Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 03, 1917, Page Four, Image 4

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    The Happy Fitting of America’s Sweetheart
n a Role that is so sympathetic and appeal
ig that it is a sensational personal triumph.
Mary Pickford
A Poor Little Rich Girl
From the Well Known Book and Play by
v Eleanor Gates
Do we appreciate the wealth of happiness and
pleasure that our children possess for us?
A story that none other than Mary Pickford
could tell in pictures and like Marguerite
Clark in “Miss George Washington,” will be
one of the gems in Memory’s Jewel Casket.
“A Poor Little Rich Girl” is an Idyl of Child
hood in which the young will revel and the
old renew their youth.
Two Days Only
WED. & THURS. APR. 4 & 5
No Advance in Admission
Perfume Candies
Service at all times.
University Pharmacy
Sidney R. Allen, Prop.
Cor. 11th and Alder St. Phone 229
Beautifully Tinted
Easter Writing
Wo are showing
As well as n fine lint' of Easter
Cords and Folders.
With prices very reasonable
630 Willamette St.
Throi' forms of tho Oregana Mft' nl
rcud.i off llio |iross, anil tho athletics
:unl lnililiontions departments will bo
print oil by tho beginning of spring vaca
lion wboii Kniniil Wooton will r'turn
from tho Kust. 1 Hiring her absence
t'lnirlos lHuuloro is siii'orvising tho
printing, wliioh is lining doin' in a local
t'uts are coming in every day from
tho engraver ami .Iimniy Sheoliy, who is
in charge of tho athletic department,
says: "They are all good, and some of
tho action cuts are exceptionally fine."
Tht> athletic section will occupy 50
panes, and the principle parts will bo
run in eight point type. Borders for tho
pages are all printed.
Sara Barker, in charge i»f the classes,
has collected the last of tho senior rec
ords and lias them ready for publication.
Send the Emerald home
ram boost
Vacation Advertising Campaign
by Students in Their Home
Towns Planned.
Because the Greater Oregon Com
mittee feels that a great deal of public
ity for the University can be gained dur
ing the spring vacation, tomorrow’s
assembly will be given over to the com
mittee and a group of speakers to
arouse interest in the advertising cam
paign planned.
“The students can do a lot of adver
tising in their home towns during the
week” said Ernest Watkins, chairman of
the committee,” and this opportunity
just before the vacation will be used to
outline the plan we have in mind and
point out to the students the need of
carrying on this work.”
The combined glee clubs will contrib
ute several numbers to the program, and
speeches will be given by It. A. Booth,
Dean John Straub. Nicholas Jaureguy,
Martin Nelson, Harold Hamstreet, Fred
Kiddle, and Ernest Watkins.
Interest in the work of the revived
Greater Oregon Committee has been
steadily growing and the committee has
been making an especial appeal to the
alumni throughout the stare to use their
influence to increase the attendance at
Oregon next semester.
Another stimulus toward student en
listment in local military corps is in the
faculty resolution, passed at Thursday’s
meeting, stipulating that credits without
further examination be given those stu
dents who withdraw before final exam
inations in order to enter the service
of the nation in military duty.
Since the first announcement by Pres
ident 1‘. L. Campbell that the faculty
contemplated such a decision, University
men have enlisted in the local artillery
companies without hesitation, occasioned
by fear of losing credits toward gradu
ation. Fourteen students have been add
ed to the Second company ranks within
the last two weeks. Seven were in uni
form for the first time Thursday evo
Additional credit for military train
ing will be given. The grades in military
service will correspond to those earned
by the student in the close room and the
number of hours shall correspond to the
uncompleted portions of the courses. In
complete courses will remain so on the
records of the I niversity.
Cornell University
Medical College
In the city of New York
Admits graduates of the Uni- ■
versity of Oregon presenting
the required physics, chemis
try and biology.
tory methods throughout the
course. Small sections facili
tate personal contact of stu
dent and instructor.
leading to A. M. and Ph. D.
also offered under direction
of the Graduate School of
Cornell University.
Applications for admission
are preferably made not later
than June. Next session opens
Sept. 26. 1917.
For information and cata
logue address
The Dean
Box 434 First Avenue and
28th Street, New York City.
A Clever Two-Act
Musical Comedy
Presented by Eugene High School Glee Club
_Snnvvfuil by High School Oreh-'str;»
At Eugene Theatre, Wed. Apr. 4
8:15 o’clock Admission 75c, 50r\ 25o
and Young Men!
If a young man fancies the very ultimate in style, in
taste, in good appearance, he will be interested in the
splendid display we’re making of
Kuppenheimer Clothes
For Spring and Summer 1917
$18.00 to $30
New Styles in Hats and Caps
Roberts Bros.
o , ° 0 °o °°
Central Church
Easter Sunday Night
8 o’Clock
Triple Musical Program
Special Invitation to D. A. R.—Girls Honor Guard—
Y. W. C. A. and all others in the “Group who Care”
NOTE:—Affiliate student members of Central church
and students from Presbyterian church homes thruout
the state arc urged to attend the Eucharistic Celebra
tion at First Methodist church this Thursday night at
8 p. in. The Pastor of Central brings The Common
Meditation on 'The Churches’ Flag of Freedom.”
Telephone 220
In a Class by Itself
WANTED—Don’t give away your old
clothes, old rags for nothing. Get all
you can. Highest price old stoves,
ranges, cook stoves, old furniture,
carpets, rugs. Telephone for the night
wan, ~M, oG Eighth avenue west.
EASTER is an appropriate season for gifts
—Send a box of Vaisity Chocolates—
They’re GOOD.