Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, January 19, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. 19.
NO. W. 3 S'
Other Former Students Believed to Have Crossed; Record of
University Members of American Expeditionary Forces
in Overseas Service Being Kept at Office.
Fifty-three University of Oregon men are definitely known to be in France,
with the expeditionary forces. A number of other former Oregon students are
believed to have crossed, but sufficient confirmation has not been received at the
president's office where, as far as possible, a complete record is being kept.
Here is the list «s fnrnished by the president’s office today:
Atkinson, Robert H.—Quartermasters Corps, 41st Div., A. E. F.
Bean, Harold H.—1st Lieut. Med. Corps. (Sick in Paris hospital.)
Bills, Ernest—112th Aero Supply Squadron, A. E, F.
Bowen, Alexander—162nd Inf., 81st Brig., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Bradeaon. Victor—Company M, 162nd Inf., A. E. F.
Brown. Eyler—Company B. 116th Engineers, 41st Div., A. E. F.
Brownell, Austin—Company F, 18th U. S. Engineers, Railway, A. E. F.
Collier, Alfred D.—Hq. 116th Engineers, 41st Div., A. E. F.
Croner, Charles—162nd Inf. Band, 41st Div„ A. E. F.
Curry, Roy B.-^Sgt. Field Hosp. No. 117, 117th Sanitary Train, A. E. F.
Dillard, W. W.—1st Sgt. Ord. Dept., 41st Div. A. E, F.
Dinneen, Lawrence—Company L, 102nd U. S. Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Dodson, Ralph M.—Lieut. 22nd Harvard Fait, General Hospital, A. E. F„ eare
War Office, London.
Dorr, Edwin—Sgt. Company E, 16th Engineers. Railway. A. E. F.
Dunbar, Fred B.—Q. M. Sgt. Hqs. Fied Hosp. Sec., 116th Sanitary Train, 41st
Div., A. E. F.
Dyment, Donald—Company E, 162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Eastham, Gerald—Company C, 116th Engineers, 41st Div., A, E. F.
Farley, Roy Este—Company L, 162nd U. S. Inf., 41st Div.. A. E. F.
Fenton, Carl B.—Company L, 162nd U. S. Inf., A. E. F.
Fenton. Fred—Company L, 162nd U. S. Inf., A. E. F.
Hendricks, Paul—162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Hunt, Frank D. Jr—162nd Inf., 41st Div., Q. M. Dept, A. E. F.
Hum, Ralph—Sanitary Troop, 162nd Inf., A. E. F.
Kelly, John G.—Capt., Engineers, A. E. F.
Kuck, Harry L.—Company I* 162nd U. S. Inf., A. E. F.
Larwood, Don W.—Master Engineer, Hq. 116th Engineers, 41st Div., A. E. F.,
via New York.
Larwood, Leonard F.—Sgt. Q. M. C., 110th Supply Train, A. E. F„ via New York.
Larwood, Walter W.—Company B, Hq. 116th Engineers, 41st Div., A. E. F., via
New York.
Loughlin, Barkley—162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Malarkey, Robert—Hq. 162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
McClure, Walter R.—Capt Company I, 28th Inf., A. E. F.
Miller, Frank—Company M, 162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Millet*- Joseph C.—Q. M. C., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Moore, Victor J.—Company F, 18th Engineers. Railway, A. E. F.
Potter, Leo—162nd Inf. Band, A. E. F.
'’rim, Charles W—2nd Lieut. Company M. 162nd U. S. Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Randall, Don—Company M, 162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Rhinehardt,. William—162nd Inf., A. E. F.
Roberts, Mason—116th Engineers, 41st Div., A. E. F.
Seabrook, Dean—Med. Corps, 162nd Inf., A. E. F.
Shaver, John Willard—18th Engineers, Railway, A. E. F.
Simpson, Harold—162nd Inf. Band, 41st Div., A. E. F.
