WAR BOOKS ARRIVE DAILY Eighteen Volumes Received at Library Wednesday. New war books arrive at the Uni versity library almost daily. A large shipment of about eighteen volumes, dealing with war subjects, was received by Librarian M. H. Douglass Wednes day. The books will be catalogued and ready for circulation next week. Some of the titles follow: Hurrah and Hallelujah, Bang; All In It “K(l)” Car ries on, Beith; William the Second, Hammer; Told in the Huts, The Y. M. C. A. Gift Book, contributed by sol diers and war worsers; Letters and Diary, Seeger; At the Front in a Fliv ver; Germany the Next Republic, Ack erman; The Little Man, Andreyev; Op pressed English, Beith: War Poetry, Clark; Journal From Our Legation, Gib son; Headquarter Nights, Kellog; Fly ing in France, McConnell; My War Diary, Washington: War and the Spirit of Youth; and French Flying Corps, Winslow. JIM SAYS 4 4 Wear Neolin Soles and Wingfoot Heels. ’/4f? _ Waterproofvand Noiseless. F JIM, THE SHOE DOCTOR. 986 WILLAMETTE STREET. Rae Floral Co. Freshest Violets and Carnations' and general assort ment of cut flowers to be had. ■JTjwSSW*' . ♦. .♦_♦. .». PHONE 23 i • «. • 65 E. NINTH ALL WE HAVE TO SELL YOU IS GIFTS AND PICTURES. YOURS TRULY Eugene Art Store. Pain Bldg. -10th and Will. St. DRILL FOR DM TO CLOSE NEXT MOHUT Colonel Bowen Will Give Talk to Men in Villard Tuesday. Tells How to Avoid Ill ness in Service. Take Time to Cook Food Well Is Advice From the Commandant. Military drill for the present quarter will end with the Monday period accord ing to Colonel Bowen, drill commandant, who addressed the men of the four Uni versity companies during drill hour, yes terday. Tuesday the men will assemble at 11:30 in Villard hall and Colonel Bowen will give an ilustrated lecture on “Custer's Last Battle.” A heavy rain prevented outside work yesterday morning and the Colonel de voted the period to a lecture on the hard ships of camp life during actual service and how to best avoid discomfort and sickness. Colonel Relates Experiences. The Colonel told of his experiences in temporary camps in the Philippines when it was often impossible to get enough water and proper food for the needs of the company. “Use the water on your feet and body and let your hands and face go, if neces sary,” said Colonel Bowen in pointing out to the student companies that they would, if called into service, often see the time when it would be impossible to have showers for all the men and some times possibly enough water only for drinking purposes. Cook Food Well. : Colonel Bowen urged the men who should be later called into the field for I Uncle Sam to always take time, when I cooking their own food, to cook it well. | He urged boiling whenever possible as, ! lie said, it wuld keep the men in a i healthier condition and preserve more of Vie food value than frying, often prac For Christmas Gifts One-Fourth Off ' Separate Muffs and Scarfs, also in sets with Muff and Scarf to match. Nutria Beaver, Hudson Seal, Kohnsky, Mink, Black Fox and a variety of white furs. " ' ' CHILDREN’S FUR SETS fA beautiful and useful gift for the little girl. They come in Coney Fur, Possum, Squirrel and Ermine. # LADIES’ PLUSH COATS 1-4 Off. Handsome garments for the lady who appreciates a really smart and rich winter coat. Full lined with fancy and plain silks. Plain and Fur trimmed. Special Sale Khaki Yarn 69c per skein. ^ While this lot lasts you may procure this valuable yarn at a reduced price. Only a few pounds left. Parisian Ivory Toilet Articles. Make an acceptable and life time gift. Trays, Manicure Sets, Powder Boxes, Mir rors, etc.; aD are priced very low. H ticed because it takes less time than the boiling process. "It is as much your patriotic duty to keep your body in condition in the field as it is to fight bravely in battle, said Colonel Bowen. LATE WAR ARTICLES LISTED Names of Pieces of Interest Posted on Library Bulletin Board. A list of