Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 29, 1917, Image 1

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    VOL. 18.
NO. 65.
Actual Declaration Is Only
Thing That Will Stop
Training. ,
Gilbert, Belding and Watkins
Expect Summons Soon;
Pew Veterans Left.
(By William Ilaseltine)
Training and conlitioning of Oregon’s
track team will go on until war is ac
tually declared, according to Coach Bill
Hayward. “We will have some kind
of a team to go through with our sched
ule, even if some of the regulars are
forced to go,” said the coach. “If war
Is declared and the boys are called out
I will go myself.”
So far but one man, Kent Wilson, has
left, but there are a: leas'; three others
who expect to be summoned at any
moment. They are Don Belling, Ernest
Watkins and De Witt Gilbert. Belding
and Gilbert are in the coast artillery
and Watkins is a member of the militia.
Wilson’s departure leaves Hayward
without a single old man in the middle
distance save Captain Martin, Nelson.
Belding is Bill’s standby in the mile run
this year and nobody is in sight who
could take his place. Watkins is a pole
vaulter and Gilbert runs the hurdles.
What the other colleges in the Coast
Conference are going to do is a matter
of conjecture. Graduate-manager A. R.
Tiffany received a telegram from Ar
l thur Younger, manager at Washington,
Inquiring as to Oregon’s attitude on the
plan of cancelling the schedules. Sim
ilar telegrams were sent to the other
i members of the conference. Tiffany
Wired back advising that no hasty ac
tion be taken. Washington and Stan
ford are both in favor of calling off all
meets and games if war is declared.
None of the other colleges have been
heSrd from.
Even in the event of war athletics
might be kept up to maintain the phys
ical condition of the students. This was
the Plan followed by England during
the first two years of the war and re
sulted in many soldiers being recruited
from the universities
Washington has suffered the loss of
three men from her track team already,
Captain McDonald, the two-miler who
defeated Bostwiek last year at Seattle
and Murphy and McKecbnie—weight
men. From the number of men in the
third Oregon from O. A. C., the chances
are that Coach Pipal will also have
some places to fill. v
After a week’s absence due to the
Illness of liis wife, Coach Hayward
again put in an appearance at the cov
ered track Monday. Even with the lim
ited space at his disposal Bill kept his
squad on the jump every minute, v and
followed up the work with a similar
program the last two nights. The
Cramped conditions of the track makes
It virtually impossible to do any run
ning. Starts and slow jogs up and dov n
the enclosure comprise the menu. hat
with the weather and th war Oregon’s
track season doesn't promise to be as
successful as in years past.
Women Tennis Players Will Compete for
Cup; Other Prizes Up.
Another diadem, the most brilliant of
ill, except of course, the personal hon
or and satisfaction of accomplishment,
has been added to the crown of victory
that will go to the winner of the annual
Women’s tennis tournament this spring.
The new incentive is a beautiful cup,
to be given by Luckey’s jewelry store
to the girl who wins the tournament.
The c-up is a one-year prize and the
-.ntnatsnr will be allowed Ut
keep it. A consolation prize, consisting
of tennis shoes or other paraphenalia
is to be offered.
Tennis raquettes will gleam on the
court as soon as the weather gi'es
signs of continual sunshine for a reas
onable period. The date of the begin
ning of the tournament has not been de
Besides the Luckey cup a tennis ra
quette, to be offered by a local merch
ant will add to the list of prizes.
Senior Exams Dealt Blow
Staggering Punch Given
• @ ® ® @ &
By Drs. Robbins and Bates
Editor Emerald:
Replying to your recent inquiry con
| cerning my attitude on the proposed
abolition of Senior examinations, per
mit met to say that I would favor such
a change. By means of such a modi
fication in our present regulations the
seniors would be enabled to distribute
their work more equitably throughout
the year, thus relieving them of unusu
ally heavy burdens during the com
mencement season.
Personally, I could make the altera
tion without detracting from the pres
ent standard of work. The chief result
of the adoption of such a change, so far
as teaching is concerned, would be to
throw added work upon the instructor,
but in this case I think the benefits de
rived would more than offset the addi
tional duties.
Cordially yours,
Editor Enjerald:
As far as the department of rhetoric
is concerned it would be entirely feasi
ble for us to excuse senior-, from exam
inations as we are -horoughly acquaint
ed with their work before the end of the
senior year.
“Admirable Crichton,” Once
Postponed, Now Ready.
Special Scenery, Decorations
and Lighting Effects to
Ee Featured.
Everything is in readiness for the
production of “Admirable Crichton” in
Guild Hail Friday evening. Special
scenery has been constructed, under the
supervision of Prof. A. F. Reddie, and
many new lighting effects are to be
Particular attention has been paid to
the decorations of the play. Cleome
Carroll and her assistants have been
busy for two weeks working out the
details for this part of the performance.
