Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 24, 1917, Page Three, Image 3

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    fjtudent and Qaeulti( Activities
By Dorothy Parsons
GALA E\ ENT in February s social calendar is the dinner-dance of Alpha
T. ail Omega which is taking pla ce at the Hotel Osburu this evening.
White tea-roses, their fraternity flower, have been combined with their
_ colors blue and gold in decking the ball room. Jorsage-bouquets of
white roses mark the places for the ladies.
The guests are: Dean and Mrs. John Straub, Miss Elizabeth Fox. Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Onthank, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Seitz. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pennington,
Florence P,rosins. Betty Bruere, Frnee s Golden, Sarah Barker, Helen Rhodes,
Hazel Neal. Viola Crawford, Helen Cha se. Reba Machlin. Dorothy Dunbar,
Elizabeth Houston, Dorothy Robertson , Beatrice Thurston. Pearl Crnine, Ver
nice Robins. Mildred Brown, Margare t Welch, Helen Braclit. Edith Bracht
Thelma Stanton, Haz ■! Knight, Doris Slocum. Ruth Pearson, Mellie Parker, Helen
Whittaker, Mildred Emmett, Genpvieve Keller. Ruth Young. Dorothy Ilunzicker,
Rena Adam, Anna McKay Brown, Adah McMurphy, Iris Blewett Paul Wilson,
Rufus Dinwiddie, Ed Jackson, Laurence Manerul, John Welch, of Portland,
Floyd Metzger, .Toe McKissick, Martin Kurtz and I.eonard Shaver all of Corvallis.
Delta Delta Delta entertained their
seniors with a dinner-parts’ last Thurs
day evening. Pink and blue hyacinths
made an effective centerpiece for the
table. The following guests were pres
ent: Bernice Perkins, Olive Risley. Mar
garet Spangler, Frances Mann. Leone
"Williams. Hazel Knight, Mildred Brown.
Eulalie Crosby, Helen Curry, Dorothy
Wheeler. Helen Weigand, Grace Edging
ton, Earl Bronough, Wayne Stater, Mil
ton Stoddard, Karle Becke, Walter
Church. Glen Dudley, Harold Fitzgibbon,
Jake Risley, Ernest Watkins, and Nick
Jaureguy. George Washington was there
too—on the place-cards.
* # #
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley, of Athena, Mr.
and Mrs. Johns of Vancouver, Washing
ton, and Mr. William Barger of Eugene
were Sunday guests of Sigma Xu.
* * #
Anna McKay Brown of Portland is
spending the week at the Pi Beta Phi
Sigma Xu is holding initiation this
week-end for the following pledges: Wai
ter Brown, Medford; Flint Johns, Van
couver; Ralph Pierce, Medford; Edmund.
Tracey, Albany; Garnet Green, Portland;
Floyd Hart, Medford aid Max Schaffer,
-# *
Edythe Flora, Miriam Wtiss and
Jeanette Lauderdale of Portland are
spending the week-end at the Pi Beta
Phi house.
* * *
Pi Beta Phi entertained with a dinner
party on Thursday t.'eniug. It was a
real George Washington party with red.
white and blue trimmings, even the pro
verbial cherry. Mariam Weiss, Jean
ette Lauderdale, Edythe Flora and Anna
McKay Brown were guests.
* .: -*
A1 Bowles, Frank Hunt, Merle Moore,
Perry Lawrence, Lawrence Hersliner,
Glen Shockley and Charles Tisdale .vere
Sunday dinner guests of Chi Omega.
* * #
Mrs. A. Geiser entertained with a
charming informal dance at the Rainbow
gardens for the members of Gamma Phi
Beta on Wednesday evening. The hall
I was attractively decorated. Mrs. Geiser
and Mrs. Hamilton Wier acted as pat
roness s during the evening. Besides the
active members of Gamma Phi Beta^ the
guests were: Harold Brock, Ed Strow
bridge, Fred Packwood, Neil McEachern,
Charles Comfort, Robert McNary, Cur
tiss Peterson, Ned Fowler. Kenneth
i Bartlett, Be Witt Gilbert, George Colton,
Ray Couch, Paul Downard, Jack Dun
dore, Kent Wilson, Charles McDonald,
Carl Nelson, Don Roberts, Harold Fitz
gibbon, and Perle Wilson, of Vancouver,
998 Willamette
Phone 815
Anyone Buying a New Hat
This Spring May have her old Hat Re
Gerry Hat shop
Mrs. Olivette Baken
To-Night, Monday, Tuesday and Wed’day
Dr. Herbert T. Travelutte
The Man Who Set the World “A-Lafin’ ”
Doors Open 8 p. m. Show Starts, 8:30
Beta Theta Pi will entertain at dinner
[ Sunday for Mrs. A. F. Barker, Jean
nette .Vheatley, Ruth Pearson, Kyle.
