Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 17, 1917, Page Three, Image 3

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Is being raised by the
to reinforce the 196th Western Universities Battalion of
Canada, whose members have proved their heroism on the
Somme, at Vimy Ridge and at Fresnoy. The ranks of Can
adian students are' now almost depleted of their fighting men.
AMERICANS joining Canadian units enjoy exactly the
j same rights as Canadians in the matter of pay, pensions, sep
aration allowances, promotions and honors. Men of the uni
versities, schools and colleges, who have no prospect of get
ting to the front with their own regiments in time to strike
their blow for democracy and freedom, ♦would be welcomed
into the University Platoon. They would enjoy the congenial
! companionship of educated men, who are willing to make sac
rifices and fight for principles. No commissions are granted
now in the Canadian army except to men who have made good
on the field of battle. But members of the platoon will attend
officers' training schools or follow other specialized courses at
the battalion base at Branshott, England. Thus they will be
qualified for such appointments as their conduct under fire
shall merit.
THE UNIVERSITY PLATOON should appeal especially
to BRITISH and CANADIANS now resident in the United
As these reinforcements are preparing to go overseas
about the end of this month of May, applications should be
made by mail to THE COMMANDING OFFICER, 196th RE
BIA, VANCOUVER, or in person to Dr. Ronald Strath, Ar
cade Building, Seattle, or up to this Thursday evening, to
Sgt. MACK EASTMAN, Benson Hotel, Portland.
Commonwealth to Discuss
(Continued from page one'
in Portland, Charles Murphy, warden of
the state penitentiary, Mrs. Millie R.
Trumbull, of the Chill Labor Commiss
ion, and Professor B. W. De Busk of the
’ University.
Tomorrow afternoon the attention of
the conference will be given to the
“Planning of Orderly and Healthful
Growth of the Urban and Rural Coni
munity of Oregon.” Papers developing
this topic in its different phases will be
presented by E. B. McNaughton, of Tort
land, and Marshall N. Dana, of the Ore
gon Journal.
Charles-'H. Cheney of the California
City Planning exhibit will give an illus
trated address on the “Meaning, Devel
opment and Organization of City and
Community Planning in California.” His
lecture will be followed by adjournment
to the city planning exhibit in the school
of architecture.
Guests Selected to Watch Four One-Act
Invitations are out for the four one
act plays which will be given by the sec
ond year dramatic interpretation class
Saturday, May 19. The plays are “The
Marriage Proposal”, 'Gaol Gate”, “The
Shadow of the Glenn” and “The Maker of
Dreams”. The plays will be almost en
tirely student productions-—planned, cast
and coached by members of the class.
Helen Johns has charge of the decorating
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White River Flour
Makes Whiter, Lighter Bread
Also Superior Cakes and Pastry
Standard Editions of World’s
Best Works Sought; Lists
Are Sent Out.
Shipment From London In
cludes Berlin and 31 Edi
tions of Aristotle.
The University library is starting to
build up a small philosophical library
which shall include the standard editions
of the works of the world’s great phi
losophers. Several important sets of
philosophical works were received this
week from second-hand shops in Lon
don. The library has been sending out
lists prepared by Dr. George Rebec of
the books desired and the London firms
gave the lowest bids and so received the
Some of the editions are very old. one
dating bach as far as 1801. One of the
most important sets is the Berlin edition
of 1S31 of Aristotle’s complete works,
printed in Greek, in 11 volumes. This
is considered the most authoritative edi
tion of Aristotle.
Other new sets are Descartes’ Works
in the edition of 1824 in 11 volumes; St.
Augustine’s in the 15 volume coition of
1838, printed in Latin; Dugall Stewart,
an 11 volume edition edited by Sir Wil
liam Hamilton; Fichte’s Werke in eight
volumes edition by J. H. Fichte; sets
of Hegel and John Locke. Other philos
ophical works received recently are: T.
H. Green’s wojks in three volumes;
Grote’s Plato and Other Companions of
Socrates; Putarch’s Moires edited by
Goodwin in five volumes; John Locke’s
ten volume set of 1801; Thomas Hobbes’
in English and Latin; Kant’s Cammtlichie
Werke edited by Kartenstein; and
Hegel’s Werke of nineteen volumes.
‘“These standard editions of philoso
phical works,” says M. H. Douglass, li
brarian, ‘‘are indispensable for advanced
work ki philosophy, and although they
are by no means ‘popular’ books, they are
necessary for some of l)r. Rebec's stu
dents. They are . the great philosophers
and will be just as good and just as
necessary one hundred years from now
as today.”
lhe books are bound in halt and full
leather. Aristotle’s Works have full
morocco binding. The books are very
well preserved.
Marine Corps, Band and Officers’ Train
ing Camp Draw Students
Withdrawals from the University for
military service still continue. Clark
Thompson, Hollis Huntington and Er
nest Watkins have joined the marines
and left this afternoon at 1:50. Charles
Or* no joined the 3rd Oregon band at
Vancouver yesterday as a drummer and
Nicholas Jaureguy expects to leave Fri
day for the Presidio training camp.
