Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 10, 1917, Image 1

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NO 79.
Preliminaries Bring Out Many
Who Never Appeared on
Lanes Before.
Trial Heats to Be Run Off Sat
urday Morning; Finals in
Interest, as is shown by the mobs of
aspirants, runs high in the tryouts for
places on the various company track
teams Friday afternoon. Those who place
in these first preliminaries will qualify
for the trial heats which will be run off
Saturday morning. The semi-finals and
finals will then be staged Saturday after
Among those placing in the preliminar
ies of the last twro days are numerous
students who have never been seen try
ing for a place on Bill’s ’varsity track
team. Students who were never on the
field previously are romping away with
places. The n*ost of the events so far
have, however, been in the sprints in
which, this year, the ’varsity was shy of
men. What veterans are left of last
year’s team will show up largely in the
weights and javelin.
Wednesday's afternoon events were
staged as follows:
Co. 2—220 yards—Wilson, Foster,
Fitzgibbon; javelin, II. Huntington. Kun
quist; broad jump, Foster, Wilson.
Co. 4—220 yards, low hurdles, Furney,
Masterson, Haywood.
Co. 5—50 yards, Biggs, Fadden, Brun
kow; 220 yards, Brunkow, Burns, Pad
den; 8SO yards, Jones, Koepp, Jerretsen;
shotput, Sims, Dunton.
Several events were also pulled off
Tuesday afternoon with places given to
the following:
Co. 1—50 yards. Westerfield, Bro
naugh, Knighten; 100 yards, Knighten,
Westerfield, Hodson; 440 yards, Atkin
son, Hodson.
Co. 2—50 yards, Foster, Wilson, How
ell; 75 yards, Breeding, Foster, Howell;
100 yards, Wilson, Foster, Fitzgibbon.
Co. 6—50 yards, Thompson, Tourtell
otte, Mulkey; 100 yards, Thompson,
Tourtcllotte, Mulkey.
President Is Chosen for Coming Year;
Jessie Garner, Secretary.
In the freshman class election this
afternoon Ned Fowler was elected presi
dent with 125 votes; Doris Slocum, vice
president, with 70; Jessie Garner, secre
tary, with 75; Jack Dundore, treasurer,
with 126; Floyd Stearns, sergeant-at
arms, with 60.
Absence of Golden Barnett Causes Omis
sion of One of Five Plays.
Four one-act plays will be given May
19 in Guild hall by the dramatic depart
ment instead of five as was previously
announced. The play omitted is “In His
House” in which Golden Barnett was
cast as lead. Mr. Barnett has been called
away on account of the death of his
father. The invitations are out for the
* # * £
Earl Fleischman.
* * «t «
Rosalind Bates.
Annual Junior Dance Will Start
on Time Without Fail.
New Features Will Be Added
and Alphabetical Seating
Arrangement Abolished.
Ken Bartlett, general chairman of the
Junior I’rom committee, has announced
the final windup of plans, and for once,
in its life, the annual third-year dance
is to be run off not only as planned,
but likewise on time.
There will be some new features, and
some old ones; for instance, there will
be decorations—many of ’em—with flags,
patriotic symbols, and forest greens in
predominance. The committee chairmen
are keeping all features caged up and
refuse to spring them before time.
Once more, the girls are to be allowed
to sit where, they please; no alphabetical
stalls will be placed.
Bert Breeding, chairman of the work
committees for the entire week-end, has
sentenced sixteen men to hard labor from
8 till 12 Saturday placing the decora
Following is the list of patrons and
patronesses for this last University for
mal : Governor and Mrs. James Withy
combe, President and Mrs. Prince L.
Campbell, Dean and Mrs. John Straub,
Dean and Mrs. Eric W. Allen, rrof. and
Mrs. John F. Bovard, Dean Elizabeth
Fox, Mrs. Mabel Holmes Parsons. Prof,
and Mrs. Orin F. Stafford, Prof, and
Mrs. IV. F. G. Thaeher, and Trof. and
Mrs. A. F. Keddie.
Eight-thirty is the time, and the grand
march will start then if only three
couples are there.—Step out!
« #. * *
# * # #.
What is a time killing machine? We
don’t know but we do have something in
mind that might be one. It's about eight
feet long and has a long tube at each end
and an electric motor and a few wheels,
but mostly it is shrouded in -scrap iron
and mystery. You build a fire under it
and something is supposed to happen—
ask Professor A. E. Caswell what it is—
the creation belongs to him.
From the rear windows of the journ
alism annex one may obtain a bird's-eye
view of the continuous performance con
sisting of a small cloud of smoke arising
from a fire beneath it.
Usually there is to be found the
figure of a man lying beside the boiler
and gazing intently into the mysterious
insides. The latter gave rise to the
time-killer appellation, as it is estimated
that students from the chemistry depart
ment when they have nothing t{se to do,
can go out and lie down in University
street any number of hours at a stretch
and be able to state that they have been
engaged in experimental research work.
