ELECTION OF OREGANA MANAGER WEDNESDAY PLACE OF JAMES VANCE, NOW IN AMBULANCE CORPS, TO BE FILLED BY ASSOCIAT ED STUDENTS SHEEHY APPOINTS COUNCIL MEMBERS Offices of Don Newbury, Burle Bram haII, Randall Scott and Lillian Boylen Must bs Filled Election of a manager for the Ore gana and the appointment of four and possibly six members of the student council will occupy attention at the student body meeting, Wednesday morning. A new manager for the Oregana is made necessary by the absence from University this year of James Vance, who was elected last spring but is now in the Eugene Ambulance Corps at American Lake. Places to be filled on the student council by appointment of James Sliee hy, student body president, are those left vacant by Don Newbury, now in the Seventh Company, C. A. C., at Fort Stevens; Burle Bramhall, now in training at American Lake; Ran dall Scott, with the University Y. M. C. A. at American Lake; and Lillian Boylen, who is out of school this year. There is a possibility, according to Sheeliy, that appointment of two more men may be made to fill the places of Kenneth Moores, who has entered the ordnance course and will be in school only six weeks, and Ray Couch, who lias not yet returned to school. Members of the council elected last spring who are now on the campus have been called to meet Tuesday ev ening, when student affairs will be mapped out for the year. Discussion of some method to en able students now in school to fur nish the student soldiers with copies of the Oregon Emerald will come up for chief attention. The election of a suitable memorial for the University men now in Uncle Sam’s service will be taken up for recommendation to the student body. Members of the student council who have returned are James Slieehy, president of the student body; Emma Wootton, secretary of the student body; Haiuy Crain, editor the Emer ald; and Helene DeLano, Cora Hos ford, Martha Tinker, Lynn McCready, and William Steers. MARS CUPID IN RACE WITH UNIVERSITY MEN AND WOMEN RUSH TO ALTAR IN WAR TIME Even Faculty Members Are Affected; List of Blind God’s Victims Long. Faculty and frosh, football hero and plain “stude,” have been hard hit bv the blind god and during the last few months not a few University people have learned to mark time to the strains of a wedding march. It isn’t the food speculator that gets rich in time of war, it’s the minister. Ann Hales now signs her name "Mrs. Lloyd Tegart,” and Mary Alice Hill answers to “Mrs. Ernest Wat kins.” Ralph Hurn started off to war in a heart-free condition, but later decided to take a Vancouver maid to be Mrs. Hurn. Robert McMurraiy and Gertrude Taylor were married in the early summer and “Bob” is soon going to take a married man's vacation “some where in France.” Other university people that have been married during the summer are Hermione Hawkins, formerly instruc Rae Floral Co. Uniformly high grade quality is of vital importance when buying cut flowers. We pride ourselves on the freshness of our stock and invite your inspection. Phone orders given careful at tention. She will like our corsage bou quets. 4 1 tor in the University School of Music, and Professor E. W. Hope, Viola Pe terson and Ivor Ross, Marie Beach and Percival Brown, of Portland, Harold Harastreet, former editor of the Em erald, and Mona Dougherty, Mildred liorer and Glanville Wheeler, Reta Mast and Earl- Leslie. Bernice Lucas and Sterrett Dinwiddie, of Portland, , Marian Tuttle and Captain W. G. Wil liams, of Fort Stevens, Dorothy Mont gomery and Arthur Fertig, pf Corval lis, Frances Mann and Jacob Risley, Anne Geiser and Joe Sheehan, Effie ; Cole and Herman Tschanz, and Leo nora Hansen anfl. Paul Pynch. REGISTRATION DRAWS NEAR MARK 0° OF LAST YEAR'S FIRST SEMESTER With Total Now at 831, Enrollment Is But 57 Short of Number Registered Last Fall With 831 students enrolled in the University when the Registrar’s of fice closed this afternoon, the total i registration to date is only 57 short MV$he registration during the first semester of last year. This is con sidered exceptional by members of the faculty and the administration de partment, who prophesied an enroll ment of approximately 700 on account | of the war. This does not include I the 50 or more students enrolled in ; tho six weeks’ ordnance course, j Although no definite figures are available as yet, showing the enroll ment in the