OREGON VOL. 18. EUGENE, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1917. NO. 52. GIRLS WILL DECIDE BISKEMl TITLE Oakland and Pendleton Teams to Meet Friday for Champion ship of Oregon. OISPUTE FOR HONORS IN WESTERN DIVISION _ I Silverton and Klamath Falls Would Play the Winning Fives Saturday. Word has been received that both the Klamath Falls and Silverton high schools contest the claim of Oakland to the western Oregon girls’ basketball championship. Each team in making its claim, asks to meet the winner in the contest for the girl’s state championship Friday night. Both contesting teams would like to play the winning team Sat urday night in the men's gymnasium. Both teams probably will not be able to meet the winner of the Saturday night contest. Klamath Falls and Silverton claims will have to be further investigat ed before action is taken. Mean-while, the Pendleton girls, backed by $175 from the Pendleton school hoard and a large sum from the student body, are making preparations to represent eastern Oregon here Friday night. The Pendleton team, so far as is known, is undisputed in its claim to the eastern Oregon championship. The eastern Ore gon girls are coached by Louise Bailey who is a member of last year's graduat ing class of the University. The Oakland girls also are coached by an Oregon graduate, Anthony Jaurc guy. Coach Jaureguy writes that his team has no individual stars but that t;.e girls all play together. “The girls on the Oakland team,” says Jaureguy, “are very small with the ex ception of one and the center, who is of course, tall. They are quite young. Three never had a basket ball in their hands before this year. The other two. who are sisters, played last year.” The Pendleton girls will arrive in Eu gene Thursday. The game for the first girls’ championship of the state will be played the next night in the men’s gym nasium. Arrangements are being made to turn one side of the gym over to student sup porters of the eastern Oregon team and i the other to the students from western Oregon. The Pendleton team has been cham pion of eastern Oregon for three years. This year it has defeated all major teams in eastern Oregon, such as the La Grande and Wallowa fives. It has also defeated, this season, the principle teams in southeastern Washington, among them those at Walla Walla and Waitsburg. There are several stars on the Pendle ton team. Vera Temple, forward, is her alded as the fastest forward that ever played in Pendleton. Alta Mentzer, ac cording to newspaper accounts is one of the best field shots in eastern Oregon. Leta Agee and Helen Nelson are the star guards. Dela Ferguson and Grace Rugg, the latter a three-year veteran, form the center combination. It is possible, according to Ernest Boylen, who is managing the game in Eugene for both teams, that Eugene ciry ^ league championship game may be play ’Vri off as a preliminary to the big game. After the game a dance will be given at the men's gymnasium by the manag ments of both teams. WILL GERMAN CLUB WAR? Question Will Be Answered Tomorrow Night at the Meeting. Will the German club still hold their meetings if war is declared with Ger many or will the diplomatic relations be severed from the regular extra-curricu lum activities on the campus and the German club be conspicuous by its ab sence? , If you would knoy this, honorable member, make your appearance at the Bungalow Wednesday evening at 7:00 p. m. As yet the club has taken a perfectly ‘•neutral’’ stand but the officers send out the report that if the members do not appear promptly and respond to the roll call with a “deutseher Selicrz,” there will be war, locally is not 6ther wise. FOSTER ASKED TO FRONT « « * # MAY AID IN PRISON CAMPS * * * * IS ONE OF 20 AMERICANS To look after the religious work and the comfort and entertainment of the men in the great huts of the concentra tion and prison camps of the war zone, J. D. Foster, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. has been chosen as one of the 20 men picked from the United States to go to England in May. If the time can be arranged from May to the last of .Tune when work at the University will have been finished, Fos ter says that he will accept the offer. The offer came from George Sherwood Eddy, secretary of ihe Y. M. C. A. for Asia, who recently returned to this country to gain aid for the men in the war zone. Mr. Eddy will sail from Xew York to London in May to take up work in concentration camps. The duties of the men chosen to go will be to take charge of the huts, each of which holds about a thousand men, and serve the men with tea and coffee, arrange for their evening entertainments by supplying them with reading material and do personal work as the opportuni ties present themselves. According to the letter from Mr. Eddy, men selected to go are those whose sym pathies are with the Allies, those who are not pacofists who would start argu ments with the men already strained al most to the breaking point, men of tact and refinement who could do personal work and would be ready for any kind of service. PRINT EXHIBIT ON CAMPUS Eugene Only Western City to Get Col lection; Here Next Week. A printing exhibition, such ns has never before been shown in the West and which will not be given in any other western city, is to be placed in the exhi bition room of the Architecture build ing next week. The exhibit, which consists of selec tions made from the best print shops