Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 20, 1917, Page Four, Image 4

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One Eventful Night, Wednesday, March 21
Mail Order Now—Prices, Jpl.50, $1.00. 50<^; Seat Sale
at Box office, Tuesday 20, 10 a. m.—Curtain, 8:30.
Now is the Time to Visit
Her beauty, her brilliant city life, her joy
ous sunshine, her fascinating haze of history
—all draw you on. People never tire of re
discovering California and never will. She
is an old, old land, yet ever young. Co there.
Refresh mind and body. See that your tickets
Shasta Route
California Express-—Shasta Limited
San Francisco Express
This route offers a remark
able service of comfort and
enjoyment. Steel cars, rock
balasted road-bed. Past Mi.
Shasta, Shasta Springs and
other wonders.
Ask for Booklets, Helpful and Instructive
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
Stiff Courses to Be Offered in
Map-Making, Maneuvering
and Rifle Practice.
Appeal Made to Substitute Mili
tary Training on Schedule
for Gymnasium.
Although unable at the present time
to give any definite g< vernmental sanc
tion to the movement in the University
to organize a volunteer officers’ reserve
corps, .Major General Leonard Wood, in
n letter received yesterday by Lr. War
ren D. Smith urged the pushing of the
plans for the organization of the corps
and offered some practical advice as to
the mode of procedure and held out the
hope of its becoming a permanent
The course in voluntary military drill
which is to be ins.ailed shortly will be
no mere routine or smattering attempt
at surAee instruction according to a
decision reached by Lhe committee at its
meeting yesterday afternoon. The mem
bers of the committee are Eric W. Al
len, chairman; lien Williams, II. M.
Kingsbury and Karl Onthank. Lieuten
ant Willis Shippman, federal army of
ficer in charge of the loca’ O. N. G. also
attended the meeting.
The proposal will be put to the stud
ents on the basis of a three-phase
course, giving the stiff instruction which
the committee says /ill be necessary it
the work of the voluntary officers’ re
serve corps is to oe of benefit before
the end of the semester. The work
will be divided into a topographical
course in map making under the direc
tion of Dr. Waarren D. Smith of the
geology department, actual drill and in
struction in the manual of arms, the
school of squad, the school of the officer
and the like, and rl.te practice at the
rifle range of the Eugene Itifle Club.
The wffrk will pi’jbably consist of a
minimum of four hours drill a week,
this to substitute in the case of under
classmen in place of gymnasium. A
part of Saturday would be given over
to either field work in map making or
rifle practice at the range, alternating
these two forms of instruction.
It was decided that the committee had
lived its life as a voluntary committee
and that from this point on the best
work could be done if the committee
actually represented the University. Ac
cordingly an appeal as made to Pres
ident Campbell to re ognize the body as
| an official faculty committee and also
incorporate the vo) ntary drill move
. merit in the work of the University.
"The advantage of the few mouths
remaining in this semester well spent n
drilling cun hardly be exaggerated",
said E. \Y. Allen, chairman of the
The assistance of Lieut. Shippman
lias been promised and as well as the
support of the local it. \. G. officers.
Arrangements will probably be made to
allow the members of the corps to take
out membership in the Eugene Gun
( lull at student r.tes and thus have
the use of the range for practice. The
entire expense of the corps . the iu
j dividual will be very slij lit, consisting
of the price of several drill books, mem
bership in the club and the like.
Tlu' postpom'il meeting of the Ger
man olub will be belli 'Wednesday even
ing in Prof. 1 hum's room in Villa'.1
Hall. l>r. SiTunidt will give an ilhis
lraii‘il lecture on ‘'German I'niversities
ami St idem Life”. In order to use the
electroscope the meeting for this ti ne
is scheduled in Prof. 1 hum's lecture
room. All meiubo’-s are urged to he
1'niversity Chocolates Host Yet—
Private dancing lessons for beginners.
Gladys Fran/. lliGT Alder Street.
We Extend
Hearty Invitation
Every Campus Group
For Fraternal Night
At Central Church
Next Sunday Night
Campus Organizations to Participate in
Dress-Up Week Ceremonies.
Nino campus organizations have sig
nifiod their intention of postponing their
; house-meetings M > alay March 20 that
they may participate in the first I ress
t'p Week ceremonies down town. The
other organizations have not yet been
heard from. Those reporting were Del
ta U'au Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, j
Chi Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa1
Sigma, Sigma Chi, I’ll. Deta Theta and I
Friendly hall.
From V:M0 to S o’clock Monday even
ing a committee of judges composed of I
business men will, accompanied by the |
crowd, visit »very t--r. window and de
cide which wins the prize for window
A concert will he given by the city
hand and possibly by the University
hand. The drum corps will also drill in
the parade at this tinm
: Meeting Scheduled for 4 O'clock Thurs
day at Y. W. C. A. Bungalow.
Mrs. M. B. Madden will organize her
class for the study „f Japan Thursday
afternoon at 1 o’clock at the i . M . C. ;
A. Bungalow. A definite time fcr fu
Big, sweet and delicious — Universi
ty Chocolates.
ture meetings will be arranges.
Mrs. Madden spent twenty years in
Japan and will give a course of six lec
tures. “Japan Today”, a new book
just off the press, by Ruth Emerson,
assistant Y. W. ecretary in Japan,
will be used as a text book.
The course is opeA to any girls of the
University whether members of the as
sociation or not. Mrs. Madden will em
phasize particularly the problem of the
women and girls in Japan.
Eat University Chocolates -— They’re
Try the new University Chocolates.
Special to
Who fJwant only 2 meals
a day
21 Neals for $4
Mrs. C. J. Levitt
Y. M. C. A.
Easter Is Coming
Finest assortment of Easter Cards and
Folders in the City from 1c to 25c
630 Willamette St.
ITnder the Direction of Miss Forbes
In a Delightful Program Combining
Readings, \ ocal Solos, Flute Solos, Violin Duets
Admission 25c