Nick received his appointment from the
Eugene National Guard Company, be
ing one of the two receiving the ap
♦ ♦
♦ The senior class picnic will be <>
^ held Tuesday. May 22. Class will ♦
♦ meet at library promptly at' 5 ♦
♦ p. m. Thence to Coburg bridge ♦
❖ via. two hayracks. ♦
★ -*
The author of “My Fighting Gentle
man,” William Bussell's first play in
the new Russell series of six dramas
produced by the American Film Company
and released through the Mutual Film
Corporation, is Nell Shipman.
Miss Shipman and Mr. Russell are
great friends and in fact have known
each other nearly all their lives. When
Russell was quite a youngster, he had
ambitions for the stage and Nell used
to listen to his schemes for their running
away together and starring jointly in
plays written by Miss Shipman, who even
then was' constructing playlets for her
neighborhood’s amusement.—At the Sa
voy, tomorrow.
♦ o
♦ Nominations of officers for ♦
♦ next year's Senior class will be ♦
♦ held Monday May 21 at 5 p. m. ♦
♦ in the Education Building. Vot- ♦
♦ ing will take place in the Admin- ♦
♦ istration Building Wednesday, ♦
-4>—Muv’-o fr-nn 10m. hi. to 2 p. In. ♦"
♦ Committee in charge of elec- ♦
♦ tion: Randall Scott, chairman, ♦
♦ Dorothy Collier, Clyties Hall, ♦
♦ Charles Crandall, and Jack Mon- ♦
♦ tague. ♦
♦ Kenneth Moores, President. ♦
♦ ♦
Plain or Fancy Blue Serges
in a complete line of weights and weaves for the fashion you
select. You can order with fullest confidence of their goodness.
THE HABERDASHER, Men's Outfitters
Result of University Day
(Continued from page one)
are members of the Oregon National
Stereoptican slides of University
scenes and campus activities illustrated
an address given at the Oakland high
school by the principal, Anthony Jaure
gu.v. “Interest was keen throughout the
whole program,” says the report. “The
scenes showing the boys drilling out on
the field brought down the house.”
At Roseburg and Albany, committees
iiave not yet reported the result of
their work.^
Alumni at Oregon City observed the
occasion by the formation of a perma
nent alumni organization. College songs
were sung and college memories revived
by the forty graduates and former stu
dents who met at the commercial club.
Stereopticon views of the campus, pic
tures of football games and other in
teresting features of college life were
shown. A big University of Oregon pic
nic is being planned for some time during
the summer.
Consolidation of the Portland alumni
and alumnae associations is to be under
taken as a result of the joint meeting
of both organizations held in the Mult
nomah hotel. The joint meeting was
in the form of a luncheon. Aid for the
woman’s building at the University was
urged by Mrs. E. P. Geary, president of
the Portland alumnae and Mrs. Alice
Benson Beach. Others present agreed
to co-operate in efforts to raise the nec
essary fund at the earliest possible mo
ment. The holding of monthly meetings
by the consolidated alumni organizations
is likely to result from the reunion held
last Friday, according to the report made
to Mr. Onthank.
Definite rules of government were
adopted by the old Oregon students of
Polk county who met in Dallas and or
ganized under the name of the University
' of Oregon Association of Polk county.
Two general purples of the association
weto determined as lojiows; to aid TTTe
University of Oregon in every way pos
sible and to promote mutual acquaintance
and good fellowship among all former
University of Oregon students now resi
dents of Polk county.
Reports from Eastern Oregon are all
favorable. In Hood River an Alumni
Organization has been organized with a
possible organization of thirty or more
with “Bill” Cass president. Arrange
ments were made to have all the high
schools of the valley addressed by alum
ni. ^Also an old fashioned basket picnic
is planned in which the baskets will be
auctioned off for the benefit of the Wo
men’s Building. A letter from Estacada
announces that the high school students
ere all enthusiastic for Oregon due in
part to addresses by Kenneth Bartlett
a present junior, and other graduates.
Harold and Madge Humbert Appear
Tuesday Night.
The University school of music pre
sented Harold Humbert, baritone, and
Madge Humbert, pianist, in a recital in
Villard hall, Tuesday evening, May 15.
This recital was the first of a series of
ten which are given under the Student
Festival Series.
The principal soloists were assisted
by Robert .Scearce, violinist, Charles
Drake, reader, Howard Annett, accom
panist and Joyce Vernon, accompanist.
The program was (s follows:
Schumann, The Two Grenadiers; Ilur
old Humbert.
I’apini, Hungarian Dances; Mr. Scearce.
Glegier, The Horn: Elliott, The Song
of Hyhrias, the Cretan; Mr, Humbert.
Miss Humbert.
Norton, Madcap Marjorie: McCoy, The
Voice of riie Rain: Mr. Humbert.
Bryant, The Hurricane: D’Auvergne
Bernard, Not Understood: Stanton,
Sweet Little Woman o’ Mine; Mr. Drake.
Hawley. Bedouin Love Song: Huhn,
Iuvietus; Mr. Humbert.
Godard, The Swallows: Schubert*
Hark! Hark! The Lark; Miss Humbert.
Leoncavallo, Prologue; Mr. Humbert.
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