Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 31, 1917, Page Three, Image 3

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tftudent and Qaeulty y^etioities
By Dorothy Parsons
|OT unlike he tropic isle itself wil 1 be the Kappa Sigma house this even
ing on the occasion of the annual formal dance of that fraternity.
Palms, which would even justify their existence on “the beach at Kai
Kiwi,” will be used extensively in decorating, while the dancers will gaily step
to the plaintive strains of a native orchestra. The feature dance will also be
Hawaiian and the supper dance will take place i.fter the dancing program is
Those invited to attend this delightful dance are Bernice Perkins, Aleyine
Johnson, Lucinda Cochran, Merna Brown, Roberta Kilham, Mildred Garland,
Xaoma Marcellus, Neomi Bernard, Mildred Brown. Florence Hemenway, Reba
Macklin, Eulalie Crosby, Echo June Zahl, Marguerite Gross, Dorothy Parsons,
Agnes Basler, Beatrice Thurston, Lillian Boylen, Lorraine Mahoney, Dorothy
Bennett, Hazel Knight, Edythe Bracht, Frieda Ball, Mildred Steinmetz. Helen
Koren, Marian Grebel, Vernice Robbins, Irene Strowbridge, Mildred Tegg. Mir
iam Tinker, Ruth Roche, Edna Howd. Anne Calvert, Lucille Dunn. Beulah
Hayes, Harry Brubaker, Beach Crofton of Portland; Harold Wheeler, and Mr.
Ransdell, of O. A. C.; Malcolm McEwan, Edward Ward, and Robert Earl. The
patrons and patrontsses will be Dr. and Mrs. Roy M. W inger, Mr. and Mrs. I.
M. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. David Graham.
The formal dinner dance givjeu at the
Hotel Osburn last night by the members
of Sigma Chi was one of the most de
lightful dances of .he year. Blue and
gold, the fraternity colors were domin
ant throughout the attractive scheme of
decoration, the lights being shaded with
gold shades which bore the blue crosses
of Sigma Chi. For the dinner, 36
places were set and later the guests
danced in the palm room and the main
dining room. During the evening, Miss
Bess Hendersehott sang a number of
popular songs and several songs of the
The patrons and patronesses on this
occasion were Dean and Mrs. John
Straub, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bezdek, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl N. Homer and Mr. and
Mrs. E. S. Smith. The guest list in
cluded: Mildred Garland, Lillian Bohn
son, Marion Chapin, Marian Grebel, Re
ba Macklin, Evelyn Tregilgas, Winifred
Starbuck, Dorothy Dunn, Beatrice Gay
lord, Myrtle Tobey, Ruth Pierson,
Gladys Wilkins, l/ouyse McCandless,
Elizabeth Bruere, Ella May, Genevieve
Rawley, Alleyn Johnson, Katherine
Twomey, Adda Martin, Frances Gold
en, Genevieve Dickey, Margaret Mans
field, Edna Howd, Gertrude Buell, Anne
McMicken, Ruth Trowbridge, Ada Ot
ten, Naoma Marcellus, Georgine Geis
ler, Marion Neil, Grace Williams, Myrle
Hamilton, Vera Olmstead, Morgan Wat
son, Lee Hulbert, ' Paul Farrington,
Fred Lathrop, William Jenkins, Ross
Giger, Whit Gill, Robert Case and Mer
ritt Whitton.
* 4*
Esther Hill, Mary Johns. Sara Bark
er, Dorothy Dunbar, Vernice Robbins,
Irene Strowbridge, Florence Sherman,
and Helen Guttery were guests at the
Alpha I’hi house on Thursday evening.
# £ £
On Thursday, March -S, a banquet
was held at the Hotel Osbum for nil
seniors in the educaticn department of
the University. Professor Stetson act
ed as toastmaseer calling on President
Campbell, Superintended Rutherford
of Eugene, Miss McFarland, Frances
Shoemaker, and Martin Nelson for brief
talks. Mrs. Daisie Middleton sang a
number of delightful songs.
Those present at the banquet were:
President P. L. Campbell, Professor F.
L. Stetson, Professor H. D. Sheldon,
Professor B. W. DeBusk, Professor R.
