OREGON EMERALD Official stulent body paper of the University of Oregon, published every Tuesday, Tburslay and Saturday of the college year by the Associated Students. Entered in the postoffice ai Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscri.ption-'rates $1.00 per year. Single copies, 5c. Advertising rates upon request HARRY N. CRAIN . William Haseltine . Robert O. McNary . Ret trice Thurston . Douglas Mill larky . Melvin T. Solve . p.utrl Craine . Assistants . EDITOR ... News Editor Make-Up Editor v/imen’s Editor Feature Editor Dramatic Editor Society Editor Adelaide Lake, Victoria Case, Leith Abbott, Alexander Brown, Dorothy Dun hvay, Levant i'enHe, Walter Schade, He rman Lind, John Houston, Helen Man niag, Helen Brenton. JEANNETTE CALKINS . BUSINESS MANAGER Catherine Dobie . Circulation Manager Lee Bartholomew .Advertising Manager for January Assistants Lyle Bryson, Harris Ellsworth, Eve Hutchison, Madeline Slotboom. I*romptness and accuracy in the matter of delivery is what the Emerald seeks to obtain. If you are not getting your paper regularly, make a coinpkmit, but make it direct to the Circulation M auager. Address all news and editorial complaints to the Editor. Manager 177-J News and Editorial Rooms 655 PHONES Editor 841 Buslnesss Office 1200 ENTER AN OLD FRIEND—SWIMMING. Last night at suggestion of the faculty, or of members of the faculty the student council took up for consideration the matter of devising some means of eliminating danger of accidents among University students on the mill race. It is the same question which presents itself every year just previous to the opening of the Spring canoeing season. The angle which the discussion took last evening was that of working out some plan whereby every student would be taught to swim and the council went on record as urging all students to include swimming somewhere in their athletic schedule. Further, the council recommended that the University provide instructors in swimming for the men. There developed during the discussion a peculiar condition existing in the swimming classes which are given for the women —peculiar if it is to be considered part of a program to en courage the water sport among students. It appears that in the classes which are conducted for the women, only those who do not know how to swim are allowed to sign up. Those women who know enough to keep themselves afloat and even those who are good swimmers are barred from the classes. What the reasons for this course are the Emerald does not know, but it would ap pear that the way to develop an interest in swimming would be to encourage rather than discourage, the natural interest which might be shown in the sport. If properly fostered, swimming should become a popular pastime among the greater part of the studentgjind the results gained, in all probability, would be much more desirable than under any system of compulsion that could be devised. Swimming is, without doubt, one line of activity which can be made of great future value to every student. Learning to swim is more in the line of a duty to be fulfilled by every per son than any sport taught in American colleges. But, as the council recommended, there should be* no sense of compulsion connected with the teaching of swimming. If compelled to, a man can learn to swim across a tank and still, a year later, not be able to keep afloat if thrown suddenly into the water. A good swimmer becomes so because he or she likes the water and very few people were ever made to like' water by being’ driven into it. Let us popular ize swimming through some form of competition open to all, provide competent instructors and it will be strange if sometime or other during four years of college, a student does not learn to swim. , (Continued from page one) men u week ago, which ended in a very close score. Since that time, however, great progress has been made and a much better showing should be made. Coach Hayward lias not definitely de cided upon his team for Saturday night as yet, but be expects to use every man on the squad before the evening is over. There have been only J) or 10 men turn ing out eaeti day, so there is not much material to choose from for the first contest. In order that the student body dance, which is scheduled for S;dO, may begin on time, the game will start at 7:”0. The officials have not yet been chosen, but in Mil probability Kean Walker will officiate as referee. Student body tickets will admit to the game, but a fee will be charged for the dance. The probable lineups are as follows: Multnomah. Position. Oregon. Sharp .K....flrehc, Walker Dtmiway .F. Morrison Mix .V. Comfort: Morion, Toomey.., O.. Steers Stinson .O. Wilson CORNELL FACES DEFICIT I>ue to the decrease of receipts in faces a deficit of approximately $1(H* 000 in running expenses this year. The