Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 29, 1917, Page Three, Image 3

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    Worker’s Service
Sunday Night, April 1
Second Company 0. N. G., Will Be
Special Guests
Led by University Band
We appreciated your presence last Sunday
night and will be glad to see you again.
Monday and Tuesday
Clara Kimball
By Robert W. Chambers
A seven-reel Super-Picture
Monday and Tuesday
And use Butter Manu
factured by
Always Fresh and Sanitary
Phone 117 48 Park St
Captain Miller Tells of Salvation Arm;
Work at Front.
Captain Jessie JV-iller, of the loca
Salvation Army spoke on Christian a's
pects of the Great war at the Bungalov
Wednesday afternoon.
“I am intensely interested in tin
war from a personal standpoint,” sail
Captain Miller. “I have a brother am
a brother-in-law at the front. Besidei
this I am interested in the world as
peet of it. As a Salvationist and i
Christian, every nation is interesting t;
me; the Germans though in name m;
enemy are yet my Christian brother^.”
“There is a great religious changi
coming over the nations interested, ac
cording to Captain Miller, especially ii
France and England although not mucl
is allowed to be known of Germany.
Work has been Le'gun on the nev
$500,000 library at Leland Stanford uni
versify, which will have room for ovei
a million volumes.
C. 8. C. is to h ve new bleacher;
with a seating capacity of 8000.
No Rest For the Weary, or the Oregana
Staff; Many, New Features Promised
I -
j Work—the Oregana staff is swamped
with it- so they say. Emma W’ooton,
editor-in-chief, with her associate edi
tors Kenneth Moores and Adrienne Ep
ping, and Charles Dundore, manager,
and his cohort Ed Harwood will spend
the entire week of spring vacation in
working on the annual. By the end '
of that week the Oregana will be ready
for the binders and the student body
will be assured of an early publication.
Jimmy Sheehy, in whose charge the
sports department is placed, promises 1
more athletic cuts than ever before in
any edition. Real, live, active photos
of the Pasadena game are on hand. Jim
my has been allowed lots cf space, in
fact more than ever before, and will uu
doubtedly fill it to the borders with
comments, anecdotes, pictures and pos
es of our much esteemed “grid”, “track”
and “diamond” demigods.
Architectural students who took priz- !
es in a New York exhibition have ex
hausted their brains in furnishing draw
ings and sketches. No one person has
strewn the book with his one mode of
drawings, but numerous drawers have
portrayed original ideas through the dif
ferent departments and sections. Among I
those contributing material are: Herb
Heywood, John McQuira, Melvin Solve
and Glen Stanton.
This year the ordinary department
plates will be replaced by semi-poster
effects which bring in another original
Through the entire advertising sec
tion a series of unique events and hap
penings of college hours will be run.
It was not known that there were
such things as cartoonists in school un
til directly after the call for material
when so many interesting incidents were
treated by skilled pens that—well,
through lack of space the staff is re
luctantly forced to refuse a few of the
A new batch of stuff has been sent by
Ray Staub from the Medical School at
Portland which has been nearly forgot
ten in the rush for campus material.
Eutaxian Skit “Apple Pie” Will
Be Given at the Rex
March 30.
Cast Includes Many of Demon
strated Dramatic
“Apple Pie’’ the Musical tableaux given
by the Eutaxian society at the April
Frolic Saturday will be repeated at the
Rex theatre Friday evening at two
performances. It will be presented with
the big picture “The Girl Philippa”
featuring Anita Stewart and will be
given at 7 ana ai 9 o’clock. The cast
of ‘ Apple Pie” includes ten principal
characters and a chorus of twelve.
The story centers about two naughty
little children, Mary Jane and Tommy,
who over eat on a stolen apple pie,
and are therefore spanked and put to
bed for their sins. The real play be
gins with the children’s dream about
Mother Goose land where they meet all
the famous characters of nursery rhyme.
The play was written by Rosalind Bates
who dramatized the Oz stories into
“The Magic of Oz” which was put on
at the University before Xmas. The
four original dances used in the tableaux
are the work of Martha Beer who has
also trained the chorus. The costumes
have been especially designed for the
The chorus will appear exactly as pre
sented in the gymnasium with four ad
ditional girls, Bess Coleman, who was
the dancing band master in the Alpha
Phi orchestra; Iiucile Marrow and Hel
en Engle who were the feature dancers
in the Delta Gamma stunt and Ethel
Murray, who won the first prize for
an original costume at the April Frolic,
will be the extra Bo Peeps. The regular
chorus includes Mariam Page, Olive
Itisley, Dorothy Dunbar, Roberta Schue
bel, Espar Young, Aline Phillips, Rita
Hough, Oneone Shaw.
There are four lances in the skit.
Jack and Jill have a rough and tumble
duet. The entire cast dances with Mary
Quite Contrary; the chorus dances and
sings Bo Peep, and all take part in the
madhouse minuet at the finish.
The Home of
Squibb’s Chemicals
“There are none better”
Drug Co.