several classes, it is evi ; dent that an unusually large fresh | man class is registered. If Dean Straub’s estimated proportion of two freshmen to one old student is accu | rate, there are 554 freshmen in the | University. / MUSIC SCHOOL OFFERS NEW ORGAN COURSES fciifafv%i JOHN STARK EVANS OF POMONA COLLEGE ENGAGED AS IN STRUCTOR IN NEW DE nt ■ t}' _ |i Vs. P" | Aj> J •'*S-* J v-'” v Use of Austin Organ at Methodist Episcopal Church Has Been Granted to Students Tlie University school of music has augmented its course this year by adding a department of organ, at the head of which it has placed John Stark Evans, recently pf Pomona Col lege, California. The use of the Aus tin organ in the First Methodist Epis copal church) has been granted to the school of music by the church offi cials, and a pedal practice piano will I be installed in the music hall on the ! campus. /A-i.-v' Jfc. Dr. John J. Landsbury, dean of the I school of music, says in regard to the new department: “Our department of | organ is not excelled on the coast; ■ that is not •enthusiasm but fact. Our j instructor is a finished artist, and the organ is one of the most beautiful in the state. The Methodist church is to be warmly commended for allowing the use of their equipment in the in terest of the public.” Professor Ralph H. Lyman’s place I as .head of the department of voice j will be filled this year by Arthur Paguy-Cote, who has studied voice culture for o*ver twenty years. His elementary vocal study was done in Canada, where he later graduated from the Conservatorie LaSalle, and he later spent four years of study in Faris and London. Since coming to the United States, Mr. Faguy-Cote ha. spent one year in concert work and one year in teaching. “I found Mr. Faguy-Cote in Chicago,” said Profes sor Landsbury, “and I chose him out of sixty-five applicants for the posi tion. Mr. Faguy-Cote is an artist in every respect.” The department of public school mu sic is to be under the direction of Mrs Anna Beck, of Icons' Beach. Cal ifornia. Mrs. Beck took her train ing in the University of California, and has had several years of prac tical experience in the work she is to teach. There has been an increase of one hundred fifty per cent in en rollment in this department over the enrollment last year. Plans for the glee clubs are as yet necessarily unformed. The Woman's Glee Club will be° under the direction of Mrs. Daise Beckett Middleton, in structor in voice, while Mr. Faguy-Cote will have charge of the Men’s Glee Club. Owing to the great number” of old students who are not back,, at school o this ydarj there o are many places open for the men in the gibe club. Mrs. Middleton is anticipating a brilliant year for the girls because of the exceptional talent which lias entered this year. Tryouts for both clubs will be announced sometime next week:. .*. •'.' ; ’* . . *•. FRESHMEN TO ELECT OFFICERS FRIDAY Committee From Infant Class Gives Out Election Ticket The election of officers fof the freshman class is to be held in Vil lard Hall tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. The following ticket has been prepared by a freshman committee: president, Paul Robinson; vice-presi dent, Marian Spoeri, Helen Walts j secretarty-treasurer, Janet Frasfer, Miss Kubli. Paul Farrington was nominated for the presidency of the class, but de clined the nomination: BEZDEK GIVES O CE-OVER (Concluded from page 1.) dates from now on,” said Bill Hay waa-d. “The first man who breaks training gets off the field.” Oregon’s schedule is not complete at present. For the second time in three years, the University of Wash ington cancelled their game with the 'varsity saying their schedule was too strenuous. This leaves a three-week period without a game. Manager A. R. Tiffany has telegraphed Johnny Beck ett’s team of marines, who h^ve beaten California twice already, for a game in Portland November 3, but he has re ceived no reply as yet. If the Ma rines are unable to come north, Tif fany wants to play the U. S. Training Station team of Seattle in the Puget Sound city. The schedule as it now stands, follows: October 13—U. of O. vs. Multnomah, at Eugene. October 20—U. of O. vs. W. S. C., at Pullman. October 27—U. of O. vs U. of Idaho, at Eugene. November 3—Open. November 10—Open. November 17—U. of O. vs U. of Cal ifornia, at Eugene. November 29—U. of O. vs. O. A. C., at Portland. A