OREGON VOL. 18. EUGENE, 1 FREE EMEW SAYS STUDENT IIOTE Amendment Lacks 98 Votes of Required Two-Thirds to Pass. 482 VOTERS TURN OUT; 259 ARE IN OPPOSITION Crowd Swarms During Last Hour; Returns Completed in 45 Minutes. The free Emerald amendment lost out in the special election held yesterday. The final count showed 223 for the proposition and 259 against; lacking 9S votes of the required two-thirds major ity. The constitution of the associated students requires a two-thirds majority to pass an amendment. 4S2 persons turned at at the polls, this was an exceptional number in a 1 special election. When the polls opened in the morn ing handbills urging the students to vote for the amendment were distributed by those actively engaged in bringing the question before the student body. After the news that the amendment had lost reached the student body book keeper he remarked with a smile, “Well it was a good thing the amendment lost for I am sure I don't know where the money would have come from to fur nish the students their Emeralds free.” “Those voting against the amendment showed their real interest in maintain ing the student, body on a sound finan cial basis,” remarked the graduate manager, A. R. Tiffany, when he heard the results of the voting. “I am glad the amendment lost,” said Nicholas Jaureguy, student-body presi dent, “for if it had gone through it would have meant the elimination of women’s hockey, men’s and women’s tennis, along with soccer and possibly other activities.” The proposition of free Emeralds was first proposed by Wosterfield before -be student council, which body protested Against such a move while the finances of the organized students, it was al leged, are constantly strained to sup port present activities. Wester field carried his proposal to the students in the form of an amendment at last Wed nesday’s meeting in Villard hall. } Discussion of the a .lendment has been - a favorite pursuit sii ce its first propos al, and during the few days previous to yesterday’s election, tl't matter was a live subject of comm nit at campus meet ings and private gatherings. Voting was done at 'S illard hall by specially prepared ballots. The 4S4 bal ots cast, represented less than half of the registered students. Votes were counted at 2 :30 o’clock yesterday af ternoon. Election officers were: Chairman, Roland Geary; Floyd Mes1 er field, Ernest Watkins, Karl Becke, Kenneth Moores, Janes Sheehy, Louise Alleni and Joe Denu. The amendment contained in the bal lot, providing for nomination for stud ent-body offices by petition, was not considered, as it hai been voted upon and made a part of the by-laws at the time of its proposal. y DIPPYDROME STUNTS KEEN Laraway Offers Cup. and Woman s League $2.50 Prizes for April Frolic. Xot a woman on the campus can af ford to miss the April 1* rolic Dippy drome next Saturday evening in the Men’s Gym. declares the committee in charge. Stunts keener than ever will occupy the first part of the evening be ginning at 7 o’clock, because Seth E. Laraway, a jeweler of Lugene has < f fered a cup to the organization present ing the best stunt. —Costumes, original in design, or lack <>f it, materials, and subjects, will abound for there is an incentive of a $2.50 prize offered by the V oniun s League for the most original costume. After the stunt progiam, chairs, rugs and improved seats will disappear and the rest of the evening will be devoted to dancing and the disposal of a barrel each of Toko and carbonated cider do nated by the Weinhard Ice and Storage company. ♦ ♦ The women's one great event of ♦ the year—April Frolic. ♦ BE THERE. ♦ SENIOR BENCH ATTACKED MOVES ONLY FOUR INCHES # # # # SO PRANKSTERS GIVE UP ♦ ♦-»♦♦♦♦ I The immense weight of the Senior bench made futile the attempts of un known pranksters, .-ho endeavored, Fri day night, to upset that sacred memor ial dedicated to senior dignity. H. '.I. Fisher, superintendent of the University grounds, while passing by the bench, noticed several deep indentations in the ground back of that concrete structure. Upon, examination he found that the whole bench had been moved forward about four inchees. Mr. Fisher then formed the theory that someone had tried, by using two by fours as levers, to upset the bench, but due to its weigh, wlii h he says is about 2600 pounds, the beach slid forward on the ground instead of tipping over. The culprits were not discovered. ASK ABOUT RESERVE CORPS _ * Eleven University Students Seek Infor mation Regarding Army Positions. Eleven students have so far shown their interest in the Officers Reserve Corps by asking Karl Onthauk, secre tary to President Campbell, for infor mation regarding positions. Mr. On thank has also had two letters from graduates asking for information. Of the 11 students Mr. Outhank re marks that they are all prominent stu dents and physically fit for the work. Some have signified their wishes to he in the branch of the coast artillery, some in the field artillery while one has voiced his desire to join the French for eign legion. Besides these several students oth ;rg have decided to join the regular army, among whorti is Wyville Sl-eehy, who hopes to enter West Point. The Officers Reserve corps is open only to seniors and graduates. OREGON ASKED TO ATTEND Invited to Send Delegates to Meeting of Colleges in St. Louis. Announcement of a meeting of col lege representatives In St. Louis, March 24 to discuss the :uestion of summer training camps for college men under the direction of the United States gov ernment, has just been received by President Campbell. The announcement includes an invitation to attend