Skelton, Joseph—13th Aero Squad, A. E. F.
Smith, Harry G.—18th U. S. Engineers, A. E. F.
Smythe, Donald DeCou—Company A, 2nd Engineers, U. S. Army, A. E F
Strowbridge, Edwin—162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Taylor, Herbert A.—Company M, 162nd Inf., A. E. F.
Terry, Roy Keats—1st Lieut. F. A., U. S. R., the Field Artillery School of Instruc
tion, A. E. F.
Watson, H. Clay—Corporal. 16th U. S. Engineers, Railway, A. E. F.
White, Walter—Sgt. Med. Dept., 162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
Wilson, Kent—147th Machine Gun Battalion, 41st Div., A. E. F.
Winship, George A.—Ord. Sgt. Ord. Corps, 148th F. A., A. e! F.
Woods, Laird V.—162nd Inf., 41st Div., A. E. F.
’Varsity News Arrives From
Manila institution.
Athletics Prominent Feature;
Native Costume for Girls
Is Discussed.
From far-away Manila comes the
Varsity News, official newspaper of the
University of the Philippines. Xhe pa
per contains two sheets, with four col
umns of news on each, and is Tery like
our American college papers in appear
ance, with the exception of the names
of the editorial staff—Alejo Labrador,
Candido Africa and Aurelio N. Cobang
The University of the Philippines has
a college of law, a college of medicine
and surgery, a college of liberal arts,
a college of engineering and a college
of fine arts, with a total enrollment
of 23S5 at the beginning of the college
year. According to the Varsity News,
which devotes an entire page to sport
ing news, the university has many ath
letic stars. George M. Cassidy seems
to be their Hugo Bezdek.
Under “College Gossip,” topics of
campus interest are discussed, such as
the wearing of the American uniform
dress by the women of the university.
According to the paper, the men prefer
the girls in their native Philippine cos
tumes. The women object to the men
wearing European shoes, favoring the
native "Barong Tagalo.”
proud of its colleges of law and medi
cine. The Varsity News shows that
graduates of theae colleges are holding
enviable positions in different mrt» of
the world.
Results of today's nines in the
Doughnnt League.
Friendly Hall.12
Beta Theta Pi. 6
Phi Gamma Delta. 8
Phi Delta Theta. 8
Game score: 4-4. Played ten
minutes overtime.
Oregon Club-Sigma Nn game
Delta Tau Delta-Sigma Chi game
Board of Control Considers Coast Mem
bership Sufficient; Also Drops
The University of Washington has de
cided to withdrew from the Northwest
Intercollegiate conference, according to
word received yesterday on the campus.
The university board of control felt
that membership in the Cooat confer
ence alone was sufficient for athletic
At the same meeting, baseball was
dropped from the list of intercollegiate
sports for one year, at least. Intra
mural baseball teams will be formed in
The above .-action will cut the annual
spring trip for the Varsity baseball
team, leaving O. A. C. as ths omly team
which will be met.
cmm* u/nnrn- ■ <
Miss Bmma Wooten, a senior in the
University, and secretary of the student
body, left Thursday night for San Fran
cisco, where she will visit friends for a
few weeks or ten days
Losers Hold Score 9-10;
Sigma Chi Chalks Up
Easy Win Over
Alpha Tau.
Ellis Stars for Kappa Sigs, Gil
digger and Gamble for
Oregon Olnb.
Standing of tire Team
(Standings include game*
Section One
Teams— W. h.
T. Pet.
Phi Delta Theta.. 1
Kappa Sigma ... 1
Oregon Club .... 1
Sigma Nil ...... 0
Phi Gamma Delta 0
0 1.000 ♦
Section Two
Teams— W.