The cast includes some of the dramat
ic stars of the campus. Ernest Wat
kins will be seen in the title role, that
of the butler, and Margaret Crosby will
play his “opposite”, Lady Mary. Al.x
Bowen will handle the chief comedy
role, Lord Loam, the democratic peer.
Roberta Killam will take the part of
Lady Agatha.
The first and fourth scenes are laid
in the drawing room of Lord Loam the
second on a desert island, and the third
in a hunt, which has been constructed
on this island by the shipwrecked party.
The cast is:
Crichton, the butler .. • Ernest Watkins
Lord Loam . Alex. Bowen
Ernest Wooley.Warren Edwards
Tweeny, a “between maid”
. Lillian Bancroft
Lady Brocklehurst . Hester Hurd
Rev. Treherne . Burt Thompson
Lord Brocklehurst Kenneth Shetterly
Lady Agatha . Roberta Killam
Mrs. Perkins, housekeeper
.. Lourene Taylor
Fisher, first maid . Grayce Sage
The Chef . Arlo Brislow
Jane, housemaid-Harriet Polhemus
Second Maid . Claire Gazley
Third Maid . Frances'Fraley
Thompsett, coachman
. Harold Hargreaves
First Footman . Russell Fox
Second Footman. Harry Phillips
Stable Boy . Donald Prairie
Page Boy . Conrad Stevens
“Drifting,” Written by Students, Well
Received at Mu Phi Assembly.
“Drifting”, a song with music aid
words by two Oregon students, was -ung
for the first time at the assembly Wed
nesday morning. This song, to be pub
lished soon, is pad of a comic opera
recently completed K Hazel Radabaugh
and Leslie Blades. The song, which was
given by Mrs. Daise Beckett Middieton,
was received with much applause.
—The iigul.u .issi'inbl.i—was de\uj.ed lo
a program by Mu Phi Lpsilon, a women ®
national musical fraternity. It has been
suggested that this rogram be made an
annual event, according to Mrs. Mid
Others contributing musical numbers
were Alice Vander Sluis, Genevieve
Rowley, Viola Crawford and Miss Wini
fred Forbes, violin duets; Gladys Van
Nuys and Irene Strowbridge, vocal solos;
Ada Mathews and Marian Neil, piano;
and Charlotte Banfield, a reading.
Commerce Faculty Favor Op
tional Fourth-Year Exams.
Petition to Be Presented to
Faculty at Meeting Next
The entire teaching faculty of the
school of commerce has declared itself
in favor of making the giving of senior
examinations optional with the heads of
the various departments. Dean 1). W.
Morton, Prof. G. P. McAuslan. Prof.
J. Hugh Jackson and Director H. B.
Miller, of this school, believe that the
plan proposed by the senior class is a
the canvassing of the faculty and of the
worthy one.
The committee which has charge of
| presentation of the petition to the fac
I ulty at its meeting a week from today
i is carrying on its work of interviewing
the voting professors and also reports
that Prof. It. \V. Prescott supports
their side of the question. Their work
will continue until all professors have
been visited and the matter talked over
with them before the meeting next
The results obtained so far seem to
be distinctly encouraging and indicate
a very favorable attitude toward .the
matter and that a careful considera
tion will he given i„ ii the meeting.
Added hope is given because many pro
fessors who have not been interviewed
have formerly voluntarily voiced their
opinion that examinations in their par
ticular subjects are unnecessary. In
several departments, then, the exam
inations given to all students, not only
seniors, are really largely nominal, only
being compliances with the ruling of
the faculty which requires strict ad
herence to the scheme of giving final
examinations in ail courses regardless
of their nature or the necessary content
of the quizzes.
While official returns reported by the
| committee only show that the commerce
faculty and Professor PreseoT have so
far subscribed to the movement. Prof.
George Turnbull, Prof. J. F. Bovard,
and Prof. H. C. Howe all have expressed
themselves u$ supporting the change.
Bishop Will Talk at Vespers Sunday and
to Y. W. C. A. Saturday.
Bishop Mathew S. Hughe* of Port
land, will speak at the University ves
per services Sunday at 4:110. in \ illard,
on “Human Progress and Iteligious
Ac a special address to the women,
Saturday night in Guild hall, he will
talk on “The challenge of the times to
! the Christian Young Woman”. This
speech was arranged for through the
Y. W. C. A.
Bishop Hughes is one of the best
known pulpit speakers in America, ac
cording to K. W. Onthank, and has held
some very important pastorates, among
which are the Chestnut Street Church,
Portland, Maine, the oldest Methodist
Church in America; Wesley Church,
Minneapolis; Independence Avenue
Church, Kansas City, Missouri; and
1 First Church, l'asadeua, California.
Annual Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Con
ference to Be Held in Eu
gene This Week-End.
