Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 27, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 64.
Prof. Howe Believes New Sys
tem Should Be Inaugurated
This Year.
Karl Becke Declares Attitudes
of Many Faculty Members
Are Encouraging.
1917, particularly, demands that senior
examinations be made optional, in the
opinion of Prof. H. C. Howe, senior class
His idea is that this year, if not for all
time, the examinations should be made
optional with the heads of the depart
ments because of the Oregon pageant
which will be given during the commence
ment week, with the added work and de
mands that it will entail upon the stu
Professor Howe believes that the need
this year for a change is imperative and
that application of the measure to all
future years would be advisable.
The fact that numbers of the men of
the senior class will probably enlist with
the national guard in the event of a de- j
claration of war and the University has ‘
assured all such students their full credit
to the end of the semester is considered
by some an added reason why the senior
examinations should be discontinued, for
this year at least.
George Turnbull, professor of journal
ism, who recently graduated from the
University of Washington where this sys
tem of optional senior examinations was
adopted during the last year, is heartily
in favor of the move. He made some
considerable study of the causes and ef
fects of the change at the northern in
stitution and declares them to have been
wholly desirable and entirely satisfactory.
He believes the change to be wise and
The committee in charge of canvassing
the faculty and of presenting the petition
met last night and divided the faculty
among themselves for the purpose of
holding personal interviews and of deter
mining the stand which the members of
the faculty will take upon the petition
when it is submitted at the regular meet
ing a week from next Thursday, April 5.
A more complete report of their find
ings and a forecast of the results of the
petition may be available by Thursday.
Information along that line is at present
fragmentary and unreliable.
Karl Becke, chairman of the commit
tee, considers the present outlook favor
able to a trial of the optional method ad
vocated by the class and affirms that
many reports of encouraging attitudes by
the faculty members have come to him,
but that these are not to be divulged until
a full classification may be made by the
Pageant Preparations Progress, and New
Characters Are Chosen.
Extensive preparations are being
made for the pageant which will be
staged on the campus next June. Ike
latest report is that the plans for the
scenery will be drawn by Louis L. Ros
enberg of the architectural department.
He will also make a model and will work
it out in detail before the rehearsals
The scenery will L; ‘■yinbolic rather
than realistic. Large curtains will be
used and possibly a few trees.
It has also been decided that the plan
proposed by Prof. II. L h. ihaeher
will be adopted. By this plan each coun
ty in Oregon will have a representative
in the pageant. One feature of the
proposed plan is that the products of
.-each county will' be symbolized.
Several new characters have been se
lected since the last report. Charlotte
Ban field has been c.st for the part of
"Sacajawey”; Helen Brancht will have
the role "Spirit of he Valleys”; Mar
garet Crosby will take the part, ”Spirit
of the Seas”; Ella Walker the “Spilt
of the Mountains”; and Bernice Lucas
.*4 "The Spirit of the Plains”. All these
* characters will be dressed in costumes
symbolic of the parts they tepresent.
# £ # £
* * * 4t
The plunked walks which have been
built at different places on the campus
to keep students out of the mud during
rainy weather, are to be converted into
permanent walks as ,oon as good weath
er comes. The planks will be taken up
and gravelled walks will be built.
.•'everal other improvements will prob
ably be made. The old wooden walk on
the north side of Thirteenth street from
Onyx to Kincaid will be removed and a
cement one will be built. A cement walk
will replace the wooden one around
Johnsqu hall.
Mr. Fisher says that everything pos
sible will be done to keep s.udents out
of the mud until the rain ' s over.
Rcsweli Dosch. Art Instructor, Hears
From War Correspondent.
Arno Dosch, war correspondent for
the New York World, who is writing
special articles on Rucsia for newspa
pers and magazines in the United States,
is a brother of Roswell Dosch, instruc
tor in drawing in the University.
