Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, January 22, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 0
VOL. 19.
Men in Uniform Make Good
Appearance on Drill Field
Before ttie State
, ; Executive.
' » - _ ' A
Staff Makes Inspection of Arms
and Men Accompanied by
Colonel Leader.
Inspection o: the four companies of
the student battalion was held at 1
o’clock. (The men. all in the authorized
khaki coverall-leggin uniform, gathered
at the gymnasium at 12:50 and were
quickly placed in battalion formation,
and prepared for inspection. Captain
Ray Couch acted as major.
The governor's salute was given at 1
o’clock, and the companies marched to
the drill field, led by the battalion band
du the right of the marching line. Here
the companies were put through therr
drill tactics under the supervision of
Major Couch, for the inspection of
Governor Withycombe, Colonel Leader
and party.
i The governor arrived at 11 o’clock
^ and was met at the station by A. C.
4 Dixon, vice-president of the board of
, regents, and a committee of school men.
He was escorted to the men’s gymnasium
immecfcately, where he inspected the
musketry and appliances. The governor
inspected the racks in which the guns
are kept, the rifles themselves and the
general plan for the placement of the
Krom the arsenal uovermn- muiy
combe was then swished away to the
trenches, and a glimpse of "no man s
iaad,” when at 11:25 he inspected the
trench system which is being made on
the old University golf course. The
governor inspected thoroughly the 50 or
more feet of trenches which have been
made under the supervision of Colonel
Leader, exactly as are those of the
lilies in France today.
Communication trenches, machine gun
emplacements, dugouts, camouflaged
snipers’ positions, were inspected by the
head of the state. The trenches are be
ing built the exact size of the allied
trenches. In the rear of the front line
trenches, a number of dugouts are be
ing erected now. The dugo-uts are con
nected with the front line trenches by
lommunication ditches.
The barbed wire entanglements which
have been erected in front of the
trenches, add to their look of invincible
less, say visitors.
The governor also inspected the
bayonet drill gallows which have been
erected by the class in engineering late
ly. These gallows resemble football
tackling dummy gallows, with sacks
/ hanging from the racks which are made
to resemble a man, and are so fixed
that the charging bayoneteers can find
the vulnerable part of the body and
ilso learn the best thrust of the bayonet.
The bombing gallery received a few
ninutes of Governor Withycombe’s time.
While Governor Witbycomlie inspect
rd the various parts of the University
Srill, he was told by Colonel Leader of
the plans which have been started, and
of the work which will be done within
the next few months, he was impressed
by the fact that all of the military train
ing which has been done by University
students, and all of the trenches and
war preparations, have been made with
in the past month. The governor and
l}$* party lunched at the Sigma Chi fra
'^nrity house, at noon.
Tells in Letter of Work in Operating
Room of Naval Hospital.
Ralph Ash, ex T7, is stationed at
Washington, D. C„ in. the naval hos
pital. and has been given charge of the
Operating room.
In a recent letter. Ash says that the
United States naval ships come up the
Potomac with wounded and sick, giving
the hospital plenty to do. But Ash says
, '.hat it is one of the best places in the
J lrmy, for although he sleeps in a room
■ With 11 othurr, hij lou a .-Bid l.rd, ’val
iheets. hot and cold water, a bath, -nd
■v hardwood floor-—all in the army.
Ash also mentions that he has hangers
lor his uniform and soon, will have a
room with only one other fellow.
Will Meet Classes Uirtil Return of Pres
ident Campbell to Consider
Karl W. Onthank, secretary to Presi
dent Campbell, this afternoon announced
that Mrs. Anna Benton Zimmerman had
been named to succeed Professor Har
than DeFell, as Instructor In Spanish.
Mrs. Zimmerman comes highly recom
mended from Leland Stanford University.
She will arrive this evening.
Professor Harthan de Fell, of the
idepartment of Spanish at the University,
-who tendered his resignation to the
(Board of Regents last week, has refused
the offer of a salary, said to be ap
proximately double the salary from the
University, to join the force of the
Portland Daily News.
Professor de Fell, however, has re
ceived several other attractive offers
since it was learned that he had sent
his resignation to the University office.
But pending the return of President
Campbell from the east he will not con
sider any of the alluring contracts of
fered him from outside sources.
One of the positions now being con
sidered by Professor de Fell is that of
South America sales manager for the
Barber Chemical Works, of Oakland,
Cal.; another was from the California
Ink company, as salesman for the Pacific
Although Professor de Fell’s resig
nation was to have taken effect on Janu
ary 24, he will remain here until Presi
dent Campbell has had full opportunity
to consider the conditions that accom
panied his resignation.
‘‘When I set January 24 as the ef
fective -date of my resignation,” said
the professor this morning. ‘‘I did
not know that President Campbell had
not returned.”