Six Colleges Represented;
Bishop Hughes and Miss
Hopkins on Program.
Forty-six guests will arrive in Eu
gene tomorrow night to take part -n the
Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Conference to be
held on the campus Saturday and Sun
day. Miss Eleanor Hopkins, national
student secretary of the northwest field,
who is to have charge of the confer
ence, will arrive tonight.
O. A. C. is sending 15 delegates as is
Willamette university, Albany college
sends (5. Philomath college 2, Chenm
wa Indian School G. Two girls from the
Corvallis high school will also attend.
The delegates are members of the Y.
W. C. A. cabinets at the institutions
which they represent, the cabinets be
ing an organization of officers and
chairman of committees.
The big theme of the conference is
“The Challenge of .lie Present to Col
lege Christian Women” and the meeting
is being held with the hope that dis
cussion of the different problems of the
work at the different colleges by the del
egates may result in plans for better
ment of conditions and help to secure
greater results. It is also held to en
able the leaders of the organizations to
a better acquaintance. A similur con
ference attended by delegates of other
colleges and schools not represented in
this meeting was held at Monmouth
Normal three weeks ago.
An informal reception will be ncid for
the arriving delegates at the Bungalow
tomorrow night at which Dean Eliza
beth Fox and Uuth Wilson, president of
the Y. \V. C. A. will give addresses of
welcome. Tea and sandwiches will be
served and at S o’clock the delegates
will be guests of Professor A. F. Red
die at the campus production of the
“Admirable Crichton”.
The conference opens at 9 a. in. at
the Bungalow with a Bible hour con
ducted by Miss Mary Watson and a dis
cussion of student membership basis by
Dean Elizabeth Fox at 10. At 11 a. in.
meetings of a number of the technical
councils will be conducted by Miss Hop
kins, Miss Lillian Francis, Corvallis,
Mrs. C. H. Edmundson, Eugene, Miss
Fox, Tirza Dinsd.de and Miss Jane
Scott, national executive secretary for
the Northwest.
“Laboratory Method in the Solution
of Doubt,” an illustrated lecture, by
Professor A. K. Sweetser, will begin
the afternoon program at 2:15. Mrs.
A. TO. Caswell will speak on “Our Na
tional Movement” and Mrs. Daise A.
Middleton, of the school of music, will
sing. At 4 o’clock there will be a model
cabinet meeting in charge of Miss Hop
kins. “The meeting which will probably
be of tlie greatest interest to the pub
lic,” said Miss Tirza Hinsdale, Y. W. C.
A. secretary, “will be the address by
Bishop Matthew Hughes, of Portland, at
Guild'hall at 7:15. President Campbell
will preside and the Girls’ glee club will
The delegates will depart Sunday
During their stay here arrangements
have been made for their care at the
different sororities.
Among those other than cabinet mem
(Ooutinued on page two)
William J. Montgomery, ’16, Will Test
Explosives for Government.
William J. Montgomery, '10, left yes
terday for Pittsburg where he will take
a position in the United States Bureau
of Mines as a chemist. He will test
explosives for government munitions.
This position comes as the result of
a eitil service examination he took last
December in a competition entered by
hundreds of men from all over the Unit
ed States. Montgomery took second
place. He is a resident of Portland.
* « # *
^ ^ ^ ^
There is a song containing something
to the effect that it was a “chilly day
for Willy when the mercury went down"
but it has nothing on F. L. Shinn, pro
fessor of chemistry. Tuesday night he
had about twenty pounds of quicksilver
in two glass vessels connected by a rub
ber tube up in a room in the front part
of McClure hall.
Wednesday morning the dishes were
empty and $110 worth of the metal had
unaccountably disappeared. There were
no footprints, fingermarks, nor other
signs of violence by which the night
marauder could be traced. The dishes
were intact and the door locked. The
crime seemed as impossible ns any dime
novel mystery. Where was the mer
Meanwhile Mr. Tracy, the janitor in
McClure hull, was puzzling over a curi
ous silver puddle spreading over the
floor of the Emerald office in the base
ment. It appeared to have come from
nowhere in particular. About the same
time he thought to communicate with
the chemistry department the profes
sors saw fit to speak to him about the
loss of the mercury. The puddle was
identified as such and Professor Shinn
and Howard Wagner, who cares for the
chemicals, came with brushes and shov
els and dust pans nnd spent some time
collecting the elusive drops of mercury,
which filled the cracks in the cement
Further examinations of the glass
vessels proved that the tube connecting
them had broken, permitting the metal
to escape and find its way through the
floor into the room below. Had it not
been for the cement in the basement $110
might have still been on its way.
1500 STUDENTS IN 1918
Dean Straub Predicts Big Increase in
Enrollment Next Year.
Fifteen hundred students by Febru
ary, 1018, and a greater University of
Oregon is the slogan Dean John Strnub
suggests for the coining year. “I feel
safe in predicting that the University
will have an enrollment of 1390 in Sep
tember and that this will increase to
1500 by the spring semester,” he said.