and publishing houses in America, was shown at the annual convention of the United Typotlietal and Franklin Club of America. Allen H. Eaton, instructor in fine arts, who was in Philadelphia at the time of the convention went to Atlantic City hoping to bring a portion of the collection west with him. The result was that those having charge of the ex hibit preferred to loan it just as it was shown since it had been promised to P.oston and Cleveland. The exhibit is being brought here by the school of journalism and the depart ment of art appreciation. It will be open to the public from two to three weeks and special invitations will be sent to printers and newspaper men. TO SUPPLY PROMPT BOOKS Dramatic Interpretation Class to Meet Demand of High Schools. -m Owing to the numerous demands that come in from the various high schools throughout the state for information concerning the drilling and directing of amateur plays. Prof. A. F. Roddie has begun a system of primpt-book making as part of the regular course in dramatic interpretation. These books, entirely constructed by the students, contain plot, cast, scenery plot, a brief synopsis cf the play, and all the other details necessary to the di rector of high school dramatics. “This system, although newly inaugu rated. has proved very successful, and has aided materially in providing suita. le plays for the county and smaller town high schools’’, says Professor Rcddie. MILL RACE RULES, TOPIC Student Council Meeting Tomorrow Will Also Consider Inter-Class Mix. The old question of canoeing and swim ming in the mill race will again be brought up before the Student Council at the regular meeting of that l>ody to morrow evening, in room 135 of the li brary. This question and the matter of the inter-class mix is business that wag carried over from the las. meeting. "Rules have been laid down regarding canoeing on the mill race but no penal ties have been enforced,” said Nicholas Jaureguv, president of the associated students. STUNTS AND DANCING IT ALLi Will. Side Shows, Confetti, Popcorn, Ice Cream, “Charged” Cider Offered, Conventional Evening Garb Is Barred; Six-Piece Orchestra to Supply Music. Plans are progressing smoothly toward making the all-University carnival-dance and “fun fest” Saturday evening, the liveliest number on the year's social pro gram. “There is no telling what will be pull ed off,” says Floyd Westerfgield, chair man of the committee. He promises something “killing” aftei every dance. Vouching for him are Echo Zahl, Frank Scaiefe, Jimm Sheehy, and Nick Jaure guy. Beginning at 8 o’clock with dancing, the carnival will continue with 12 tcr pscichorean numbers interspersed with vaudeville, confetti, pop-corn, ice cream, and fun-producing novelties throughout the evening. A thirty-ininute period mid-evening will permit the classes to exploit the throng with side-shows in the four corn ers of the armory. Bert Breeding will be head spieler for the senior attraction. He needs no introduction or press-agent ing. His reputation is sure to draw a crowd if his voice does not. 1 ton Roberts, junior director, promises a show which, he says, will be absolutely original and startling. Ho urges all so ciety people to “take it in.” His troupe has been rehearsing diligently in hope cf carrying away the prize. The box in front of the sophomore tent will be occupied by Jimmy Vance of “frosh” parade fame. He says the sophs will get everything within range of his voice. Dick Avison has practiced faithfully for the last week with the view of earning for the “frosh” a place in the suh. Ha will not divulge the subject of 115s ora tion, but says that it will show up any circus side-show bawling ever heard. witmn tne tent, rne n esnmen agree ro produce everything advertised by huge banners and colored paintings without. It is urged by the committee in charge that every student seeking an evening of gen.iine enjoyment, whether wishing to participate in '.ho dancing or not, should not fail to be on hand when th ; fun starts Saturday evening. Several groups of girls will attend the carnival in parties. Some interesting sensations are ex pected in costumes. Absolute freedom, except, of course, .he selection of even ing garb or full dress togs, will be allow ed in dressing for the occasion. Already, comes the bint that Charles Chaplin will be there a la mode. So will charming hulu hulu dancers, and even dark skinned Hindu tricksters and magicians mingle with the gay party. An orchestra of six pieces has been se cured to furnish muuc of a peculiar kind for the dancers. Dance programs will be designed especially for the carnival and w'll add to the gayety of the oc casion. For the thirsty, a special brand of charged cider will be procurable at the “Bloody Thunder” bar. Even the punch, ice cream and pop-corn is to be charged, according to Milton Stoddard, chairman of the committees. When asked by an inquisitively thirsty junior just what he meant by “charged” cider, Stoddard re plied, “Oh, it is going to be charged to Joe Hedges, treasurer, that's all.” MEET FOR ORGANIZATION Faculty Committee on Assemblies Dis cusses Future Plans. Organization was the purpose of the first meeting of the faculty assemblies committee, held this afternoon in the administration building. President P. I . Campbell presided, and the following committee members discussed plans for future assemblies: Mrs. Mabel Holmes Parsons. Dean Eric W. Allen, Dean It. II. Lyman, Professor