I " Campus Society Edited by Pearl Oraine Dainty and picturesque as a Jap anese print, is the dance of Gamma I'hi Beta, which is taking place at their home this evening. Large mirrors re flect the gaily colored Japanese lanterns ithat wink thirough cherry-blossoms, which are clustered about the rooms. A number of out-of-town guests nre here for the event. Among them are Elenore Smith, of Corvallis; Lena Bart lett, of Astoria; Madeline Burgess and Rena Hale, of Pendleton; Doris Dab ney, Miriam Hilton, Xavine Bolander, Mary Hagert, and Phoebe Gage, of Portland. The list of patrons and pa tronesses include Mrs. II. G. W est. Mrs. Lucy Abrams. Miss Elizabeth Fox. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Dixon. Mr. aud Mrs. O. S. Stafford, and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Eeddie. Additional guests are Mr. ana Mrs. C. C. Jeremiah, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fnguy-Cote, Madge Calkins. Helene Kuykendall. Flora Campbell. Alice Young, Janet Frazier. Brownell Fraz ier. Aulice Anderson. Geneva Stebno, John S. Evans. Xed Fowler, Laurence Dutton, of Corvallis, Harold Horse, of Corvallis. Don Oxman. Don Feenaughty, Don Robinson, Hugh Thompson, ILisel tinS" Schmeer. Flint Johns, Kenneth Comstock, Billy Ralston, Joe Trow bridge. Herbert Heywood. Jack Dun dore, George Van Waters, Richard Mar tin, Schaffer Newton, Curtis Peterson, Earl Wilson. Howard Kelly, Gerald Backtsrand, Don Fortwood, Bill Lyle, Bob McXary, Charles Dundore. Bill Coleman, John Hunt and Claire Ilold ridge. ★ ★ ★ Members of Beta Phi are entertain ing with dancing at their home this evening. Palms and greens have been arranged throughout the rooms. Patrons and patronesses of the affair are Mr. BUUMMBg: i I liNTilMnil1 IIIIIBlTITTf rililll llIfllTHIIIU The New Fall Arrow - ce ■' ~ ■ ~ 2°? each Q/Gr^P 3/or^f? THE Club Barber Shop The Place Where All University Men Go. 814 WILLAMETTE ST. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY “The Machine you will eventually buy” Rents, Renairs, Supplies New and Rebuilt Underwoods C9I WILLAMETTE ST. Eugene Branch and Mrs. L. 1’. llulibs. Mrs. F. R. Benson. Miss Elizabeth Fox. Mrs. Edna Prescott Datson, and Miss Winifred Forbes. Other guests are Ruth Eug strom and Helen Houghten. of Port land. Ethel Gaylord, of Tillamook. Vir ginia Smith, Margaret Fell, Janet Knight, (.'arl Knudson, James Sheehy, Willard Hollenbeck, Neil McEachern, Er rol McNair. Lee Hobart. John Huston. Rollin Woodruff. Harold Grey. Nish Ohapman. Kieth Leslie. Lee Bartholo mew, Holland Nicol, I>on Roberts, Nel lis Hamlin. Flyod Ellis. Ilerold White, Elmo Madden, Ralph Dresser, Bert Woods, Shan Atkinson, Dr. John J. Landsbtiry. Thurston Laraway. Lloyd Perkins. Melvin Solve, Loren Davis and Dwight Parr. ★ ★ ★ Interest of the sophomores centered Inst night around their class party which took place in the men's gymnasium. The affair, which was extremely informal, was in the nature of a lottery. Dancing formed the main amusement of the evening. Patrons and patronesses in cluded President and Mrs. P. L. Camp bell, Professor and Mrs. W. F. G. Thacher, Miss Elizabeth Fox and Mr. William Hayward. The committee in charge was cornju'ised of Lyle McCros key, Gladys Smith, Dorothy Parsons, and Elmo Madden. ★ * ★ Mrs. Payson J. Treat, grand president of Delta Gamma, arrived in Eugene Thursday afternoon from Seattle, to be the guest of the local chapter for a few days. Mrs. Treat will be the inspira tion of extensive entertaining during her stay. Thursday night Mrs. Trent was guest of honor at dinner at the Delta Gamma house. In addition to active members of the fraternity, covers were arranged for Mrs. Treat. Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. F. S. Dunn. Miss Amy Dunn, Miss Lucile Yoran and Miss Olive Zimmerman. ' ★ ★ ★ Miss L. Pearl Green, grand secretary of the Kappa Alpha Theta, Erma Keith ley. and Ruth Rothrock, were Sunday dinner guests of Pi Beta Phi. ★ ★ ★ Ruth Engstrom, of Portland. Helen Houghten. of Portland, and Ethel Gay lord, of Tillamook, are week-end guests of Pi Beta Phi. * ★ ★ Kappa Sigma entertained Don 'Robin sou. Hugh Brandenburg, and Don Fee naughty at dinner Thursday evening. ★ ★ * Kappa Kappa Gamma was hostess at a jolly dinner party after the Oregon California game hist Saturday evening. Oregon colors and large yelow and white chrysanthemums made a most appropriate and effective color scheme for the rooms and table. The guest list included Ruth Hardy, Frances Young, Ruth Hoerr. Ethel Loukes, Fern Murphy and John Finnern. ★ ★ ★ Claire Holdridge was a dinner guest Wednesday evening at the Beta Theta Pi house. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. G. W. Roberts was a week-end visitor at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house during Homecoming. ★ ★ ★ Miss Peaiie Green, grand secretary of Kappa Olphat Theta, who has been ft JIM SAYS: 1 4 Y T Y Y i T i Y Y Y Y Y Y. w Wear Neolin Soles and Wingfoot Heels. Waterproof and Noiseless. JIM, THE SHOE DOCTOR. 986 WILLAMETTE STREET. Have you your picture of The iron W oman Also the California Game and Bonfire. We carry a full line of Cameras, Films and Supplies. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. THE KODAK SHOP. For Stunts, Campus Scenes and Fraternity Groups. spending a few days in Eugene visiting the locnl chnpter. left last Monday ev- ; ening for California, where she will visit Stanford University. ★ ★ ★ Interesting among the social happen ings of the week *is the dance of Phi , Delta Delta, which is an event of this evening Their house has been prettily decorated in greens, combined with a profusion of blue streamers, blue being j their fraternity color. Guests of the . affair are President and Mrs. P. L. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Rogers. Madeline Slotbloom, Gladys Smith. Gene ; Geisler, Marian Spoeri. Marian Gilstrnp, ; Katherine Livengood. Era Godfrey. Flor ence Powers, Katherine Forrester. . I’earle Davis. Mary Ellen Bailey. Eu- i genia Dennning. Jessie Garner, Alary Irving. Reba Macklin. Patricia McCabe, Esther Banks. Helen Hall, Edyle Frasch, Helen Bracht, Anna I.ee Mil ler. I,vie Bryson. Mary Williams, Helen Manning, William Purdy, Marrian Dunn. Reginald Fox, Hermes Wrigbtson, and the following, of Corvallis: Lloyd Mil ler, Stirling Smith, Harlan Stansberry. Laurence Dutton, Lloyd Carter, Robert Reynolds and Flavius AVest. ★ ★ ★ Glenn Stanton entertained for the Architectural club in honor of Louis C. Rosenburg. instructor in the Univer sity school of architecture, with a dance ■at the Eugene Country club last night. Mr. Rosenburg expects to leave Eugene shortly for AA'lshington, D. C., where he will enter thl camouflage department. The club house was made unusually at tractive by the lavish use of ferns and large yellow chrysanthemums. Patrons and patronesses of the evening were j Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Johnston and Mr. : and Mrs. Ormond Bean. Other guests included Miss Caswell, Miss Wilson, Louise Johnson. Margaret Grey, Ada McMurphey, Mary Louise Allen, Kate S. naffer, Nora Manerude, Hope Mc Kenzie. Lillian Manerud. Dona Spencer, Lucile Stanton, Harold Grey, Holland Nicol, Lee Hulburt. ★ ★ ★ Honoring Mrs. Pa.vson J. Treat, their grand president, Delt Gamma enter tained with a reception at their home yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Treat, Mrs. F. S. Dunn, Miss Amy Dunn, Mrs. II. Bailey and Miss Marian Noil, received the guests. In the dining room