total normal registration has been cut one-third. - IS FASTEST 111 YEIBS (Continued from page one) site of keeping up interest in student body activities along with interest in military matters. Charles Comfort, appointed to fill I'.vnn Met 'ready’s place, and Walter tlrehe, appointed to take Walter Myer’s position, were present as new members of the council. Those absent were Francis Prater, Ra.' Coin'll. Hill Steers, ami Fred Puck wood, The council passed a resolution "in which it favored every student in the Fniversity learning to swim before be ing graduated. JACK ELLIOTT IS ADVANCED Becomes First Lieutenant and Is In structor at Fort Sill. .lack Flliott. '17. has been advanced from a second to a first lieutenant, in the aviation corps, and transferred front the flying school at Sun Diego to Fort Sill. Okla.. ns an instructor in aviation. Flliott received his commission as a second lieutenant at the Presidio. ia11 ami mmisii hakii mi" Harvard and V Is each lost ik'd per rent i'f their enrollments, and it has been eslimai.-l ;!iat K’.IH' dale students and 10 of the faculty hate enlisted ROUGHNECK VERSES GALORE! BATTALION SONGS COMING IN “The Oregon Crew,’’ “Our Own R. 0. proval of 0 n Here are a few replies of Lieutenant Colonel Leader’s request for “rough neck” songs. The composer of two of the songs evidently wants to keep his iden tity in the dark. All of them are of the type which is wanted for the battalion to sing, and Lieutenant Colonel Leader requests that they be learned as soon as possible: Friend Dean Walker, here enclosed you'll find two songs 1 have composed. One of them I know sounds rotton, As for the other, I’ve forgotten, But they’re not for opera grand, A fact, no doubt, you’ll understand. They’ve made announcements right along, “Wanted—a battalion song.” Nothing classic, with emotion, Rather, roughneck was the notion. Well, I never was a poet, (Had to tel] you, so you’d know it), And I never thought to write On these songs until tonight. But 1 heard them say today, That they’d like one right away, And there were not many in, The allowing made was pretty thin, And then 1 saw my duty clear, The same I’ll tell you—if you’ll hear. I did not try to write a song For us to sing as we march along. But rather thought if you could see IIow had a little song could be, You better could appreciate The ones you’ve gotten up to dute. So having made my explanation, I I sign my name, with hesitation, For fear it’d make an awful fuss, I’ll sign it thus—A. Nonymous. PROPOSED BATTALION SONG (Tune: Solomon Levi.) We’ve got a great old college, boys, Dean Straub has told us so, We know they think a. lot of us And hate to see us go, BUT We’ve got to show the spirit that we’ve long been famous for, It's the (>r*gon Fight we’ve got to kite to Europe to win the war. So— (Chorus) Fall in, Seniors, give them all you’ve got, Fall in. Juniors, you’d rather go than not, Fall in, you underclassmen, if you want to get in the fight, FOR We’re going to lick those Germans and we’re going to lick them right. We’ve got a mighty I,coder, boys, lie’s here to help us out. He’s seen the thick of battle, and He’s put the Roche to rout. We're every man behind him—It’s the thing we’re famous for, It’s the Oregon Fight we’ve got to kite to Europe to win the war. So—• (Chorus.) SUGGESTION FOR BATTALION SONG I (Tune: When Johnnie Comes March ing Home.) “Right shoulder arms,” the Kaiser said, Hurray, hurray, Ho trained his men to knock ’em dead, Hurray, Hurray, MILITARY BRIEFS * v Harold Jenkins and James MeOnllum, two former students in the University, | and who are now located in the ambu lance unit at Camp Lewis, returned to camp yesterday, after a visit with their friends in Eugene. Roth were well pleased with the army life. Rob Case, a member of the elass of ECO, in a letter to a friend in Eugene, says that Ren Stain, Raymond Kinney, and James Cossrnan arc all in officers’ training schools, and that he himself is hoping that he can enter the school at Fort Omaha, Neb. Alt of the boys were in the Second company, O. C. A., at Fort Stevens. A1 Howies, ex ’10, has been trans ferred from the aviation school at Gar den City. X. V.. to Harvard University, where he is taking a pre-medic course, begun at Oregou prior to his enlist ment. Folsom Tallinan, ex 'IS, Jay Fox, ex ' 1!». and lilou Story. '14, havp pulisted I in flip naval aviation corps and arc sta 1 turned at the aviation school at San Diego, Cal. F.rnest Itovlen, ex "JO. who enlisted in the navy hospital corps shortly be fore Christmas, is studying in the naval bacteriological laboratory a: San_JJrniL_ , "0, . *-!an Andersen, e\ 'JO member of the Varsity football team last fall, and Ken neth Moores, president of the class of r C.,” and Others Submitted to Ap igon Students. ‘ I He picked on Russia, then on France, Then shot old