for the President and a student representative. The Military Training Camps t.sso ciation of the Unit ?d States is foster ing the movement which has resulted in this meeting and in a general response from colleges throughout the country to the demand for summer drilling camps. As far as is known by the local O. N. G. and army officers, ro move has as yet been made to hold a summer camp near here this year, the inference being that the present disturbed state of af fairs prevents any definite steps in this direction. U. CO-EDS WILL RAISE $100 In order to raise money to pay off its pledge of $100 for the Women’s building and to avoid giving an enter tainment to get the money as other or ganizations of the campus have done, the Women’s league, of which every girl on the campus is a member, asks each University woman to give 25 cents to wards paying off the debt, says Jeanette Wheatley, president of the Women's league. The committee appointed to collect the tax consists of Louise Allen, Helen Johns and Olive llisley. Helen Johns will receive the money from all non fraternity women whose names begin with letters from A tc M; Olive Risley from those -whose names begin with let ! ters from M to Z. Louise Allen, head of the committee, has appointed the following girls to col lect in the houses: Leura Jerad, Chi Omega; Myrtle Toby, Alpha I’hi- Mellie ! Parker, Pi Beta Phi; Jessie Garner, Kappa Alpha Theta; Ruby Steiwer, Gamma Phi Beta; Marian Bowen, Mi.vy Spiller; Jo Driscol, Delta Delta Delta; Lucy Powers, Delta Gamma; and Eva Von Berg, Kappa Kappa Gamma. OREGON DEBATERS TO MEET WASHINGTON Contest Will Take Place in Guild Hall Tomorrow Night at 8 O’clock. “U” Negative Team to Meet Stanford at Palo Alto on Same Question. The fifth annual debate in the coast states series will fake place tomorrow night at S o'clock in Guild hall. Of these five contests with Stanford and Washington, Oregon stands even, hav ing won and lost an equal number. While Friday’s debate is under a new contract it is still a continuation of the annual series and will give one college a de cisive victory. The Oregon affirmative team, composed of Walter My.ers and Lewis Beebe \ ill meet Wendell Black and Mathew Ilill, of Washington, here. The question is “Resolved, That all industrial disputes in public service cor porations. involving a hundred or more men should be settled by compulsory in vestigation with a compulse ry accept- ( ance of award.” The constitutional side of the case is waived by mutual agree ment between the schools. As to the prospects of an Oregon victory, Coach Prescott answered in a non-committal fashion. “All our men with one exception are the most exper ienced speakers who have ever repre sented us on an intercollegiate debate. Mr. Myers, who remains here with Mr. Beebe to meet Washington, and both Mr. Jaureguy and Mr. Fleisehmann who defend ' the negative at Stanford, have all three taken part in contests before. Mr. Myers and Mr. Fleisehmann are the only two students in the University to have attained the Forensic Shield, given for excellence in both oratory and de bate. Mr. Beebe has had training else where and is a very promising member of the squad. Thp boys have all worked hard and they deserve to win,” he con cluded. The judges of the debate here tomor row night will be Plowden Stott, and A. R. Clark, both well known Portland attorneys and Dean George II. Alden of Willamette university. Earl Kilpat rick, director of the Oregon extension division, will preside. Admission is free. ALUMNAE APPROVE OREGON National Convention, Washington, 0. C., Will Consider Eligibility. Because the University of Oregon has recently been approved for membership in the Association of Collegiate Alumnae by the committee of recognition, hopes are entertained of being admitted to that organization at the national con vention to be held in Washington D. C. sometime in April. Careful investigation of conditions at the University has been made by the committee, and its vote in Oregon’s fa vor was unanimous. The lack of a woman’s building is the point in which the University does not measure up to requirements. “In this one thing we hope they will take the will for the act,’” said President Campbell. The advantages afforded by member ship in the Association of Collegiate Alumnae are much to be desired, accord ing to Dean Fox who says: “A college which has a membership in the A. C. A. feels its stamp of approval. A woman from a college belonging to A. C. A. may readily identify herself any place in the nation.” FELLOWSHIPS AVAILABLE University Office Prepared te Recom mend Honor Students. “The office at the University is pre pared to recommend honor students for fellowships in eastern schools,” says PpyiL- W.-i.h, ;.nl.licifv map of the Hon or Students association. “There are several hundred of these fellowships available, those especially desirable be ing in the Harvard graduate .School of Business and in the Harvard School of Medicine.” Bast year those winning fellowships were: Lamar and i.eslie Tooze, Ilen-y Howe and Lewis Iloisington, while Lew is Bond and J. Andre Wells were given positions here. Meeting of All Interested Will Meet in Dean Straub’s Office at 10 A. M. Gym Credit to Be Given; In struction in Many Subjects to Be Offered. All interested in organizing a student volunteer corps looking toward possi ble military service are requested to meet in Dean Straub's office in the Ad ministration building at 10 o'clock Sat urday morning. If sufficient number appear practical instruction will follow the meeting. If enough men are interested, instruc tion in elementary military