MEII IN ORDNANCE Third Class Goes to Portland to Study in Store Rooms, Destination Is Benicia. UNIFORMS FOR NEXT GROUP Ninety Men Selected Include - G-oreczsky, Marshall and Roberts. ' „Fhe members of the third ordnance * elass of the school of commerce, took their final examinations and ended their work on the campus yesterday and this , morning, and left on the 1:50 train this afternoon for Portland, where they will •pend a few days inspecting the ord . nance stores work of several of the large industrial plants. They will re turn to the campus on Saturday or Sun , day, but will remain here for but a few hours or half a day at the most and ' then leave for Benicia, Cal., where they - will take advanced work, prior to being sent east or “over there.” Lieutenant C. C. Jeremiah has - selected the men for the fourth class, „ which will start March 11. Acting upon instructions which he received from the war department recently, he has select ed 90 men for 'the fourth class instead of 50 and 75, as has been the numbers limited to the past three classes. He received over 350 applications for en ’ trance to the class from men located at . all different parts of the United States. * Men Must Enlist. * As the class is now on a military 4 basis the men selected for the fourth class will be required to enlist in the United States army before they leave ' for Eugeue. They will then be given * a six weeks’ furlough in which to take ' the course, and will be fully outfitted - with regulation uniforms and be paid private’s pay and ration allotments dur ing this time. Lieutenant Jeremiah re ceived orders from the war department this morning that there would be no ■. “backsliding” from the course tolerated. When the men are selected for the courses they must take the work or else give up hope of ever entering an ord > nance course, either at the University of Oregon or at any of the other uni versities in the United States where the courses have been installed. A list of (Continued on page four) HOME GUARD FORMED 200 Men Comprise Second Bat talion of U. of 0. Regiment. Eugene Citizens, Coverall-Clad, to Drill in Armory Under ,* Colonel Leader. - tor At the request of citizens of Eugene, a home guard was organized last Satur day evening at a meeting at the cham ber of commerce. About -00 men were present and unanimously voted to form the guard which, with the University battalion, will make up the University regiment. Colonel Leader, in an address at the meeting, read a strong pledge which the men joining the ^battalion must sign. In the pledge, the men agree to support the constitution of the United States and of Oregon, to obey all military orders and to regard it as a stain on their personal honor if they fail to keep up the organization during the war. ‘•Thus, the colonel made it clear that no slack ers would be tolerated,” said Captain Eric Mien yesterday. ‘'It is not so much numbers that is wanted, as men who will stick by the organization.” The home guard battalion will drill every Monday and Thursday nights in the armory. The men in this battalion, which will form the second battalion of the regiment, will wear the regula tion coverall uniform, the same as the University men. They will pay a nom inal fee of $5, which will be spent on their battalion. The men in organizing this battalion, ar<; not obligated to enroll in the Uni versity, but will have the privileges of special students. They will in reality be extension students of the University and will be given the privilege of at tendiz the military classes. SOPHS ARE CHAMPIONS OF INTERCLASS SERIES Defeat Seniors Saturday by 13-10 Score; Madden and Brown Are Stars. The sophomores won the interclass basketball championship of the school by defeating the seniors in a close game Saturday afternoon, by the score of 13 to 10. In the elimination games played Friday afternoon, the sophomores tri umphed over the freshmen 26 to 13, while the seniors walloped the juniors 24 to 2. In the Friday contests no basketball was allowed, but football and wrestling were given by the official O. IC. of Referee “Slim” Crandall and Assistant “Tony” Goreczky, who officiated in the frosh-soph affair, and C. M. Brown, referee extraordinary, who called downs in the senior-junior social. Mndden and Brown, by virtue of scor ing nearly all of the sophomores’ points in Friday’s contest, are awarded the “star” positions for their team. Hollen beck, Moore and Gamble get the honor able mention for the frosh. In the slaughter put on by the seniors. Crandall and Goreczky got the most points, while Hamlin got the two gath-1 ered by the juniors. -. I COLONEL CONGRATULATED BY GOV. WITHYCOMBE Activity of Battalion Commandant in Rousing Interest in Home Guard Is Praised. Colonel John Leader received a letter from Governor Withy-combe this morn ing, congratulating him on the interest which he has been able to stir up on the question of home guard organizations. Colonel Leader’s efforts to awaken thg state to its great need of some type of organized defense have met with ! signal success, and as a result, he is being besieged with requests to lecture in different towns over the state, ac cording to Karl Onthank, secretary to the president. A fall schedule confronts him for next week. This coming Friday he will