F. .S. Dune and Dean Straub. The committee decided to confer im mediately w-ith the student council re garding two programs to be given by University students at coming assem blies. Joint committees will determine the nature of these entertainments. SIMM CUP B¥ DRUBBING FIJIS Hayward Presents Token to Winners of Last Year’s Doughnut Series. Victors Finish Schedule With out Single Defeat and Pile Up Biggest Score. William Hazeltine The cup given to the winners of the doughnut basketball league will stay in the Sigma Chi house for the coming year. By drubbing the Fijis 30-7 yesterday afternoon the victors finished their schedule without a single defeat, and iu cidently, piled up the biggest score made during the entire season. For a championship contest the game was a big disappointment to the specta tors. From the close game put up a week ago the fans were led to believe that an other thriller would be on tap, but after the Sigma Chis got under way they were never headed. Nearly ten minutes elapsed in the first half before Rhineliart put in the initial marker. The play was nil practically un der the Fiji basket from this time on. Farley and Cnte shot the ball in from all angles and with a couple of ringers by Rhineliart ran up 14 points. Walt Grebe counted for the Fijis lone two. Billy Rhineliart was the big show in the second period, breaking up plays and making four baskets besides. Every man on the Sigiun Chi team tossed in at least one during the fifteen minutes. The Fijis were hopelessly outclassed by the superb teamwork of the winners. Rliine liart and Sims kept the net so well guarded that the Fiji, forwards had to make long shots every time they got the ball. At the close of the game Bill Hayward presented the cup to the victorious quin tet. The line-up: Sigma Chi—Cate, Farley, McCready, Sims, Rhineliart. Fiji—Grebe, Knudsen, Lind, Tuerck, Ratlibun, Wilson. SUMMER SCHOOL MAY MOVE One of the questions to bP decided up on at the next meeting of the University Boaird c.f Regents is the matter of mov ing the summer school to Portland this year during the convention of the Na tional Education association. Requests for such an arrangnnent have come from people in Portland who are in terested in making the convention as big as possible and representative of a large ; number of interests. 1 POSTMAN HOLDS NO CHARM # # # * ENVELOPES BEAR ONLY WOE # * « * FISHER’S LIFE STILL HAPPY There is one person on this campus who does not look forward with pleasure to the daily visits of the mail man and that person is II. hi. Fisher, superin tendent of the grounds and buildings. Not that Mr. Fisher’s portion of the post is so small as to be disappointing or that there are any unwelcome correspondents or anythiug like that accounts for this dislike of his. It is simply that the writers of the many notes he receives are always asking fo: something or com plaining. The most frequent source of his mail is from thP women’s gymnasium from whence come such letters as these: “Mr dear Mr. Fishgr, Come in my office and turn on the water in that little sink then watch the floor. Please. You will know what should be c one. I don't.’’ “Will you have a carpenter put some screws in the door >f the Victrola. The brass ones are pulling out.” Or this: "Miss C. says this sent up a puff of smoke and refused to go. Will you please have it fixed.” The library is another place from which comes a 'regular snenf of communica tions. Mr. Fisher says he leads a happy life. People save him the trouble of reading their worst complaints and phone then in, only about 30 eac> day FORMER STUDENT INJURED Elmer Brown Breaks Neck; Not Fatal; in Bed 100 Days. That Elmer Martin, formerly a stu dent in the University of 1914, fell and broke his neck, was word received her; yesterday. Details of the accident er> not forthcoming. In a letter front W. II. Martin, father of Elmer, written to Dr. John Straub, from Healdton, Oklahoma, where Elmer is now’, Mr. Martin said the accident had not: been fatal but that Elmer had been confined to his bed for a period of 100 days without being abl*. to move a muscle. His full recovery is expected. HOUR CONCERTS PLANNED A music festival is being planned by the school of music for the last part of the semester. A series of twelve or more daily recitals will be given by members of the faculty of the school of music and students o' the department, that will last approximately one hour. Professor A. F. Iteddie has tendered the use of Guild hall and the Sherman-Clay Company of Port land has offered to furnish the depart ment with a Steinway Grand piano for the concerts. Oregon Joins Nation-Wide Movement to Raise Funds to Aid War Prisoners The University of Oregon has joined with the other colleges of the country in the nation-wide movement to raise funds to be sent, irrespective of nation ality, to the aid of all the European prison camps. The prisoners lack suffi cient clothing and food and live in de plaroble conditions of filth and disease owing to the lack of money given to their upkeep. American colleges have pledged to the fund as follows: Columbia University. $1,400. Oberlin College, $4,000. State College of Pennsylvania, $3,500. Williams College, Mass., $.V>00. Cornell, $3,000. Northwestern, $2,000. Yale, $0,000. University of Pennsylvania, $458. Philips Academy, $2,000. Colgate, $l,0t>0. University of Nebraska, $100. University of Wooster, $1,500. University of South