Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 16, 1918, Page Two, Image 2

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Official stu lent body paper of the Univefsity of Oregon, published every
Tuesday, I'hurslay and Saturday of the college year by the Associated Students.
Entered in the posloffice at. Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter.
Subscription rates $1.00 per year. Single copies, 5c. Advertising rates upon
JrVilliam Haseltine ..
■Robert G. McNary
Beatrice Thurston .
Douglas Mullarky .,
Melvin T. Solve ...
Pearl Craine .
. .. News Editor
Make-Up Editor
W omen’s Editor
Feature Editor
Dramatic Editor
Society Editor
Elsie Fitzmaurice, Dorothy Duniway, Helen Brenton, Leith Abbott, Her
man Lind, Bess Colman, Adelaide Lak o, Alexander Brown, Levant Pease, Helen
Manning, John Houston, Gladys Wilkin s, Elva Bagley, Aleue Phillips, Louise
Davis, Frances Stiles.
i, Catherine Dobic . Circulation Manager
Harris Ellsworth. Advertising Manager for February
.. Assistants
Lyle Bryson, I>ee Bartholomew. Eve Hutchison, Madeline Slotboom.
Frances Schenk, Foreign Advertising.
&»■■■ 11 ——111 ----" " *T 1
Promptness and accuracy ifi the matter of delivery is what the Emerald
geeks to obtain. If you are uot getting your paper regularly, make a comphnit,
; but make it direct to the Circulation Manager. Address all news and editorial
complaints to the Editor.
Manager 177-1 Editor 841
News and Editorial Rooms 655 Buslnesss Office 1200
No order making regulation United States Army olive-drab
uniforms the required uniform for the University Battalion has
been issued and no such order will be issued until such time as
• it may be put into effect without working a hardship upon any
student financially unable to bear the expense. Such is the as
surance given by Colqnel Leader and his immediate staff to the
Emerald this morning in a conference growing out of the misun
derstanding in regard to a military order posted on the campus
last week.
Interpreted as the order was intended, and as Colonel Lead
er and his adjutant, Captain Allen, explained it this morning, it
is not only clearly in keeping with the established policy of the
— University—that of giving every consideration to the welfare of
the students—but it also dissolves the grounds upon which the
students and the Emerald were voicing a protest. The intent of
the order was entirely to keep before the men of the battalion the
fact that the regulation uniform would be required sometime in
the future and it is the desire of the military department to make
this as soon as possible. But, at no time has it been, or will it
be the intention of the department to make such a rule an arbi
trary one, working to the financial embarrassment of any stu
dent. Colonel Leader is especially desirous of making himself
plain on this subject and his sincerity in declaring his individual
Consideration for each and every one of the men is convincing
proof of his intention in causing such an order to be given.
The ground upon which the entire misunderstanding was
based was a section of the posted order reading to the effect
that an order would probably be issued in the spring making
the regulation Army uniform the official garb of the cadets. The
popular interpretation placed upon this was that the uniform was
to be made compulsory for all men at the time the order was is
sued. The intention of the order, however, according to Cap
tain Allen, was to bring before the men, at a time when many
would be purchasing new spring suits, the fact that the uniforms
were the approved uniform for members of the battalion and to
urge all of those who could afford to do so to purchase the khaki
instead of other suits. There was no intention of requiring those
men to purchase uniforms who could not afford to do so, or of
asking those who could not get their money's worth of wear out
of the uniform to buy them.
Operating upon the established fact that uniformity of dress
is one of the prime essentials to good morale in any military or
ganization, the military department is urging the men to secure
the regulation uniform as soon as possible and in this it has the
hearty co-operation of the students, the Student Council and the
Emerald. The regulation service uniform has an added value
particularly to an organization of college students; it is the most
economical form of dress they can wear. Purchased at a time
when the student was buying clothes for a school year the uni
form would bo the means of a saving in the long run and, in
many cases, in the initial expense.
Shakesoearcan Play to Be Put
on Three Nights Starting
Thursday: Ticket
Sale Tuesday.
Prof. Reddie, Prof. Tbacher,
Bob CosgTiff, Helen Maurice
in Leading Roles.
For th«■ first time iu two years a
Shakespearean play is to !>o produced
or tin- campus. It.nitu inn on Thursday
< f the coming week and continuing three
evenings Professor A. F. ltcddie and hi*
■lass iu dramatic interpretation will pre
sent the comedy “Twelfth Night.” Pro
fc ssor ltcddie will himself play one of
the leading pnrts, and Professor W, F.
