tftudent and Gaeultg Activities By Dorothy Parsons ESPITE the war cloud which has beeu hovering so threateningly above us during the past few wee ks and the near approaching examina tions, social gatherings have bee n especially numerous during the week. Mast notable among these affairs are the senior dance at the Hotel Os oinn, the junior picnic, the banquets of the Architectural and Math, clubs and the Emerald staff, and the initiations o f Alpha Kappa Fhi Sigma Delta Chi, Scroll and Script, Theta Sigma Phi. Preparations are also being made for entertaining commencement guests and p Tactically every house on the campus is planning some reunion function. # 9 & Between fifty and sixty guests found their places at the large table in the tea room of the Hotel Osburn on the occasion of the annual Emerald banquet I riday evening. Miniature Emeralds, tr ue to style in form if not in the sub stance of their news were found at each p lace. The front page stories warned of the toasts which were to come and the menu, found on the editorial page read Edibie in Chief. Assistant edible," etc. Clever advertisements also filled the last two pages. Harold Hamstreet, editor during the past year, acted as toa t . master and the following responses were called for: “A Guess at the Emerald of 1917”, Eric W. Allen. Dean of the School if Journalism. History of the Emerald"—Karl W. Onthank, editor of the Emerald in 1912-13. “Patronizing Emerald Advertisers”, Burle D. Bramhall. Emerald manager, 1916-17. "The New Manager’s Point of View", Jeannette Calkins. Emerald manager elect. 1917-1S. "Hie Emerald for 1917-1S”, Harry Crain, Emerald Editor-elect, 1917-17. The I niversity and the Emerald”, I’. L. Campbell. President of the Uni versity of Oregon. The Architectural club of the Univer sity held their last banquet of the year at the Hotel Osburn last Wednesday evening with the purpose of bringing together representatives of all of the schools of creative art in the University. Among the interesting speakers on the program were Dean E. F. Lawrence of the school of architecture, Morris H. Whitehouse, and It. C. Jacoberger both of Portland, A. F. Reddie, of the depart ment of dramatic interpretation; Profes sor J. H. Schroff, Charlotte Banficld, Colonel Dosch, of Portland; Professor George Rebec and Eyler Brown, a senior in the school of architecture. Hazel Radabaugh and Leslie Blades received the appreciative attention of the com pany during the presentation of their new song “Drifting.” The results of the judging in the final exhibition of the de partment were announced. Walter Church was the winner of the senior prize of fifteen dollars and Marie Louise Allen won a close second, being awarded the prize of ten dollars. * # Evelyn Grebe, of Portland is spending tha week-end at the Pi Beta Phi house. Of interest to the university people in Eugene is the announcement of the en gagement of Dorothy dhilds of Inde pendence and .Tack Eakin of Dallas which oeeured last week in Corvallis where Miss Childs and Mr. Eakin are students at the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Miss Childs will be remembered as a member of Oregon’s freshman class of last year. She is a member of Delta Delta Delta and Mr. Eakin is a member of Kappa Sigma. # # # The Junior class picnic was an event of last evening. Nearly fifty couples left the campus shortly before six o’clock and journeyed up the McKenzie in hay racks. After the serving of the lunch, dancing was in brder. The evening closed with the journey home through the moon light which might have been but wasn’t. # £ £ Mr. and Mrs. C. Schuebel and Miss Ruth Schuebel, of Oregon City, are guests of Miss Roberta Schuebel at the Alpha Phi house this week-end. * * * Miss Tirza Dinsdale was hostess a dPlvffttful luncheon at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow Thursday evening when she entertained for the members of the Y. C. A. cabinet. The affair was charm ingly informal, the lunch being served around the fire-place. Spring flowers of various kinds were used as decorations. Miss Hinsdale's guests were, Ruth Wil son. Mary Hislop. Lillian l’orter, Helen Wells, Dorothy Flegal, Eva Von Berg, Ruth l’earson. Mildred Steinmetz. Sara Barker. Delilah McDaniel, Helen Bren ton, Essie McGuire. Katherine Johnson, Ruth Westfall and Dorothy Collier. # > # Dr. C. C. Newcastle and Dr. W. T. W illiams of Portland were visitors on the campus this week. They were guests of Dr. Newcastle's son, Charles New castle at the Sigma Chi house. Dr. New castle is a member of the class of 'S3 at the University of Michigan and Dr. Williams of the class of 'S9 at the Uni versity of California. Mrs. Chafles Grey, Mrs. G. A. Barker, Mrs. W. W. Calkins, Mrs. J. M. Shelly and Mrs. Hamilton Wier were Thursday evening dinner guests of Pi Beta Phi. 9 9 9 On Wednesday, May 17, Miss Esther Belle Stafford, of Eugene, was married to George F. Moznette, of Corvallis, Itev. Leech officiating. The bride is a former University of Oregon girl and is a member of the