Jersey Silk and Crepe de Chine UNDERWEAR Corset Covers Excelent quality of all silk crepe de chine, trimmed with lace and ribbon. Some have short sleeves others with lace or ribbon shoulder straps. Colors flesh and white. All sizes. Price $1, $1.25, $1.50, $175 Envelope Chemise Envelope chemise of jersey silk or crepe de chine in white or flesh color. Beautiful lace trim med models; others plain. It is a pleasure to wear one of these beautiful garments. All sizes. Price $2.50 to $5. LARGES ! ! 865 Willamette Street Phone 525 HOTEL OSBURN First Class Hotel of City Caters to Student Banquets Our Sunday Night Dinners Unsurpassed Music by Hendershott’s Orchestra THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL Three-year course lending to degree of Doctor of Luw( ,1. I».), which, by the Quarter system, may be completed in tow and ouc-fourth calendar yearn. Col lege education repaired for regular ad mission, one year of law ,being counted toward college degree. Daw library of over 411.000 volumes. The Summer Quarter offers special opportunities to students, teachers, and practitioners. 1917 1st Term, June 18—July 25 2nd Term, July 28 Aug. 31. Rush Medical College Offers courses in the medical brunches lending to the degree of M, 1). Detailed announcement will be sent upon application to the DEAN OF THE LAW SCHOOL. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Miss Esther Anderson, of Mis | sionary Fame, on Campus. Is Guest of Honor at Functions and Receives “Lasting Im pression” of Co-eds. I Miss Kittlin' Anderson, national sec retary of the V. W. A. spoke to the Kiris at the V. \V. < A. Bungalow Thursday about Japan and the mission ary work there. Especially did -Miss An derson speak of Miss Ruth Emerson, who is working in the missionary field in Japan, and who is being supported there chiefly b.v the V. W. (A.’s of the I'niversities of Montana, Idaho. Wash ington and Oregon. The girls here have planned to write special letters to Miss Emerson. Miss Anderson has spent seven and a half years in Australia, where she was i engaged in Y. W. A. work. She left there two years ago and was in England and Erance after the war broke out. While here Miss Anderson held confer ences with the girls who are vitally in terested in foreign missionary work. She has been a guest at different of the so rority houses and has as well spoken to the high school students, townspeople, and college people. The Y. W. I'. A. girls gave a breakfast in her honor at the bungalow this morning. Miss Anderson left for Portland this afternoon where she will spend the first part of next week. From there she will go to Willamette T’niversity. “This is the first college 1 have visited on the coast," said Miss Anderson, "and 1 shall judge all girls in accordance with those Phones 246, 247, 248—Never Busy! Everything in fruits and vegetables in season. Try some of our home baked goods and you will come back. TABLE SUPPLY CO. Corner 9th and Oak Street. Freshman Co-ed, Happy in Nature Study j Sets University Mark in Library Reading (By Lucile Saunders) Literally bubbling over with the joy of living is Opal Whitely, a University freshman from Cottage Grove, for Opal :s a student of life, a natural scient ist. you call her. She believes every moment on this earth is too precious to waste: that’s why she slips into the li brary between classes and reads five or ten pages of a book while others are standing on the steps or leaning over the radiator gossiping. So it happens that she has the highest rending record of any student the University has kept account of. Last semester little Miss Whitely had perused 10,5811 pages of outside reading when she completed her ethics course under Dean Elizabeth Fox. Her average of 520 pages a week consisted of natural science, eugenics, biography, the Bible, and art. Outside of that she carried a full UnL versify course, some subjects at the Bible university, research work on her own initiative, and a correspondence fre (inently amounting to thirty letters a day written as a part of her duties as state superintendent of the Junior Christian Endeavor. Last year she sent out 1(500 letters of advice on Endeavor business and travelled 2000 miles in the state. Under her supervision are the 3400 child ren of eight different denominations of churches interested in the work. Miss Whitely’s life ambition is to write nature study books for children, which, shi- says will appeal to the child so much that he will get the same enjoy ment from reading them that she gets out of till' writing. To this end she is bend ing ail her efforts and laying what she terms the “foundations”. In the sum mer she travels in the state at the re quest of the school children from all over and lectures. Through this occupation, most pleasing to her, she earns her way through school. At the age of eleven when living among the lumber