Juniors to Meet Freshmen for Class
Championship and Names on
Hayward Cup.
The final game In the University wo
men’s interclass basketball series will
be played by the freshmen and juniors
on Wednesday at 5 p. m in the wo
men’s gymnasium. The winning team
will have the names of its members
engraved on the Hayward cup.
The lineup is as follows:
Juniors. Freshmen. ,
Claire Warner_C... Maude Largent
Florence Powers..S.C. Amie Lagus
Maude Lombard ...F. Grace Rugg j
Hazel Rankin.F—. Mary Mathes \
Erma Laird .G-Mary Murray
Terressa Cox.G.. Frankie Ridings
Miss Hazel Rader, instructor in the
women’s physical training department,
will referee the game.
“On Thursday,” said Miss Rader,
“try-outs for a women's Varsity team
will begin. We want every woman who
plays the game out for these try-outs,
because we want a team that will beat
0. A. C."
Regents to Attend Formal Opening Early
in' February.
About 50 University women, the resi
dents of Hendricks Hall, the new dor- j
mitory for women, will dine in their
new home Thursday evening, January
31, by which date the hall will be com
plete1!. The formal opening will takq
place some time early in February.
Open house will then be held for the
University and townspeople. The re
gents will be present, and a program
for the occasion is now being prepared.
Dean Elizabeth Fox and Miss Tirza
Dinsdale, Y. W. C. A. secretary, will
be the head residents in the hall. Mrs.
Edna Prescott Datson will be house
Sbe U Organizing Work in Different
Parts of State.
Dean Elizabeth Fox is traveling over
the northwestern part of the state, as
state executive for the Y. W. C. A.
drive. Her work consists in organizing
in fho ,liff»T-^rrt- tmma at u.-hif'll
she will visit. Miss Fox plans to ar
rive in McMinnville Saturday night, to
attend the remainder of the Ministers’
Mission conference, which is being held
there this week-end.
Turn Out 2765 Compresses
During First Week; 314
Sign Up for Regular
lar Work.
Captains Elected From Sqnads
to Keep Attendance Up to
University of Oregon women made
27t>S Red Cross compresses last week,
as one way of doing their bit to win the
war. They are spending a thousand
hours a week working for the Red
Three hundred and fourteen girls signed
up for three hours each, and some have
promised four and five hours as a part
of their regularly weekly schedule. This
is equivalent in time to taking an ad
ditional curriculum course.
The first day that the Bungalow was
opened only 05 girls worked because of
lack of regulation white aprons and caps
required. They made 404 compresses.
First Duty to College Work.
“Although Red Cross work is vastly
important,!’ said Miss Tirzn Dinsdale.
general secretary of the Young Wo
men's Christian Association, “and the
girls have.risen to it in a wonderful way,
three hours a week is all that can be
expected of any girl.
“As University students receiving the
benefit of money given by the state,
their first patriotic duty is college work
well done.”
Girls work in shifts, the Bungalow
accommodating 50 at one time. Eighteen
squads of 50 each were organized and
numbered according to the hour they
work. Each squad has a captain, who
is responsible for full attendance dur
ing her hour, and who is a member of
the general Red Cross committee, which
plans the work of the campus auxiliary.
pig Knitting lanoo.
The captains are: Erma Hnff. Claire
Gazley, Ella Dews, Beatrice Thurston,
Mabel Rankin, Hazel Radabaugh, Dorothy
Duniway, Virginia Hales, Jeanette Moss,
Adelaide Lake, Essie Maguire, Dorothy
Parsons, Lucille Stanton, Peggy Crim,
Helen Brenton, Dorothy Collier, Frances
Elizabeth Baker.
In addition to the making of com
presses, other Red Cross work done by
■Oregon women includes the knitting of
40 sweaters, 24 mufflers, 4 wash cloths,
4 pair of socks and 5 pair of mittens.
The amount of individual soldier knit
ting done cannot even be estimated, but.
every co-ed carries a knitting bag to
classes, teas, social functions or games
and “pig” knitting is taboo.
Former Student Now Sergeant-Major in
0. C. A. to Try for Commission.
Glanville C. Wheeler, ’16, sergeant
major in the Oregon coast artillery at
Fort Stevens, will go up for examina
tion for commission in the quartermaster
corps about February 1. WTheeler has
been in headquarters department at Fort
'Stevens since July 15.
piny totie scope
Game Stands 8 to 8 After Two
Five-Minute Extensions
of Time; Lack of
Science Shown.
Friendly Hall Scores Easy Vic
tory From Betas; Mc
Arthur Is Star.
