Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 28, 1918, Image 1

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    EM E R ALD
VOL. 19.
NO. 56.
rSpiller Hall, for First Time in
History, Loses Head of
List to Woman’s
Fraternity. j * ]
Phi Gamma Delta at Front in
Men’s Houses. Term
Average Lower.
For the first time in the memory of
any student now at the University, Mary
Spiller Hall failed to get first place
in term house grades. In the list just
issued by the registrar’s office, the wo
men's dormitory occupies third place,
both Alpha Phi and Delta Gamma hav
ing higher averages. Alpha Phi, which
ia maintaining the same average ic had
the previous 'term, leads the list of or
ganizations. with a mark of 2.330.
Phi Gamma Delta leads the men’s fra
ternities for the second successive time,
with an average of 1.908. The most
marked decrease is in the case of
Friendly Hall, which fell from fifth
place in the standings, to tenth.
Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha
Theta, Delta Gamma, Chi Omega,
Gamma Thi Beta, and Kappa Sigma
bettered their averages of the term
previous, while Mary Spiller, Pi Beta
Phi, Friendly Hall, Phi Gamma Delta,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Tau
Omega, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Nu, Phi
I>elta, Sigma Chi, and Delta Tau Delta
have lowered their averages.
The list follows.
1. Alpha Phi .2,330
2. Delta Gamma .2.300
3. Mary Spiller .2.279
4. Kappa Alpha Theta.2.250
5. Pi Beta Phi .2.210
6. Delta Delta Delta .2.198
7. Gamma Phi Beta .2.132
S. Chi Omega .2.0S0
9. Kappa Kappa Gamma .2.031
10. Thi Gamma Delta .1.908
11. Friendly Hall .1.907
12. Alpha Tau Omega .1.785
13. Phi Delta Theta .1.76(5
11. Beta Theta Pi .1.765
15. Sigma Chi . 1.764
16. Sigma Nu .1.688
17. Kappa Sigma .1.632
IS. Delta Tau Delta .1.556
Basis for averaging—H-4, S-3, M-2,
SP-1. Condition—.9, F-0. Neither in
completes nor gymnasium grades are
General average .1.975
Last term .2.023
British Major Calls Battalion
Best He Has Seen.
Marching Said to Resemble Re
sult of Long and Steady
Major Ian Ha.v Beith’s review of tlie
University battalion yesterday noon, is
considered by University authorities as
one of the most interesting that has
been held. It is the first time that the
men have had the opportunity of pass
ing before a prominent soldier from
across the water.
As Major Beith stepped into the auto
mobile which was to take him to the
train, a few minutes later, he expressed
his opinion of the men.
“This college battalion is far and
»way the best I have ever seen. It is
a finished product, both in discipline
and form. Their marching looked like
the result of long and steady training.”
A tall slender figure, his plaid, Scotch
Highland cap tilted slightly, and his hand
holding the Scotch salute, he smiled gra
ciously, as the lines filed past, the sm
flittering on the trappings of the band
as it blared forth its “Mighty Oregon.”
Captain Ray Couch was in command
of the battalion. Just before the major
left, both Captain Couch and Lieutenant
Robert Cosgr:ff shook hands with him.
and were heartily congratulated upon
the excellent work of the battalion, and
the able way in yhieh it was com
Major Beith, accompanied by Colonel
and Mrs. John Leader, left after this
short visit, for the 1:50 train, en route
to Portland, where Major Beith will
speak at the Auditorium.
Workmen Putting Up 8-Ton Printing
Machinery in McClure Hall
The motor for the Optiraus press,
bought from the Portland branch of the
American Typefounders comuany, for
the use of the University Press, arrived
last Saturday. Workmen, supervised uy
G. P. Kennedy, expert mechanic sent out
by 'the firm, will be busy about a week
installing the machinery, said Robert C.
Hall, instructor in printing.