Mr. Dosch is writing under the name,
Dosch-Fleurot, because Dosch is so ob
viously Gorman that it would cause end
less explanations and trouble in the Al
lies’ countries. Mr. Dosch has simply
added his mother’s aaiden name, a pro
cedure which is perfectly legal in
France, where Mr. Dosch was last
Mr. Dosch has been in Russis^ four
months, His brother has received no
word from him except through occasion
al cablegrams, saying that he is well.
Roswell Dosch received one letter when
his brother first retched Russia, saying
he is very fond of Europe. His wife and
two children are in Paris.
Mr. Dosch has been in Europe since
the outbreak of hostilities. He has vis
ited all the war fro? s and has travelled
in England, France, Germany, Egypt,
and Italy, writing as a correspondent for
the leading newspapers of the country.
He began his newspaper career after
his graduation from Harvard in 1905,
reporting for New York papers. He
has also done considerable magazine
Oregana Subscribers Get Fancy Tags;
Price to Go Up Saturday.
“I have subscribed for the Oregana.”
So read the two-inch square yellow
cards being distributed today by solicitors
to those who will own a 1!)17 Oregana.
Harold Tregilgas, circulation manager,
says he hopes to increase sales by the
use of the tags. “So far, 300 have sub
scribed,” he said. “We need over 500
subscriptions, and I hope the tags will
cause the sales to reach that number.”
“The committee requests that all stu
dents who have subscribed get tags and
wear them. If the students will co-oper
ate, they will aid the solicitors in discov
ering who has subscribed and who has
not. We think that the use of the tags,
which is entirely new, will arouse so much
enthusiasm that the required number of
annuals will be sold before the $2.50 of
fer expires on Saturday.”
Oregana suoscriptions are obtainable
from the solicitors, the registrar and the
co-operative store.
Committee of Seven Get Up Affairs for
New Members.
Xot only do students need a little so
cial recreation, but ..Iso the faculty, a
shown by the existence of a semi-of
Dean Eries Allen as chairman, and Pro
fessor F. S. Dunn, Mrs. Joheph Schaf
er, Mrs. E. E. De Cou, Mrs. It. II.
Wheeler, Mrs. M. F. McClain, and Miss
MoZelle Hair.
In speaking of the committee Mrs.
McClain said the idea was merely to te
gracious to the newocmers on the facul
ty. She explained that there was at
present no way for ue nein members t.
become acquainted so this faculty soctal
affairs, either picnics, dancis, musicals |
committee arranges three or four social j
or evenings of readings to which all
may come and enjoy themselves.
Initial Class Meets at 7 P. M.
Hayward Hall, Under Drec
tion of H. K. Kingsbury.
Interest High; Local Medical
Frat Ready to Enter Red
Cross Work.
The University volunteer drill corps
will meet at 7 o'clock this evening for
the first instruction in drilling, under
the direction of H. K. Kingsbury. The
drill will be held in the men’s gymna
sium and the members are instructed
to wear rubber-heeled shoes. Any men
in the University who are now willing
to join the movement under the c. n
ditions outlined at Saturday’s meeting
can do so at this time.
Tomorrow evening at the same hour
the class in first aid to the injured
and sanitary hygiene will meet at the
same place under direction of Bill Hay
ward. Thursday evening at seven, also
in Hayward hall, the advanced class in
sanitation intended especially for those
planning to take up Red Cross or re
lief work, will meet with Dr. G. E.
Harold Tregilgas, head of the local
chapter of Sigma Alpha medical frater
nity, said yesterday that the members
of the pre-medic department of the l Di
versity were taking hold of the work
with interest. “We are urging not only
the members of the fraternity, who
number about -5 o" 30, but also all of
the pre-medic students in the University
to go into this movem ut for all that
there is in it,” he declared. It is prob
able that in case of »V..r a large number
of the pre-medic students could step di
rectly into relief or general lied Cross
work in the ambulance corps.