U. Tliacher will appear in another. The
other leads are to lie taken by Bob Cos
t ritf and Helen Brneht Maurice.
Owing to the frequent changes of scene
the settings will consist principally of
colored curtains and lights to represent
interior and exterior. The settings are
under the direction of Cleonie Carroll
with Lillie Miller and Beatrice Thurston
assisting. Their problem will be to com
bine the necessarily simple elements at
their disposal to achieve the most artis
tic effects. They are hard at work study
ing color and lighting effects for the
seventeen or eighteen changes which oc
cur in the play. Frances Schenk, who
did such excellent work in designing the
costumes for "Barho Bleue," is again in
charge of the wardrobe. The seventeenth
century garments promise an artistic
I> rothy Robertson, manager of Guild
ball, says that the ticket sale will begin
Tuesday. The proceeds from this ies
of performances, like those of a the
performances given in Guild hat this
winter, will go to the Led Cross
Kappa Sigma dinner guests 'or
Wednesday evening included Mr. and
Mrs Charles Tisdale, Merna Brown, and
ifioe Cornett. ,
j College Guests of First-Year
Students at Armory; Fea
ture Dance Is
Genevieve Dickey and Carl Nel
son Betrothed; Sigma Chi
Entertains Team.
Artistically decorated, .but with the
keeping of the times, is the freshmen
informal tonight at the armory. Stream
ers of red, white and blue are stretched
from the ivy-covered orchestra pit to
the various corners of the room. The
unique event of the evening is the fea
ture dance, and if the boys haven’t
learned how to salute before, they will
then. The punch room presents a per
gola, enclosed with lattice work, having
trailing vines of ivy winding through it.
The patrons and patronesses include:
Governor nnd Mrs. Withycombe, Presi
dent and Mrs. Campbell, Dean and Mrs.
Btraub. Dean Pox, Colonel and Mrs.
Leader, Professor and Mrs. Tbacher,
Professor and Mrs. Peter Crockatt,
Dean and Mrs. Eric Allen, Mrs. George
Gerlinger, Mr. and Mrs. David Graham,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dixon, Dean and
Mrs. Walker, and Bill Hayward.
Genevieve Dickey and Carl Nelson Lat
est Campus Romanc.
A complete surprise to her sorority
sisters, was the announcement of the
engagement of Genieve Dickey and Carl
Nelson, made Thursday evening at a
formal dinner party at the chapter
house. Coming from an artistic basket,
filled with pink carnations and violets
in the center of the table, were tiny pink
and white ribbons which led to the place
card of each girl. Conceald in the bas
ket of flowers, attached to the ribbons,
were white cards announcing the en
gagement, which the girls pulled out of
the basket after the first course. Miss
Dickey is a Eugene girl, and has been
attending the University for three years.
Mr. Nelson was formerly from Ilollster,
Idaho, but is now living in Eugen. At
present he is assisting Lieutenant C. C.
Jeremiah in the ordnance work.
Sigma Chi Entortains Boys from Albany
After Game with Eugene.
The Albany high school basketball
team, composed of Russel Reeves. Rus
sel Russard, Royal Archibald, Harold
Irvin, and Hubert FortmiUer, were
guests at the Sigma Chi house Friday
night, after their game with Eugene
high school, at the high school gym
nnsium. Eugene defeated the Albany
hoys 40 to 10.
Change Duo to Fact That Both Available
Buildings Will Be in Use.
The extension debates which were to
bP held this week-end at Springfield,
have been indefinitely postponed, due
to th fact that both of the buildings
available for the debate were to be in
These debates are purely for the
practice of the Varsity debaters before
their meet with the universities of
Washington and British Columbia a
month hence. The two teams stage a
debate between themselves in the neigh
boring towns, and the audience itself
acts as judges, each one casting a vote
The second practice debate will be
staged at Pleasant Hill on Thursday
evening, February 21. Hitherto the two
alternates have also debated, but only
the four Varsity debaters will be taken
to Pleasant Hill, making two on a team.
The men will be conveyed to Pleasant
Hill by auto, returning the same eve
ning. The four who will make the trip
are Hugh Brunk, Ralph Holzman, Ken
neth Armstrong, and Carlton Savage.
