Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 06, 1918, Page Six, Image 6

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Miss Ehrmann Says She Will
Carry Out Miss Fox’s
Plans For
Delighted With Campus and
View From Her Office
Mi's Louise Ehrmann, acting dean of
women of the University, in the absence
of Dean Fox in France, and who ar
rived in Eugene Inst Sunday night from
Ixw Angeles to take up her new work
in the University, declares herself to be
heart and soul in sympathy with every
effort to obtain a woman’s budding.
"I believe in the concentration of all
efforts toward a woman's building for
the University of Oregon,” Miss Ehr
mann declared. She also says she will
try to carry out Miss Fox’s work.
Miss Ehrmann graduated from the
University of California in 1904, and
■wan a college friend there of Mrs.
George Gerlinger. Miss Ehrmann was
for several years a teacher of English
in the Polytechnic high school of Eos
Angeles, her home town. While there
she was an active member of the Uni
versity Woman’s chib. Her work and
Interests have been largely centered in
Wrote Pageant of Women.
Miss Ehrmann is the wTiter of sev
eral plays and pageants which have
been produced by California women’s
clubs. She has written a ptay of three
episodes, the name of which is ‘‘Samari
tans.’* A pageant, which is her con
tribution to Ked Gross, is called the
‘‘Pageant of American Women,” and has
been given several times in the interest
of Bed Cross. Miss Ehrmann offers it
to any organization which will pledge
the proceeds to the Ited Cross.
Miss Ehrmann's first days on the
campus have been busy ones, keeping
ker in her office chair most of the day
light hours, but she declares that she
is delighted with the campus as fur ns
she has seen it, and considers the view
of the hills from her back office win
4ow a delightful, restful scene, though
•he wilt not con cede that It surpasses
scenes of southern California. She ii
pleased especially with the democratic
spirit H(he has met on the campus.
Registrar’s Records Show Grace
Young in Lead With
Seventeen Hours
Honor Grade.
Katherine Twomey Second and
Nancy Fields Third
in List.
Nearly 100 students on the campus
received two thirds 8 or 11 grades foi
the second term, according to a list of
gradings just compiled at the regis
trar’s office. The requisite which has
kept many others off this list is that
no card shall hold any grade below M.
Probably a record which surpasses
any sent iu for some time is that, of
tiraea Young, who tucked 17 hours 11
away without making a bit of r.oise
about ft; Katherine Twomey comes sec
ond in the constellation of stars, with
11 hour* 11 and 7 hours S—and that
has been an almost consistent perform
ance sine* her registration iu college
two yea re ago; third pluce is held by
Nancy Field*', with 17 hours 8.
The list and gradings follow:
A rant. Perry B„ ft 11. 7>^ S, - M.
Badura, Mafie, 'J II, 0 8, 4 M; Haney
Mrs. Mary \V„ 14 8, 2 M; Bayly, Day
7 II, o S, 2 Nt; Beck, Ann* L., 2 Vh 11
11 S; Byrd. Mable, 6 II, 7 8.
Trim. Margaret, 12 8, 5% M; Crosby
(Margaret, t! H. 2 8; Currin, Bora, 12 8
3 M; Cnitsforth, Thornne, 14 8, 3 M.
Davis, Louise, 12 8, 3 M; Duniway
liorothy, 7 II, 8 S.
K»te«, Newton, 12 S, 0 M.
Fields, Nancy, 17 S; Flegel, Dorothy
11 S; Foulkes, Celeste. 13Vj S; Prater
Frances, 8 11. 3 8.
tlarhuid. Mildred, 14 S, 2 M.
llniunisrstrom, C.race, 14 S, 3 M
llart, liaille. 10 S, 3 M; Hubbell, Doris
fl H, 4 8, 4 M. thesis li; lluff, Krma I.
10 8. 2»4 M.
Jacobson, Lather, 0 8. 3 M; Jewoti
Mary, 7 11. 3 8, ft M; Johnston, ll dli
E.. 2 II. 13 S. 8 M; Johnston. Minnie K
4 H, 4H 8. 1 M; Jones, Mercedes, 1
8. ft M; Judkins. Joy, 10 S.
Knopp, Grace, 3 H. 11 8, 3 M
1 Lagtw, Ami Marie, 8 H, S 8, 1 M
Work for American Sisters, in Reconstruction, uoonery, neo oross, mouioing ;
Opinion Described to Y. W. C. A.
Women in England are doing every
thing except fight, and they would be
wiliing to do that if they were called
upon, according to Mrs. John Leader,
v/ho spoke on the subject, “What the
Women Are Doing in England,’’ at a
meeting of the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday
at 4 o’clock, in the Bungalow.