When ready for us, the press, which
weighs about eight tons, will occupy
15 by 25 feet floor space, in the nortu
east corner of the pressroom in McClure
Hall. It will be large enough to handle
Emerald work, although the equipment
will not be used for that purpose this
Mr. Hall gave his printing class the
problem of solving the re-arrangement
of the other equipment in the press
room. It will make things slightly
crowded, he says, but thinks that it
can be satisfactorily done.
The board of regents of the University
voted $5000 last spring to buy a large
press and a linotype for the equipment
of the pressroom. The linotype has
/been in use since college opened, hut the
press, still crated, has for six weeks
been lodged as nearly out of the way as
possible behind doors and in the en
trance to the basement of McClure Hall,
awaiting the motor.
“Several University publications will
be printed on the press,” said Mr. Hall.
“It is a standard make, and is too com
plicated for use by the students general
ly in the printing classes, though they
will be taught the general principles of
its operation.”
Col. Leader Now Investigating Bamb
That Will Explode in Air at
Any Given Distance.
Bombs, bridge, and freak explosives
are among the many new inventions pre
sented to Lieutenant Colonel John
Leader by members of the University
“I am now investigating,” said Colonel
Leader, *‘a bomb presented by a mem
ber of the University battalion. It is
something very original, and if it works
out, will be able to do a great deal of
damage to Fritz. It is planned so that
it will burst in the air at any given
distance. This is what our airmen
A bomb that was to burst sidewise
was offered recently by another mem
ber of the battalion. The experiment
did not work out, but the idea, accord
ing to Colonel Leader, was a good one.
“I «m very much pleased,” he said, “by
the interest the University men are tak
ing in all war work.”
New Trip Planned for Glee Club in Place
of American Lake Jaunt.
A girls’ glee club trip*, including
Portland and a number of towns, is now
being hoped for in place of the trip to
American Lake, which was formerly
planned, and abandoned because of tne
financial impossibility. The club is
working hard to get a good trip, and
the work they have done this year justi
fies their going from Eugene, according
to Mrs. Daise Beckett Middleton, direc
tor of the club.
The financial deficit which resulted
from the trip of the men's glee club to
Camp Lewis, caused Registrar Tiffany
to look up the maiteT carefully when
he saw that it would be impossible for
the girls to make expenses. He will
be able to announce soon whether the
trip at present under consideration can
be taken.
The date for the concert in Eugene
has not yet been announced.
Loving Cup Will Be Procured and
Awarded for Fete to Be Decided.
After viewing the battalion drill yes
terday, Major Ian Hay Beith donatt-d
$25, to be used to procure a loving cup
which will be given to the company of
the University battalion in some con
test, to be decided on later. The prize
may be given for the most proficient
marksmanship, drilling, or may even go
to the company which has the best foot
ball team. The cup will he known as
the Ian Hay trophy.
Maison, Grebe, Medley, Sheehy,
All Back to Hold Places
on Diamond—“U”
Chances Good.
Pitcher Not Chosen—Dean
Walker to Try for Series
With U. of W.
Baseball season opened with a bang
yesterday, when about 30 men appeared
upon the field for the first workout.
The work was light, the men spending
•their time jogging around the field and
going through some easy buuting prac
A meeting was held Tuesday for the
purpose of electing officers and getting
started. Jimmie Sheehy was choseu
captain, and it is his opinion that Ore
gon is going to have a good chance to
bat high in "America’s nationnl pastime”
this year.
Chances Look Good.
‘‘Our hopes are high for a winning
team this year,” said Captain Sheehy.
“We have four letter men to rely on,
and in addition to this, we have picked
up a whizz of a catcher, in the person
of Ted Duncan.”
The letter men in question are
Maison, Grebe, Medley, and Sheehy. Dot
Medley will not turn out with the squad
for some time, owing to the fact that he
is holding a position on the Varsity
basketball team.
Who will do the hurling is still a
mystery. There are three candidates,
for the place. Art Berg, Chief Wilson,
and Haywood. According to the old
maxim and Captain Sheehy, “time will
tell,” and only through hard practices
will the official ‘twirler’ finally be
To practice Nightly.
