SHY OREGON MEN TRAINING AT STEVENS CLIFFORD SEVITS WRITES CON CERNING LIFE AMONG SOL DIERS OF SECOND AR TILERY COMPANY GOSSMAN COACHING FOOTBALL TEAM -■ I Library Appreciated; Many Plan to Take Courses Offered by Ex tension Department Writing to friends at the University, (Jiflord Sevits, of last year’s fresh man class, describes life with the members of .the Second Company, C. A. C., as follows: 'Varsity Well Represented .‘Do you realize that, as tiie dear old Alma Mater opens her arms this fall to the many sons and daughters of Oregon, between 50 and 70 of the lead ing inen of former years are at this post training in the science of war? The Second Company from Eugene, alone, has 52 men from, the University, and a large number have been detailed to various departments of the head quarters as well as those who have become sergeants, master gunners, and electricians on the non-commi: sioned staff. i raining unanges aspect ‘'That the boys in camp would all like to bo back on the old campus for another year’s University life, is evidenced by the many expressions that are heard in the tents today, but that any of them l'eels that urge more deeply than ho does the stupendous responsibilities placed upon him by tliQ greatness of the hour, is impossi ble. During these two short months a great change has taken place in the mental attitude of wo embryo soldiers. Beginning witli a very vague under standing of what real military life is and feeling moral of an enthusiasm of youth toward the undertaking than of real patriotism, wo have uncon sciously passed through an epic of sublime importance. We are eager for mil action, we are anxious to become ofllctent soldiers, wo are am bitious to bring this dreadful war to a close. The seriousness of our gov ernment's undertaking, I believe, is better gained in the actual process of training for the groat struggle than in the ordinary pursuits of civil life. Wo soldiers are denied the pleasures of society, as wo have known them previously. Although Uncle Sam pro vides for our physical wants, them is a sacrifice to lie made in training to bo a soldier in such times as these. Oregon Songs Cheer “But in spite of the privileges we are denied, it would lie dillleult indeed to find a more thoroughly Jovial group of men than we are. At dusk, when the hig. golden sun goes to rest in the I*aciilc and the humid quiet of the seacoast atmosphere creeps over the row of brown tents, the plunk of a ukulele soon brings the boys together and the strains of ‘Mighty Oregon,’ the old Mill Ituce song, and many oth ers thrill the heart until tattoo is sounded and the lights go out. "Oregon Spirit” Will Win "The routine duties of lh(' day, con sisting of drill and other forms of fa tigue, are entered Into with appetiz ing interest, so characteristic of the old Oregon Spirit. II has been said by our own Hugo Hozdek, ‘that the Oregon Spirit’ can win a football game. We believe that Oregon Spirit can win this war. Cossnun Conches Football “Tills evening, as I am laboriously doling out tliis bit of information, ‘Big Jim’ Uossinan is rounding bis, cohorts into shape for the coming football championship contest of Koft Stevens Hardly a man in Ids lineup has not received pointers in manipulating the pigskin either under the able eve of Coach Be/.’ or the Kugeno high school trainer. Besides the players, the See ond Company boasts a healthy bunch of rooters. Everything considered, we expect to take all comers into camp on the gridiron. While we do so, we will take a mental Journey back to old Kincaid field and revive again the scenes that have held the campus gripped with excitement. We send our compliments to Coach Bezdek, and may his glory and that of Oregon nev er fade. 0 Library Appreciated "Camp life is conducive to imagin ative thinking. Every squa$ tent has its miniature library. The co-opera tion of the University of Oregon libra ry with other literary recreation is greatly appreciated. Most of the boys expect to take up correspondence stu dy if we remain at this post during the winter. Plenty of time for read ing and concentrated study is allowed us after other duties are performed. "Numerous friends and relatives! have visited our camp and brightened our life here during the past two months. The many University stu dents living at Astoria and Portland have dropped in upon us occasionally. Altogether, our short stay here has been novel and interesting. All Hearts With Oregon “ ‘Where do we go from here, boys, where do we go from here?’ is the fa vorite ditty in camp just now. Nobody seems inclined to answer the question as to our destination, however. Wher ever we go, we are sure of the co operation and sympathy of the stu dents of the University of Oregon. Our uppermost wish is that this year will be another added to the success ful career of our Alma Mater. We hope for a vigorous year of military training, so that if the necessity comes, every man at the University will be trained to take his place on the line. We pray for the day of peace when we can return to our| peaceful pursuits. May I add that we members of the Oregon student body are on deck with three rails and an ‘Oskie’ ^>r the Emerald, the Ore gana, the football team and every other branch of student activities. And last of all, our deepest regards of gratitude and appreciation are ex pressed to President Campbell for his past services to us and for his part in providing us with reading mate rial.’’ LATE MODEL LINOTYPE ADDED TO POINT SHOP SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM PLANT NOW EQUIPED TO HANDLE * ALL WORK DEMANDED BY UNIVERSITY New Machinery and Type Purchased This Year Will Total Nearly $5,000.00. Tlio school of journalism of the Uni versity of Oregon opens this year with a number of now' machines added lo its equipment. A linotype of the latest model has been installed; a power run stitcher for binding pam phhvs, catalogues, etc., is in running order; a new Babcock-Optimus cyl inder press is in the ordering; a Chan dler A- Price power cutter is waiting for tin' passing of the requisition of purchase by the University business office; and new' type, and various fonts of typo a ml equipment tire being looked over. The new linotype, valued at about $:!.300.00, was installed during tlio summer in what was formerly the Kmerald office in the basement of Mc Clure hall. It. is one of the very lat est models of the double magazine, side auxiliary type. “The Model 19 is the one that is most advantageous to our purposes.” said Allen J. DeLay, j •Miner Instructor in printing in the school. "The other types, such as ti e four magazine type are not nearly so well suited to the uses of the ,1 • pirtment as ihis new double maga zine auxiliary type, for the ide assorni'nt o types makes it tu >rt ASKS EARLY MEETING OF THE REGENTS AND SAYS HE CAN o "EXPLAIN IT ALL TO V * THAT BODY Welfare of University and Justice to Himself He Considers the Only Issues. Prof. Allen H. Eaton submitted his resignation as a member of the Uni versity faculty late tonight, in the following letter to President P. L. Campbell: Eugene, Oregon, Oct. 5, 1917. “I herewith hand you my resigna tion as a member of the Faculty of the University of Oregon, with the request that it be placed before the Board of Regents for their consider ation as soon as they shall be able to meet in full board session. At that time I respectfully ask the privilege of personally appearing before the Board to answer the charges that have been brought against me by the Eugene Commercial club. "I deeply regret that the Board of Regents should have forced upon them tills unpleasant and ' unmerited re sponsibility. I tried to avoid it for the University by offering to lay be fore the Commercial Club all the facts in the case, that they might have an opportunity to modify or withdraw a demand that was made without a knowledge of the truth, but this offer was refused. “Now that the University must take up the responsibility of this investi gation, I desire to do what I can to give the Board complete freedom for their action, and to save the Uni versity from unjust agitation and pressure. “As I see it there are only two big considerations in the whole matter, j One is the welfare of the University; ' the outlier is justice to me. I put the University first because I want it to be considered first, and because it is important to more people. But the clearing of my name of false charges is both important to the University and vital to me. Therefore I shall welcome the opportunity that I know will lie granted me to place the whole truth before the Regents, believing that truth and freedom will bring Jus tice. “Nothing in this communication must be construed as an admission of any alleged facts that I have al ready denied; it is an admission only of my confidence in the Board of Re gents whose anxiety to serve the Uni versity cannot be greater than mine. “I will appreciate an early meet ing. “Respectfully yours, “ALLEN EATON.” ci.nvoi to the variety of printing that :lie 1 n'w'rsiLy prose must uo" The stitclier, power run, and of a late model, is valued at close to $550. It has a capacity of seven-eighths inch, meaning that anything which is of paper and stacked to seven-; eighths of an inch high may be stitched j with ease. The ordinary work, how-j ever, according to DeLay, hardly ever runs over one-lmlf to three-quarters of the inch. It vyas originally intended to print! the Emerald in the school of journal ism, but owing to the delay in getting the press that the department sought, it has been left until next year. The press that hn.4 been ordered is a two revolution book and job press with an ordinary capacity for printing a1 four page newspaper of the six'column size. it. is valued at close to $4500. sot up and ready for use on the floor, j Requisitions have been signed in the business office for a Chandler and Price power cutter. The old cutter in the basement of Johnson hall,! says DeLay was found to be too small for the work that it had to handle so the new power cutter was ordered.1 It* is valued at about $475. In addition to the new equipment in machinery new fonts of type will be added to the type already on hand; ! spacing materials, stones and other office furniture are also being planned. • o Subscribe for . l'HE' EMERALD 0 ®0o O G o oO 0 Fill in tht* coupon below and mail to the Manager of Oregon Emerald, U. of O., Kugene. ’ - * • « I enclose $1.00 for which please send tHe Emerald to © Name .....=. Address Young Men! You young men who have not been called to the colors will be relied upon'to keep business, industrial pursuits and prosperity humming faster than ever. Every man should appear at his best to keep the morale of the country up to the highest pitch. Kuppenheimer Clothes for Fall have been designed to help you do it. They express the aggressive, confident spirit of the times. Copyright 1917 The House of Kuppenbeimet We invite you to come in, look and try on tne new styles. You will like the colors and weaves—strictly up to the standards The House of Kuppenheimer has maintained for years. $20J)0 to $35.00 * Made to your measure if you prefer at $25.00 apd up ROBERTS BROS. Remington Typewriter Special Rates to Students $2.50 per month Waller Shade, Campus Agent Phone 940 Carbons Ribbons Paper ClK Bill Shop ART GOODS PICTURE FRAMING STATIONERY Cburcft ana School Publishing Company 832 Willamette Phone 1080 R. J. Hawley & Son, Props. 778 Willamette St. We are prepared to serve you anything from a light, dainty lunch to a good square meal. Special chicken dinner on Sunday. We make our own ice cream and candies. Let us make your fancy brick ice creams or punches for your parties. Walter T. Carroll, of class 1903, pur chased the Sherwin-Moore Drug Co.’s stock last spring and has moved it to the new location, 727 Willamette St. Phone 62. *1"=^““ "°5“ BEST CHOCOLATE CREAMS Go to Peter Pan 996 Willamette St. Get your kodak finishing at the The Place Where the Students Come O O o O O^OOD oo o cs> o o © <*> All Stunt Pictures at All Times I 1 Gifts and Picture Framing EUGENE ART STORE Geo. H. Turner Paine Building. 10th end Willamette Sta. A. G. GROSHONG Rhone 14 39 9th Ave. E.