The toy is at present the pet of the de
partment and is being tried out every
afternoon to the accompaniment of much
cog-wheel music and considerable smoke.
S :30 p. m.—Canoe Carnival.
9:15 p. m.—Dance at Raceway after Canoe Parade.
S :00 a. m.—Campus Work.
10:30 a. m.—Painting the “O’’.
12:00 m. —Campus Lunch.
1:30 p. m.—-Military Parade.
1 :30 p. m.—Meeting of the Eugene Alumni Association.
2 :30 p. m.—Interfraternity Baseball Championship.
8:15 p. m.—Senior Play.
S:30 p. m.—State High School Debate Championship.
9:00 a. m.—Preliminaries Inter-Company Track Meet.
11 :15 a. m.—Women's Inter-Collegiate Tennis Tournament.
1 :00 p. m.—Doubles Match of Tournament.
1 :30 p. ra.—Girl's Swimming Meet, Freshmen vs. Sophomores.
2 :30 p. m.—Burning Freshman Caps.
2:00 p. m.—Finals, Inter-Company Track Meet.
2 :30 p. m.—Meeting of Eugene Alumnae Association and A. C. A. with
Mrs. R. MeMurphey, 202 Willamette Street.
8:00 p. m.—Women's Edition of Emerald Edited by Theta Sigma Phi.
8 :30 p. m.—Junior From.
Work Committees For Tomorrow Morning
Announced; Report 8:15 Says Chairman
Bring along your hammers, picks, shovels, axes, wheelbarrows and other im
plements for outdoor use tomorrow, is the appeal of Bert Breeding, chairman of
“clean-up” day. All these will be needed for the work planned to be done on the
campus. In the past various construction companies operating in the vicinity of
the campus have supplied the needed tools. These, however, have moved, and this
year the students are left entirely on their own rsources. It behooves all, there
fore. Breeding emphasizes, to come armed with some outdoor tool. Axes will be
in demand for the work on the portage and bridge.
The accompanying list embraces the names of those who will be engaged
tomorrow in the different departments of the campus clean-up. and construction
work . The name at the head of each group is that of the man in charge of
that particular department of the activities. Each man on these committees is
urged to report to his leader at 8:15 o’clock tomorrow morning, and the general
warning is given that old clothes will be the approved style, for there is more or
less rough work to be done.
Meeting places for the different groups are announced as follows:
Portage, at the raceway;—Track, on the field—-Tennis courts, at the courts in
the back of Kincaid field—Walk between Beady and the Library, in front of
Deady—liaising the bridge, at the bridge which is the first one up the Millrace
from the Raceway—Frosh to help with the campus luncheon, in front of McClure
—Painting the “6”, corner of Eleventh and Alder—Junior Prom, at the Armory.
The committees are as follows:
PORTAGE—Tuerck. Geo. Cook, Earl Murphy. Lynn Parr, Bothwell Avison,
Joe Bell, Alex Bowen, Ralph Boyd, Tracy Byers, Wm. Coleman, Don Davis, Paul
Ellis, Frank Fowler Fremont Hodson. Roger Holcomb, Harry Jamieson, Harry
Lynch, James McCallum, Jos. B. McCarthie, Carlton McFadden, Walter Dimtu,
Jerome Halzman, Forrest Watson, Milton Stoddard, Earl Fleisehmann, Elmer
Fletcrer. Horace Foulks, Albert Gambell, Byron Garrett, Ed. Gourdeau,
James Gyllenberg, Chandler Harper, Thomas Hardy, Geo. Harris. Virgil Hattan,
Hans Mueller.
TRACK—Chas. Dundore, Hollis Huntington, Ross Dalgleish, Ralph Tour
tellete, Harold Grey, Roy Brown, J. D. Leonard, T.vrell Garner, Walter Church,
James Howell, Paul Reaney, Frank Hunt, Bert Clubb, Virgil Alexander, Arvo
Simola, Wayne Barbour Harold Barde, Don Belding, Percy Boatman, Harold
Floyd South, Karl Becke, J. E. Messick. R. F. Milne, Me Leod Maurice, Dean
Moore, Wm. Morrison, Charles Nelson, Chas. Newcastle, Clarence Potter, Frank
Scaiefe. Randall Scott, Earl Bronaugh, Raymond Burns, Lawrence Herscbner,
Herbert Heywood, Lee Waldron, Conrad Cockerline, Fred Coley, Bernard Davis,
Frank Davis, Chas. Drake, Geo. Duke, Geo. F. Edwards, Newton Estes, Ben
Fleisehmann, Leo Furney, Paul Downard.