"There are 2,000,000 women in Eng
land who are doing special service, and
the war couldn’t progress without
them,’’ declared Mrs. Leader. She told
of the voluntary aid detachment which
was formed before the war began, and
which proved England's only means of
caring for the first men who were
wounded in the fight. These women had
prepared themselves to do nursing and
first aid work, and this is the service
which Mrs. Leader stressed as being the
very most important. “On an off day
40,000 men are brought in wounded,
and if it were not for the aids who help
the poor, wretchedly trained nurses, the
work could never be carried on.”
Massage and reconstruction of the
bodies of the wounded men, Mrs. Lender
declared essential, and many women are
needed for this work because they give
so greatly of their own vitality that
they must be replaced often.
Otner things that Mrs. Loader pro
nounced necessary for every patriotic
American women to do are writing let
ters to the men who have gone, sending
books and snapshots, and influencing
pnblic opinion at home.
She told of the way the French sol
diers had left when their pay hed been
raised 15 cents a day. They felt that
the government thought them merce
nary. But in our own country, our men
are striking for 50 cents more a day,
while our men at the front are only
getting $1.50 a day. The strikers are
not only tying up shipping and traffic
and commerce, but ‘'are killing their
brothers at the front just as much as if
they were to stick a knife in their own
backs.” said Mrs. Leader.
“All it requires to be of real service
is common sense and brains, and the
American women possess these in great
abundance, so when the time comes you
will get there all right,” said Mrs. Lead
er. $he is an admirer of the American
girl because she can cook, and told of
her first experience in her own kitchen,
when it took her two hours to get the
meal. “I cooked and cooked for two
hours,” she said, “and nothing Happened,
and we were compelled to eat a supper
of bread and jam. It was because I was
trying to cook eggs on the heater. I
didn’t kpow what the range was for.
She explained that most Englishwomen,
though they have rallied so well now,
were at the start of the war in just
about this same state.
Mrs. Leader quoted Colonel Leader
as saying, “When the great United
States gets really in it, there'll be a
blamed lot for the girls to do.”
The meeting yesterday was the first
of this cabinet year. Mrs. Minnie John
son sang, and tea was served at 5
I>nke, Adelaide, 7 S, 4 Vi M; Lighter,
Alice M., 4 H, 8 S, 3 M.
McGHchrist, Ethel, 14 8; McMahan,
Blinabeth, 2 H, 9 S, 5 M; Marsters,
Ia>fxna, 2 H, 10 S, 3Vi M; Muson, Clyde,
<> II, 4 8, 2 M; Mathes, Mary, 7 II, 0 S,
5 M; Matthews, Ada, 3 II, 7 8, 7 M; ,
Mazham, Mrs. II. K., 2 II, 14 8; Meador,
Virgil, 11 E, 4 M; Moore, F. Dean, i
9 II, 3 S, 2 M; Morrow, Luceil, 4 II, I
12 8; Morse, Katherine, 10 II, 3 8, 3 M.
Nelson, Jeunnete McLaren, 9 8, 6 M. '
I*ackwood, Fred, 11 8, 7 M; Page, i
Miriam, 0 II, 9Vi 8; Palmer, Frank J.,
2 H, 10 8, 2 M; Park, Jeunnete, 9 M, j
8 8; I’Mtteraon, Charlotte, 3 II, 13 8;
Peterson, Elizabeth, 12 8, 4 M; Phil
lips, Alene, 0 II, 5 8, 5 M.
Rawlings, Ella II., 12 8, 3 M; Rhodes,
Lets, 17 8;.Ridings, Marie, 3 II, 9 >i
3 M; Rosenberg, Abraham, 3 11, 9 8,
0 M.
Schucbol, Roberta, VS fs, i. At; fsicnei,
Martin, 11 S, 0 M; Slotboom, Madeline,
3 II, 7 S, 5 M; Koderstroiu, Olga, 2 II,
10% S; Solve, Melvin, 5 II, 9 S, 3 M;
Spangler, Paul, 13 S, 2 M; Springer,
Joseph, 13 S, 8 M; Spulak, Emily, 14 S;
Stanton, Lucile, 11 S, 3 M; Stephenson,
Emma, 11 S, 4 M; Stoltenberg, OllV.