tactics, san itation. etc. will be offered by members of the faculty, officers of army and oth ers who have had military experience. The volunteer drill committee has se cured the services for signal practice of the ex-chief signal officer under Ad miral Evans, formerly in command of the Asiatic squadron. A feature of the work will be week end hikes into the surrounding country. The work offered will prepare direct ly for commissions in the University bat talion to be organized next fall as well as for commissions In the Reserve Offi cers' Corps. Also .or examinations for commissions in regular army. Credit will be given for gymnasium and possibly in other subjects. Definite arrangements will be made at the meeting and an urgent request is made that all interested be present. JUNCTION ASKS FOR PLAYS Lyceum Course Would Have Drama Class Productions in April. Two one-act play ’ to bo produced l y , members of the dramatic interpretation classes in Junction City during the first week in April have been requested of Professor A. F. Reddie by Hobart McFndden, who is in charge of the Jul iet Lyceum Course in that city. These plays are to be chosen from the series of one-act plays which are now being staged a ; part of the regular class work, during the class meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays. The class, with the assistance of Professor Reddie, t will make the selection of the two plays which will be taken to Junction City. The plays that the class has already produced are: “The Jail Gate,” by Lady Gregory; “In His House,” by George Middleton; “The Pearl”, by Henri Lave den; and “The Failures,” by George Middleton. GRADUATE SCHOOL HAS 18 Seventeen of These Are Oregon Alumni Working for Higher Degrees. The graduate sehool of the Universi ty now includes IS students, of whom 17 are Oregon graduates. At the first of the semester 24 students were en rolled but five have withd awn. During the last session of the Summer school ,17 enrolled for higher degrees. The graduate students now on the campus arc Rosalind Bates, '17; Leslie I Blades, '1(1; Lewis Bond, '1(5; Byler I Brown, ’10; Fanny Chase, Albany Col lege; Walter Church, ’10; M. II. Good ! win. To; Lois Gray, TO; Celia Mager, 1 T2; Harold Humbert, TO; Roscoc J Hurd, TO; Roy Johnson, To; E. L. Keezel, TO; C. T. KroneabeTg, ’Ll; John F. Leggett, ’14; Cecil McKay, U. of North Dakota, T4; C. S. Simkins, TO; J. Andre Wells, To. MUSIC SCHOOL LACKS FUNDS "No Money” Reason for Rejecting Offer of Much Needed Piano. Lacking funds, t'.e school of music has had to reject the chance of buying ;< 81POO Raid win Concert Grand piano. ! The piano has been used by artists on ' concert tours und was in the California building at the San Francisco fair for one year. It was ..iso used for a short rtime by the Russian Ballet company. The piano is badly needed At pres ent there is no room hat Tig two pianos in it. and when students wish to prac tice two-piano pieces they are compelled to practice in two different rooms with the doors left open. ♦ ♦ ♦ The women's one great event of ♦ ♦ the year—April Frolic. ♦ ♦ BE THERE. ♦ ♦ ♦ MYSTERIOUS TRACKS FOUND # # * # SPOIL PRESIDENT’S LAWN * * * * SPOORS TRACED TO LAIR Tracks of prehistoric animals on the , campus? It looks like it. And great gobs of them too. So many in fact that the grass along the edges of President Campbell’s lawn is nearly obliterated by them—and even the rose hedge is be ginning to look moth eaten. Rut all this couldn’t have been done by relics from past geologic eras. What then This club like print not unlike that of the fabled Dinosaurus? It must: he a football shoe! And this honeyeombe im pression in the garden? And this torn f»p bit of turf? Track and baseball run ning gear! Like jungle spoor they run hither and yon. Old ones, fresh ones, large ones and small ones; all running in one direction—to the gym and over the President’s front yard! MISS CARROLL IN CHARGE To Arrange S enary, Costumes and Music for "The Admirable Crichton.’’ For the production of “The Admir able Crichton" by the students of dram atic interpretation. Prof. A. F. Uoddie has assigned to Cleome Carroll, a jun ior in architecture, the problem of nr- ] ranging scenery, costumes and music. Miss Carroll has already been two weeks at her task, assisted by commit tees headed by Adrienne Epping, Lor ene Taylor and Lillie Miller, and the 'work is now taking shape. Miss Carroll is working out, so far as possible, her own ideas in this problem. Effects, for the most part, will be pro duced with curtains rather than real objects. White lights rather than col ored will be used, in line with the policy of Granville Barker. Little or no use will be made of the footlights. In costumes, original methods will be sought of producing effects. In furnishing, only what is actually needed will be used; there will be no lavishing of unnecessary stage proper ties. Particular attention will he paid to the detail of color harmonies. Miss Carr oll has her own ideas of what is re quired for "The Admirable Crichton”, and those who attended the performanc es at the Guild hall March HO and HI will have nn opportunity to judge what she has accomplished. RANDALL SCOTT IS ELECTED Y. M. C. A. Chooses New President and Executives at Special Election. Randall Scott was unanimously elect ed president of the Y. M. C. A. for next year at the election held yesterday in Villard hall. Sixty-three votes were cast. Clinton Thienes, who also was nominated, withdrew in Scott's favor be fore the election. The returns for the other offices follow; Vice-president, Leo Cossman, 36; Wendall Bartholomew, 27; Secretary, A.