war articles found in late magazines, has been placed on the war bulletin board in the library, by Miss Margaret Upleger, assistant librarian. Some of the articles noted are, "When a Feller Needs a Friend." Colliers, De cember S; 'Airplanes by the Thousand," Scientific American, December 1; "The French." Scribner, December; "On Fire WOO Feet in the Air," "Lieutenant Mott,” Red Cross Magazine: "The Real Front,” Hypers, December; “Santa Claus at the Front," Red Cross Maga zine. December; Transatlantic Air ships." Scientific American, December 8. TO PRESENT MUSICAL PLAY Dr. Landsbury and Mrs. Parsons Work Out Three-Act Production. Work has been begun on a three-act musical play in which Mrs. M. H. Par sons, of the department of English, and Dean John J. Lflndsbnry, are co-operat ing. The libretto of the piece, “In a Dresden Garden,” has been written by Mrs. Parsons, and the music will be written by l)r. Landsbury. Cleome Car roll, a senior in the department of public speaking, is handling the problem of staging of the production. She has al ready built a complete miniature of the garden scene and is now working out the costumes and lighting effects. The pro duction may be ready within a few weeks. Send the Emerald Home CLARIDGE^ 2otr ex* 2^-35^4^50^ Give Something Electrical For Christmas President Wilson has said: “Now is the time for America to correct her unpard* onable fault of wastefulness, and extravagance.’' You won’t have to apologize later if you make this an Electrical Christmas. Your friends will commend you. Eveready Flashlights Electric Washing Machines Electric Flat Irons Electric Grill Stoves Electric Bathroom Heaters Electric Sewing Machine Motors Electric Vacuum Cleaners Electric Coffee Percolators Electric Curling Irons and Heaters Electric Heating Pads. We have a complete stock of all appliances. Sigwart Electric Co. 933 Willamette St. Phone 718 The Best Meals Served. Most Central Location. Telephones in All Rooms HOTEL SMEED Eugene, Oregon Rooms Steam Vteated. Hot and Cold Water. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY “The Machine yort will eventually buy" Rents, Repairs, Supplies New and Rebuilt Underwoods C9I WILLAMETTE ST. Eugene Branoh Christmas Gifts of Quality “Only 7 More Shopping Days Till Christmas” “Fuzzy” Wool and All Wool Jersey Sweaters. MODERATELY PRICED .$6.75, $8.50 and $12 75 The former is better known as Angora Coats, because the wool is so “fuzzy” and fleecy—most fascinating new styles are here. Particularly clever are the two color combinations. They-re warm, serviceable and practical. ' Wool Scarf and Cap Sets IN ALL POPULAR COLORS, RANGE FROM.65c to $3.50 K Delightfully wintry looking and very warm, as they are made of brushed wool. A most pleasing array of these awaits your selec tion. New Separate Scarf. Artistic throw scarfs of wool, pretty shades to harmonize with / winter costumes; fringed trimmed color combinations of white and green, blue and pink, as well as pink colors. J Priced at from.$2.00 to $3.2o | Wool Vestees, the Very Newest. They are adorned with a sailor collar and these clever creations have abundance of warmth and fashion’s most favored dictation. Fringed ends; in plain colors, plaid combinations of rose, black and green, blue, white and black. $1.00 to $2.75. Georgette and Crepe De Chine Blouses. THESE RANGE FROM $6.50 TO $12.50 We know the limitations of types well enough not to attempt a description of the exquisite waists that have crowned our efforts. The collection is rich—far richer in touches of novelty, that every woman ad mires. A glance at them reveals the charms of dis tinctiveness that lift such things above commonplace. What better gift than one of those hrrr blousor Quite the attraction are the new lingerie waists that readily sell at $2.50. 24 61 60 INCH HEAVY FELT, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON PENNANTS, APPROPRIATE GIFTS, SPECIALLY PRICED. EACH. $1.95