Mrs. AV. AV. Calkins, Mrs. C. II. Beals, Mrs. AV. F. Osburu, and Airs. Rogers presided over the prettily appointed table. A large number of University and twous people called dniiug the afternoon. ★ ★ ★ The ftnderclassmen of Delta Delta Delta are entertaining their juniors and seniors with an informal dance tonight ■at the Country club. The decorations and programs represent Thanksgiving. The list of guests includes Airs. Middle ton, Messrs. Dob Earl, Bob Cosgriff, Elmer Howard, Creston AIad dock. Hor ace Hair, Giles Hunter, oe AVilliams, Lloyd Still, Air. Laird, Paul Spangler, Clarence Aloffitt. Joe Hammersley. Alerle Blake, Mike Harris and Alorris Morgan. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. S. Garland of Lebanon arrived in Eugene yesteday to spend the Thanks giving holidays nt the Kappa Alpha Theta house with her daughter, Mildred Garland. ★ ★ ★ Helen Stansfield left yesterday after noon for her home in Portland, where she is to have special treatments for her throat. She will return to college after the Thanksgiving holidays. ★ ★ * Chi Omega’s dinner guests Thursday evening were Mary Johns, Elizabeth Smith and Bula Smith. ★ ★ ★ Harold Barde spent the week-end in Portland. ★ ★ + Flint Johns was a luncheon guest of Ivappa Kappa Sigma Thursday. ★ ★ ★ Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Taylor were entertained by Kappa Kappa Gamma during their visit in Eugene. ★ ★ ★ Katherine Twomey is spending the week-end in Portland. ★ ★ ★ Edith Still (ex-14) is a guest at the Delta Delta Delta house. She was pres ent at the wedding of Fay Ball to Au drey Bond, in Astoria, and also visited in Portland. She is on her way to Los Angeles to spend the winter. She will be in Eugene until Thanksgiving. MEDAL DEBATE POSTPONED Football Controversy May Be Question for Contest Next Term. The medal debating contest, open to all University of Oregon students, has been postponed until January. Prof. K. W. Prescott, instructor in the de pnrtment pin,!]'' speaking. s.ys that he expects that the question for the contest will be based on the Oregon Washington football controversy. Walter Meyers, William Ilaseltine, Kenneth Armstrong and II. M. Doxsee, are gathering material at present for the Oregon-O. A. C. debate scheduled for December 15. Special Train Oregon Electric Railway WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28th, 1:30 P. M. Portland.$4.80 Round Trip plus War Tax 38c Salem.$2.80 Round Trip plus War Tax 22c Albany.$1.75 Round Trip plus War Tax 14c See the Football Game U. of 0. vs. 0. A. C. THANKSGIVING DAY Sales Dates for Thanksgiving Rates Nov. 28, 29th, Tickets good returning on all trains up to and includ ing December 3rd. Glen Macy, Campus Representative. H. R. KNIGHT, Agent. awa—uii NEW ENTRANCE OFFER HUE II tinSITY (Continued from pnge one) qualities of leadership and executive ability, which the University gives. Thus there is a patriotic as well as a per sonal appeal for all those possible to take work in college.” Pleased With Alumni Work The University, said Mr. Onthank, is very well pleased with the summer work of the students and alumni, who urged people to attend college. Many students who were uncertain about attending the University, were effectively reached. WANTED—FIRST TENOR ! Men’s Glee Club Not Complete, Sixteen Maximum; Stunt Tryout Coming The number of members in the men’s cine club is to lie limited to sixteen. This is to make she organization more compact in singing, and will also be an , sf-ot in the taking of trips. Although the membership of the glee club is prac tically filled, there is need of a first tenor. Stunt tryouts for the members of the club are to be held on December 10, a stunt man being very' necessary in the club's program. A trip will prob ably be made into eastern Oregon, but as yet, no definite arrangements have been settled. Graham Smith, president of the club, stated that although there was no surplus of activity in the club at present, the prospects of a success ful! season wore bright. SCIENTIFIC MEN DESERVE BIG PLACE, SAYS SMITH Too Little Attention Paid Ability in Business World, Asserts Geology Professor. Too little attention is paid to the use ut men of s.