NEW YORK’S BRIGHT LIGHTS CAN’T LURE OREGON SOLDIER Harry Ruck, '16, at Camp Mills, N. Y., Likes Home State Best; Expects to Go to Front by December I. A letter received from L. Kuck, a graduate of the University of Oregon in ’10. and who is now stationed at Camp Mills, New York, with the Oregon troops, was printed last Monday in the Dallas Duily Chronicle. Portions of the letteT follow: "I just got bock from a three days’ sojourn in New York City, and thought you might he interested in the mental reactions on a small town mind after n visit to the “big burg.” “The two things that I count most wonderful in the many sights I enjoyed in the nntion’s metropolis are “La Theatre” and the Stock exchange. I hud never know what a real show was until I saw “Doing Our Bit,” at the Winter Garden, and “Cheer Up,” at the flipped romc. Stock Exchango Closed “The outside wall whs all of the Stock exchange building proper, that 1 was able to see, us this great whoel of desting has been closed to five public since war began. Wall street. New stret, Broad street—this is the big trade section of the city. The streets are extremely narrow and winding; the buildings are tall and rather old looking. “Delmonioo’s is a common-appearing restaurant on the exterior and nothing startling for looks inside. Of its quali ties I am ignorant—this is Saturday morning and I arrived in town Friday afternoon and allowed “.lack’s Cafe” to educate me along the line of modern epicureanism; hence a careful survey of my financial standing cautioned me that I was “pretty smart” nlong that line, already. Street Cars Slow The subway is the most popular mode of travel in the city; the elevated is utilized to some extent but the street ears are old-fashioned and slow on ac count of traffic. “I took a ride up the Hudson along Itive’side drive and saw about 60 or 70 Dutch traders and trnns-Atilantic boats dotting the river. Some were loader! with grain, and others would have been, for delivery to Germany. They are held by order of the government. “When I left camp I considered the advisability of buying a farm of .‘50 to <10 acres up by 'the city hall, but decided to save my $3.80 towards getting back to Oiegon some day. All the bright lights of Broadway could not induce me to live in New York if I could get to Oregon. For climate, people, living conditions and "the things worth wdiile in life, I wouldn't trude Oregon for New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska or any of the states we traveled through on the way here. And this attitude is not merely personal hue general among Oregon-bred men in the army. Call Chicago “West” “People hero think you mean Chicago or iowa when you speak of coming from the west. When you say Oregon, they say: "Oh, yes Oregon —why that used to be a territory, didn’t it?” I took great pleasure in replying: “Yes, about 68 years ago.” ‘Camp Mills is far from ideal; but we are told our stay here is only tem porary. Kuoh day some regiment leaves for Hoboken and the Atlantic, and it is almost certain' we will follow by the fust of December. IIARRY L. KUCK, Company L, 162nd Infantry, Camp Mills, hong Island, N. Y.” I (Continued on page four) of (ho orange mid Iduck cloven, will not bo in the lineup which faces Oregon on turkey day, because of n broken shoulder, which he received in the Wash ington game at Seattle, Saturday. Bix sett, lyodell and ('ole. all old men, are l)nek In the padded clothes on the O. A. lineup with the experienced Hose to tuke the place ol Newman. Wh.lle speaking of injuries and not' in the hear story line either, Carl Nelson, who played a prominent part in busting through tin1 California line and in smearing the plays of the blue and gold in Saturday’s contest, had his ankle badly twisted Friday night and it is probable that he will remain in civilian clothes all day Thanksgiving. Flo member 1915? ltemembev the MM5 game? During that season O. A. C. broke into the sport world with startling headlines, when the Aggies took tin' Michigan cow men into camp, and were touted as one of the strongest teams in the I'nited States. Oregon did not have a world heating team. Two weeks later the Aggies lined tip lignins! the out-doped Oregon eleven; there was an hour of football and O. A. C, limped home with a sack full of woe, labeled with a !• to 0 defeat. “Oregon's victory over the sons of the Golden state, completely took the starch out <>f the Aggies,” said a local sport critic upon returning from a visit to O. A. The Oregin fight has al ways been a thing of horror to the Cor vallis institution and for the Oregon students to show It ns strong this year as they did in the nntibellum days is a hard blow to the Aggie confidence. Then again the fact that their cherished “iron woman” sought headquarters oil the University campus for a few days, has caused the grey beards of the Cor vallis institution to shake their heads with direful forebodings. Portland is going to be football wild, according to A. It. Tiffany, who returned Thursday from Portland, where he start ed an advertising campaign. Commit tees were appointed, composed of grad uates from O. A. C., the University and of the Portland Ad club. SOCCER GAME SCHEDULED Freshmon Accept Sophomore Challenge to Play After Vacation. The challenge issued by the sopho mores to the freshmen early in the week, to play an inter-class soccer game, has been accepted by Nolan llnnimers le.v, first-year president, and will prob ably be played sometime during the week following Thanksgiving vacation. In speaking of the challenge, Ilani mersley said. "This is the one chance for the freshmen to get revenge for ■the walloping ive received from the sophomores in football, .lust tell them that we will meet them any place, and at any time, and that we will sure ’knock ’em dead’!” BETTER LITERATURE FOR SOLDIERS, PLi Collegiate Periodical League Asks University Help for Improved Magazine Service. Back Numbers Now Being Sent to Campus Declared of No Interest. A plan by which nearby military camps and cantonments can be