Emerald VOL. 19. EUGENE. OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1918. NO. 57. COMMITTEES WED FOR JUNIOR WEEK-END -- Tentative Program Framed Which Includes Military Feature as New Number. Canoe Expenses in Water Fete Not to Exceed $10, Say Those in Charge. Special committees, to have charge of the events of junior week-end, May 9, 10 and 11, were appointed by Paul Spangler, president of the junior class, at a meeting of the general committee Wednesday night. Dwight Wilson and Mary Murdock will have charge of the junior prom, Nellis Hamlin and Harriet Garrett will supervise the decorations for the dance, and Marion Coffey was appointed to manage the feature and the programs. The patrons and patronesses will be in vited by Genevieve Dickey, while Helen McDonald will arrange for the music. All members of this committee say the dance will be “the best yet.” May Have Sham Battle. Charles Comfort and Harold Gray head the committee for a military fea ture, which they say will probably be in the nature of a sham battle and a review. Carl Nelson will see that the fresh men give the “O” a coat of paint, and Lawrence Hershner will supervise the University clean-up work, which occu pies a part of “campus day.” The canoe fete on the mill race will be in charge of Roberta Sehuebel and George Taylor. They announce that all entries which compete for the cup must not exceed a $10 expense limit, to in clude canoe rent, decorations, light ing, etc. 'Parade plans are under the manage ment of Henry English and Dorothy Elegal. Harold Newton is in charge of all publicity plans. The class is considering a men’s inter class swimming meet at the mill race, as one of the events. Bill Morrison was appointed by Spangler to determine if such a plan is feasible. Tentative Program Announced. The following tentative program, sub ject to change, was discussed by the general committee: Thursday morning: Clean-up on cam pus; painting of “O”. Thursday afternoon. Baseball game (Continued on page three) 0REG0I9 If 23-22 Lemon-Yellow Takes Washing ton Into Camp First Game in Exciting Overtime Contest. Steers Throws Winning Basket After Count Was Tied 20 20; Cook Shoots 12 Fouls. Oregon took the first of the series of two games from the University of Wash ington. at Seattle Thursday evening, by a score of 23 to 22, after five min utes’ overtime had been played. The game ended 20 to 22, so an extra period of five minutes was decided upon, dur ing which Oregon managed to score 3 points to Washington’s 2. Bill Steers threw the winning basket just as the whistle blew, ending the con test. The first half ended with the score 12 to 10 in favor of Coach Hunt’s warriors. In the second half, Oregon speeded up and scored 10 points to the S gathered by the Washington quintet. Cook, of Washington, tossed 12 fouls during the course of the evening. He was in far better shape than when the teams met here. The second game of the series was played last night, after which the team left for Portland, where they meet the fast Multnomah Athletic club squad in a return game. The series with the University of Washington closes the in tercollegiate basketball season for Ore gon, and the game with Multnomah is the last scheduled contest of the year. The victory assures Oregon of secoad place in the western division of the northwest conference. CHARLOTTE BANFIELD TO ASSIST A. F. REDDIE Senior Chosen to Help in Dramatic In terpretation Classes of the University. Charlotte Banfield, ’IS, has been chosen as assistant in the University classes of dramatic interpretation. Miss Banfield, who succeeds Mrs. J. F. Thorne, was selected by Professor A. F. Reddie, head of the department, aft er he had searched through the east, as well as through the state, for »n assistant. Mrs. Thorne resigned so^e time ago. to take up work in Portland. ‘'The department seems to demand some one who is a graduate of the Uni versity, and who understands the dra matic situation here and in the state,” said Professor Reddie. “I looked in Portland and in the east, but could find no one as capable as Miss Banfield.” Miss Banfield has a reader's diploma from the Gillespie School of Expression in Portland, and a professional diploma from Mrs. Gillespie, which she received upon the completion of a post-graduate course. She has had professional ex perience in full evening programs of interpretative reading. She registered in the University two and one-half years ago, and has been a major in Mr. Reddie's department for the last two years. The duties that Miss Banfield will have as assistant have not ns yet been decided. She will probably conduct all classes in Mr. Reddie’s absence. She will help in the coaching of plays and in conferences with major students in the department. 