Interest among lae students on the
campus remains keen in not only the
National Guard but also the Federal
Reserve Corps, for which Lieutenant
AVillis Shippam, as an officer of the
federal army, is commissioned to enlist
men in Kugene. Several members of
the student body have made inquiry both
of Karl Onthonk, secretary tc President
P. L. Campbell, and I ientenant Ship
parn at his offices in the Eugene armory.
Under the arrangements of the Federal
Reserve Corps, oni - men who are pe
culiarly fitted for leadership are taken,
and these are called upon only in the
ease of absolute necessity and used as
officers in the newly reeri ited army
Bishop Matthew S. Hughes, who will
address the Vesper service Sunday, April
1, is one of the younger bishops of the
Methodist church and has been consid
ered for a number of years as one of
the outstandiing pulpit men of this coun
Bishop Hughes ha ; held many pastor
ates in the New E: gland states, Middle
West and the South. Before he was
elected bishop of the Northwest district,
which includes Alaska, Washington and
Oregon, he was pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal Church of Pasadena, recog
nized as the largest Methodist church
in America.
11c began his ministry in a very hum
ble way, working in small country
churches. I>uo to his ability as a stud
ent and speaker he rose to be one of the
most prominent divines in America.
From 1908-11 he was professor of prac
tical theology, University of Southern
Cal. His headquarters are now in
His brother, Bishop Edwin 11. Hughes
of Boston made the University com
mencement address seviral years ago
and has spoken :n tigene on a Lyceum
lecture course several times since then.
Mrs. Hughes end daughter are to be
here with him and will be guests at the
Methodist parsonage during tln-ir stay.
“Bishop Hughes is an earnest man
with a strong mes.age. lie is known
both as an administrator and as a speak
er with few equals’’ says Itev. II. (_>.
Parkinson, of the Eugene Methodist
Bishop Hughes wi.i address the Y. W.
C. A. Saturday night, the Methodist
church at 10:45 Sunday morning and
the Vesper service at 4:150 in Villard
Sunday afternoon April 1.
Faculty Considering Change of
Registration From Sep
tember to October.
Under New System Students
Choose Any Term for
The faculty is now considering a plan,
which, if carried out, would change the
opening of school from the middle of
September to the first of October, the
school term consisting of four quarters,
summer school composing the last quar
ter. Each quarter would rank on an
equal footing with any other in the
school year.
The committee, composed of Professor
O. E. Stafford, chairman; Professor A.
11. Sweetser, Dean John Straub, and Dr.
II. D. Sheldon, asked about 250 students
how the change would affect their sum
mer work and found that farmers and
harvesters would feel it most.
Should this system be adopted, the
quarters would last from the approxi
mate dates of Ootobir 1 to December
22. January 2 to March 2o, April 1 to
June 15, and July 1 to September 15.
Each semester would continue twelve
weeks with examinations at the end of
the quarter. No vacations would break
into the semester.
“The Eniversity of Chicago and Stan
ford University have adopted this plan,
and the University of California is con
sidering it,” Professor Stafford said.
“The student can take his vacation in
any quarter that he chooses or he may
go to school all foil" quarters it his
health and purse hold out and graduate
from the University in three years.
“Professors would receive their pay
for three quarters and if they could ar
range their work they might take their
vacation in any quarter that they chose
or they might teach all four quarters
and save iqi a year of vacation and take
it all at once. This means that a. pro
fessor might go east to study during the
winter instead of in the summer.”
The extra time that an ndd!tional third
semester would take in examinations
and registration would not hinder the
working out of the plan, according to
Professor Stafford. lie pointed out
that registration would occupy only one
more day and examinations could be cut
down to hour and a half periods.
“The only real hindrance to the adop
tion of this plan by the University is
the financial one,” declared Dr. Staf
ford. “It demands a larger budget for
the teaching force, which is not avail
able now nor likely to he in the near
Salvation Army Oficer Will Talk to Y.