furnished with magazines before they are out of date, has been offered to the University by the Collegiate Periodical League, which is working under the direction of the American Library War council, and affiliated with the Woman’s Committee of National Defense. The plan is for each community inter ested to organize for the collection of magazines from subscribers within ten days after the date of publication. These would be sent to the camps immediately upon collection, in order that the ma terial contained would not be old by the time it was received. Hooks also would be collected for permanent or circulating libraries in cantonments. Soldiers Read Eagerly Rev. W. II. Davis, formerly pastor of the Baptist church, of Eugene, who is in the city on a furlough from his post ns Y. M. C. A. secretary at Camp Lewis. American Lake, approves hear tily of the new idea. “I think you are on the right track now,” he said, “es pecially if the Libray Council has taken it over. “There are about four hundred vol umes in the library at Camp Lewis,” he continued, ‘land often almost every book is in use. The men are fond of modern fiction, classics, and of maza rines that deal with sports, mechanics, current events, or literature. This is a splendid opportunity for the public to cultivate in the soldiers a taste for good literature. They can do this by sending nothing but good periodicals and books.” Magazines are pouring in at Camp Lewis faster than they can bo opened, says Mr. Davis, and the disadvantage in this is, that each magazine received is duplicated many times, some are never represented, and all are too old when they come. The Saturday Even ing Post is received in large quantities, and is road but little by the soldiers, he said. Maps Interest Men The men study the maps they have constantly, says Mr. Davis. ‘‘There is always a crowd around the maps, and several maps of Europe, especially those ol the western front, would he gladly received by the men. A few atlases and books on the subject of European geog raphy would be used eagerly. “There is also a demand for Freneh English dictionaries by the soldiers, most of them ire trying to gain some know ledge of the French language." Rome of the magazines mentioned by Mr. Davis as acceptable by the soldiers are: Out West, The Country (lentle man, American, Atlantic Monthly, World’s Work, Life, Judge, Puck, and other illustrated weeklies. Wot,ion’s Magazines Popular "It is interesting to notice how popu lar a woman’s magazine is at Camp Lewis," said Mr. Davis. "A few slip in once in awhile, and of these the ! Ladies’ Home Journal is the most in J demand.” j The new plan for gathering books and magazines will be referred by M. H. Douglass, University librarian, to the student council, and it will be de cided whether the University will foster this work in Eugene. Vassar. 'Welles ! ley, Mt. Holyoke, and Radcliffe are the only colleges already affiliated with the league. Other colleges have taken up the work independently. PRIZES FOR SHORT STORIES Contest Started for Members of Mrs. Parsons' Portland Classes. Cash prizes are to be offered for ! the best two short-stories written by | members of Mrs. Mable Holmes Parsons’ short-story class in Portland. The mon ! ey is being subscribed by the 200 mem bers of the class themselves, in addi- ] tion to a nucleus donated to them for the purpose. Hie stories must be turn ed in at the next session of the class, in Portland, December 8, and none may , be longer than 5,000 words. An even start has been given the competitors, who must all take the same set be-' • ginning, supplied by the instructor, and j build their stories on that. The class , contains some promising talent, accord . ing to Mrs. Parsons. ; ASKS SOLDIERS’ ADDRESSES University Wants All Names of Enlisted Men Turned In. , The University issues Another call to , the students to send in to the office the names and accurate addresses of any i enlisted men, who have attended the University or any of those, who leave from time to time, with the unit iu which they enlist. i PEACE PUIS TO Fill NEXT REVIEW MB: -- Commonwealth Mow in Press Contains Articles by Well Known Men. Would Mold Opinion for Lasting Results From War Say Editor F. G. Young. The next number of the C ommon wealth Review, published quarterly, by the department of economic sociology, at the University of Oregon, which has already gone to press, will contain papers by representative men of the state bearing on the problem of pre paredness for organizing an enduring peace, when the war is won. “This issue of the Review,” said Prof. F. (}. Young, who is managing editor of the publication, “will serve as a hand book for the Oregon branch of the League to Enforce Peace, and is intended to promote the study of the problem, so that the fruits of war may be insured and the results of war made permanent.” Articles have been written for this issue by the following representative men: William D. Wheelwright, president of the Oregon branch of the League to Enftrce Peace, who read the leading paper last year of the Oregon common wealth conference: Charles H. Carey; Richard W. Montague; Or. P. A. Mag ruder, of O. A. C.; and Or. Robert E. Lee, of Reed College An introductory note and study on the problem wil. be added by the editor. Documental material such as President Wilson’s re ply to the pope's note suggesting terms of peace, will he included. MME. PETROVA in "TH L SU-LNCE SELLCRs" A METRO WON DER PICTURE Of Love and Black mail. Monday and Tues. AT THE SAVOY —MWM ' I hat Would a Christmas Box Mean to You If You Were “Somewhere in France?” Arthur Faguy-Cote , Accompanied by MRS. FAGUY-COTE in Recital for the benefit of the Red Cross Christmas Package Fund Eugene Theater. 8 p. m. Tuesday, November 27. \ Admission $1.00, 75c and 50c. No War Tax. %••••’ « V V V «”* * t » % * «**« VV VV V V V#' V V V V V X J University of Oregon vs. Oregon Agricultural College **X**v*«t* •£**> FOOTBALL ? I Student Tickets on Sale at Co-op. 1 I I BUT NOW • •• *••• VVVVVVVVVVV^^V*#**#' BUY HERE