wws Mine FOR W1R IS RUSHED Honor Guard Learn First Aid, Signal Practice and Mechanics. Some Co-eds May Affiliate With Red Cross for H Active Service. I • - Some 150 co-eds re wondering what opportunity they will have to prove the value of the National Honor Guard brand of knowledge. For six weeks first aid work has been going on at the Chamber of Com merce every Tuesday evening; the nov ices have learned to apply ordinary bandages, have taken instruction in the value, uses and application of the our niquet, and general first aid metnods. Wednesday evenings the swimming classes meet in the Y. M. C. A. tank. Later the University tank will be called into use to offer sufficient accomoda tions. Semaphore signalling, familurly known as wig-wagging, occupied the Thursday night hour( and the crowd is so large that the armory floor is dotted solidly ■ with white shirt and middy clad figures. It is the opinion of the members that