W. C. A. on the War.
Captain Jessie Miller, of the Salva
tion Army of Eugene, will speak at the
Y. \V. C. A. meeting Wednesday after
noon at -1 o’clock on the “Spiritual Sig
nificance of the War”. Miss Miller was
educated in Glascow, Scotland, and has
relatives in the war and through them
she has been able to keep in touch with
what the war is meaning to the people
of the warring nations.
After the regular meeting, Mrs. W. 15.
Madden will conduct her class on Japan.
Five o’clock Wednesday has been set as
the regular hour for the class. Mrs.
Madden has lived in Japan 20 years
and so is well prepared to speak with
an intimate knowledge of her subject.
The annual convention of the con
gress of mothers will meet in Eugene
next fall, October 17 to 20, i. the pres
ent plans are carried out. The mothers’
congress is a state wide organization,
composed of all the parent-teachers as
sociations throughout the state. Mrs.
George McMath. ot Portland, who is
president of the congress, visits all of
the schools in the state in the interest
of the congress. East year the conven
tion was held at The Dalles and $500
was pledged to the University women’s
building fund. This next year one con
vention day will b“ ‘ evofed to the Uni
versity and its needs. Dean Elizabeth
Eox is making plans for entertaining
■ the visitors.
# # * #
A bulletin on the use of electricity,
put out by the University school of
commerce, has beea sent to the Tokio
Electrical company of Knwnski, Japan,
and will be used by them. The bulletin
was written by L. F. llarze, prominent
consulting engineer of Portland, and is
being widely used throughout the 1'nited
States and Canada, according to Pro
fessor Hopkins, of the school of com
The bulletin deals especially with the
use of electricity on the farm and in the
home more economically and with a sav
ing of labor. “The bulletin is valuable
not only to the consumer but also to the
company,” said Professor llopkins. The
Idaho Power company of Boise, Idaho,
has sent to the school for 5000 copies
to be distributed to their costumers.
Another bulletin has been written by
the commerce school on the system of
long distance distribution and supply in
Germany. The information used in this
pamphlet was made available to the
school by the United States Department
of Commerce.
A public bulletin dealing with recent
electrical development in Sweden will
soon be issued by the department.
Miss Eleanor Hopkins Pays Annual Visit
to Oregon Campus.
.Miss IClonnnr Hopkins, notional Y. W.
C. A. student secretary in tlio North
west field, has been a visitor on the
campus since Friday. Miss Hopkins is
on her annual visit to the University.
She makes trips to. all the student or
ganizations in her field, meets the girls
and special committees and helps to plan
the work for the year.
She has directed special attention
since she has been here this time to the
planning of the cabinet conference to be
held this week end and has had sev
eral special meetings with the cabinet.
Friday evening, Miss Hopkins was the
guest of the cabinets at dinner served
at the Bungalow. That evening she
spoke to the Eugene high school girls on
the Y. \V. A. organizations in other
The advisory board and the cabinet
entertained with a. luncheon Saturday
with Miss Hopkins, Dean Elizabeth Fox,
Mrs. I’. L. Campbell, Mrs. Frank L.
Chambers and Mrs. W. K. Yoran as
honor guests. Miss Hopkins spoke on
the plans for the coming cabinet con
ference. At u silver tea given by Mika
Fox and Miss Ma:y Wats, n at Miss
Fox’s apartment that afternoon, Miss
Hopkins spoke on the Y. W. C. A.
movement. Saturday night, after a din
ner at tin- Hotel Osburn, she attended
the April Frolic.
An informal vesper service was held
mt the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow Sunday
afternoon from 4 until 0. Miss Hop
kins spoke on the . W. C. A. move
ment and work. Gladys Van Nuys sang
and .Miss Winifred Forbes, accompanied
by Martha Tinker, gave several violin
selections. Tea was served. While
here, Miss Hopkins was a guest at the
Kappa Alpha Theta house.
She left this afternoon for Albany
and will return to Eugene Friday for
the cabinet conference. She will bo a
guest at the Kappa Gamma house for
the week-end.
