The Place Where You Ought-o Go University Co-Eds: Have you * seen our new booths? Ask HIM to treat you here after the Honor Guard Dance. We Make Our Own Candies, Pastry, Etc. “Try us Once, and You’ll Form the Habit” And don’t forget that after the show OTTO’S Is the Place to Go. WANTED—Don’t give nway your old clothes, old rags for nothing. Get nil you can. Highest price old stoves, ranges, cook stove*, old furniture, carpets, rugs. Telephone for the night man, 704, 5(5 Eighth avenue we**. Telephone 220 UNIVERSITY BAKERY In a Class by Itself CO-EDS TO ADOPT INFANTS Each girl at Barnard college will have adopted at least one Belgian infant for the period of a year, when the plan of .Mrs. Kellog, wife of an American com missioner for relief .vork in Belgium, is carried out. It is panned thus to adopt a whole village. Mrs. Kellog’s plan for the relief of Belgium is a novel one. For a dollar i month, to he promised in periods of one year, a Belgian child may be given i supplementary meal each day. The •list of these meals will be undertaken by Barnard girls as a whole. DECISIONS OUT WEDNESDAY The t'niversity short story contest for a prize of .$10 and $5 will close Wed nesday. The judges, with one exception, have nandod in their decisions. Mr. Timelier is chairman of the contest. Thirteen stories were submitted. REX Theatre - Today -rr=—-!-I-!-mJSSx-SB*—— DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM No Advance In Admission TRULY PARAMOUNT LEONORE ULRICH “THE INTRIGUE’' THE STAR SUPREME BILLIE BURKE IN A DOUBLE INSTALLMENT OF “Gloria’s Romance COMING WEDNESDAY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG m CAMILLE” THE GREATEST ROLE OF HER CAREER ALEX DUMAS’ CLASSIC STORY OE THE SOUL OE A DEMI-MONDAINE If you Have Never Had a Good Portrait, It Is Because you Have Never Visited The Tollman Studio 734 Willamette Street. Men to Learn Secrets of April Frolic; Girls May Repeat Entertainment Friday (By Rosalind Bates) , At last the secrets of the April Frolic are to be revealed. Men, you are to have j your innings. Listen! Next Friday eve- I ning you may hear and see all that for- | merly has taken place behind closed doors. The mysteries of the girls’ an nual frolic will be divulged at the Rex theatre on March 30. The Eutnxian stunt with all its big chorus and fluffy ruffles i costumes will be given exactly as it was , presented in the gymnasium last Satur day night. There will be Martha Beer, as the daintiest Jill that ever spilled a bucket ' of water; Mary Alice Ilill who makes ; the funniest little Boy Blue you ever saw; Kyi a Walker with her gnarled cane and her limp will remind you of the days when you saw Mother (loose ride I v on her broom stick. Then there are two boys in the stunt! ’’Georgie I’orgie, pud ding and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry,” is guaranteed to be so near the real article that you can’t tell the difference. Then there’s Jack to go with Jill, you know. Who" are the boys? Well. you know thorp never are truly hoys in an April Frolic stunt. Hue we haven't told you half of the fun. There are Mar ion Tuttle and Harriet Garret ns the two naughtiest little babes that we’ve ever spanked and put to bed to dream of Mother Goose characters. It is said, too. that Irene Hugh made the crankiest old governess you ever saw. Twelve little Boo I’eeps in charming blue frocks and curls and dainty crooks will steal the heart right out of you. Hester Hurd sings the verses and dances with her dozen little sisters. Jack and Jill do a rough and tumble whilwind wind-mill thing that just leaves you breathless. Mary tjuite Contrary (Ros amund Shaw), has a naughty song with the chorus that is too cunning for words. The chorus is equal to any vaudeville chorus that has ever played. But then, look who are in it. There’s Dorothy Dunbar. Miriam Page, Roberta Schue bal. Kspar Young. Oenone Shaw. Bess Coleman, Rita Hough. Aline Phillips, Olive Risley, Lucilo Morrow and Helen Engle. President Campbell, Miss Me- j Farland, Supt. Rutherford j and Others to Speak. Aim of Meeting Is to Develop! Spirit of Co-operation Among j Future Teachers. A banquet will be held at the Osburn j hotel, Thursday, March 20. at ti o’clock 1 for all seniors who have had, or are 1 now taking supervised teaching in the department of education. Those who j have had actual teaching experience have also been invited to attend the | banquet. The purpose of this innovation is to develop among the future representa- ; tives of the University in the teaching profession a spirit of co-operation, in timate friendship, an 1 a professional en- ' thusiasm in their work. { Professor Stetson will be the toast master of the occasion. lie cays that he has some surprises in store. President Campbell will speak on "Teaching as a Fine Art”; Superintend ent Rutherford of Eugene will tell the j students "IIow to Make Hood”. Miss McFarland has a word of advice and has chosen as her topic, “Beginners”. The "Ins and Outs of Practice Teach ing,” Frances Shoemaker will tell about. "Anticipations of a Practice Teacher” will be the subject of Martin