If ^ ' 3120 CoprnifHr 1717 Stunning Coats for ' * * Spring * ' * Every clever woman will notice how subtle is the simplicity of the new Spring models, how effectively youth lful. A single line over-emphasized ever so little would spoil the charm and cor rectness. The garment shown is a newly arrived Wooltex model, from the H. Black Company, makers of young women’s coats and suits. The earlier one buys this spring the surer she is of getting authentic creations—we have managed to get a rather large order ac cepted by this busy house, but they give us no assurance about re-order. • Coats $10 to $75 LARGE'S CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE 865 Willamette St. Phone 525 The Store that Sells Wooltex Vi EATON TELLS HOW (Continued from page one) versify. Those who do should he com ii11 nded for it. “One other contributing factor to the fair treatment of tlie University I must mention, that is the unfair and unfound ed report of the legislative committee of It awoke friends of the University everywhere to the need of action; it came at the right time to make the visit of the legislature a success, for every one did Ii is part in making it so, it came early enough to receive analysis and its purpose was made plain before the ap propriation bills were acted upon. It was one of the unfavorable things which were turned into an advantage. "The St>5,000 will be a blessing to the University it it is received not as a A Sep a re ileal lor a Quarter Pullman Lunch Open all night murk of unquestioned satisfaction with the University, but ns an indication of an earnest desire to help make the insti tution what many people have definite ideas i| should lie—a school of democracy and for democracy, where young men and women may get what they need to make them willing and efficient citizens.” "Did any of the legislators express their opinions as to what would help in this directionV' the lOmerald reporter asked. “Vos. several definite opinions were given,” Mr. 10aIon replied. “A few of which were general enough to demand attention. There were two points mention ed by a member who visited the I'niver sity one, the need for a girls’ dormi tory, the other the need for a depart ment of domestic science. “The need of the dormitory was recog nized by all, hut was especially demand ed by many who do not approve of sor orities. A number of Oregon men and xvotuen who lived in sororities at the University have told me that they favor ed a plan by which no student should be pledged in his freshman year. 1 believe this plan and a better understanding id’ the characters id' the young men and women at Oregon will lie effective in modifying the prejudice which, however unfounded, must he recognized as strong with many people. "As to the work in domestic science, | there nr ■■ three daughters of House j members, who want to come to Oregon, Init who will go where they can get the training for the home life which* they | expect to live. Many people are insistent that thi> University give this opportun ity, which they feel every girl is entitled to, and without which she can not be truly efficient. “Then there is a pressing demand which amounted to an issue at this ses Get your Sunday Films at the Peter Pan and Bring them for Expert Finishing to The Kodak Shop OPPOSITE REX THEATRE Entertainment Wins Hearty Ap proval of Capacity House; “Best in Years.” (By Erl Harwood) The .Men’s Glee lub gave a concert lust night at the Rex theatre. But that doesn’t tell the whole story; they did not merely give a concert, they “made good,” they returned the admission price in pure entertainment. From the opening ensemble, “A Warrior Bold,” through the entire 12 numbers nli went smoothly. There were no disagreeable waits, not a discordant note, literally and figurative ly, the whole evening. In this, his farewell concert. Dean Ralph II. Lyman, has left a ?eeo-d, a memory that will live long at Oregon. Dean Lyman cannot be given more end- j it than is due for th" able manner in which he has trained and managed the \ glee clubs this year. He has been with us since 1013 and it is with sincere re gret that we remember that we must lose him to I’amona College at Clare mont. Calif., at the end of this semester. The audience itself helped to bring the best out of th men. It was large, good natured and appreciative. It responded quickly to every impression intended lo he created by the singers. The club is well balanced this year. It has a clever repertoire of selections and the harmony and expression shown in the concert were of unusual quality. Dean Lyman, expresses himself as especially pleased with the expression and interpretation of the men last night. Of the ensemble • an hers, “Do Songs Ma Mammy Sang” and “Wake Miss Lind.v” received the fullest response from the audience, hit the men acquited themselves creditably in all their man sion, that the University enlarge ils de partment of education to prepare, teachers for grades ns well as high school teach ing. The demand for a great teachers' college here, which will not conflict with or interfere with the work done at the normal schools, will become more and more pressing. “But the main thing for the Univer sity and all connected with it is to realize that it is maintained because a ma jority of those who decide upon its sup