"West Coast Shells”, by Kupis, one
of the most complete works on Pacific
coast shells, is among the several new
books j ccently added to the University
library. Eight books on art by Iialdone
Macfall, published in Edinburgh, Scot
land, and dealing will the art of differ
ent countries and illustrating famous
paintings in color, along with two copies
,,f Eloison, published in Dublin in 1795,
make up other additions.
The second annual dancing recital,
given last Friday afternoon by the
members of the women’s physical train
ing department, will be repeated on
Thursday afternoon, April 5, in Guild
hall, under the auspices of the Women’s
Athletic Association.
The same program given last week
will be presented, and the proceeds are
to be turned over to the Women's Build
ing fun'*
Twenty-Seven Are Members of
Second Company Coast
Artillery Corps.
President Campbell States Se
mester Credits Will Be Grant
ed Men Who Respond.
(By Clifford Sovits)
With military bodies all over the
I'nited States responding to the fire of
patriotism that calls men to the colors,
and the gmdunl dis-memberment of Uni
versity and college student organizations
through the mobilization of national
guard forces, comes the realization of
what actual warfare would mean to the
University of Oregon.
Twenty-seven men of the University,
members of the Second Company, Coast
Artillery Corps, stationed here, anxious
ly await the call to arms. Feeling has
run high on the campus since the first
anticipation of mobilization was occa
sioned by the stationing of the Eighth
Company on bridge guard duty at Port
land Sunday.
The first to depart for the ranks is
Kent Wilson, who received the call from
headquarters yesterday to join the Third
Regiment, Oregon, at Portland. Wilson
will join the hospital corps, in which he
saw service last year in Mexico. He
left for Portland last night. Walter
White, who also belongs to the Third
Company, contemplates leaving School
soon. Both men are members of Alpha
Tan Omega fraternity and are popular
in school activities.
The loss of Wilson, casts another dark
shadow over Bill Hayward's track pros
pects. Wilson was one of the standbys
of thi> old squad, hnving performed for
the lemon-yellow in the sprints. With
the mobilization of the local companies,
and others that have representatives in
the University, the campus will be de
prived of men active in nearly every
branch of activity. Track, baseball, and
other spring athletics will bo abandoned
here, as well as in every other univer
sity and college in the United States, in
th(‘ event of mobilization of troops.
Declaration of war and call for re
cruits will cause a rush of colle’ge men
in every part of the country to enlist
under the Stars and Stripes, as wan
the case when trouble with Mexico first
appeared. A random glance at campus
sentiment shows that at least .TOO stud
ents will rally to military service upon
the request of the government.
President P. L. Campbell stated yes
terday that credits for the semester
probably will be granted in case of men
being called to arms, whether they re
spond voluntarily or already belong to
the militia. This was done by Ameri
can Universities when students were
called into service during the Spanish
American War.
On the Atlantic seaboard the tenden
cy to give up school work for the coun
try probably is felt nore vividly than it
is in the west. Reports from Harvard
University show that several live mili
tary organizations have been formed by
tiie students, and in ease of wur, the
school will lose practically all its strong
men. In view of the fact that such
schools as Harvard depend largely upon
tuition for maintenance, the loss of a
major portion of its men will work a
The organization of au officer’s re
serve corps and the student’s volunteer
company in drill, field tactics, und plot
ting, has added increased vigor to mili
tary preparation among University of
Oregon students. Forty-seven have en
rolled In the course and a large number
have signified their intentions to sign
up at tonight’s meeting. In war man
euvering, these men will be at a decid
ed advantage for having secured the
scientific training; undcr-mett of exper
ience ia military tactics, such as the
course plans to give.
Aside from the remaining companies
of coast artillery, Oregon’s military
force is mobilized and ready for active
service. It will be necessary to recruit
the local companies up to a maximum
war strength before they will bo sent
into service, according to officers of
(Continued on page three)