20 OF FIRST ORDNANCE MEN WIN NON-COM RANK Sam Bullock, ex-18, Member of Class, Writes of Success From Camp Dodge. Sam Bullock, ex ’IS, a member of the first ordnance class at tre Univer sity lost fall, writes Karl Onthank, alumni secretary, giving the correct ad dresses of 20 of the members of his class in ordnance who are now stationed with him at Camp Dodge, la. The letter reveals the fact that every one of the 20 at Camp Dodge are either corporals or sergeants. Bullock is a sergeant, first rank. After completing the six weeks’ course at the University last November, the 50 members of the class were sent to San Antonio, Tex., for a further training course of six weeks in the gov ernment arsenal at that placet. From San Antonio the men were sent to various camps for active duty. Bullock says that the men have been instructed to give their addresses as A. O. B. D. in France, as they are like ly to leave at any time now. Bullock’s address now is Company C, Second Bat talion, A. O. B. D. in France, Camp Dodge, la. EMBARGO ON GUNS TO LIFT University Battalion Soon to Get Ord nance—Rifle Club Clash Nears. William Bebee has received word from the government that the embargo on sending rifles and equipment to private citizens will be lifted in a few weeks. This will mean, he said, that the men of the University battalion can then be furnished with regular army rifles. “As soon as the embargo is lifted,’’ he said, “they will notify me by tele graph from Washington, and we will send in the names of the men. and guns and ammunition will be sent.” The Rifle club’s first meet will be held in two weeks with the Springfield club. Mr. Rebec said. The local team is not showing as good form as he would desire, he said, but added that he expected by the time the meet cane off they would show marked improvement. “We don’t want to let Springfield down us the first thing,” he said. GLEE CONCERT MARCH 16 Program to Be Up to Standard; Gold “0’s” Soon to Be Given Out. The University men's glee club will soon be getting into action again. Prac tices will begin aoon for the annual con cert in Eugene, and as this is scheduled for March 16. this makes necessa-y heavy work up to that time. The pro gram for this concert has not yet been announced, but it will be up to the stand ard of the previous programs of the club. The gold “O's” have been sent for and will be given to the members with in the next week. DEAN FOX'S OFFER WIILBEICCEPTED Telegram Received From Miss Mabel Cratty Agreeing to Six Months’ Stay in France. Leave of Absence to Extend From First of April to November. Dean Elizabeth Fox received a ■tele gram yesterday afternoon from Mabel Cratty, national executive secretary of the Young Women’s Christian Associa tion, stating that her offer to go to France for six months, will be accepted. ‘‘I am surely going,” said Dean Fox yesterday, after receiving the telegram. Dean Fox intends to leave the Uni versity at the beginning of the third term, and will sail for France about the first of April. She will take a leave of absence, and expects, according to the present understanding, to return to the campus next November. When Dean Fox received the request that she go to France to engage in war work for the Y. W. C. A., she replied that she would go for six months, should her services be of value for only that time; also that President P. L. Campbell wins on his way to New York, to attend a convention of the National Education association, and he would con fer writh Miss Cratty about the matter. In the telegram that Dean Fox received yesterday, Miss Cratty stated that, al though she had not seen President Campbell yet, the six months' offer would be accepted. Although Miss Fox has not heard directly from President Campbell since he left, she believes, from what he said before he went to New York, that her plans will be satisfactory. Dean Fox thinks that her work in France will be as a social secretary among the Red Cross nurses at one of the base hospitals. “SI” SIMOLA WILL NOT WRESTLE AGAINST O.A. C. 115-Pounder Decides to Enter Ordnance Course; Bruce Flegal to Take His Place; Men Work Hard. Oregon’s hopes to take the coming wrestling meet with O. A. C. next week, received a severe setback yesterday when “Si” Simola definitely decided to enter the ordnance course, and consequently give up the mat game. This deprives Ed Shockley of a good chance to take the 115-pound event, as from comparative showings against the Washington light weight, Simola appeared the favorite over the O. A. C. grappler. Bruce Flegal will take Simola’s place. Flegal was a member of the team last year, and gave a good account of him self, although losing his match on two decisions. Flegal has not been doing much wrestling this year, and is not iu the best of shape. Shockley is putting his men through strenuous workouts every night, to have them in the best possible condition. All of them are still somewhat overweight. POETRY PAMPHLET ARRIVES Library Receives Copies of Representa tive American Verse. Several copies of a pamphlet called, “Representative American Poetry,” have been received at the University library, and may be had at the loan desk. The pamphlet is edited by Braithewaite and Schnittkind, and contains a number of poems representative of the genuine poetry which is being produced now. Several of the names appearing in the book are Edgar Lee Masters, Sara Tess dale, Edith M. Thomas, Morris Rosen feld, WilJa Sibert Cather, Helen Gray Cone, and Harriet Prescott Spofford, besides other poets less well known. PARSONS AT KELLY FIELD Expects to Enter Aviation Corps; Geary and King in Texas. Johnny Parsons, who is making ap plication to enter the aviation corps, is now stationed at Kelly Field, Tex. He writes that Art Geary, TO, is studying in the balloon school, and Dal King, a former Oregon student, is a lieutenant in charge of a recruit line at 'he sane camp. IDTERCUSS CO-ED SWIM MARCH 8 - IS Meet to Be Held in Hayward Hall. Types