camps of the Row river valley she first began teaching the children the wonders of nature. Every year she did this, her classes becoming so popular that after children had moved away they would write and let her hear of the new things they had discovered which she might not have seen. To this day she hears from them from New York and the Middle west, California. Washington, and Oregon. Her lectures are consider ed so valuable that she expects to do extension work for the University in the near future. Though very much a student. Miss Whitely is a staunch believer in the pol icy of “early to bed, early to rise”. Her day begins at 5 o’clock in the morning when she finds it most easy to study. Long walks and days in the fields take another portion of her time. She is an ardent lover of the country and wishes always to be near her beloved rocks and lichens, and mosses, and birds and flowers. She spent three years study ing the butterfly before she felt that she understood his life and the friendship of a bird is to be as highly prized as that with a person. Out-of-doors is just like an entertaining book to her. She has a most pleasing personality. Hardly tall er than the children of whom she is so fond, her being fairly effervesces a joy in living. She always has an inviting smile for her acquaintances and en deavors to share her joys with everyone. During her spare moments one is sure to see her in some odd corner of the li brary lost among books. “You have no idea how many interesting things you can learn in a few minutes if you only concentrate your mind.” she said. “The things that come hardest to you are most worth while. I never study ofr grades and I don’t get the best but they are nearlys just what I wanted in each subject.” hero ms I have receiv 'd n first unci last ing impression.” U. OF W.DEBATERS WINNERS Oregon Co-eds Taken Into Camp at Se attle by Unanimous Decision. The University of Washington co-ed debating team defeated the Oregon team in the debate held at Mean.v Hall, Se attle, Thursday night. The judges’ decis ion was unanimously in favor of the northern University. The question was ' Resolved, that the United States should adopt an amendment to the constitution which would insure equal suffrage to both men and women in all states of the union,” Oregon upheld the negative. The Washington team was made up of the following girls: Ruth Tewinkle, Helen Bennett and Margaret Desmond, while the University of Oregon was rep resented by Vivian Kellems, Amy Carson and Roberta Schuebel. With the excep tion of Miss Kellems, who was in the state debate with O. A. C., the Oregon girds were inexperienced. Both Miss Te v inkle and Miss Bennett of Washington have taken part in interseholastie de bate for three years, and Miss Desmond was on the varsity team last year. This is the first co-ed debate in which Oregon has participated. Dean Elizabeth Fox accompanied the girls on their trip to Seattle and after tin debate, she was entertained with the Oregon team by the Washington Tolo i lub. an upper class honorary society. The club gave the visiting team a recep tion in the Home Economics hall and a banquet at the Seattle hotel later in the evening. The judges of the contest were: George Nash, president of Bellingham State Normal, Mrs. Alvnh U. Carr, of Seattle, and Thomas R. Cole, assistant super- . intendent of the Seattle Schools. Examinations Given in June for Patent Office Job. Salaries Range From $1575 to $2700 a Year; Several Vacancies Now. An examination will be Riven the last week in June by the civil service com mission for the position of assistant examiner in the United States Patent Office. Patent office salaries range ! from $1,1575 to $2,700 a year. About | 400 men are employed in this office all the time and there are several vacancies now and more are constantly occuring. This information was sent President Campbell by Thomas Ewing, Commis sioner. Mr. Ewing says in his letter { “every man who has qualified during the last two years, has been offered an appoint ment.” The examination is on granting of patents for inventions. Positions are largely filled from Universities and col leges giving engineering and other prac tical branches of science. A fine chance is offered to train for law through investigation of records. There are several law colleges in Wash* ington with hours arranged for accom odations of government employees. Mr. Ewing continues in his letter, "Unfor tunately for us our workers constantly are leaving us to carry on their law practice.” "The examining corps comprises forty five principle examiners whose salary is $2,700 per annum, and four grades of assistant examiners, the men in which Before Going Home Don’t forget to come down and select your college stunt pictures and campus views from our STUNT BOOK THE KODAK SHOP Opposite Rex Theatre receive respectively $1,5