OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the college year, by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter. Subscription rates, per year. $1.00. Single copies. 5c. EDITORIAL. KTAFF, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. Assistant Editor and City Editor. Associate Editor . Associate Editor... Assistant City Editor . HAROLD HAMSTRBET .Adrienne Epplag .Milton Arthur Stoddard _John DeWItt Gilbert .Earl W. Murphy BUSINESS STAFF. BUSINESS MANAGER.BURLE D. BRAMHALL Assistant Manager.Louise Allen Assistants.Lay Carlisle, Jennnette Calkins, Joe Denn, Gertrude Cowglll Circulation Manager......Paul Heaney Phone. Editor. 8«5 Phone. Manager, Ml Departments Sports Editor...... Assistants . Administration . Student Activities .'. Women's Sports. Forensics .... • .... Exchanges .Helen Brenton General Assignments.. . ..John Dundore, Elsie Fitumaurlce, Richard Avlson, Ross Dalegleisch, Martha Tinker, Pearl Cralne, Erma Zimmer man, Dorothy Duniway, Ducile Saunders, Bert Woods, Arvo Simola, Florida Hill Adelaide Bake. Beatrice Thurston, Ryle McCroskey, Tracy Byers Paul Reaney, Douglass Mullarky. Bill Morrison, Jacob Jacobson, Robert Case, Mellie Parker, Nell Warwick, Anne Dawson, Rynn Mc Cready and Miriam Vage.__ ..James S. Sheuhy William Hazeltlne ... Gladys Wilkins ..Dorothy Parsons ...Helen Hair ...Rosalind Bates WARTIME PROHIBITION. With its slogan “save 11,000,000 loaves of bread a day.” a committee of sixty has been formed in New York City to promulgate war prohibition propagan da. The committee cites three big reasons for prohibition as a war necessity ; name ly, food, efficiency and health. The presi dent of the committee is Prof. Irving Fisher, of economics of Yale Univer sity, and numbered as his associates are some of the most prominent educational men of the United Stntes. When soundpd for his opinion in the matter of wartime prohibition Major General William Harding Carter, U. S. A., said : "With the declaration of war with Germany, and the enactment of the se lective draft law, we have assumed ob ligations whose ultimate ends no man can forsee. Primarily we have now be come responsible for the preparation of hundreds of thousands of young men for the item duties and hardships of war, and, in the natural order of things, they will constitute the human element avail able for the nation’s defense for many years to come. The nation owes it to the young men who nre selected for military training and service that, from the very first they shall know that the training will be carried on under circumstances above reproach. "The development of minds and bodies to meet the demands of military service in war requires not. only the most mod ern hygienic surroundings but the ab ^sence of every form of personal dissipa tion. Any one who sells or gives intoxi cants or drugs of any kind to young men undergoing training for the nation's de fense, not only commits a crime against the Individual but a treasonable act against the nation." Major-General Carter looks at the matter in the light of the demoralizing effect drunkenness has fin an army. There Is however another point of view which the committee takes and that is the utilization of the breweries and the alcohol, not for extravagances ns has been the case In the past, but for war time necessities, such as ether, explo sives. fuel, dyes, medicinal purposes and shellacs VACATION EMPLOYMENT The workmen's compensation Inw in Oregon is spreading in its scope rapidly. 1 Hiring tho recent session of tho legisln turp two provisions enacted give tho workmen far greater security in many more lines of activity. On the -1st of this month the law becomes effpctve inn king: operations carried on by the state, counties, cities, towns, school districts, etc., possible of deriving benefits from the compensation law. This is of particular interest to the i’Diversity men who will he leaving soon to engage in industrial activities through out the state. Accepting haaardous em ployment for the three months, as many of them do to be able to lay aside money for the naxt term of school, they should MM BARBER SHOP We solicit your trade and guarantee satis faction. be awake to all provisions of the com pensation act that they may not under take hazardous employment without some insurance. The Emerald banquet, the final reward to the Emerald staff workers, is schedul ed for the night of the last publication. The. test of the bids to the banquet is the work done by the members who have been on the staff during the year. Solo mon once said : "The soul of the sluggard deslreth, and hath nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall he made fat." So may it be. At this time of national crisis when the food question is a perplexing prob lem and the food speculator renps the profits and becomes the bloated pluto crat, the words of Solomon in Proverbs 11 :2rt stand out ns a burning brand: "lie that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him; hut blessings shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.” __i n. -u JJ .JJ | WAfTWARBUNGS ] *-★ (By Lucile Saunders) Have you noticed that window box outside a second floor front at Friendly hull? We wouldn’t swear to it, but it looks kind of like some of the farmers are raising onions so they won’t have to leave school to shoulder the hoe. An Old Tune Rain, rain, go away, We'd rather drill on a sunny day, With file showers on. Company One boasts a color bearer. The sergea .1 wears a bright yellow raincoat. We hate to give one person so much space especially after that person pre sented us with a bar of Ilershoys’ as n peace offering but we do feel that Tracy Byers’ election speech yesterday has them all heat. For the benefit of those who were not present at the soph nom ination we will repeat It. Tracy had just been picked to succeed himself as sergeant-at-arms and was called on for w speech. He rose nnd demanded in great agitation, "Mr. President, how do you resign?” "Smalter. Tracy, don't you