of Diving and Strokes to Be Feature. Highest Individual Winners to Get Bathing Suit. Girls Urged to Compete. The annual co-ed interclass swimming meet will be held on the evenings of March S and 15, at S o’clock, in Hay ward Hall, according to announcement made by Jeannette Moss, manager of swimming. There will be the different types of diving and contests with the different strokes in swimming, for form and speed, so that ample opportunity will be given the girls to participate, says Miss Moss. However, each girl entering must take part in at least three events. For in stance, she. might swim breast etroke, back stroke and side stroke for form. Individual and class scores will be kept, and the girl winning the highest in dividual score will receive a bathing suit, to be presented by the. Women's Ath letic association. Life-saving Stunt Feature. A life-saving stunt will be one of the features of the meet. The girl will swim the length of the tank in her dress and shoes, undress in eight, feet of water, retrieve her clothes and tow some one her own weight 40 feet. “Every girl who wants to try out for the meet should hand in her name right away, either to Miss Thompson or Miss Winslow,” says Miss Moss. “We want as many girls as possible to come out, so that each class may have a good showing. ( Those who are in the inter class meet will have the best chance of making the Varsity team if we swim against O. A. C. next semester.” Admittance to the intcrclass meet is to be by invitation, and each girl parti cipating will be allowed to invite a defi nite number of people. Many Events to Be Held. The events will be as follows: Swim ming for form, breast, back and side strokes, trudgeon and crawl; dives for form, spring, standing spring, running spring, and two elective; speed, plunge for distance, 20-yard breast stroke, back stroke and free stylo sprints, and a 40-.vard free style sprint; relay race, with probably four or six entrances from each class. FRESHMAN TO REPRESENT UNIVERSITY IN ORATORY Abe Rosenberg Practicing on War Topic; Other Delegates to Go to Salem March 8. At the state oratorical contest to be held at Salem, Marbc 8, the University of Oregon will be represented by two delegates from each class, in addition to Abe Rosenberg, representing the Univer sity, and William Hnseltine, manager of the forensic council. Rosenberg, a freshman in the Uni versity, has been workng very hard on his topic, which deals with a war prob lem, and Professor Prescott expects him to do very well. The class representa tives are to be chosen at class meetings next Wednesday. In the contest will be representatives of all the universities and colleges in the state. Oregon has won many first places in past contests. Next year the contest will take place at the University, and as it has always been the custom to elect the president from the college holding the contest, he will be a University of Oregon man. This election will be held on March 9, the day after the contest in Salem. PROF. STAFFORD SPEAKSTO CLUB Addresses City Club of Portland on Chemical Industry in Oregon. Professor O. F. Stafford addressed the City club in Portland yesterday, <>n the “Present Possibilities and Impossi bilities in the Application of Electricity to Chemical and Metallurgical Industries in Oregon.” These lectures, which are being given by men of the University faculty, were arranged by the University school of commerce for the months of February and March. JOINT COUNCIL TO DECIDE JUNIOR WEEK FINANCES Pan-Hellenic and Student Committee Will Determine Admitting of House Guests Free. A joint meeting of student council aud Pan-Hellenic committees, to decide financial matters concerning entertain ment of guests at junior week-end will take the place of regular executive com mittee meeting Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, in Mr. Tiffany’s room. The sororities are being urged to have guests this year, and because of the added ex pense of all things, they feel that their friends should be admitted without charge for a number of the events, including the senior play and some of the athletic events. Members of the joint, committee are Harry Crain. Ray Couch, Emma Woot ton Hall, from the student council; Charles Dundore, president of the sen ior class; and Gladys Wilkins, Elizabeth Carson, and Lurline Brown, from Pan Hellenic. A plan of financial co-opera tion will be attempted on Monday after noon. Nothing can be decided about admission to the senior play, however, until the seniors meet on Wednesday. A special meeting of the student coun cil will be held on Wednesday night at S o’clock, in I)r. Gilbert's room, to dis cuss matters relative to financial co operation. JACK DUNDORE PRESIDENT OF CATHOLIC SOCIETY Newman Club Elects Officers for New Year; Membership Is Now Forty. Officers for the Newman chib, a cam pus organization of Roman Catholic stu dents, were elected Thursday night, at the first meeting of the members this term. Jack Dundore was chosen president, Helen Manning, secretary, and John Iiellnher, treasurer. The membership roll is 40 at present. James Sheehy, retiring president, is the only officer of the club who returned to college this year. Plans for a dance, to be given next term, under the auspices of the society, were discussed. The club meets on the second Thurs day of each month. The list of members