The squad will practice every night
under the eye of Coach Walker, and
prepare ns fast as possible for the prac
tice games that they hope to obtain
with Portland tfnd Tacoma shipyards. In
regard to a schedule, Coach Walker is
going to Seattle this week-end, and while
there will try to get Washington to
loosen up and play Oregon a series of
games. If this fails an eight-game
series will probably be played with
O. A. C. during the months of April
and May.
Trainer to Try and Regain Health Lost
During Football Season.
Bill Hayward left yesterday after
noon for a visit with friends near Sil
•verton. He has been ill for the past
•few days with an attack of what Dr.
Southworth pronounces to be gastritis.
The doctor advised an operation, but as
it would require too much time, Bill de
cided to take a rest of a month or six
weeks, in order to regain his health. lie
•thinks the attack was brought about fy’
mushroom poisoning, which he got while
on the football trip to American Lake
last November. Since that time he has
lost 40 pounds in weight.
He expects to be back in time to start
coaching the track team for the coming
season. Until that time, Oscar Go
reczky will have charge.
Will Give Concert and Dance at Spring
field in Near Future.
The women’s band has purehased its
first instrument, a baritone horn. It is
a second-hand one, which the band was
previously renting. The girl using the
hom will continue paying the rent into
the band treasury, and by this moans
•the organization hopes in time to be
able to buy most of its instruments.
The co-eds are now practicing clas
sical and popular music for the band
concert and dance which they are plan
ning to give in Springfield some time
in the near future, and will make this
trip as'1 soon as a creditable program
is prepared.
Work Hheld Up as Necessary Books
Have Not Arrived.
The Bible classes that are to be start
ed under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
cannot be held until the books ordered
some time ago arrive, according to Clin
ton Tbienes, Y. M. C. A. secretary.
LIGHTS OUT: council
Junior Week-End Plans Talked
Up; Pan-Hellenic Demands
Free Admittance to
Activities for Guests.
Col. Leader Wants New March
Sent to His Regiment
in France.
"Where was the student council when
the lights went out?” In Dr. J. II. Gil
bert's room in the library, working in
the dark. Jimmy Sheehy, president of
the student body, said: "Let there be
light.” but as cruel fate denied the re
quest, Wednesday evening's business was
carried on in the dark.
Junior week-end plans were discussed,
and u committee from Pan Hellenic, con
sisting of Gladys Wilkins, Lttrline Brown
and Elizabeth Carson, w'ent before the
council with the report 'that unless the
sorority guests were admitted to nU
the activities of the week-end free, rules
would be made forbidding the entertain
ing of guests at that time.
Free Admittance Depends on Finances.
The council recommended an investi
gation of the financial standing of the
student body, before any definite action
is taken on the matter. A commitee
from the council, composed of Kmmn
Wootton Hall. Helene De Lnno, Ray
Couch, and Harry Crain, is to meet with
the committee from Pan Hellenic, and
Mr. Tiffany, Friday at 4 o’clock. At
that 'time finances will be investigated,
and conditions discussed. The men’s
fraternities will entertain guests, what
ever the conditions are.
The council went on record ns dis
favoring the holding of any college func
tions that would interfere with the major
activities of tho student body.
This attitude was n result of the con
ditions that existed last Saturday night
at the time of the second O. A. C. game,
when several dances were held that drew
the students away from the game. It is
thought that the decrease in attendance
and spirit on Saturday night, worked
against the team. It is suggested by
the council that any dances held on such
evenings should be set at a later hour.
Colonel Lender wants the march that
has been dedicated to him by Albert
Perfect, sent to all of his regiment in
France, and to all tho cantonments in
the United States. The council is to
take up 'the proposition of financing this
with the University.
Rn.y Couch, chairman of the student
memorial committee, reported that they
had met with Mrs. George Gerlinger,
to discuss the most appropriate me
morial. Action on this will be 'taken in
the near future.
Committee Appointed and Tentative
Program to Be Worked Out.