3 II, 7 S, 5 M; Stratton, TJlala, 11 S,
3 M; Sullivan, Stella, 6 II, 7 S, 0 M.
Taylor, Caroline, 9Vi S, 2 M; Taylor,
George, 8 II, 10 S; Taylor, Lotirene, 3
II, 9 S, 3 M; Taylor, Marian, *1 II, 5 S;
Thirties, Clinton II., 0 II, 2 S, 5 M;
Thurston, Alice B., 4 H, S S, 4 M;
Townsend, Elizabeth, 10 S, 3 M; Tur
ner, Mary, 10 H, 2 M; Tworaey, Kath
erine, 11 II, 7 S.
Van Nuys, Gladys, 4 II, 8% S; Van
der Sluis, Alice, 3% II, 10%, % M;
Van Sehoonhovcn, Alice, 12 S.
Ware, Kila, 12 S, 3 M; Weidenheimer,
Paul, 3 11. 5 S, 5 M; Welch, Alice 11.,
1 I S. 3 M; Wells, Helen G„ 10 S; West
full, ltuth, 3 II, 9% S; Williams. Catha
rine, 13 N; Williams. Melba, % 11, 7%
S, ft M; Wilson, Dwight, 11 S, 4 M;
Wilson, Ruth, 5 11. 9 S; Wootton,
Emma, 3 II, 0 S, 5 M.
Voder, Jennie, 3 11, 7 S, 3 M; Young,
Grace, 17 II.
Zimmerman, Erma, 3 11, 0 S, 4 M.
Sigma Nus and Betas Interested in Set
ting Out; Prof. Ue Cou Heads
Beautification of Eugene, end the
University campus region in particular, i
took a further step today when, through
the park commission, more than 30
young elm trees, eight to ten feet high,
were set out at intervals of 35 feet
along the east side of Kincaid street,
from the mill race to Phi Belts Theta
house, south of Thirteenth avenue east.
Oo-operatmg with the park commission
in this work are Professor E. E. Be
Cou. of the University faculty, Dean
Sanderson, and Rev. E- R. Moon, of the
Bible University.
Some of the property in front of
which the trees were planted today is
owned by Sigma Nu and Beta Theta Pi
fraternities. The members of these
fraternities are interested in getting
> this row of elms planted. The trees,
which are of the American variety of
elms, were brought here from Portland
nurseries by the park commission.
It is the hope of Professor Be Cou
and the others interested, to have a
fine row of elms along Kincaid which
will enhance still further the heaut.y of
Eugene's streets and Oregon’s campus. 1
Four Freshmen to Be Guests of Honor
at Chapter Banquet.
Gamma Phi Beta is holding initiation :
thig afternoon for Beatrice Porteous.
Eileen Tompkins, Jennie Parelius, and
Helen Woodcock. Following the initia
tion the new members will be guests
of honor at a banquet held in the chap- j
ter house.
* ' for school and college
Player*. Strongly made of selected leather.
la* sprinting style flexible aolea. See it in
our catalogue or at
A. G. Spalding & Bros.
Broadway at Alder.
When You Can, But Let
Your Choice Be
Willamette Street.
Liberty Loan Sunday
Sunday school at 9:30. Students Classes at 10.
Church service at 10:45. Addresses by Mr. J. H.
Koke, Mr. R. A. Booth, Mr. Parkinson.
Beginning a series of three war time lectures.
April 7—“Strikes and Profits during War Times.”
April 14—“Cleansing Winds for the Nations that
have Died.”
April 21—“Making Democracy Safe for the
Prelude—Improvisation in D flat.J. S. Evans
Anthem—Sanctus—Gounod. »
Violin Offertory—Adoration .Borowski ,
Miss Vander Sluis.
Baritone Solo, The Lord My Shepherd Is, Mr. Manville
Anthem—Festival Te Deum .Buck
Organ Postlude.
A special invitation is extended to the men and women
of the University.
Make Everyone Want a
Linn’s Kodak Department is full of all the newest models. Every size represented.
Every day is Kodak Day with most people who own Kodaks. You
can easily see how the habit grows after you possess one. Be ready to
record the College Events of this spring with your Kodak.
You can afford an Eastman—everyone can—they sell as low as 75c
each and from that up to $150.00.
We Now Have All Sizes in
So great has been the demand for Pocket Kodaks for soldier boys,
*hat it has been almost impossible to keep a complete stock. We now have
every size. They are priced at $7, $8, 88-50 and $12.
It is up to College students the whole country over to do their share. It is up to the
University of Oregon to do her share—and we know she will do it! With 651 stars on
her Service Flag, every one representing a friend, brother, or classmate, those who are
left to carry on the work here are going to give freely—they must give freely, in order
that the government may eQuip and arm those of us who are over there. Now is >our
chance to prove your patriotism!
Linn Drug Co.