The hardest fought game of the sea
son was staged last Saturday, when the
Phi Delta and the Fijis played to a tie,
the final score being S to 8, after 10
minutes’ overtime. The game started
with the two teams evenly matched, and
nt the close of ithe regular period the
score stood 4 to 4, so an extra five
minute quarter was called, but neither
team was able to score. After allow
ing the opponents to have a short
breathing spell, Referee Dean Walker
called another extra period, which re
sulted in each team scoring four more,
points. Both teams were too near all
in to allow another extra period, so the
game was called, allowing the tie to
Neither team showed a great amount
of basketball science, and there was a
lack of the rough eftuff that has been
pulled in some of the games. The Fijis
remembered the loss to the Oregon
Club, and started ont like a hunch of
world-beaters, but the Phi Delts were
not to be out-done, and kept the ball
in the center of the floor most of the
Phi Delts Even Score.
In the last extra period, the Fijis
■started in to win the game, and scored
two baskets in (prick succession before
the Phi Delta got their wind, but al
though this looked like enongh of a
lead to win the game, the Phi Delta
oeew mussed things irp m the last two
minutes, and evened the score. It was
the first game of the season for some
of the Fijis, and they showed lack of
practice on one or two occasions.
Friendly Hall simply knocked the Beta
crew dead and took their first game in
nice shape, the final outcome being 12
to 6. McArthur, supported by four
other Dorm men, was the whole show.
Nothing was too haTd for him, and when
ever ho tossed one toward the basket,
gravity, or some other peculiar force,
seemed to reach out and get the sphere
and put it in.
Betas Miss Basket.
The Beta quintet outplayed the Dorm
team on floor work, bnt they seemed
I to have been pursued by a jinx when
it came to shooting baskets. In Satur_
day’s game they had twice as many
chances to score as did the Dorm rep
resentative's, bnt a wild throw would
always lose their chance for them. If
ever this team enjoys a change of luck
| they are going to make it iraghty inter
I esting for their opponents.
Whitten, of 'the Dorm, and Branden
burg, of the Beta house, pulled a tobog
gan act that came near putting the for
mer out of the afternoon’s festivities.
Whitten was dribbling down the floor
when he was overtaken by Brandenburg,
(Continued on page four)
University Battalion toHave
Typically Oregon Standard
Sinre every battalion of soldiers must
have a battalion standard, Lieutenant
Colonel Lender, of the department of
military science, has staTted the school
of architecture to working on a design.
Herbert Heywood, a senior from. Port
land, was chosen as the designer, and
is working it into shape, with the hopes
that it will be finished by Wednesday or
The standard will be of yellow silk,
decorated in green and blue, following
out the colors of the University. A
seal of the University will take the cen
ter of the flag. The groundwork will
be yellow, the sky and the foreground
blue, the lettering green, and the image
of Mt. Hood white.
The whole standard will be ornament
ed ■n.it-h 1 mnl-r, Ipuu idp-il i-rtjei ilfg'l'n
of Oregon grape, the leaves being green
and the berries blue. Fringe for the
edges will be placed on the flag. This
is planned to be of gold thread or cord.
Roswell Dosch, instructor in modeling
in the school, is making a gold eagle
for the top of the carrying standard. |
Miss Lilian Tingle’s classes will do
the actual work of sewing the flag to
gether. Colonel Trader does not want
anyone not directly connected with the
University or the battalion to touch the
; standard, as he says it must be purely
a University affair. The ideal plan is
to have each girl take at least one stitch,
| but of course this cannot be carried
i out, owing to the large number of girls
in the classes here. However, it is
! hoped that the flag will be finished by
the last of this week.
The whole will be two feet by four
feet when completed, and in the event
! of. the granting of a camp of officers’
reserves, will be the official battalion
standard of the University of Oregon
giidet cfirjis,
A faculty member was beard to re
mark: “It is said that young ladies fall
in love with a uniform, hut what one
hears now is ‘how cute he looks in
bloomers.’ ”
Commonwealth Speakers Are Not Yet
Chosen; Problems of Reconstruc
tion Will Be Considered.
The commonwealth conference this
year will probably be held in May, ac
cording to Professor F. G Young, head
of the economies department.. The pub
lic mind has been so engrossed with
national and international problems that
Professor Young decided that it would
mot be wise for him to go on with the
plan for holding the conference in Janu
No definite speakers or topics have
been decided as yet. The general idea
is to make the program not one of strict
ly state problems, but to consider a
program of reconstruction after the
war, with problems of special interest to
“For example,'' said Professor Young,
“a bill is to he brought before congress
for the logging off of Oregon land, and
another for a plan of uniform water
power for the state. The University is
able to get in touch with men who have
a keener insight into these topics than
the average citizen, and it. is the pur
pose of the conference to have such
men speak.**
Professor Schroff’s Paintings on Display
to Public; Many Are of Local
Professor Sehroff's exhibit of oil and
water-color paintings and sketches, will
he open until Sunday, January 2(1. The
display is for the Eugene public, and
the faculty and students of the Uni
East Sunday the exhibit was open
especially for the men's and women’s
fraternities on the campus. About 100
students called to view the pictures dur
ing the afternoon.