Walker. Dorothy Hunziker, Helen Case,
and Dorothy Parsons.
4 * 4
Dr. John Douglas Adam was a Mon
day luncheon guest at the Delta Tau
Delta house.
4 4 4
Initiation will be held at the Sigma Chi
house this week-end for Clarence Potter,
Ben Stam, Victor Bradeson, Owen
Keowen. Leslie Carter. Marsh Goodwin,
and William Coleman.
4 4 *
Week-end guests at the Kappa Sigma
house for initiation are Delbert Stan
nard, Kenneth Robinson, Richard Char
man. Edgar Smith. G. II. Yt ung. Joan
McMurry, Robert Earl, Robert McMnr
ray, Chester Moores. R. D. Moores. Paul
Hendricks, Herbert Thatcher, Gavin
Dyott, and Dan Boone, of O. A. C.
4 4 4
The initiates of Delt. Tau Delta who
will become members <f the fraternity
tonight a e Robert Jortague, Ray Kin
| ney, Joe Seaifo. Lay Carlisle, Horace
Foulkes. Harry Mill-, Bruce Yergen,
Elmo Madden, Dwight Parr, and Jerald
4 .4 4
Sigma Chi entertained (W dinner last
Sunday for Mrs. Dean Walker. Marion
Chaplin, Marion Neil. Irina Keithlry,
Lillian Bohnson, Genevieve Shaver,
Evelyn Tregilgas. and Genevieve Rowley.
4 4 4
Loren Roberts and Roger Holcomb
were Tuesday evening dinner guests at
the Beta Pi house.
4 4 4
Kappa Sigma is holding initiation for
thirteen this week-end. Th l!st includes
Stanford Anderson, lob. Dundore, Rich
ard Avison, John Benefiel, Barclay
Lnughlin, Merle M> i re, Wallace Lan
dreth, Joh . Hunt, Ernest Boylen, Earl
Wilson. Donald Robinson, Lloyd Still,
and Bert Woods.
4 4 4
Sunday dinner guests at the Delta Tau
house were Annie Mi Kay Brown, of
Portland, Margaret Casey, Lucille Stan
ton, Mrs. .T. J. W. Stanton, Glenn Stan
son and Noemi Bernard.
* *
Miss Amy Rothohild, of Portland, is
a guest thi • work at tho Alnlii Phi house.
Miss Rotkohild spoke before the M'o
men’s League Friday afternoon on the
subject of the Consumers’ League in
4k f: 4k
Roland Geary left 'Wednesday for Port
land on a short business trip for his
class. He will return Monday.
* * *
Wednesday evening dinner guests at
the Alpha Phi house were Dr. Edward II.
Pence, of Portland, Miss Tirsa Dinsdale,
# *
and Miss Mary Watson.
Professor Ilarthm and Edgar Shock
ley were guests at . inner at the Kappa
Sigma nonce Thursday evening.
4k 4k 4k
Mrs. Estelle Riddle Dodge, district
president of Kappa Upfca Theta arrived
in Eugene Thursday evening for a weeu
end visit with the chapter here.
* 4k 4k
Guests at Mary Spiller hall on Tues
day evening were I la Martin. Ilea trice
Gaylord, Mellie Parker, Ada Mathews,
Mildred Woodruff. Louise Clausen, Dora
Birchard, and Mary McDonald.
4k * *
William (“Breezy”) Lowell, ’]1 of
Pendleton, spent the first part of the
week at the Sigma Nil house.
4 * A
Professor Ellis F. Lawrence, dean of
the school of architecture, was in Eugene
this week attending to his classes. This
is the first time th i he has been able
to make the trip since his operation in
Oenovie'-" Rowley is spending tv 3
week-end at her aome in Vancouver,
# ,> *
Last Sunday dinner guests at the IIeta
Theta Pi house were Bernice Lucas,
Ada Otten, Eugenia Iten.n.ing Margaret
Rodgers, Carol Montague, Melba Wil
liams, Anne Lawson, and Mr, . Johnson.
* * *
Wednesday evening I>r. Harry S.
Templeton of Olympia, Wash., and I>r.