W. Broeker, Albert N. French, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Scofield, Jennie Huggins,
Ruth Roche, Jeannette Wheatley, Ruth
Lawrence, Myra McFarland, Delphia
Meek, Mary O’Farrell, Louise Allen,
Elizabeth DeVaney, Mildred Brown,
Helen McCormack, Martha Beer, Franc
es Shoemaker, Eyla Walker, Mary His
lop, Frances Mann, Myrtle Tobey,
Louise Bancroft, Eulalie Crosby, Helen
Currey, Marguerite Gross, Mary Alice
Hall, Gladys McNight, Hazel Knight,
Business Men’s
City Election Monday
April 2,1917
MAYOR—C. 0. Peterson—
Manager Eugene Excelsior Co.
RECORDER—R. S. Bryson—
Accountant, Lawyer; Eight years experience in
TREASURER—Fred G. Stickds—
FIRST WARD—William Polders—
Merchant and farmer.
SECOND WARD—S. S. Spencer.
FOURTH WARD—A. M. Spangler.
THIRD WARD—S. R. Mosher.
Contractor and Builder.
These men constitute the business men’s ticket, have
always been identified with all the best interests of Eugene;
stand for the advancement of the University and Education '
generally. The best interests of the Student requires their
A. T. FRALEY, 957 Pearl,
For Business Men’s Campaign Committee.
(Paid Adv.)
Marie Machen, Helen Johns, Marion ]
McDonald. Marjorie Williams, Mary
W arrack, \ era Williams, Mae Lynch,
Marian Tuttle. Lucille Watson, Mae
Harburt, Iva Wood, Espar Young. Jean
Bell, Lillian Bohnson, Levincy Hamil
ton, Nicholas Jaureguy, Martin Nelson,
Earl Fleischraann, Joe Bell. Frank
i Campbell, Loren Butler, Lynn Parr,
H. Rutherford, June Beebe, Clarence
Brunkow, Henry Thorset, Aubrey
Smith, Allen Rothwell, Harry Lynch,
Mr. Pickett and Cecil McKay.
The Y W. C. A. advisory board en
, tertained the members of the cabinet
last Saturday with a luncheon given in
honor of Miss Eleanor Hopkins, nation
, al student secretary for the northwest
field, who is visiting in Eugene. The
Bungalow was beautifully decorated
with cherry blossoms with lovely butter
flies in shades of pink, yellow and white
suspended from the ceiling Clever
handpainted cards marked places for
the following: Miss Eleanor Hopkins,
Dean Elizabeth Fos, Miss Tirza Hins
dale, Ruth Wilson, Mary Hislop, Sara
Barker. Ruth Pears >n. Katheriue John
son. Mildred Steinmetz, Eva Von Ber^,
Dorothy Flegel, Helen Wells, Delilah
McDaniel, Helen Brenton, Essie
McGuire, Ruth Westfall. Dorothy Col
lier, Mrs. A. E. Caswell, Mrs. J. U.
Miller. Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Mrs. F. W.
Chambers. Mrs. W. 0. Yoran, Mrs. R. T.
Barnett, Mrs. E. C. Robbins. Mrs. D.
W. Morton, Mrs. Karl Onthank, Mrs.
E. L. Knapp. Mrs. M. H. Douglass,
Miss Mary Watson and Mrs. t)onald
A A *
One of the many clever features of
the Soph-Frosh dance which will be
held this evening in Hayward hall, will
be the auctioning off of the lunches fur
nished by the girls. No bid will be al
lowed to exceed 15 cents so the contest
bids fair to be snappy and excited.
Dancing will start at S:15 and a large
crowd is expected to turn out. The
committee in charge of arranging the
details is made up of Helen Braeht. Rob
erta Schuebel, and Mac Maurice, for the
sophomores, and Mildred Garland, Dor
is Slocum and Ned Fowler, representing
the freshmen.
Exchanging dinner guests with Pi
Beta Phi on Wednesday evening, Alpha
Phi entertained Mildred Steinmetz,
Louise Wilson, Ada Mathews, Louyse
McCandless, Adda Martin, Beatrice
Gaylord, Ella Dews, and Louise Clau
sen. Guests at the Pi Phi liouse were
Katherine Johnston, Margaret Gray,
Myrtle Tobey, Gladys Shute, Mabel
Van Zante, Veola Peterson, Bess Cole
man, and Ruth Westfall.
Edward Ward and George Colton
were guests at the Beta Theta Pi house
last Tuesday evening.
* « A
At Mary Spiller hall on Tuesday
evening the guests were Aline Johnson,
Gladys Harbke, Leura Jerard, Eulalie
Crosby*, Jean Cochran, Lorraine Ma
honey, and Agnes Easier.