Nelson. Mrs. Middb'ton will sing a few of her favorite songs for the gathering. Jennie Huggins has charge of the pro gram. and Ruth Lawrence has ar ranged the inviting of the students and faculty. Those who will be present are; Pres ident Campbell, Prof. F. L. Stetson, Lean II. 1*. Sheldon, Prof. B. \\. He Busk, Prof. R. \\. Brocket , Albert X. French, Mr. and M-s. Scofield, Jennie Huggins, Ruth Roche. Janet Wheatley, Ruth Lawrence, Myra McFarland, Hel ping Meek, Mary O'Farrell, Louise Al len, Elizabeth Deva ey, Mildred Brown, Helen McCormick. Martha Beer, Franc is Shoemaker, Eyla Walker, Mary His lop, Francis Mann, lyrtle Tobe.v, Bancroft, Eulnlie Crosby, Helen Curry. Margaret dross. Alice Hill, Hazel Knight, (iladys McNight. Marie Maehen, Helen Johns, Marion MeOonald, Vera Williams, Marjory Willi; ms. Mary War rock, Mae Lynch. Marion Tuttle. Lueile j Watson, May llarbert, Iva Wood, Es- , par Young, Jean Bell, Lillian Bohnsen, l.evicy Hamilton, Nicholas .laureguy, Martin Nelson. Earl Fleisehmann Joe Bell, Frank Camp'dl, Loren Butler, Lynn Pap-. E. Rutherford, June Beebe, Clarence Brunkow, Henry L'horsett. Aubrey Smith, Alien Rothwell, Harry Lynch, Mr. Pickett, iecil McKay. If the committee has overlooked any student who should have bet r, invited it will be considered a favor if they will kindly notify one on the committee, as they desire to extend invitations to all connected with the work. | PRESS NOTICE. j *--—~— - The management of the Savoy theatre takes special pride in the announcement that Clara Kimball Young will be shown here on next Monday and Tuesday in the widely advertised Selznick-Picture pro duction of Robert \V. Chambers’ famous novel "The Common Law.” Pew screen productions have attracted the advance attention that this picture has aroused, and from all reports it will prove the greatest of Miss Young's many successes. The story of the book has Iveen faith fully adhered to. and under the masterly direction of Albert Capellani, it has been filmed as a six-part photoplay of unusual beauty and dramatic power Mr. Lewis .T. Selznick, the noted film producer, founder and president of the Clara Kimball Young Corporation, has surrounded the star with a brilliant cast including such names as Conway Tearle, Paul Cnpollaui. Edna Hunter, Lillian Cook, Julia Stuart, Edward M. Kimball, Lydia Knott and 1>. .1. Elannigan. The story relates the romance of Va lerie West, artist model, and Louis Ne ville, an artist. The scenes are mainly set in the heart of New York City and reveal one of the most interesting phases of life in that metropolis. Private dancing lessons for beginners. Gladys Franz, 12(>1 Alder Street. Yoran’s Shoe Store The Store that Sells Good Shoes A Double Event Window Display Week and Dress Up Week Be Sure and Participate: The main object of display week, is to really display to their best advantage our 1917 Spring merchandise, and to convince you that We Merchants Eugene, carry such lines, as to make it unnecessary for any one to make their purchases outside of Eu gene. March 26th to April 1st is Display Week, the weeh following is National Dress-Up Week. We invite y°u to view our merchandise and can convince you that you should dress up all week, and join in the Easter Parade on Easter Sunday. Our Stock of Wearables for Men and Women are now at their very best. Accessories too. “GRIFFON SUITS” $15.00 to $30.00 in all the new color effects. Plain and mixed, con servative and fancy models. They represent true economy at [these prices. See Schoble Hats and Quaker City Shirts for Spring. Just in—100 dozen new neckwear for men at 5075^, $1 and $1.50; representing everything that’s new. See the New Spring Coats and Suits for Women In shades of gold, brass, emerald, French, grey, citron, beryl, muirat, orchid fuchia, rosella, rembrandt, carnival, copen, magen ta, egg, beet red, apple green, chamois and rose, in cloths of burella, velour, radium velours, Bolivia, poiret twills, poplins, serges, etc. Coats $9.00 to $50.00; Suits $15.00 to $50.00 See the New Shadow Lawn Green in “Mallin son’s” Indestructable Voile and Georgette This is the new shade selected by the First Lady of the Land, and produced by “Mallinson’s” in her honor. We are Exclusive Agents for these Silks De Luxe in Eugene Khaki-Kool, Plain and Fancies, at, yard . .$4.00 Pussy Willow Plain at $2.75; Fancies at $3.50 Yd. Indestructable Voile, Plain Shades, at yard $2.00 Georgianna Crepe, Plain Shades, at, yard.. $2.50 Fancy Taffeta, light and dark grounds at $2.00 to $3.50 Yard. Kayser’s Silk Jersey, 36 inches wide in 7 colors White, Flesh, Emerald, Coral, Magenta, and China Blue The Real New Thing Men’s soft cloth hats in all the shades of green, knit fabrics velours and leather cloth $2.50, $3 and $3.50 each. Agents “Griffon Suits” Agents Nemo and Gos and Schoble Hats for sard Lace Front Corsets, men and Young Men. Be Fitted Now. Dodge Auto Service PHONE 904 Day or Night 50c a Couple. Buy your tickets from the girls or at the door Girl’s National Honor Guard Invites all Students to Armory, Wednesday, March 28, 8:30 P. M. Feature Dance Donated by 3rd Company