The question for the debate is, “Re
solved, That the nations of the world
should establish an international su
preme court at the close of the present
war to settle all international disputes,
with an international constabulary to |
enforce decrees.”
One practice debate has already Ifeen
held at Santa Clara.
(Continued from page one)
Coegriff’s companies had the worst of
it, owing to the position of Couch’s
forces on the eminence, but that com
panies A and B regained ground by
making use of shrubbery and houses as
means of barricades. ,
Scout Hits Telephone Pole.
After the strife, one member of the
battalion was seen on the campus wear
ing a bandage on his forehead. Inter
ested in the battle, he ran into a tele
phone pole. It was the only casualty.
One zealous corporal, anxious to obey
the advice of Colonel Leader that mem
bers of t£/ enemy’s forces be captured,
returned to his commander with a cap
tive, who proved to be a member of the
corporal’s own division.
Colonel Leader says that for an in
experienced battalion, the sham was well
executed. “Their nishejf,” said he,
“were excellent. The men really got
into the spirit of the fight very well.
Their information service, however, was
not extremely efficient, ns the patrols
frequently got so interestd in watching
the proceedings that they forgot to carry
the news t<> the commanders.”
Girls Speed Up and Turn Out 820 Dress
ings in One Day; Down Town
Chapter Expects 1000.
The record-breaking number of dress
ings were made Thursday, when 820
were turned out. The increase in the
output was attributed to the fact that
the girls have been asked to speed lip
as much ns possible so that 20.000 ban
dages may be shipped from headquarters
down town on Monday.
In the six weeks during which the 1
work has been going on. 14.71t5 bandages I
have been turned out, and for the last
two weeks the output has been continu
ally going upward. This past week’s
record of 2812 bandages compares favor
ably with the 27.11 of the previous week.
However, the expectation of the chapter
T. G. Hendricks’ $500 Gift
Helps Furnish Girls’ Hall
The furnishings which help to make
the living room of Hendricks llsll so
attractive, were made possible through
a $500 gift from T. G. Hendricks, for
mer member of the University board of
regents, for whom the hull was named,
according to Mrs. George T. Gerlinger,
who is in Eugene attending the meet
ing of the board of regents, and visiting
Hendricks Hall.
The hall has been made just as beauti
ful and practical as possible, says Mrs.
Gerlinger, who believes that, since the
women of the University are to be the
home-makers of the next generation, the
correct standards should be maintained
during their college life. The greatest
expenditure was made lu furnishing the
kitchen, according to Mrs. Gerlinger,
and every effort has been put forth to
make it absolutely modern and sanitary,
as well as the rest of the house.
The Steinway grand piano for the liv
ing room has been ordered in Portland
and awaits the approval of Dr. Lands
bury. who will examine it while in Port
land this week-end. after which it vvili
be sent to Eugene.
While Mrs. Gerlinger is here this
week-end primarily for the meeting c
the board of regents, she is also aiding
the residents of the hall in placing re
cently-arrived articles of furniture :n
the living room. Mrs. Gerlinger was a
dinner guest at the hall this evening,
and afterward talked informally with the
girls on questions that have come up
since the opening of the new hall of
The question of the formal open-house
for the hall and of a dance which the
girls wish to give, were discussed at
this time. The probable date for open
house is next Friday, according to Dean
Fox, and the dance may be .given the
following night.
Last night Mrs. Gerlinger told some
of the history of the antique pieces of
furniture which she has secured for the
new residence. Among these pieces are
th little melodeon. found in a musty old
antique shop in California, an old-fash
ioned mirror, found in a French antique
shop in Portland, and an old rosewood
The members of the board of regents
who attended the meeting this week
end were guests of the hall today.
down town, 1000 per day, has not yet
been reached.
Captains of the squads, however, hope
that this number a week may yet be ac
complished, and to this end are organ
izing the work as carefully as possible.
Roll is called every hour, and any girl
who cannot attend must either call up
her captnin and be excused, or be claS'Ce
as a slacker when her name is called
•and she does not respond.
The IS different squads will meet in
the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow Monday at
5 o’clock, .to discuss matters pertaining
to the work.
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To the students of the University and members of the
Fraternities and Sororities: We wish to express our ap
preciation for your patronage, and trust our method of
serving you has been such as to leave no doubt as to where
to place your future orders.
It is none too early to figure on your needs for next year.