* 4s «
Sunday dinner guests at the Sigma
Chi house were Mrs. Katherine John
son, Mrs. E. S. Smith, Jeannette Wheat
ley, Gretchen Colton, Helen Case, Mar
garet Gray, and Lillian Bohnson.
* 4! £
Beta Theta Pi house was the scene
of a delightful dinner party last Sat
urday. The guests were Mrs. Hamil
ton Wier, Lillian Boylen, Cora Hos
W. R. Wallace
Billiards Bowling
Phone 48 and Get the
50-60 Ninth Ave. East
Try The
R. C. Ellmaker, Prop.
For a Square
Is just peeking around the corner. Better get that Easter Bon
net now and be prepared for Spring. We carry a full line of
Men’s Clothing.
The Haberdasher
713 Willamette Street
Willoughby Bangs
(This ad was written by a member of the advertising class of the UniTersity of Oregon).
ford, Georgine Geisler, Mary Ellen
Bailey, Mary Murdock. Doris Slocum,
Noemi Bernard, Mildred Emmett, Flor
ence Hemenway, Lucille Stanton, Ruth
Pierson, Emmett Ratbbun, and Russell
* 4s #
Beta Theta Pi exchanged dinner
guests with Sigma Chi ou Thursday
£ £
Ruth Kelly, a member of Alpha Chi
at O. A. C. will be a week end guest at
the Kappa Alpha Theta house. Miss
Mildred Wiggins, of Willamette univer
sity, a cousin of M. rgaret Rodgers, will
also be entertained.
Gretehen Colton, Syle Walker, Dor
othy Hunziker, Helen Case, Aline Phil
lips. Katherine Johnston, Ruth Pier
son, and Dorothy Parsons were guests
nt an exchange dinner at the Gamma
Phi Beta house Thursday evening.
Wednesday evening at the Beta The
ta Pi house, Professor II. F. Harthan
was a guest.
Miss Ida Turney and Jack Meredith,
of Portland were guests at Mary Spil
ler hull on .Sunday.
Mrs. Marie Miller, of Pioneer is vis-'
Ring her daughter, Lucy Miller, at Alary
Spiller hall this week.
Arvo Simula was a guest at the Beta
Theta Phi house on Thursday evening.
On Friday, William Allyn was enter
tained by the same fraternity.
Many University students attended
the Wednesday evening dance at the
armory, given for the benefit of the
Girls’ National Honor Guard. Music
by the Polka Dot orchestra was snappy
and a tumbling stunt given as a feature
by a number of the members of the const
artillery corps furnished a great deal
of amusement.
A 4 A
Jean Kelly and Tressa Nichols of Cor
vallis are spending the week-end at the
Chi Omega house.
Wednesday dinner guesti of Chi Ome
ga fere Mr. and Mrs. Lee Travis and
Mr. and Mrs. F. Griffith.
Sunday dinner guests of Alpha Tau
Omega were Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Seitz,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pennington, .Mar
garet Welch, Helen Engberg, John Pen
nington and Gifford Seitz.
a # a
Alpha Tau Omega entertained at din
ner on last Thursday evening. Harry
Mills, Mortimer Brown, Thurston Ibar
ra way, Paul Downurd, Bob Montague,
Harold Newton. Victor Chambers nud
Bruce Yergen w>ere guests.
* A A
Fred Kiddle and Walter Brown are
spending the week-end in Corvallis.
They are guests of Gamma Upsilon.
Professor E. C. Robbins was a Wed
nesday evening dinner guest of Sigma
Fred Strong, of the University of
Washington, is spending a few days at
the Sigma Nu house.
A reception in honor of the newly
arrived delegates to the Y. W. C. A.
cabinet conference, which is being hold
(Continued on page four)
Phones 246, 247, 248—Never Busy!
Our Clean up-to-date Kitchen always
at your service.
High Class Groceries
Cor. 9th and Oak.
Jim Says:
Quit running on flat tires. Wear Neolin soles and
Rubber Heels.
Jim, the Shoe Doctor
Opposite Rex
Easter Egg Dyes
Assorted and Plain Colors
Perfumes all orders domestic and imported. Something
to make cheerful and harmonize with the Easter Bonnett.
The University Pharmacy
Sidney R. Allen, Prop.
Cor. 11th and Alder Phone 229
We Have Mints and
Cream Mints, Special gum mints, dropped
mints, white and pink mints, and all the
same time butter balls are 2 for lc