De Rusk, school of education, who
discusses “Child Welfare”; .Miss Mabel
Cummings, department of physical edu
cation for women, who will lecture on
“Health in Home Service Families”; I
and Dr. Joseph Schafer, department of j
history, who will talk on “Community :
Resources for Home Service.”
Other lecturers are F. P.*Foisie,
director of civilian relief, northwestern
division of the Red Cross, and Professor
Charles L. Sherman, department of edu
cation, \\ illainette University. This is j
the first chapter course in home service j
to be given by the northwestern divi- j
"The Faithful Shepherdess,” the
next play to be put on by Professor
Roadie’s classes will he produced April
25 «nd 26 instead of April IS and 10
ns was announced in the last Emerald.
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