Dean Straub has accurately predicted
the registrations for several years.
When he estimated that the registration
for this semester would pass the thous
and mark, the professors smiled, he
said, as if they thought that ho was far
too optimistic. He was right, however,
for the registration is now 1050.
He bases his prediction on the num
ber of seniors in the high schools of
the state who have signified their in
tentions of coming to the University.
Dean Straub has visited about thirty
high schools during this s bool year and
wherever he has gone, he has found a
splendid sentiment for the University.
The estimate of 1500 is based on the
understanding that war will not be de
clared, which Dean Straub thinks will
be the case. “Of course if war is de
clared,” he said, “that will throw the
prediction out for I think that two
thirds of the boys in he University will
enlist if they are called for. I would
go myself if I hadn't passed the age
Approximately $84 was cleared by the
Women’s League on the annual April
Frolic, all of which sum goes to the
Woman’s building. The total door re
ceipts amounted to $102, from which
$18 was deducted to cover expenses.
Alpha I'hi was awarded the Larraway
cup given for the best stunt, and Ethel
Murray received a prize of fc2.;»0 for the
most original costume, which in this
case was made to repiesent a huge bunch
,.f . i,.l„tu Miss * liirrav also received
honorable mention last year when she
came to the Frolic as a wood nymph.
Honorable mention in the stunts went
to Eutaxian, Gamma I’hi Beta, Delta
Gamma, Mary Spiller hall and Kappa
Kappa Gamma, “'he group composed
of Jeannette Calkins, Emma Stevenson,
and Madge Calkins as a “rube” family,
and the costume of Adah Ilall, which
represented a fire extinguisher, were
also mentioned. The judges were Mrs.
p, L. Campbell. Mrs. W. F. Osburn, tind
Mrs. Julius Goldsmith.
Learn Fundamental Elements of
Drill and Squad
Advanced Course in Sanitation
Given on Thursday by Dr.
G. E. Darrow.
Military drill, though only voluntary,
is an actuality at the University. Tues
day evening, when for two hours over
50 men marched and counter-marched
under the direction of H. K. Kingsbury
and a half score of volunteer corporals,
the first actual steps were taken. The
gymnasium rang with the orders of
those in command, and the rhythmic
cadence of marching filled the large
Members of the administration force
of the school rubbed elbows vyith stud
ents, and former members of the United
States army with true militnry subor
dination followed young fellows from
the National Guard in elementary in
Ten days from today, according to
I)r. Warren D. Smith, the members of
the corps must have paid their bond fee
of $2.50 if they wish to retain member
ship in the body. This fee is payable
to the comptroller of the University and
will be refunded at the end of the se
mester, with 25 cents subtracted for
each absence.
The work on Tuesday evening was
almost entirely iu the very fundamen
tal elements of drilling, the position of
a soldier, file, column and squad move
ments and individual and squad instruc
tion iu marching.
Last night at 7 o’clock the class in
bandaging met in Hayward hall to re
ceive instruction from Bill Hayward.
Several of the mor? common and valu
able methods of dressing wounds were
explained to the 50 men present. To
night l)r. E. E. Darrow is to give in
struction to the advanced class in sani
tation and hygiene.
“I will make every effort possible’*
said H. K. Kingsbury who is in charge
of the drilling, “to obtain guns at an
early date. While they are not neces
sary for some time yet, they will soon
be needed in our drill work. Where
they will come from I do not know.”
Enlisting in the Eugene company of
the Oregon National Guard continues^
uraong the University students. Nine
members of the student body enlisted
Approximate Amount Paid Out for Wo
men $81.30.
Very little money has been spent thuo
far this yeur for University women's
activities, although w>ih the coming of
spring more will probably be required.
The business office cannot give an exact
report of every cent expended for wo
men, because the books are not kept in
a way to make it possible.
An approximate amount paid out so
far for women alone is $81.30. There
are other amounts which have been ex
pended but are not recorded for cither
men or women, and are us much for
one us for the other. An example of
this is the $75 paid from the student
body treasury for homecoming week.
The other amounts of money paid out
for women were comparatively small and
were for women’s athletics and tha
Woman’s League. A statement follows:
$7.50 for Miss ltothchild’s transporta
tion from Portland to Eugene when she
came before to speak to the Woman’s
League; $40.80 for the Woman’s League
due to the State Federation of Women's
Hubs; $3.'» wag siient for the University
hockey team when it made its trip to
Eric W. Alien, dean of the school of
journalism, has been confined to his
bed for the last week with a very sever®
attack of grippe. It is not known how
soon he will be able to meet his classes.
I Mr. DeLay and Mr. Turnbull have taken
I charge of Mr. Allen’s work during his
i absence.