Victor Chambers, Walter Meyers, Albert Morrison. Albert Bowles, Burle Bramhall,
Charles Collier, Leo Cossman, I). S. Dalgleish Frank Folts, Henry Fowler, Mike
Harris, Claude Hill, Thurston Lara way, Harvey Madden, John Kheehy, Henry
.Sims, Hugh Thompson, Ray Van Horne, Dwight Wilson, Ernest Watkins, Robert
Case, Floyd Alexander, Raymond Allen, Jory Armstrong, Walter Banks, John
Barnett, Wendell Bartholomew, Edward Bentley, Ralph Bowden, Howard Bowers,
Ezra Boyer, Elmer Brenton, Glenn Brookins, Royce Brown, Hugh Brunk, Clarence
Brunkow. James Burgess, Dale Melrose, Clifford Chase.
Beckett, Chas. Beebe, Fritz Melzer, Robert Montague, M. T. Nelson, Russel
Ralston, Ellwyn Itutheford, Warren Edwards, Ward McKinney, Joe Scaiefe, Hubert
Schenck, Lloyd Still, Chas. Schwering, Chas. Ji^ins, Loren Roberts, Carl Nelson,
Geo. Taylor, Kenneth Shetterly, Elmer Howard, Harold Jenkins, Wm. Jenkins,
Raymond Jones, Ross McKenna, Elmole Madden, Homer Mornhinweg, Richard
Scearce, Robert Scearce, Paul Smith, Paul Spangler, Henry Thorsett, Bertand
Woods, Eyler Brown. Earl Heitschmidt.
Ernest Boylen, Herman Edwards, John B. Hunt, Carl Knudson, Lyle McCroskey,
Merle Margason,, Jos. L. Parker, Paul Pease, Curtis Peterson, Exerett l’ixley,
Donald T. Robinson, Don M. Robinson, Harold White, Clifford Sevits, Irving
Smith, Milton Wilson. John Masterson, Mortimer Brown, Chester Adams.
PAINTING THE “0”—Shy Huntington, Brick Mitchell, Joe Dcnn, Chas.
Tisdale, Wm. Reinhart, Wm. Steers. Ed. Strowbridge, Dow Wilson, Brick Leslie,
Jack Benefiel, Stan Anderson, Ken Stam, Arthur Berg, Jay Mulkey, Luther Jensen,
George Loughlin, Roland Nichols, Iiueben Mast.
DECORATE FOR JUNIOR PROM—Kenneth Bartlett, Tregilgas, Roberts,
Kennon, Knighton, Blackaby, Hedges, Couch, Reigard. Gilbert, Sengstake, Larue
Blackaby, John Daly, Bruce Flegal, Carl Gregg, Dell Hinson, Clarence Lombard,
Harold Maison, Walter Matson, Victor Sether, Seth Smith, Glenn Stanton, Sophus
Winther, Robert Wright.
Wayne Stater. Glenn Macy. K. Bartlett, Fred Packwood, Harry Mills, Bob
Atkinson, Lo.v Carlisle, Frank Campbell, Cecil McKay, Wily Knighton, John
Huston. Kenneth Moores, Chas. Dundore, Jay Fox, Jack Elliot, Floyd South,
Loren Roberts, Henry Procter. W. Woodworth, I). C. Roberts, Win. T. Allyn,
Herman Lind, Robert BIcNary, (Newberry, Comfort, Holman, Green, Lynn
McCreadv. Chas. McDonald, Douglas Mullurky.
M. F. McClain Investigates Store at Se
attle Institution.
M. F. McClain, manager of the Co-op,
returned from Seattle last Saturday from
a fund ilnv trip during which lie visited
the Washington University Co-op and
studied the conditions there. Their store
is from 10 to 12 years old. During the
first year they sold not quite half as
much us Oregon's Co-op has sold this
I he Washington Co-op is on the
campus in a temporary building some
thing like the Journalism annex on Ore- I
gon’s campus. The store there is much
larger than Oregon’s; the stock in ten
nis rackets alone being as valuable as
the entire stock of goods carried by
Oregon's Co-op.
Mr. McClain says of the trip, “I’ve
gained some knowledge of store manage
ment and co-operative accounting from
the experience of the Washington store.
that will aid us in simplifying our book
keeping system and general cost system
and general cost of operation.
The Washington store has a fairly
large building fund saved out of their
earnings to build them a brick or con
crete building. This fund would have
been used this year if the war had not
disturbed conditions, but as things arc
now Percy Dearie, manager is waiting
a while before starting the building.
« # * #
Bernioe Lucas.
Everything in Readiness for
Senior Piay, “The Climbers.”
Cast Is Exceptional; Many Are
Seasoned Veterans of the
College Stage.