Delta Tau Delta. 2
Sigma Chi. 1
♦ Alpha Tau Omega 0
♦ Beta Theta Pi... 0
♦ Friendly Hall ... 0
.000 ♦
The Kappa Sign and the Oregon Club
basketball teams staged an encounter
Thursday evening on the floor of the
men’s gymnasium that made a battle
look like a gathering o€ Quakers. Every
thing was in order, from gang figlrts
to ice hockey, and it was the best re
view of athletics that has been staged
in the Doughnut league this year. The
final score stood 10 to 9 in favor of
the Kappa Sign, but the game was as
evenly played as any Varsity game ever
thought of being, and the Oregon Club
inen, while they did not win, sent their
dpponefcits off the floor consideiabty
worse for wear.
The Kappa Sig petrol, under the com
mand of ‘'Doc” Ellis, started the fire
works by gathering two points early in
the contest, whereupon with little cere
mony and less basketball, the Oregon
'Club Started out to get revenge. Gil
digger, the Oregon Club’s sharpshooter,
(Continued on page three)
Owing tn Military Cenroes, D no ghaut
Schedule Must Be Finished
Interclass basketball will start as goon
as the Doughnut league schedule is fin
ished, announced Dean Walker yester
day. It was originally intended to have
the interclass basketball at the same
time that the Doughnut league was play
ing its schedule, but the large amount
of time taken by the military drill and
scienee made this impossible.
The Doughnut league will Finish about
the first week in February, and the
interclass games will follow immediately.
There will be in all probability three
games, one between teams represent
ing the freshmen and sophomores, one
between the juniors and seniors, and the
third will be between the winners of
the first two games.
According to Dean Walker’s program,
as soon as interclass basketball is over,
handball will come into favor. It has
not been decided as yet whether the
handball games will be made interfra
ternity or interclass affairs. If enough
interest is taken, both may be held. The
handball tournament will start abont the
middle of February, and will probably
continue until some time in March.
I -
| Hartal ami Physical Grawth Thame af
Talk at Solanos Cl oh.
‘The Relation Between the Mental
and Physical Growth" was the subject
of a paper by Dr. B. W. De Busk, of
the school of education, at the Tuesday
Busk made an extensive Study of de
linqusBt rod precocious children in tbs
grade school to get material ftir this
subject. The Science club meeta the
third Tuesday of each month.
Presides at Meeting of College Heads;
Lays University Wartime Resources
Before President Wilson.
Delayed unexpectedly by his attend
ance at the joint meeting of Association
of State Universities and American As
sociation of Universities, President
Campbell will not return to the campus
until about January 24, according to lat
ent word received by Karl Onthnnk, at
the president's office here.
President Campbell presided over the
joint meeting, whifch included in its mem
bership practically every college presi
dent in America, and was appointed
chairman and spokesman of the com
mittee to lay thq war-time resources of
the American universities before Presi
dent Wilson.
President Campbell is now in Wash
ington. at the head of this committee,
and will return to the University us
soon as his work is finished there.
Marias Ady Hits Upon Novel Idea for
Scone in “Adrians and Bartoe
Bleu,” Class Play.
Marian Ady. * freshman in the Uni
versity, has designed a drop curtain,
which she is to paint for the production
of “Ardlane and Barbe Blen,” a play
to be pnt on by the dramatic interpreta
tion classes on next Thursday and Fri
day, January 24 and 26.
The curtain is to be used in the first
sciaie, where it will represent a wall
upon which the hot Oriental sun is beat
ing. The whole play is to have the
Oriental atmosphere strongly empha
Miss Ady is a student iu the art. de
partment, and designed the curtain for
a problem in Professor Schroffs class
in the pedagogy of art. An assignment
in the dramatic interpretation class, of
which Miss Ady is also a member, In
volved the problem of a stage setting
for this play of Maeterlinck’s. Miss
Ady thns combined the two assignments,
with soeh pleasing results that Professor
Sehroff, Miss Ady’s instructor in the
art department, spoke highly of it to
Professor Reddie, who is directing the
Miss Ady was asked to reproduce it
fcrr the play, and the work on it is to
start immediately in order that it will
be all in readiness when the curtain
ascends on the opening night of the
Gaia Seaman Here to Arouse Interest In
Meeting at MoMinnville.