phone call 62; an order in our line; the goods delivered; trouble eliminated. Carroll's Drug Store, 727 Willamette St. EATON CONTINUES ON FACULTY (Concluded from page 1.) “Never did I think that I would be called upon to assert my patriotism. Even now under the necessity of it. it seems absurd. But the necessity is here and 1 am forced to speak. “My Country, and I Love It’’ “This is ray country, not as perfect as it should be. not as perfect as it must bo. not as perfect as I want to help make it but it is” my country, atld 1 love it. Tliis is my government, not a perfect government, far. far from it. tint the best that struggling man has yet deviled, 'shut it is mine, mine to help make better atjd mend^Jo defend and support. This is my war, not of mv making, not of my choosing, but it is mine. There was a time when it was the privilege and the duty of every citizen to keep us out or lead us in. as he saw the light. But that time passed when war was declared. We must not look back, we must look forward. We must carry it through until our cause is won. “I am against the German govern ment as it now is; its form, its pur pose and its method. I have always been, I will always be. And I am against those same forms, those same purposes and those same methods, un der different and softer names wher ever they exist. To Seal Doom of Militarism “I am opposed to peace at any price. The only peace I want is a righteous peace, no other can be an enduring peace. I am not willing that this war shall stop until the doom of Prusian militarism is sealed in every land and on every sea. “But I am not willing to continue this war one day longer than is neces sary. and if it is continued one day longer, even in the name of patriotism, of liberty or of God, it will be a crime in which I will not knowingly take par;. “And because I believe these tilings, I attended a meeting of citizens called the People’s Council of America for Democracy and Terms of Peace, held in Chicago. “Because I believe these things, I attended a meeting of citizens in op position to the People's Council held in Madison Square Garden, New York. “Because I believe these things, I laid before administration officials, at f heir invitation, in Washington, infor mation which they wanted, and which I could not have secured except through the very experiences for which l have been condemned. “Finally a word about our president. No matter what we may have thought once, we must folow him now. This is the only way out. We must follow h*m, but not blindly. We can not and we must not shift all the load onto him, we must bear our part. And I think we can bear our part not by closing our minds against the prob lems that do and will continue to ex ist, but by anxiously keeping our eyes open in the quest for the truth in these tilings, for the truth is the light, the one light, which must guide us through war, and finally point the.way to peace. “ALLEN EATON.” M 4 IS We are always with you Our line of loose leaf books and fillers, drugs, station ery and candies deserves consideration. Stamps and post cards always on hand. FRESHMEN— for breakfast or lurches try OREGANA “The Student Shop” _Best ice cream and candies Near the University Corner 11th and Alder The Call to Arms Inspired this Trench Coat Military—That is what many a young woman is thinking and feeling and this Wooltex fall model is for her. ° Cb o o 0 You will note the clever military touches in the smart, patch pockets—the cape collar—the cartridge belt. Remember this coat bears the Wooltex label—-recognized from coast to coast not only as a mark of young women’s styles, but also as an assurance of many special features in tailoring and fabrics. It is just these Wooltex features that will make your coat or suit keep its newness even through months of wear. We will gladly explain the Wool tex features to you. Wooltex Coats $22.50 up Other Makes $12.50 up LARGE’S 865 Willamette Street Phone 525 Rex Floral Co. Rose, Cornatians, Gladioli, Asters All cut flowers in season for rush week Corsages a Specialty REX THEATRE BUILDING Phone 962 Eugene Ice & Storage Co. P. K. Wheeler, Manager Phone 343 ICE CREAM Any Standard Flavors The CLUB BARBER SHOP The place where all University men go. 814 Willamette St. RALSTON SHOES FOR MEN Athoritative in style Dependable in quality Supreme in^omporl_— $5.00, $7,50, $8.50, $9.00 PRANK E. DUNN