The curtain at the Eugene theatre will
rise promptly at 8:15 tomorrow evening
on the first act of the Senior play, "The
Climbers.” Everything is ready, the east
lias had its final rehearsal and Director
James Mott has pronounced the 1917
thespians prepared to put over the best
Senior play yet staked at Oregon.
If you have not yet made your dates
for “The Climbers” take a tip from those
who know and make them now. The Sen
ior play is the one big dramatic event of
the college year. It is the only Friday
evening attraction of the Junior Week
end calendar, and if you miss it you will
be sore on yourself for the rest of the
You can’t go wrong on “The Climb
ers.” Viewed from any angle tomorrow
evening’s performance is something you
ought to see for your own good.
The Clyde Fitch masterpiece is per
haps the best known play that has been
produced in this country during the pres
ent generation. It is the play that Amer
icans always refer to when comparing
their best dramatic work with that of
other nations. As a dramatic composition
it is perfect; r.s an acting vehicle some
idea of its strength may be gathered
from the fact that no less than six of the
leading lights on the American stage to
day were raised to their present enviable
position in stardom by the original pro
duction of “The Climbers.”
The cnst that will be seen tomorrow
evening in “The Climbers” is an excep
tional one. For genuine ability and his
trionic excellence they surpass any cast
that has yet been brought together at one
time on the local stage, and it is ex
tremely doubtful whether any college in
the country could produce a better com
pany of actors than those who make up
the cast of the 1917 play. Most of them
are seasoned veterans of the college
stage, with from throe to four years dra
matic honors attached to their names,
and each member is taking full advan
tage of the opportunity bis part in the
groat play given him to put over the best
effort of bis amateur stage career.
Seats for the Senior play are on sale
at the box office of the Eugene theatre
now. Those who want good ones should
reserve them at once. Reservations may
be made by ’phone.
♦. * * #
# * ♦ *
AVith hands tightly gripping their
pocketbooks, members <«f the sophomore
class tried to slip past the three vigi
lants stationed at the door of Guild hull
yesterday morning and avoid collection
of the 25 cent tax levied at the meeting.
This was voted in order to make up the
treasury deficit of $QW.50 which him been
holding over from the freshman year.
Over $10.00 was taken in by the com
“’Mac” Maurice reported on the soph
omore-freshman dance. The total receipts
of the dance were $80.70 and the ex
penses were $29.60 leaving a balance of
$.'17.10 to be equally divided between the
two classes. This leaves the class with
a deficit of $.*18.50 which is to be collect
ed by canvassing each member.
Portland Boy Named, Defeat
ing Harold Tregilgas by
415 to 269.
Emma Wootton Chosen Secre
tary; Jeannette Calkins Will
Manage Emerald.
♦ ♦
♦ President, James Sheehy. ♦
♦ Vice-president, Ray Couch ♦
♦ Secretary. Emma Wootton ♦
» Editor of Emerald. Hurry Crain ♦
♦ Manager of Emerald, Jeannet- ♦
4t te Calkins. ♦
♦ Editor of Oregana, Helen ♦
♦ Rrenton. ♦
♦ Manager of Oregana, James ♦
ffe Vance. ♦
♦ Executive Committee, Charles ♦
g Huntington and CharleS Dundore. ♦
♦ Athletic Council, Clifford Mitch- ♦
♦ ell, William Snyder, and Dorris ♦
♦ Medley. ♦
♦ Senior Men on Student Council ♦
♦ Don Newberry, Kenneth Moores, ♦
♦ and Randall Scott.
♦ Senior Women on Student ♦
♦ Council, Cora Ilosford, and Mar- ♦
♦ tha Tinker. £
♦ Junior Men on Student Council ♦
♦ Burle Brnmhull and Lynn Me- ♦
♦ ('ready. ®
♦ Junior Women on Student ♦
(S Council, Lillian Boylen. ♦
♦ Sophomore Man on Student ♦
♦ Council, William Steers. ♦
♦ Amendment, passed. ♦
♦ ♦
The official announcement of the suc
cessful candidates in student body elec
tions yesterday afternoon put an end to
the suspense which has been felt on the
campus for the past aveek. The polls
were crowded after assembly hour yes
terday morning and between classes
throughout the day. At two o’clock the
polls closed and the count began immedi
ately, but was not finished until fiv*
Crowds surrounded the bulletin board
in Villard hall to get the partial returns
as they were posted and considerable
excitement was aroused by the largo
margins which began to be evident from
the first in the case of president, secre
tary, editor of the Emerald und Student
Council members.
James Sheehy won the presidency over
Harold Tregiigas by 415 to 200 votes
Six hundred und forty-seven votes were
cast for Ray Couch the only candidate
for vice-president, and he will take his
place as second executive unless the war
prevents his return to the University
next fall.
Emma Wootton was elected secretary
with 414 'ballots cast in her flavor.
(Continued on page four)
* #. « *