Gale Seaman, executive for the T. M.
C. A. for the Pacific coast, with head
quarters in Los Angeles, was on the
campus this week arousing intreest for
the annual ministry missions, to be held
at McMinnville next week-end. At these
missions all the colleges in Oregon are
The University and Bible University,
combined, expect to send about 20 dele
gates. Among those who are scheduled
to speak are Miss Tirza Dinsdale, Y.
W. C. A. secretary, and May Har
bert, ’17.
Corporals Kennon and Watkins to Be
Walter Kennon, ’18, and Ernest Wat
kins, ’17, will soon go up for examina
tion for commissions in the quarter
master corps. Both are now corporals
in that department, and stationed at
Fort Stevens.
When leaving Eugene Kennon and
Watkins were enlisted in the Second
company, Oregon coast artillery, but se
cured transfers.
♦ ♦
♦ Kenneth Armstrong ♦
♦ Hugh Bnmk ♦
♦ Lee Bartholomew ♦
♦ Ralph HoIeimb ♦
♦ I^y^TliTrly^aiteraMe. ♦
♦ Four men *re to be selected from ♦
♦ the firet flee at the next tryout in ♦
♦ fhe near fntnre. ♦
♦ ♦
Bouts to Determine Men Who
Will Meet Washington
Aggregation in
Pour Who Faced 0. A. C. Last
Year Back; Match With
Aggies to Be March 8.
February S was set yesterday by can
didates for the team ns the date for
the tryouts for the wrestling team which
will journey to Seattle to meet the Uni
versity of Washington. The bouts will
be on the same' order as last year, with
the man gaining two decisions out of
'three getting a place on the team. Dean
WWker will referee.
In all probability six men will be
taken along at the following weights:
108, 117. 127, 137, 148 and 105 pounds.
The team will leave Eugene, February
15, and the meet will take place the
next evening.
Four Old Mon Back.
Coach Harold Grey is very well
pleased with the outlook, with four men
back who wrestled the O. A. C. matmen
last year. Norman (“Shorty”) Phillips
is the only man in the paperweight class,
brrt he has bad two yours of practice,
and is showing up better right along.
Bruce Fie gal, a veteran from last year,
is the local man at 117 pounds. Ho
has been working consistently and is in
good trim. In an exhibition bout at
the Y. M. C. A. stag nrix a week or
so ago, Flegul showed his class by
(downing J. B. McKinney, who omt
weighed him by 10 pounds.
McKhinej and “Si” Simola are the
leading contestants for the 127-pound
berth on the team. McKinney is new
at the game, but learning fast, while
Simola has had one year on the s,]uad.
The two men are very evenly matched
and the winner will be hard to choose.
No iess than four men are out at
the 137 mark. “Chief” Wilson, another
one of last year’s team, and “Ohuck”
Dundore, are both counted on to make
a strong bid for the place, with Ed
Padden and Elmer Howard the “dark
horses,” who may upset the dope. How
i nrd is a little over-weight, and will have
to train down.
Regular Training Begins.
Captain Harold Grey and Thurston
Faraway will furnish the competition
at 148 pounds. Grey has not been in
very good shape all year, but is in hopes
that he will be in trim by February 8.
He was kept off the team last year be
cause he had to buck against “Rudy”
Rutherford, northwest champion at his
weight. Faraway has been displaying
considerable cleverness in practice, and
mny spring a surprise.
George Taylor, still another of the
team which faced O. A. C., is the single
(Continued on page four)
Chief of State Troops to Be
Present at Parade Tuesday
for First Student
Uniforms Issued Today and
Again Monday. AH Students
Requested to Have One.