ad dress the Portland Ad club at a lunch eon given for the purpose of promoting the third Liberty loan conference; Mon day he will go to Cottage Grove and Tuesday to Lebanon. It is very prob able that later in the week a trip to I Fort Stevens and Astoria will be scheduled. WRESTLERS IN GOOD TRIM If Simola Is Not Called to Vancouver U. Has Chance With 0. A. C. “O. A. C. has a husky team of wrestlers, and our men will have to be up on their toes if they win,” said Coach Ed Shockley. The team came back from Washing ton full of fight, and they are training hard for the match. According to the coach, each man is in good condition. Simola’s arm, which was injured in the Washington match, is coming along as well ns could be expected. “My one great fear is that Simola will be called to Vancouver to equip j himself for work in the ordnance class. I at the very time that we will need h:m I most,” said Coach Shockley. “If he is called away his weight will he with out a man. and the match will praetic il ly be lost.” CO-ED DANCE SATURDAY Lottery Drawing of Partners Will Be Posted Wednesday. The first all co-ed dance of the term will be given Saturday afternoon in the I men’s gymnasium. The affair will he I a lottery, and on Wednesday the results i of the drawing will be posted. Triple A, the freshman girls’ organ ization, will have charge of a feature which Beatrice Weatherbee, president, says will be well worth seeing. Every University woman is invited. Ten cents admission will be charged each girl. TO GIVE LAST LECTURE IN SERIES Professor Sweetser Will Complete Y. W. C. A. Talks at Bungaiow. The last of Professor A. It. -Sweet ser’s lecture in the Bible series will be given at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow Wednesday at 4 o’clock. The topic will be, “The Seventy-seventh Chapter of Aets,” and Professor Sweetser asks that the girls read this chapter before coining to the meeting. Eight Games With 0. A. C.;Two Each Week Alternating Between Corvallis and Eugene. Dean Walker to Coach; Team to Be Built Around Four t. Letter Men. At a meeting held yesterday after noon in Graduate Manager A. R. Tif fany’s office, by Karl Onthank, repre senting President Campbell, Professor Howe, Dean Walker, James Sfoeehy, and Mr. Tiffany, baseball plans for the coming season were discussed and a ten tative schedule drawn up. According to the plans, there will be eight games played with O. A. C. dur ing the months of April and May. It is planned to play two games every two weeks, alternating between Corvallis and Eugene. It is not definitely known whether or not the Aggies will place a team in the field this spring, and until word is received from them, noth ing definite can be decided upon. To Have Series in Portland. Dean Walker has been placed in charge of baseball and will probably serve as coach. Plans are under con sideration for a trip during the spring vocation, at which time the Varsity will play a series of games in Portland with the teams of the shipbuilders league. Fred N. Bay, president of the league, has sent no definite answer to this pro posal at yet. The team may also journey to Seat tle, Tacoma and Camp Lewis, and play several games in each place. Seattle and Tacoma both have strong ship builders’ leagues, and while north the team could take on the University of Washington, if they decide to have base ball this year. Camp Lewis is organiz ing a league and they will have several strong teams, as many professional and semi-professional stars are now in train ing there. Chance for Winning Team. Oregon will have four letter men (Continued on page three) DUTY IN FRANCE TOLD Miss Fox Receives Outline of Y. W. Base Hospital Work Experience as Dean of Women Gives Qualifications for Secretaryship. The desired information concerning the-telegraphed offer, received by Dean Elizabeth Fox last week to do war work in France, arrived yesterday in a letter from Miss Mabel Cratty, national execu tive secretary of the Y. W. C. A. The work Miss Fox would be required to do is secretarial work in hospital units. Eight hospital unitB are without sec retaries, the letter states, and Miss Fox was asked to sail March 6, on the Chi cago, with Miss Irene Armes, who will fill one of the vacant positions. Fresident I*. L. Campbell, who will arrive in New York about Thursday, will see Miss Cratty in person and will then telegraph their joint decision to Dean Fox. The decision first reached by President Campbell and Mrs. George Geriinger, of the bop.Td of regents, was that Miss Fox would be granted a leave of absence from the University, thus al lowing her to leave at the first of next term, and to return the first of next No vember, if such an arrangement were acceptable. This was wired to Miss Cratty, but no answer has yet been re ceived. According to Miss Cratty, the work consists not only of comforting the sick and lonesome nurses, but entertaining them all, keeping them posted on the latest news from home, and giving them all the inspiration possible. Educa tional work, such as talks on history or on elementary teaching of French, falls to her lot. and according to the report of the worker, the nurseg at tend with the greatest eagerness to all that the secretary has to say. The report also tells how the secre tary visits the