904 Willamette.
Phone 62
and SALT
T. F. BENNETT, Prop., Dealer In
Maryland Beauty Counts and Extra Balto
Standards Oysters
% _
• 1
I i
If Weather Permits Team Will
Hold Practice Game Sat
urday at 2:30.
Center and Wilson to Pitch;
Rathbun’s Arm Sore; Tuerck
Will Umpire.
(By Jimmie Sheehy)
Weather permitting, the vnrsity will
line up against the Mount Angel college
nine Saturday afternoon in the opening
practice game of the 11)17 season. The
game will probably start at 2:30 p. m,
with Bill Tuerck holding the umpire’s
Newton Center and Dwight Wilson
are Bezdek’s pitching choices for the
week-end battle. Center will no doubt
start with Wilson taking up the burden
in the fifth inning. Scoop Buthbuu’s
elbow is yet too sensitive to risk cut
ting loose any fast balls or curves. Shy
Huntington will work behind the but.
Little is known of the Angels from
St. Benedict, Oregon. If (their pitchers,
Sohler and Ivasberger, are in any kind
of form they should have no difficulty
in letting the varsity down with few
To date Bezdek’s men have done noth
ing more than look over half speed,
straight balls. Reports however from
the Angels cump indicate that they have
been dodging the rain drops with an
even greater frequency that the local
Saturday’s game will be in the nature
of a workout for both teams. Bezdck
plans on leaving his regular lineup go
the entire nine innings.
The continued rains the past week
have raised havoc with baseball prac
tice the conference over. Every squad
has been driven indoors. O. A. C. has
been the least effected by virtue of hav
ing their indoor armory at their dispos
al, which permits batting practice.
Orders for nightly outdoor practice,
rain or shine, were issued by Bezdek
last Monday. “We simply have to do it
boys,’’ said Bez, as he looked at the
heavy clouds nearing the field of play.
“You may not get much practice but it
will help to keep your eye on the ball.
We've got a lot of work ahead of us.”
Monday and Tuesday nights were
spent in batting and fielding practice.
Rathbuii, Center, Heywood, Wilson,
Babb, Hedges and Hum pitched to five
batters in turn. Bezdek had the varsity
run the bases after each drive. Fol
lowing the hitting practice both the out
field and infield indulged in snappy
Don Rader, a former varsity bull
[dayer under Coach Bezdek, is working
out nightly with the squad- He expects
to leave in a week or so for Sioux City,
in the Western league, lie played with
Vernon in the Pacific Coast league last
spring, finishing up with Sioux City.
Canadians and others will have BIT
opportunity to hear a Fellow of the
lioyal Society of Canada lecture when
dr. Charles Hill-Tout comes here on
April 3. “Antiquity of Man in the
.ight of Modern Discoveries" will be
dr. Hill-Tout’s subject. The lecture,
vhich will probably he held in Guild hall
t 8 o’clock in the evening, will be illus
rated with stereo.>tiean slides. Mr.
101-Tout will also lecture in Portland,
Valla Walla and Seattle.
Private dancing lessons for beginners,
ladys Franz, 1261 Alder Street
24 Will WOULD
Intelligence Blanks Bring Quick
Response; Grads’ Experi
ence Varies.
Engineers, Chaplains and Doc
tors Reply; Many Have
Been in Philippines.
Alumni of Oregon to the number of
-4 since Saturday have made known
their willingness to place their services
at the disposal of the government. This
information was obtained by means of
the 530 blanks sent out by Ben Wil
liams of the extension department who
is the entupus representative of the Na
tional Intelligence Bureau of Philadel
phia, which is gathering war data on
college men. The alumni were request
ed to fill out the papers the same way
the University men have already done.
A variety of data was received. One
man in replying stated that he had had
experience as an electrical engineer, an
other that he has worked in the engi
neering department of the railroad, while
another has been the constructor of wn
ter supply flume's and sewage systems
and feels capable of undertaking camp
sanitation. Another man has been S
years in administration work in the
Philippine Islands. Ouo man has taught
religious education and social science, lie
is an ordained minister nnd is prepared
to ser- i as chaplain. In answer to the
question as to how many of them could
detach themselves from their business
the replies show the time required rang
es from one week to 30 days. There
were none who placed stipulations on
their detachment from their business.
A number explained that they have fam
ilies dependent upon them but will go
if the necessity arises.
This scheme was started three weeks
ago among the students in order to get
data on training men who will be avail
able iu time of war. The bureau head
quarters in Philadelphia is asking all
colleges to co-operate in determining
what students and tlumni are available
for positions in the army.
An annual prize for the man in tin
salesmanship class giving the best talk
on insurance cnch year has been of
fered the school of commerce by Mr.
Devereaux of the Western States Life
Insurance company.
CopyrightButSehattMr kllM
What’s What
f o r Spring
Varsity Fifty Five
suits by
Hart Schaf fner
& Marx
Best style; all
wool fabrics;
Many variations
Eugene Branch ALLEN & LEWIS, Inc.
We’ve opened the gate and let down the
_Jitneys Bars_
3 for 10c
Friday and Saturday Only