A tentative program for junior week
end will soon lie ready for publication,
according to Paul Slangier, president of
the junior class. A meeting of the
general program committee is called, to
meet at the Gamma Phi Beta house to
night, to outline a program that will be
presented to the class for final adop
The committee, appointed yesterday,
has as its chairman Dwight Wilson. The
other members are Ella Dews, Roberta
Pchuebel, George Taylor. Marion Coffey,
Charles Comfort, William Morrison,
Dawrence Hershner, Dorothy Flegal,
Caroline Alexander, Mary Murdock,
Nellis IlamliD, Harold Newton, Helen
McDonald, Genevieve Dickey, Helen
Downing, Henry English, Harriet Gar
ret, Carl Nelson and Harold Gray.
Pamphlet at Library Tells of War Activi
ties of Different Colleges.
A brochure on war work of women
in colleges telling of suggestive and
constructive service of other college
women, has been received at the I'ni
versity library. This pamphlet is one
I of the war information series, and is
published by the committee of public
! information.
Four divisions are made of the ma
; terial contained. They are: How the
I colleges mpt the war emergency; col
i lege war courses; student war activi
I ties, and employment for college women.
Editor of Oregana Features Says Suc
cess Depends on Surprise;
Cartoons Ready.
“I can’t toll you what the feature
section of the Oregana is going to he.
because wo think the whole success of
it depends on the very strictest secresy.”
said Elsie Fitzmaurice, in charge of that
section of the year book
Snapshots of nearly all the groups on
the campus have been collected because
the editors of the section want everyone
represent d. Stunt picturs especially,
and those with clever ideas, will be
used. All contributions are welcomed.
Lloyd Perkins is drawing a bunch ot
cartoons, and Herbert Ileywood is also
at work with his brush. Donna Spa
cer, who, according to Professor
Sehrorf, has been doing good work in
the art department, is using her talent
in making a plate for the title page.
The idea of the whole section is to
bo typical of the lighter side of campus
life, according to Miss Fitzmaurice, and
not one sob or deeply serious thought
will he found there, ns she is of the
opinion that just now, in these war
times, the lighter side must he played
up a little more than ever.
Miss Fitzmaurice said that she has
received many very helpful suggestions
from students on the campus, and she
wants more. Jokes, anything laugh
provoking, are more than welcome, and
all new ideas that are given her will
be put to good use.
Will Spend Six Months in Catalina, Mo
jave Desert, Yosemlte and
California Mountains.
Opal Whitely, sophomore in the Uni
versity, leaves Friday morning for Cali
fornia, to work on nature studies and
pictures. On the way down, she will
stop four days at Oakland to visit.
Berkeley and Palo Alto, after which she
will go to Bos Angeles, her headquar
ters, for the next six months.
At Los Angeles she will meet her
chaperon, who will accompany her in
her nature work, which will take her
to the Catilina Islands, the Mohave
desert, the Sierra Nevada, San Bernar
dino, and the Sierra Madre mountains,
the Sequin park, the Yosemite vnlley,
and to the cities of Pasadena and Al
hambra. She will also work in and
about the Saciamento river, Mt. Lassen,
and Mt. Shasta.
She will also conduct nature classes
in Lns Angeles, Pasadena, and Alham
bra, while working on nature studies
and pictures of birds, moths, butterflies,
and flowers, and at the same time will
study making films of nature life.
She is visiting California and taking
up more of the nature work, because Stic
wants to prepare herself for the Chau
tauqua platform, as she expects soon
to he giving lectures on the nature work
of Oregon, Washington, and California.
“I like my work here so much, and
I’m not saying goodby to Oregon,” Miss
Whitely said, “because I’m taking it
right along with me.” Miss Whitely
plana to return to the University next
Canada, England and United States to
Get McAlister Plans.
The plans of the portable bridge, re
cently designed by Professor E. H. Mc
Alister, were sent Tuesday to the war
offices of Canada, England, and the
United States.