-i, m-c ihe business interests of the United States, claimed Professor Warren I). Smith, of the geology department of the University, in his address on “Science and Commerce.’’ i before the members of the Commercial j club, of the University of Oregon, at the Y. W. C. A. bungalow, last Thursday evening. Thanksgiving Meal Should Be Sane, Is Advice. Don't Over Eat But Plan Dinner Strictly According to Hoover Says Miss Tlnglo. “Strictly according to Hover,” is Mis Tingle's direction for Thanksgiving dinner. “Celebrate sanely, instead of over eating, and give what you don’t need to those who haven’t anything.” Miss Tingle says the day should he happy, by all means, but that we should rely on other things than an over-loaded dinner table. Have turkey if you can afford it, she advises, for this is strictly in keeping with Hooverizing. TTse as many fruits and vegetables as possible and cut down on sweets. If candy is to be part of the menl, see that it has a distinct place, and isn’t counted ns an extra. Candy now is not made from sugar, but from syrup, glucose and such things ns pea nut butter. Miss Tingle thinks also we can out out the unnecessary extras, such ns ] olives and nuts, for she thinks that in ! an ordinary Thanksgiving dinner, these have no logical place, and won"t he missed. If you intend to have pumpkin pie, do away with the erust. T’se eggs and milk, if they aren’t too high, but use ns little fat ns possible. Try to make the dinner inexpensive, for economy as well as conservation, should be the order of the day. MUCH INTEREST SHOWN IN GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Miss Cummings and Miss Rader Enthu siastic About Spirit and Pre diet Game With 0. A. C. Great enthusiasm is manifest in girls’ basketball, according to Miss Mabel L. Cummings, head of the physical train ing department. Miss Hazel Rader, who is coaching the teams, is also very en thusiastic about the way the girls are turning out. —'Ihui'tvlii.v niglii about uremy-fivi' girls turned c ut, keeping both flooirs busy all the time. Of this number, fourteen were juniors, and the rest were seniors and sophomores. “Things look favorable for a gnme witn O. A. said Miss Cummings, “provided the girls keep up their in terest.” COTE RECITAL TO BE TREAT Woll Known Artist Student of London, Paris and Canada to Sing Tuesday In presenting Mr. Arthur Faguy-Cote to the students and the public of Eu gene, the school of music is bringing forth an artist of recognized ability. Mr. Cote is a graduate of the Conser vatorie Le Salle in Canada., and has had several years’ training in Paris and London. Aftor coming to this country, he spent a year in concert work, and his ability in this work caused his application to the University faculty bo be quickly accepted. The recital will he given at the Eu gent theater next Tuesday evening, be ginning at 8:QI> o’clock. The entire proceeds of the recital are to be given to the Red Cross for the purpose of sending Christmas packages to the sol diers. Mary Spiller hall gave a hike-break fast at Chula Vista Saturday morning. About seventeen guests were present. — Thursday evening dinner-guests of Mary Spiller wore Mellie Pnrkor, Ceclie McAllister, Miss Dinsdale, and Frances Dinsdale. Hotel Osburn Favorite Resort of Students. i | j.-Dinner Dances, Teas and Banquets I a Specialty. I I i