I’hi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Moznette is an O. A. C. graduate and is now connected with the depart ment of entomology. He has also taken graduate work at the University of Cali fornia. After a brief honeymoon to New port, Mr. and Mrs. Monzette returned to Corvallis and are now living at 427 S. 5th/—O. A. C. Barometer. * * * Tonight at the Hotel Osburn, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Osburn will entertain the members of the outgoing senior class of the University of Oregon with a danc ing party in the attractive palm room of the hotel. A general invitation was issued to all seniors and the grand march is scheduled to begin at nine o’clock promptly. # » Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bronaugh, of Port land spent last week-end in Eugene as guests of their son, Earl Bronaugh, T7, of Kappa Sigma. * Miss Myrtle .Smith, of Portland 5s a guest at the Kappa Alpha Theta house for Commencement week. Miss Smith has just returned from an extended trip in California. / £ 9 Selma Bauman, ex-’17 is spending the week-end at the Alpha Phi house. Dean and Mrs. Ralph II. Lyman will br guests of honor at a farewell banquet next Tuesday evening for which the Uni versity Girls Glee club will be hostess. The affair will take place in the Palm Room of the Hotel Osburo. Covers will be arranged for the following: Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lyman. Marjory Williams, Melba Williams. Gladys Van Xuys, Kate Schaefer, Pearl Craine, Betty Bruere, Ada MeMurpey, Cleome Carroll .Helen Bracht, Cora Hosfovd, Martha Tinker, Miriam Tinker. Irene Strowhridge, Jessie Garner, Margaret Mansfield. Helen Rhodes, Iva Wood, Charlotte Banfield, Hester Hurd. Erma Keithley, Eva Von Berg. Irene Rugli, Helen Johns, Emma Wootton and Vera Derfliuger. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman will leave Eu gene shortly after the close of the Uni versity for California where Mr. Lyman Ifas accepted a position as Dean of Music at Pomona College. # « « Mrs. M. L. Watts, Miss Burnita Watts, Mr. Johu Benefiel, Sr., and F. L. Andrews, of Portland were Tuesday evening dinner guests of Kappa Sigma. Mrs. Richard W. Montague, Mrs. II. Martin, Jr., and Mrs. James Beggs, of Portland and Fred Snedicor, of Med ford were Wednesday evening guests at the Beta Theta Pi house. * # # Miss Mandn Nelson, of McMinnville has been the guest of Helen Case at the Alpha Phi house during the past week. # # # Kappa Alpha. Theta will hold its an nual breakfast at the chapter house HOTEL OSBURN First Class Hotel of City Caters to Student Banquets Our Sunday Night Dinners Unsurpassed Music by Hendershott’s Orchestra TWO FINE TRAINS EAST EVERY DAY PORTLAND — SPOKANE — ST. PAUL CHICAGO. Through Tickets Sold from Oregon Electric Points ROUND TRIP TOURIST FARES EAST FROM EUGENE TO Boston $122.80; Ticket sale May 28-29. Chicago, $83.60; Ticket sale June 12-13. St. Paul, $71.10; Ticket Sale June 1-3. Des Moines, $77.95; Ticket sale June 7-8, Round trip to Glacier Park $33.10 Yellowstone Park, $37.95. Daily Ticket Sale to Various Points June 20 to 30, and certain dates during July, Aug ust and September. H. It. Knight, Agent, Eugene, Oregon. R. H. Croller, A.G.P.A.,Portland, Ore. The NORTH BANK ROAD next Sunday morning. Local chapter members aud some alumnae will be pres ent. Professor and Mrs. E. L. Packard were Tuesday evening dinner guests of Pi Beta Phi. TRY US! Pencils, Tablets and Paper at examination time. “We are here to please” University Pharmacy SIDNEY R. ALLEN, Prop. Corner 11th and Alder t Phone 229 Have You Thought of Jewelry As a Gift for the Graduate Not alone Jewelry but almost every item in our store will make an appropriate Graduation Present. You like Jewelry, Novelties, Silverware, Cut Glass, Diamonds, Toiletware, etc, so Remember that—the sort of things one would Like to receive are Safest Things to give to Others —I hey are the most certain to receive admiration for one’s judgment and the Surest to Cement Friendly Regard. ;* GIFT SUGGESTIONS THAT WILL SPEED YOUR PROGRESS IN THE ART OF GIVING Wrist Watches Veil Pins Boudoir Clocks Cuff Pins Toilet Bottles Cameo Rings Gold Beads Silver Novelties Diamond Rings Lavallieres Bar Pins Cameo Brooches Handy Pins Flower Vases Vanity Cases Jewel Cases Signet Rings Puff Boxes Combs Ear Screws Cut Glass Birth-Stone Rings Thimbles FOR LADIES Opera Glasses ’Fountain Pens Leather Goods Gold Crosses i Gold Bracelets Toilet Sets Bouquet Holders Neck Chains Lingerie Clasps Bud Vases Prices In Plain Figures Signet Rings Cuff Links Scarf Piris Fountain Pens Cigar Cutters Diamond Rings Military Brushes Photo Frames Full Dress Sets Tie Clasps Card Cases JEWELRY STORE FOR GENTLEMEN Emblem Rings Bill Folds Key Rings Knives Corkscrews Umbrellas Silver Pencils Desk Clocks Emblem Buttons Toilet Sets Match Boxes Vest ^Chains Waldemar Chains Watch Fobs Napkin Holders Hat Brushes Cigarette Cases -Cloth Brushes Photo Frames Belts and Buckles Nail Files Toilet Articles Satchel ^ags Birth-Stone Rings.