big hospitals and bel is cheer the ill and homesick soldiers, and entertains them as much as possible. mu lira issmspaKEB Writer, Lecturer, Soldier Has Served in France; Took Part in Battle of Loos. Wednesday Program Will Be Military; Music by Glee Clubs. Major Ian Hay Beith, of the 10th battalion service of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, who will ar rive here Wednesday morning ns the guest of Colonel and Mri John Leader, will address the students of the Uni versity at the regular assembly hour on topics pertineut to the present war. ■Major Beith, who is on his way to Portland from Sacramento, where he gave his lecture, “Carrying On,” has been in France three times, and saw active serviee in the battle of Loos. Under the pen nam* Lin Hay, he has written the following books: “The First Hundred Thousand.” “All in It.” “The Right Stuff.” “A Man’s a Man,” “A Safety Match,” “Happy Go Lucky,” “A Knight on Wheels,” “The Lighter Side of School Life,” and “Getting Together." Assembly to Be Military. The assembly will have several mili tary features. The battalion will be present in uniform, and 'the staff will occupy the platform. Patriotic num bers will be sung by the combined glee clubs. Ivarl Onthank. secretary to President Campbell, says that, the lecture is a big event for the University. "We are very fortunate,” said he, “that through the efforts of Colonel Leader, Major Beith has consented to he a guest of the Uni versity and address the students. He is much in demand and always speaks to large audiences. When (President Campbell was in the east recently. Major Beith, who was speaking under the auspices of the ,T. B. Pond lyeeum bureau, was so popular that President Campbell was unable to gain entrance to the lecture.” Major Beith has donated to the Red Cross and other war relief funds, .$8800 of the proceeds from his lectures this j%ar. W. S. S. SALES BEGIN Thrift Clubs Organized in Each House. Satmps May Be Bought From Registrar, Banks or at Postoffice. “The organization for the War Sav ings Stamp campaign is going nicely,” stated A. K. Tiffany, registrar, who has the matter in charge on the campus. “A club has been organized in every house on the campus, and the first pay ments are coming in.” Faculty clubs have been organized in each building, so that there is now a I)eady club, a Johnson Hall club, etc., through which the faculty supports the government. Professor E. E. J)e Cou is general chairman for faculty organiza tion. "If anyone prefers to buy the stamps individually,” said Mr. Tiffany, “there is no objection. The essential thing is to get the stamps sold, so that the government may have the use of the money. The idea of clubs was worked out because it is found easier to do a thing like buying stamps regularly if you are associated with a group of people who are doing the same thing. I think it is comparable in this respect to tak ing a correspondence course." Mr. Tiffany has the stamps for s. le on the campus, or they may be obtained from the postoffice or from any bank. He can give no report as to the number subscribed for by the different campus organizations for a few days, until their reports come in. MATHEMATICS CLUB WILL MEET Papers to Be Read by Edward Bentley and Mary Mattley. The mathematics club will meet in Professor E. E. I)e Con’s coin, in John son Hall, tomorrow night. All mathe matic students are invited to attend. Papers will be read by Edward Bentley and Mary Mattley. DOUGHNUT HANDBALL SERIES TO BE ON SOON Dean Walker to Coach Organization Teams for Games to Fill In Between Season Gap. Conch Denn Walker reports that ar rangements for an inter-fraternity handball series, which he has been planning, are progressing nicely. He believes it a good plan to get started as soon as possible, for handball will keep athletics at the University alive during the period between basketball and baseball seasons. Jimmie Sheehy, Fred Faekwood, Bill nnseltine, and other handball enthusi asts, give the idea their hearty approval, and believe there is good material in each organization on the campus for at least one team. Coach Walker is working on a sched ule of games which he hopes to have posted soon. lie is interested in get ting it started as soon as possible, and as he now has freshmen basketball off his hands, he can devote more time to the tournament, lie is also arranging a schedule for a series of games, to be played between the classes and the fac ulty of the University. He thinks this will bring forth considerable competi tion, as there are a number of fast players among the faculty. A meeting was held this afternoon to arrange teams for the houses taking part in the tournament. CONSERVATION POSTERS ON NEW BULLETIN BOARD Will Appear Regularly at Right of Cir culation Desk. Magazine Articles to Date. A large food conservation bulletin board was installed last week in the University library, at the right of the circulation desk. Large posters, urging war economy in foods, are posted there, besides many pamphlets recommending food substitutes and giving Hooverish menus and recipes. “Try a one-dish dinner,” suggests one pamphlet,, and “Do your know o.u meal?” asks another. The use of fish, corn and oatmeal is urged. lasts of magazine articles dealing with food conservation, which