The first official inspection of the
University battalion of the year will
take place Tuesday afternoon, when
Governor .Tames Withycombe arrives ir,
Eugene. Announcements were made to
this effect yesterday at drill by Colonel
John Leader.
The program of the day will consist
of the inspection of the four companies
making up the battalion, along with at
exhibition of marching and work in <th*
manual of arms. The students will hi
drawn up in the street in front o
the men’s gymnasium, and will be in
spected there. Governor Withycombe
accompanied by the University militarj
staff, will make the rounds.
Couch to Act as Major.
Preparations have boon under wn.i
for the lost few days and the battalioi
is slowly swinging itself into shape. Ra;
Couch, acting captain of C company
will act as major for the ceremonies
Dwight Wilson, his second-in-command
taking charge of the company.
Trench work on the golf links is go
iag steadily forward. Yesterday thi
regular drill hour was given over t<
work by the four companies, the mei
having the 2 o'clock class in militar;
science, taking that time for work wit!
the shovel and pick. Colonel Leader
himself superintended the work.
Hope to Have Trenches Complete.
After drilling for nbont. half an houi
yesterday the companies marched to tht
field and started to work. It is the
expectation of the military department
to have he trenches completed by next
Tuesday for inspection by Governor
Withycombe, if possible.
.Uniforms will bo issued Monday. All
day today there has been a steady lino
of students filing into the administra
tion building wilth their money in their
pockets. They have been measured for
uniforms, and then have eome out again
withont money in their poekets, but with
n uniform under their arm.
Mechanics’ “cover-alls” are being used
iustead of the regulation olive-drnh
clothing of the soldiers. It is hoped
that when the camp for officers’ re
serves is granted that regulation uni
forms may be secured. All students are
asked to obtain one of the uniforms
before parade on Monday.
Music Well Worn On Trench
Piano Tops; Boys Ask More
Send thoee sweet, songs to the sol
diers. If you haven't anything popular,
send something classical—but send them
This is the appeal sent from the front
by Miss Elizabeth Stewart, a librarian
in Paris, at the Y. M. C. A. headquar
ters, with the American expeditionary
force. A letter containing her request
.has just been received on the campus.
Miss Stewart wrote:
“If anyone wants to send anything to
the soldiers, I think music would be as
much appreciated as anything. This
morning there was a secretary in from
the field who said that for about 1500
men they had only one old volume of
hymns, which they had swiped from
another hut; that one soldier had
bronght abont eight songs over with
him, and this was all they had had for
months. They had played and bud* them
until they were aJI worn out, besides
everyone being tired of them.
“He wanted some new popular songs,
besides hymnals. We could_jsmBiy__tim.
TTymnaT^ari^ne was going down town
I to see if he could buy any new music.
There is little to be had here, of coirrse,
and anyone who wants to spend a fpw
dollars in buying some popular stuff
would be helping a lot. Two or three
dollars wonld buy a lot in the United
States. A 10-cent store is a good piact
to buy.
“If you could get ‘The Sunshine ol
Yotux Smile,’ ‘There’s a I/ong, Long
Trail,* ‘Little Gray Home in the West,’
‘A Perfect L)ay,’ etc., they like these
beside the real popular ones. M.iybt
yonr club would like to take up a col
lection. If you will send it to me 1
will see that it gets to the right place.
“I would buy it, but I can't get those
things here. You know how boys lor
to sing. It is their principal solace huro,
and ever}' hut, no matter how deep the
mud, has a piauo. They like instrumental
music, too.
“itatnrday there was the oddest co;:
pie of young fellows in from a place
where the mud is knee deep. They
looked so grubby, as though their hands
had not been clean for weeks. They
were in town for a musical show that
they are going to have for Christmas.
‘Some show, it is going to be,’ they said.
They haven’t even a but where they
heaven to them.
“The secretary this morning said
sometimes they sing an honr and a half
before starting any service, as the men
love it, and have favorite after favorit*