think that after having a rest this summer you will he prepared to cope with your strenu ous duties again next year?” To Whom It May Concern I have discovered a place where one may study undisturbed in the library. Linoleum covered floor makes an excel lent seat and book eases are full of Rood stuffing on which to prop your feet and back. I spend the pleasantest hours of nty day between the bound magazine cases in the northwest corners of the reading room. Good cure for talkative ness. Demonstrations daily. Forest Watson. .Syncopated rag time at 4 p. m. on the women's pavilllmt is slowly demoralizing the journalism department next door. Besides stimulating a craving for the one step, Fin era Id copy readers complain they can't count an eighteen letter head to four-four time. W arntng 1, l'on Bolding, do hereby declare my self to be a dangerous man. Anyone who mentions to me the date when the militin is to be called out will do so at his own risk. Ask Bob Scoaree, he knows. At the student council banquet last night Jimmy Sheehy said lie "slipped up" ott the menu. Martha Beer wants to know if that's what became of the rad COMMENCEMENT PRESENTS _Milrnce Views____ rumpus Pictures Next Week EUGENE ART STORE Paine Bldg. 10th and Willamette Geo. H. Turner. ishes they had on the program but not on the table. Floyd Westerfield, are you sure stop watches are used in baseball? It has been suggested that the sun dial in front of Johnson hall be Teturned to the manufacturers and a rain gauge erected in its place. Frosh and Sophs, you better get busy and locate an official sitting-down spot before standing room only is left. It's a good thing the juniors have a label identifying theirs. This toward-the street-car-trnck tendency characterizing the latest seat moves might lead strang ers to mistake the Arcade for a waiting room. “Will you take us to a picnic?" Said some senior girls to Fred. “We heard you want an escort, At least, that’s what you said”. So he’s trying out all women W'ho are inclined to entertain, For he knows that if he picks one. To the rest he must explain. Contrib Section Three Things to be Done Without Think ing— Cutting drill after Wednesday. Daring a girl to sit on the senior bench. Throwing oneself over a precipice. Professor McAuslan as a baseball player Teminds us of the Ancient Mar iner—-he“stoppeth one of three”—maybe. A statement in the Emerald, the other day announced that the ultimate plans for the group of women’s buildings which will be erected on the golf links will be comprised of the memorial building, two dromitories and a refractory. The Crop This inclement weather is blighting the spring time And stunting the crops and the bur geoning flowers Spuds, turnips, and peas and the out leaving trees Are away behind time from the hail and thp showers. And crops of white pants and panama hats Are hidden as deeply ones inner most sins. One crop yet implanted by students white-panted Is the annual crop of fraternity pins. A mud-colored millrace breeds little of romance, With each murky day the yield lower drops, For this weather so blighting is the mural handwriting Of fraternity pins, the queen of spring crops.—De Witt Gilbert. CITY PLANS ON DISPLAY Exhibition to Be at Architecture Hall Friday to Tuesday. At the Architecture building from Fri day of this week to Tuesday of next, there will be an exhibition composed of city plans as used in some of the largest cities of the world as well as some plans for the future development of cities. This exhibition was prepared by the committee of city planning of which George Ford is the chairman and which is composed of 15 other members, one of whom is Professor Lawrence of the architecture department of the Uni versity. The Collection has travelled all over the United States and is coming here di rectly from Kansas City, where the na tional convention of city builders recently met. Friday afternoon C. II. Cheney, sec retary of the California conference of City Planning, who is recognized as a leading authority on this subject will planning. K. R. MacNaughton and Mar planning. E. B. MacNaughton and Mar shall I'ana, both of Portland also will speak. STUDE COUNCILS BANQUET Outgoing Governing Body is Host to Nawly Elected The retiring student council was host at a banquet tendered the new council last evening r.t the Hotel Os-bum. Presi dent Nicholas Jaureguy acted as toast master and called for speeches from all i>f the old members. F.rnest Watkins made the opening speech and President elect James Sheehy gave the response. ] Those present were: Nicholas Jaure guy, Krnest Watkins, Jennie lluggins. Jeannette Wheatley, Karl Hoeke. Floyd Westerfleld. Fred Kiddle. Martha Peer, Frances Shoemaker, Harold Tregilgas Leura Jerard. George Cook, James Shechy. Kiuma Woottou. Harry (.'rain, l»ou Newbury, Kenneth Moores, Randall Sc ot. Purls Hr«mb-iU T r-n M and Lillian Boylen. Patronize Advertisers LARAWAY’S Many Gift Suggestions for Brides and Graduates Two of the happiest events in the lives of our young ladies are Graduation _ Day and the Wedding Day. You can appropriately commemorate these gladsome occasions by remem bering the happy ones with some gift from Laraway’s. Lara way’s Great Diamond Shop Still Selling Diamonds at the Old Price When you think of Diamonds it is only natural that you should think of Laraway. There is every good reason why. The reputation honestly earned by this store as the place to buy Diamonds has come from twenty-two years’ experience in buying and selling Diamonds. tsraceiet _ Watches Latest creation in El gin, Waltham and other factories in ^Bracelet Watches, pop ular, convenient and serviceable. Nickel Bracelet Watch comp .95.50 Gold Filled $9, $12, $1350, $1450 $20 and $28 Solid Gold $25, $30 and UP Fine White Diamond, fancy mounting ....$12.00 Fine White Diamond, fancy mounting .-.$17.50 Fine White Diamond, Tiffany mounting..$20.00 Fine White Diamond, Tiffany mounting..$25.00 Fine White Diamond, fancy mounting.$35 $50, $75, $100 And Up