John B. in the pants, But he’ll sure have a helluva time, when we come marching on, Oh, he'll sure have a helluva time when we come marching on. Old Oregon’s out to knock ’em dead. Hurray, Hurray, Old Oregon's out to knock ’em dead, Hurray, Hurray, We’ll get old Fritzie by the neck, And get the Kaiser, too, by heck, And we’ll all have a helluva time when we go marching on, And we'll all have a helluva time when we go marching on. “THE OREGON CREW’ (To be sunk to the tune of “My Girl’s a Hullabaloo!”) Our gang’s a hell of a crew, We come from Oregon, too, We like to smoke and chew. We’re tellin’ you! And wdien we get to France, We’ll shoot Fritz in the pants, Make him do a “Hula” dance, On No-man’s Land. We don’t mind submarines, Biscuits or pork and beans, Bayonets or black gas screens, We’re tellin’ you! When we go o’er the top, Things will commence to pop, We’ll make the damned Boehes drop, On No-man's Land. We don’t mind trenches, Barb wire or fences, German defenses, We're tellin’ you! And when we reach their line, We’ll catch the German swine, We'll even make the Kaiser whine On No-man’s Land. OUR OWN R. 0. T. C. (Tune of “-Marching Through Georgie.”) Bring the good old shovel, boys, we’ll dig another trench, Big it with a spirit that will animate the French, Big it as we mean to dig. to quench the ! Kaiser’s stench, While we go marching through Prussia, i (Chorus.) Hurrah! Hurrah! Our University, Hurrah! Hurrah! Our own R. O. T. C., So we'll sing the chorus from our home land to the Spree While we go marching through Prussia. Camouflage and tunnelling! McAlister [ and Smith Furnish the material and give us work that's stiff. Bully beef and bacon, hoys, they're com ing! What’s the diff? While we go marching through Prussia. Raise a cheer for Leader, hoys, the hero i of the Somme, Then join the mighty chorus while we I go marching on, For we'll put the torch to Potsdam in the rose-red dawn, While we go marching through Prussia. | --—-—-—.I li, are now enlisted in the aviation: corps, and studying at the University i of California flying school. For two months Harold Brock, a member of the sophomore class last year, has been on the honor roll as one of the five highest students taking radio .orps work at Harvard University. Brock enlisted last October. 1' red Mosley, ex 'IS. and member of the first ordnance corps at the Uni versity, left the Unired States arsenal at San Antonio yesterday, where the Oregon ordnance detachment has been stationed, for Camp Shelby, Hatties burg. Miss. POWERS ON LECTURE TOUR Member of Extension Division Goes to Drain and Coast for Red Cross. Alfred Powers, of the extension divi sion of the University, left last Monday for Drain, Ore., where he will give the first of a series of lectures on Red Cross and educational work. From 1 )raiD, Mr. Powers, in company with Irvin Street, county school super visor of Douglas county, will travel to the coast, making lectures in the schools and communities en route. Much of the trip will have to be made on foot. Mr. Powers took a complete set of Red Cross slides and lanterns for the pur pose of illustrating his addresses. WASHINGTON LOSES FIRST GAblk The University of Washington quintet suffered defeat iu its first game of the j season, losing to the Seattle Y. M. C. A. j 27-20. * To Theatre Lovers 1 y The management of the Eugene Theatre takes much * pleasure in announcing that Henry W Savage, the noted producer of comic operas, will send his most famous of fering to the Eugene Theatre Wednesday evening, Jan. 23d. Then will come the saucy Mitzi, America’s only Prima Donna-Comedienne, in the comic opera, “Pom-Pom,” that New York demanded 200 nights, and with Mitzi will come the entire New York cast of singers, co medians, ballet, the chorus of girlish glory, the complete scenery by Joseph Urban and even the “Pom - Pom” opera orchestra. mvvvv PRICES, AS IN ALL CITIES $2.00 TO 50^. NOTE.—Mail orders received now and filled in order of receipt. Regular seat sale Monday, Jan uary 21st. "ANOTHER MERRY WIDOW” said the New York Press. VTV* * * * * • * • • • rrr • • » r t ^ « « » • • rj*j v v t.v ' WHEN IN NEED OF GROCERIES, CALL UP And we will see that your order is filled promptly with Fresh, Clean Groceries. WEISS GROCERY COMPANY Rex Floral Co. All Flowers in Season. Corsage Bouquets a Specialty. Prompt Delivery. REX THEATRE BUILDING. Phone 962. Maxwell Jitney Phone 114 STUDEBAKERS, DODGES, OVERLANDS, SAXONS The All Night Service. Eugene Dyeing and Cleaning Works EVERYTHING POSSIBLE IN DYEING AND CLEANING J. Witty, Agt., Friendly Hall. 245 Ninth Ave. E. Phone 122. University Pharmacy For I. P. Note Books and Fillers. WE CAN FIT ANY SIZE COVER QUALITY ALWAYS. % COR. 11TH AND ALDER. PHONE 229 THE OR EG AN A The Student Shop. ICE CREAM __ LUNCHES CANDIES Near The Campus. Phone 928. .V.-kJWWasa****.