Dakota, $1,030. Jamestown College, $750. Fargo College, $1,000. Whitman College, $250. University of Washington, $1,400. Stanford and the University of Cali fornia are working for the Ambulance Corp fund. This money is given to the Interna tional committee of the American Chris tian association .to be used for food and clothing, but more especially for the building of a barracks in each camp and installing reading and recreation rooms with writing material#, phonographs, medical supplies, insect powder, crutches, false teeth and athletic apparatus at the disposal of the prisoners. In these camps it is estimated there are about 500,000 men and boys. A committee of the faculty has boon appointed by President Campbell to make arrangements and in every way back up the war fund movement here on the cam pus. The committee consists of Prof. F. S. Dunn, Prof. R. W. Prescott, Prof. E. A. Caswell, Mr. M. II. Douglas, Miss Mary Watson, Miss Elizabeth Fox, I)r. E. C. Robbins, Dr. C. II. Edxnunson, Prof. A. It. Sweetser, Miss Julia Bur gess,. Mrs. M. II. Parsons, Dr. I). W. Morton, Prof. J. Hugh Jackson, Dr. W. D. Smith and I’rof. E. E. DeCou. A committee of student# consisting of -4 men and 24 women has been appoint ed by Louise Allen for the V. W. C. A., and by Loren Roberts for the Y. M. C. A. for the purpose of managing the sub scriptions. On Wednesday the active campaign is to begin. A speech will be made during assembly hour and aunounfcements will be made in classes. The student commit tee will go to the various houses to take subscriptions and will la; waiting for contributions largo and small from any one. In the first meeting there were 22 people present and $K8 was subscribed. Mr. Foster, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. says this is a good beginning and that he believes $500 can be raised h re. OREGON TO DEBITE 0.1. C. ON TRURSDIY Chances Good for Repetition of Previous Victories, Says Coach Prescott. OREGON HAS WON THREE TIMES IN FOUR YEARS Two Contests at Same Hour, One in Eugene, One in Corvallis. Oregon will debato O. A. C. Thurs day evening at 7:30. The University’s negative team, composed of Don D. Da vis and Lewis Beebe, will meet the Ag gies in Guild hall, and at the same hour Wallace Myers and Vivian Kellems will represent Oregon at Corvallis in defense of the affirmative. The question to be debated is “Resolv ed, That Capital and Labor Should be Compelled to Settle Their Industrial Dis putes in Legally Established Courts of Arbitration.” It is agreed that the con stitutionality of the question will not be discussed. This is the fourth year that Oregon has met O. A. C. Out of the four debates the University hns been victorious three times. Last year Walter Myers and Rosalind Bntes won a unanimous decis ion over the Agricultural College on the uavy question while Cloyd Dawson and Earl Fleishmann obtained a two to one victory on the opposite, side of the same question. The Oregon tenm this year has good chances of repeating theiT previous vic tories, according to Coach Prescott. Wal ter Myers, who captains the affirmative at Corvallis, holds the alumni medal in oratory as well as having won first place in the Oregon State Oratorical associa tion. This is his second year in both or atory and debate. “One of the best de baters Oregon has ever produced.” snid Coach Prescott. Vivian Kellems who debates with Mr. Myers is the second woman to make the varsity team. She is also a member of the co-ed squad and has been prominent in dramatics ever since her freshman year. The two boys to represent Oregon hern «re facing their first intercollegiate de bate in this state, but this docs not mean that they are without experience. Lc.wis Beebe is a medal winner from Iowa and he was a member of the Iowa debating squad for two year*. Mr. Davis is ono of the first freshmen to make the Oregon team. He received honorable mention in the Alumni Medal contest. “Davis is to be reckoned with,” is the verdict of the conch. The judges for the contest have not yet been agreed upon. O. A. C. has sent the names of 12 men acceptable to her and Oregon has submitted a like number for the consideration of the Agricultural College. The final decision will be made this evening. All the men will be out of town citizens. All students interested in debating are urged to show up promptly at 7:30 o'clock as the debate will begin on time and the seating capacity of Guild hall is limited. HIGH BOYS REPRIMANDED Student Council Complains of Troubles to Professor Stetson. Professor I'. L. Stetson, head of the University High school invited before Jie last meeting of the student council, promised to take action to prevent his charges from unnoying University stu dents. The high school boys have per sisted in playing ball across Thirteenth street, say members of the committee, and not infrequently have almost hit students going to and from the campus. Tliis danger, according to i rofessor Stot son, will be stopped, and Thirteenth will be a safe thoroughfare, for the boys will be allowed to play ball only on the oM baseball field and south of the Bdutsi tiou building. University women aso complained that high school girls when using the gym nasium abuse their priveiege and raise havoc with the belongings of college women. Professor Stetson Mated that he would request the girls to be move careful. lie promised to reprimand his popOa and asked that any more complaints ba referred dJectly to him.