port believe that i( will train for better citizenship. The only test of this will be the citizens who were at one time its students. Every member of the student body who resolves now to return to the state his best service for the advantage he is now enjoying, and keeps the reso- ; 1111 ion. will help more than any one else can to lay the foundation for loyal and permanent support through the leg islature and through the people.” HARVARD ANNEXS 220 HURDLER "Hill” Me,-mix. the former Colby ath lete. will have a chance to win an inter collegiate championship. Meanix is now attending Harvard. He will probably stick to the '-"20 low hurdle game during the spring outdoor season and should add greatly to the strength of the Harvard hurdlers. One hundred dollars is the prize of fered by the latte Mohouk Conference on International Arbitration for the best essay on International Arbitration. The contest is open to any undergraduate male student in any college or univer sity in th>‘ l aitcd States or Canada. Manuscripts must be in by March In. iyl7. The donor of the prize is C. lb Pugsley, Harvard ’OR. The judges will be: Kx President XV. 11. Taft: Profess or A. K. Kuhn of Columbia Cniversity; and Hear Vdmiral A. M. Knight, T. S. X. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ MASK AXH 1U SK1N ♦ <► A. V. P. ■» ♦ elects - $ ♦ KTXXTTll KllKTTKKl.Y. O ♦ JOHN OOl.HTX HAKXiri'T ♦ ♦ AY All RUN KHWAKPS v* ♦ ♦ hiTs. The very ease and certainty with which they found their places, sang and filed in.o the wings was commendable. The special numbers all appeared to please. Curtis Peterson, singing the bar itone solo, "Thy Sentinel Am I”, while | not possessing the finished, trained voice j of the other baritone soloist, William j Vawter. interpreted and displayed such j pleasing stage presence that his encore ; was enthusiastic to a degree. William Vawter vas one of the hits of the evening. His voice isj rich and ! full and although he attempted a heavy j selection in the "Prologue From ‘I, , Pagliacei’”, lie so won the audience that ; it recalled him twice and might have done s > a third time had not the cur tain been rung down. Vawter gives the impression that h‘ is not altogether sure of himself, hut this is belied by the strength and clearness of his voice. Robert Scearce with a violin solo and Raymond Burns with a piano solo justly j earned the hearty approbation of the audience. “Syncopated Spasms in Song” read Le \ program, but one knew what was com j ing without consulting the program when Harry .Mills sat down at the piano and Russell Ralston and Jerome Halz- j man appeared. Mills is certainly a mas- i ter of syncopation. The general im- ' pression upon the campus is that Rais-I ton is dignified, but he gave the lie to ' tills befor the curtain rung down. IIolz man and he, ably assisted by Mills at the piano, drew many sonorous laughs I from the paid admia ;ion section. Meric .Moore, assisted by William Mor rison. mystified the audience in his ere- i ation “Optical Illusions.” The running fire of patter with which he accompanied , his tricks was startling and clever : nd contributed in no small measure to the success of his act. Hast hut not least came “Extract of brand Opera” in u.Vh Graham Smith, Robert Scearce, Warren Edwards, Cur tis Reach and Raymond Burns were the leading characters. They were a laugh j creating five. Their act. a burlesque on 1 grand opera, an ancient idea, was well j worked out and executed, although it I dragged a trifle in places. Their antics 1 almost sent Echo June into convulsions at one time. The criticism might be ! made that the comedy was chiefly of the slap-stick variety, but judging from its reception, that was what tlie audience desired. Old-timers pronounce last night’s showing the best in years. It is diffi cult to win the approval of a critical j home audience, yet the boys succeeded well, as proved by the many deep si Inces, hearty laughs and encores given them. In all, Oregon may justly be proud of her Men's Glee Club. —T.( 1ST— Small black silk umbrella with leather strap and initials "l.. I’." on top. Ho ward offered for return to Delta Gam ma bouse. It is far better to Than to gas with the Cook Phone 23 Catering to vour wants for over 40 years has developed a stock of merchandise superior to any shown in Eugene. We are Exclusive agents in Eugene for GRIFFON CLOTHES for Men SCHOBLE HATS, QUAKER CITY SHIRTS, WAYNE KNIT HOSE, MUNSING UNDERWEAR, KEISERS and Other Famous Makes of Neckwear. EXCLUSIVE LINES OF COATS, SUITS AND GOWNS—Marinette Sweaters, Gos sard Lace Front Corsets, Nemo Corsets, “Pendleton” Indian Robes, “O” Robes and Red Blankets, Wavne-Knit Hose, Munsing Underwear, “Mallinson’s” Silks de Luxe, Khaki Kool, $3.50yard; Will o’the Wisp, $2.50 yard; Pussy Willow, plain and fancy; Exclusive Woolens, White Goods and Wash Goods. dr MONDAY and TUESDAY That Star of Stars WILLIAM S. HART in “TRUTHFUL TOLLIVER” The story of a western Editor in the Roaring Forties. The best of Hart’s plays yet to appear. BRODERS BROS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh, Corned and Smoked Meats 80 W. 8th St._Eugene, Oregon._ Phone 40 QKBBS ■ —I—— I We're Hot Snowed 1 j Under Yet \ I And we’ll be able to serve you any time you Get Through Coasting PETER PAN !?___ •tggv 'A1*,' ust-l-^ac- ■? ’Jxrzmcsti&