follows: Ana O’Farrell, Helen Casey, Allen Casey, May M. Stalp, John Madigan, John Kelleher, Joseph Springer, Jo Driscoll, Carlotta Reed, Irene F. Rader, Genevieve Rowley, Ruth Cowan, Flor ence M. Powers, Thomas I. Chapman, John Finnernn, John Masterson, Jack Dundore, Arthur Berg, Adrienne Epping, Louise Manning, Helen Manning, Mary Gaffney, Franz Jacobberger, Herb Hey wood, Thelmia Stanton, Tom Hardy, William J. Russell, James Sheehy, John Brook, Charles Dundore, Nellie Reidt, Anthony Goreczky, and Marian Coffey. BEZDEK SAYS BASEBALL MAKES GOOD SOLDIER Coach Now With Pittsburg Club Thinks Sammy’s Physique and Stature Due to Game. Hugo Bezdek has broken forth in a new place. This time he asserts that it’s nothing less than the existence of that pet hobby of his, baseball, that is responsible for the superiority of the American soldier both in physique and stature. This claim was displayed in the Bos ton Globe for February ‘J'J, the article written by Robert Ripley, under illus trative and decorative cartoons. Nor does Bez's optimism stop there. He goes right on to say that the de terioration of the English, French, and Italian physique is directly due to the lack of some strenuous, systematic exer cise. According to his version, the Eng lish cricket is a cross between a village gossip and a tea party; the French fencing and cycling are wholly inade quate and the Italian “boece,” or bowl ing, is beyond the pale. Now manager of the Pittsburg Na tional league baseball team, Bez still remains faithful to his first love, aud toots the basebull horn consistently. The story goes on to say that some time ago a committee from the British parliament was appointed to investigate these very conditions, and found that a lack of consistent and steady athletic development in their country accounted for the superiority of the American ath letes in the famous Olympic games. Companies Try Same Problem Two Successive Days; Original Errors Corrected. Drill Given in Advancing Under Cover—Exposed Body of Men Wiped Out. Executing the problem of advancing on a supposed enemy, located under cover on the site of the field engineering practice trenches, the University bat talion at drill Thursday and Friday did fairly good work the first day, but with some conspicuous errors, and yesterday, made an almost perfect advance. Can tain E. W. Allen, of the battalion, and Lieutenant Leslie Tooze, of the United States army, who acted as umpires, give high praise to the splendid improve ment made by the battalion over the first day's efforts. Three companies constituting the fir ing line, were arranged in a quarter circle, with the crest near the pt actio* trenches as a center. They were or dered to advance in scattered squad columns across the first zone, then de ploying as skirmishers across the swinmp, which constituted the second zone, and when established on the firing line, charge across the Inst zone to tbs enemy. The problem, which consisted in advancing successful and correctly across the field, was given as an exer cise in control through non-commissioned officers, and was not intended as a simulation of combat conditions. Distribution of Companies. Captain Rny Couch, in chnrge of the battalion, wss ordered to distribute his companies as follows: A company, on Columbia between Seventeenth and Nine teenth; C company, at Nineteenth and Agate, and I) company, at Nineteenth and Onyx. B company was to be held in support at Nineteenth and Columbia until the advance of the firing line was well under way, and then sent in scat tered squad columns, taking advantage of all available cover, to the corner of Eighteenth and Agate. When the companies were success fully established, the sham fight began. In speaking of the first day’s battle, Captain Allen said, “It was fairly good in spots, but there was plenty of room for improvement.” D company was ruled out because in (Continued on page two) Y1C1 EXPECTS ISO Banquet Guests to Inciude All Its Members. Miss Outler, National Secre tary, to Be Present; Re ports Will Be Oiven. Approximately 150 are expected to attend the annual Y. W. C. A. banquet, to be given at the Osburn hotel next Wednesday evening at 6:30. This num her includes members of the faculty in terested in Y. W. C. A., speakers who have addressed the weekly meetings, ad visory board members, and all the Y. W. C. A. members. Miss Kthel Cutler, Y. W. C. A. na tional secretary, will be here for the occasion. Miss Cutler has been travel ing over the country visiting the college associations, iu regard to the classes for the study of Christian democracy. She was here last Thursday to confer with Dean Klizabeth Fox, who also is interested in the organization of these classes. From here Miss Cutler went to visit Albany College and the Chc mawa Indian School, but will return Wednesday. Mrs. Ceorge T. Gerlinger, Y. W. C. A. representative of the field committee of the northwest, also has been invited, but it is not known yet whether she will be able to attend. Announcements of the election of of ficers for the campus Y. W. C. A., and the elections to the advisory board, will he made at that time. Reports of the work of the year will be given in the form of toasts, although Miss Cutler will be the chief speaker of the evening. Kssie Maguire, Delilah McDaniel and Helen Brenton compose the committee in eharge of the banquet.