will he kept up to date, are placed on the bulletin board. TOOZE TO TEACH CLASSES Absence of Leader to Be Filled by Ore gon Graduate. Lieutennt Leslie Tooze, who graduat od from the University in 101(1, will conduct Colonel Leader’s lecture courses Wednesday and Friday afternoons, and Thursday night of this week, while Col-, onel Leader is in Cortland to address the Ad club there. Colonel Leader will accompany Major Ian Hay Beith, Wednesday's assembly speaker, to Port land tomorrow afternoon, and return Friday. E. W. Allen, battalion adjutant, said this morning that Cteneral Frederick Foltz, of American Lake, had granted the necessary leave to Tooze, who ti tered the service last summer, and re ceived his commission at the Presidio. IAN HAY TO REVIEW TROOPS Will Leave With Colonel and Mrs. Lead er for Portland at 1:50. The University battalion will pass in review tomorrow afternoon before Major Ian Hay Beith, soldier, author and lec turer. who is to be the speaker at as sembly. Captain Itay Couch will be in command of the company. Major Beith aud Colonel and Mrs. Leader will leave on the 1:50 train fori Portland, where Major Beith will speak Wednesday night in the auditorium. The drill will take place promptly at 1, so that Major Beith may see some of the work of the battalion, before he has to leave, in the machine which will be waiting for him, to catch his Fraiu. VOLUNTEERS PLAN TRIP Would Procure Churches In Small Towns for Sunday Services. The student volunteers’ dub of the University, is planning a deputation trip to some small town near Eugene, ac cording to Joe Boyd, president <>f the organization. ‘‘Is is our intention,” said Mr. Boyd, “to procure a church in a small town for a Sunday in which to conduct services.” Final arrangements have not been made for the trip. The town to be visited has not yet been chosen. 0.1. C. WINS TWICE OVER JSIIY FIVE Waiks Off With Big Scores in Both Games; Victory Gives Aggies the Basketball Championship. COACH HOWARD RAY STAR U. of O. Men Show Good Fighti But Speed in Team Checks Plays. The Oregon Agricultural Ooloiegi basketball team took both game* from the Oregon quintet Friday and Satur day nights, giving them the champion ship of the western d vision of the Pa cific northwest conference basketball longue. In both of the games the Ore gon Varsity were nble to gather only 6 points, while the Aggies rolled up 24 points in the first contest and 17 In the last. Captain and Coach Howard Ray wa* the outstanding star of the series. He scored 15 of the 41 pointa annexed bj the O. A. C. representatives, and played a stellar game at forward. Krueger and Gurley played wonderful basketball, and their ability to register ljpng distance shots contributed largely to the Aggie*' success. Fowler’s Work flood. The work of Fowler, Oregon’* for ward, was above the average, although lie was not as effective as he was in the Washington game. Wilson playe4 great ball at guard. The first game of the series, which was played Friday night, was very alow, and from the spectator’s point of view, uninteresting. The lemon-yellow for wards were unable to break the defense of Reardon and Bissett and had very few opportnnities to score. The Oregon team-work was not up to that of the orange and black team, and the fact thnt the Oregon team was made up oi green material, the Aggies had little trouble in scoring almost at will. The Orpgon men were simply out classed by the O. A. C. team, and they seemed to be unable to advwnce the ball beyond the middip of the floor or to pur sue any organised team-work. Coach (Continued on pnge three) Member of ’21 Class Victim of Pneumonia at Brooklyn. Battalion Chaplain Reads Last Rites for Sailor to Uni versity Cadets. Special military services were held a\ l o'clock Monday over the death of Frederick Kingsbury, former studant in the University, and a member of the '20 class. Dr. George H. Parkinson, battalion chaplain, read the service, while the battalion members stood at “present arms’’ in front of the half masted flag on Johnson Hall. Mr. Kingsbury died in Brooklyn. Ha had been stationed at the Brooklyn navy yard for only a few days following the completion of his course in radio work at Harvard University when he was taken ill with pneumonia. Denth cam* vpry suddenly, and the telegram an nouncing his death arrived but a few hours after a letter from him had been received by his parents stating that he was in his usual condition of health. Fredelick Kingsbury was 18 years when he left school last May and en listed in the navy. In the University he followed the fine record he had made all through high school and was doing brilliant work in the journalism depart ment when he left. He was stationed at Mare Island fo* some time. Then he wns chosen w-ith & number of other enlisted men to go to Harvard ns a radio student. Here h« finished a course which permitted him to do electrical work for the navy. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. II. K Kingsbury, formerly of Eugene. His father was, up until lust summer, con neeted with the business offices of tilt University, when lie entered the officers' training camp ami received a commis sion as second lieutenant. He is now n first lieutenant at Camp Lewis and it living with Mrs. Kingsbury in Tacoma