Edward II. Pence, of Portland were en
tertained at dinne- at the Sigma Chi
/S 4
Carotin • Alexander and Era Godfrey
are spending the week-end in Corvallis.
Dr. Harry S. Templeton, of Olymp".,
Washington was a guest at the Beta
Theta Pi house on Thursday evening.
* *. *■
Henry Ilowe was a Tuesday evening
dinner guest at the Delta Tau Delta
house Dr. Harry S, Templeton was n
tertained at the ar.ie house at lunch
# 4 *.
Beta Theta Pi, Ddta Tau Delta, and
Friendly hall held theatre parties it the
• Rex” last night for the Glee Club con
Third-year women at the T’nivers ty
of Chicago have adopted a standard class
hat. It is expected that the other women
will follow the lead of the juniors.
Twenty-Three Students Pull H
and S Cards for Last
Scholarship Tradition Reversed
When Melzer Received
First Prize.
Twenty-three pangons of scholastic
brilliancy pulled all "H” and “S" cards
for last semester’s worl. and four others
spoiled a like record with one "M” grad '.
In some cases those receiving an "M"
in one course made as many hours “8”
and “II” as those who made all “S ’
and “all-II”. This will no. prevent them
from highest-scholarship honors in their
senior year though, provided for every
hour below “M" they will have three
hours of "II”. There are 24 students i
listed in the registrar's office to date
who are trying for honors in one school
or department, but only eight are try: p:
for general scholarship honors. There
is a possibility of core being added to
this list later on.
The men reversed the tradition of wo
men first in scholarship when Fred Mel
zer walked away with the first prize <f
an “all-11” card, while iu the law school
where they make the men carry around
ponderous volumes and an “S" is consid
ered a suprr-II, Frank Farrell and C. C.
Clark drew “nll-S” cards.
But here is how the students stacked
Hours ”11” Hours “S”
Fred Melzer .17
Nellie Cox .1.1 2
Eyla Walker .12 5
Marian Neil .9 7
Frances Shoemaker ....8 5
Marie Badurn .7 9
Emma Wooton .7 7
Dorothy Duniway .5 13
Grace Ilammerstrom ..5 12
Myra McFarland .5 12
Marion Harrington ....5 11
Ian Campbell .4 12
Stanley Eaton .3 15
Ruth Westfall .3 13
Edna T’atehen .2 9
Emily Spulak . 17
M. T. Nelson . 17
Lindsay McArtur . 30
Lillian Bancroft . 30
Frank Farrell . 35
Alice Van der Sluis ... 25
C. C. Clark . 34
A. C. Shelton . 11
The four who made like records with
one “M” exception re :
Hong “H” “S”
Clara ICnoop .1° 3
Rosalind Bates .10 5
Winifred Walcott . 4 13
Irva Smith . 2 14
Under Present System Organization Can
not Accept Outside Invitations.
There is a movement on foot on the
campus to make the University hand a
separate organization, wholly independ
ent of the University school of music.
It is the indirect result of the hand's :n
ahility to accept invitations to fill en
gagements at. the Oaks in Portland and
at Yellowstone Park thi i summer.
Under the present plan, the hand is
not permitted to accept outside invita
tions in its own name because of the de
pendence on the music school as a
Because they believe a separate organ
isation would do away with cmtention
and uncertainty the boys have put the
matter up to the student council. Com
mittees from the hand and council will
meet next week to discuss the scheme
in detail.
And use Butter Manu
factured by
Always Fresh and Sanitary
Phone 117 48 Park St.
for the following
High Quality
Hawkes Cut Glass
Gorham Silverware
Hamilton Watches
Hull Umbrellas
Durgin Silverware
Ed Todd Gold and Silver Novelties
Howard Watches
White, Wile & Warren Rings
Elgin and Waltham Watches
Seth Thomas Clocks
Krementz Jewelry
And Many other Standard lines.
Prices In Plain Figures
Jewelry Store
Start the New Semester in The Right Way
We carry a complete line of I. P. note books and fillers, tab
lets, scratch pads, pencils and pens.
Sidney R. Allen, Prop.
Corner 11th and Alder. Phone 229
Jim Says:
Quit running on flat tires. Wear Neolin soles and
Rubber Heels.
Jim, the Shoe Doctor
Opposite Rex
Clothes Robbed of Dirt
8th & Charnelton . . Phone 123
Table Supply Co.
Lent season is here and we are here with a
full line of canned fishes and kippered
Phone 246 Cor. 9th & Oak St.