"England asked for tho prints,” said
Lieutenant Colonel John Leader,
“through its agent in Ottawa, Canada,”
The plans were mailed Tuesday to >tbo
controller of inventions, Princess street,
‘^Professor McAlister's bridge,” said
Colonel Leader, “is a wonderful thing.
The University should feel very proud
of it.”
Former Varsity Baseball Star Answers
Call to Colors.
Johnny Welch, one-time pitcher and
captain on the Varsity baseball team,
has enlisted in the army. Karl tin
thank, secretary to the president, received
a letter from Johnny yesterday. Johnny
had an enviable record with the lemon
yellow, losing but three games in h<s
entire pitching career, two of them com
ing in the 1015 season. He is a mem
ber of Alpha Tau Omega.
Walker Goes as Coach; Hopes
to Aid Team's Condition
by Sleep On Train
Before Game.
U. of W. and U. of 0. Contests
Close Northwest Confer
ence for Both.
The Oregon Varsity basketball team
left yesterday afternoon at 5:20 o’clock
for Seattle, where rt meets th« Uni
versity of Washington tonight and to
morrow night, in the last games of the
season for Oregon in the northwest con
ference. The last game for Oregon will
be piayed on the return trip, when the
Varsity hoopers meet Multnomah club
in Portland. Saturday night.
Oregon will play the same lineup ia#
the same plays used successfully agaiMt
Washington in the two-game series
played or. the Oregon campus, February
18 and 10.
The men making the trip are Medley,
Comfort, land, Wilson, Steers, Fowler,
and Parsons, substitute. Coach
Dean Walker is accompanying tha
team because of the illness of Coach
Hayward. Walker took charge of the
team for the practice Tuesday night, tha
last before the trip yesterday.
Predlots Same Gama.
“Oregon will play the same game, no
better and possibly not ns good as in
our two victories last week, because of
the illness of Coach Hayward,” said
Walker, before leaving yesterday. “How
ever, we ure getting a through train and
the team will be uble to sleep and be in
good condition for the game Thursday
Washington is at present in the cellar
position in the west side division of the
northwest conference. Only a double
victory, such ns Oregon scored here,
will give them anything like a helping
hand. Then it will be only a tie for the
last position. Like Oregon in these t
games, Washington is playing for
last time this season.
Cook May Play.
According to reports from Washi
ton, Coach Hunt will put a slightly
changed lineup against Oregon in this
week’s grimes, in an effort to “come
back” against the lemon-yellow team.
Considerable reliance is being placed in
Cook, who it is said was not at his best
while here, owing to an infected arm.
Cook plays guard and had atnrred ia
the Washington games up to the
yhen he played opposite Mcdtey
Oregon contests.
nrred ia
the ti#i*?t*i
Practical Craftsmen Can Be
Artistic, Says Speaker.
Anna Belle Crocker, Curator of
Portland Museum, TeUs of
Students’ Efforts.
An explanation of the work of atu*
dents in the school of the Portland Art
association, was given in the studio of
Professor A. H. Schroff Tuesday aft
ernoon to University art students, by
Miss Anna Belle Crocker, curator of the
Portland Art Museum, of which the
school is a department.
Miss Crocker illustrated her talk with
40 drawings displayed on the walls of
the studio, and also several photographs
of stage settings and costumes designed
by the students,
“One of the aims of our work,” said
Miss Crocker, “is to teach students
that practical work is possible in art.
For example, there is on display here
i a cover design used on the June 30,
1017, “Spectator,” which was drawn by
Mis* I.eta Kennedy, a slater of John
Kennedy, who is a freshman in the Uni
versity. The cover illustrates the fact
that certain ideHs may be portrayed
without destroying the real art of tha
cover. Miss Kennedy combined practical
and artistic ideas in her work.”
Feeling, according to Miss Crocker,
is one of the essential element! fog
which the students seek. She called at
tention to a life drawing by Lawrence
Barnes, of Portland, which she consid-*
ers a good example of the portrayal of
(Continued on page two)