Professor Sehroff's exhibit is especial
ly interesting to Eugene people, as many
of his paintings ana of familinr scenes,
such ns views from Ilendrieks park.
Many of his marine paintings were done
along the Oregon coast.
President Campbell Will Discuss Col
leges With Nation’s Head.
President Campbell has seenred an
appointment with President Wilson at
Washington, D. C., for Wednesday, to
discuss the resources of American uni_
versities and colleges in aiding in war
work. President Campbell is in Wash
ington ns spokesman of a committee
appointed at a joint meeting of the As
soeiatioh of American Universities and
the Association of State Universities.
A telegram received yesterday from
President Campbell said that he would
return to the Oregon campus in time
to address the student body assembly,
Jannary 110.
“Manuscripts and Versions of the Bible*
of Revelations” First Topic.
Professor A. It. .Swertsor will begin
his series of lectures on Wednesday at
4 o’clock at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow,
when his subject wall he “Manuscripts
and Versions of the Bible of Revela
tions.” This will be the first of a
series of six lectures and will be iljus_
trated with lantern slides. Everyone is
Washington University at St. Louis In
quires About Oregon System.
.Tames Kheehy, president of the stu
dent body, received a letter from the
secretary of the student council of
Washington University at St. L/ouia,
Monday, requesting information on the
student body tax which is in effect at
Oregon. Washington University is con
templating the same scheme, and is de
sirous of learning if it is a success
—Ei Ui hhuNron; a fri'nlnuuu iu the Uni
versify, who attended college during the
term just passed, has withdrawn from
college and returned to his home at
Flood River. He is a member of Beta
Theta Pi fraternity.
Multnomah Club Held to Close
Score in Oregon’s First
Basketball Game of
“Better Than I Expected,” Is
Coach Hayward’s Com
ment on Contest.
Displaying far more cleverness and
fight, than the Varsity fans had been
led to believe they possessed, Oregon
held Multnomah, a team of veterans,
to a 36-10 score, in the first basketball
game of the season, in Hayward hall
Saturday night. Before the game pre
dictions were freely made that the
lemon-yellow would be snowed under
something like 40-8, and the roally dose
prime was a distinct surprise.
Billy Morrison earned a place among
the regulars by his sensational play
ing. lie was here, there and every
where, squirming and twisting his foor
feet and ten inches out of the reach
of the red-aud-whit.e tossers. Ray
Twonrey, who guarded Billy, said after
the game that he was one of the hardest
men to keep track of he had ever
played against. Hill shot two baskets
and five fouls out of twelve attempts.
The combination which Bill used to
start the (tame proved the best of the
evening. Dow Wilson and Bill Steers,
at the guard positions, did excellent work
in passing to the forwards. Steers was
a little inclined to go down the floor
too often, and as a result his man, Stin
son, was high-point-getter of the eve
ning, with seven ringers. Stinson also
threw four fonls, bringing his total up
to IS.
Oregon jumped into the lead 35 sec
onds after the opening whistle, when
Bill Morrison converted the first foul
called. The clubmen soon forged ahead
on a long throw by Stinson, and from
then on they were never headed. The
count at half time stood 17-6.
The battle waxed fast and furious in
the second half, bringing the spectators
to their feet time and again. Oregon
started one rally that netted two baskets
(Continued on page two)
NOSH G1E1107
To Play Basketball in Gym With
La Grande High.
Ten Cents Admission Charged;
Coaoh Walker Promises
Money’s Worth.
Followers of freshman basketball will
reeoive thnir first opportunity to see the
first-year five in notion on Thursday
nfternoon, when they will be pitted
against the fast La Grande high school
team in the gymnasium. This will be
the first contest of the season, and
probably the last before the games with
the O. A. C. rooks in Corvallis in two
Coaeh Walker, disappointed at the
showing his proteges made against the
Bugene high team h'-st Thursday, set
tled down on a strenuous course for the
remainder of this week. The sqnad has
been practicing till after 6 every eve
As great expense will be. incdrred by
the hringing of this team to t>e campus,
student body tickets will not odmit to
the game. Instead, a charge of 1{> cents
will be levied for admittance.
Coach Walker, when interviewed yv'tt.
terday, made a plea for attendance at
the game against the fast prep school
“Tt. is costing ns a large sum to
bring this team heTe,” he said, "and un
less we have a good crowd, it is doubt
ful whether any other competition can
be obtained this year. I'll insure a fast
contest and one which will be well worth
your money.”
The game is scheduled for 4 o’clock
Tlimml.'ty afiernuun in uw llnivthsify
The coach was not certain today as
to bis lineup, but it probably will be
picked from Purnn, Blake, Jaoobberger,
Brandon, Chapman, Houston and Starr.