K. K. K. SIDS FOB FOB FESf 1000 3 Student Body Affair Will Help Swell Women’s Building Fund. MONSTER CARNIVAL IS BEING PLANNED Best Feature Wins First Brick to Be Used in New Structure. K. K. K. What is it? K. K. K. stands for that big “fun fast” the student body is to pull off March 3 at the armory, but he real meaning of the three letters is as dark a secret as the real nature of the committee’s plans. Everything is to be shrouded in a cryp tic mystery. Even the music for the affair promises to be absolutely original and in perfect tune a ith the general spirit of the celebration. The committee in charge of the big affair promises to offer a prize to the class putting on the best side show or feature attraction during the half hour intermission between the fore and after part of the program. The prize is to be a brick a highly polished brick of unique design, which is to be the first brick in the new women’s building, for which the funds from the entertainment are to be donated. Chairman Stoddard of the manage ment committee says that no restrictions will be placed on the costuming. In fact, he reiterates, the more lucid the id'ui in dress for the affair, the better. At the same time, it is to-be understood that the celebration is not to be a masquerade ball. He favors peg top pants, bull-dog shoes, and Belmont collar. No 1917 taboo. Middy blouse, for women will be most correct. Dancing will take place when some thing else isn’t going on. This will be most of the time. Plenty of entertain ment of a peculiar brand will be inter spersed with the d1 nces, however. A period of thirty or foity minutes will give the classes an opportunity to make a headlong dive into the pockets of the helpless onlookers, circus side-show Style. Pop-corn, confetti, ice cream, punch, hot dog! Dancing will be cheap in order that everybody may have more jitneys to spend on other forms of fun. The above mentioned eats and drinkc will be dispensed by girls with the assist ance Charlie Johns. "Mike ’ Harris, “Slim’’ Crandall, Clifford Sevits, Harold Gray, Rodney Smith, and “Bill’' Steers. The public will be allowed to view fh< carnival from the gallery, and during tha intermission,through which special stunts will be in process, the}’ will be allow ed to mingle with the throng of merry makers. De Witt Gilbert, advertising manager of the enterprise, promises something startling as a medium to open the eyes of the public and students of the Uni versity and high sch >ol to the importance of the grand frolic. WRESTLING MEET IS OFF Chances for a wrestling meet with the University of Washington went glim mering yesterday on receipt of a tele gram from the Washington manager stating that hi* tea.n would lie unable to meet Oregon. The . urple and gold meets O. A. C. tonight and the following Sat urday takes on the Washington state grapplers. If they came over here Monday it would mean three meets in eight days which their coach thought was too strenuous. This leaves the varsitj without any other matches for the season. VESPER FOR SUNDAY MARCH 4 The next University vesper service is planned for a week f-om this Sunday. l)r. Kelsey, Mr. Adam's manager, was to have conducted the meeting hut he was unable to stay. It Is not known yet who the next speaker will be. ♦ ♦ ♦ Oregon's Freshmen defeated ♦ ♦ the O. A. C. Rooks this afternoon ♦ ♦ in basketball H4-1H. ♦ ♦ ♦ YES, HE WRITES LETTERS # * # * MAILS THEM IN A BOX « £ 4 # OREGANA RECEIVES THEM Over at Friendly hall is a student who heard there was a mail box in the library. Now this bright young man had four letters to write so he sat himself down and addressed one to Miss Blank at Gaston, then he prepared one for Mr. Blank, of Monmouth, o.:e fot Mr. Blank, at Alsea, and the last he wrote to Mrs. Blank of Corvallis. When they were completed he sought the convenient box. That, at least, is the supposition of the feature editors of the Greenna who found the four stamped envelopes when they opened their collection box which for some time had reposed on the radiator in the main reading room of the library. Be it known the Oregon feature box is for feature campus news and the Ore gana editors had no intention of usurp ing Uncle Sam’s prerogative of carry ing mail. NEW STUDENTS TOTAL 102 Final Figures Show 25 per Cent In crease; Schcol of Medicine Decreases. One hundred and two new students have enrolled since January first, mak ing the total enroll uent on the campus 1030. The greatest number at any time before has never exceeded SOI. Tliia is a gain of 175 or over 25 per cent. Total registration in all departments except the extension and co. respondeuce courses is 1639. The decrease in the school of medi cine was not because of the lack of ; p plicants but because the entrance re quirements have been raised. Admis sion is refused to con litioned studi nts. CONCERT DATE IS CHANGED Orchestra Will Play March 23 Instead of March 16. The date of the annual concert to be given by the University Orchestra, which had been announced f< r March 16, has been changed to March 23. In announc ing the change Miss Winifred Forbes, director of the orchestra, said that due to the fact that the orchestra had been called upon to play ,o many times lately for different University entertainments enough practice had not been given to the selections for the annual concert program. MU PHI HOLDS MEETING Discuss Children's Music; Program In cludes Talks and Music. Mu Phi Epsilon hold its regular meet ing this afternoon in the recital hall of the music conservatory. The subject under discussion was“Children’s Music.” Miss Winifred Forbes, who had charge of the meeting, arranged for the follow ing program: “Songs for Children”, Rose Powell; “Piano Study for Child ren.” Jessie Farris: “Violin Study for Children,” Winifred Forbes; Haydn’s “Toy Symphony,” given by some of the members of Mu Phi Fpsilon. 27 MAJORS IN DEPARTMENT Women Will Teach Physical Training and Playground Classes. Twenty-seven University girls are majoring . the department of physical education, according to Harriet Thomp son. assistant in the department. Most of these girls intend to teach physical training in high schools or conduct play ground classes. The year 1914-181.") there were 32 girls registered in this depart ment. GLEE CLUB TO SELECT MEN Seven Places to Be Filled by Tryouts Mar h 5. The Men’s Glee club will hold a tryout March 3 in Dean K. H. Lyman’s office for two or three first tenors, one or two second tenors and three second basseB. The Mens’ Glee club has lately been placed on the same footing as the Wo mens' glee; meaning that onee a man Has made the eiub he will hold his place through his college course and will not be required to try out each year. CO-ED DEBATE TEAM IS SELECTED TOUT Vivian Kellems, Amy Carson, Roberta Schuebel Are Suc cessful in Tryouts. Women Will Journey North to Seattle to Engage in Fo rensic Battle. As a result of the tryout fo- the co ed team held in Guild hall this morning at 0 o’clock three girls were chosen to rep resent the 1’niveM'sity. The successful contestants were Vivian Kellems, Amy (.’arson and Roberta Schuebel. These three will take the trip to Se attle in April when Oregon debates the University of Washington on the ques tion: “Resolved, that the United States should pass a constitutional amendment granting equal suffrage to men and wo men in all states of the union.” Wash ington will defend the negative, the Uni versity of Oregon taking the affirmative. This same question was used in the tryout Saturday morning, each contest ant being allowed to choose the side she preferred. Ten minutes was given to y constructive speech uud five minutes for rebuttal. The judges were Coach Pres cott, Manager Walter Myers, and Miss Julia Burgess. There were ten contest cuts registered. Misses Kellems, Carson, Schenbel have the honor of making the first Oregon co n'd team in four years. The last eo-ed Tram disbanded in 1013 after a success ful debate with the University of Wash ington on the immigration question. When asked about the chances for this year, Coach K. W. Prescott said, “The University of Washington has a strong team and we are under the disadvantage of lack of training, but nevertheless 1 think there will be some surprises. We have mighty good material to work with. “Miss Kellems is a member of the reg ular varsity team, having made her place in open competition with the men and she will have the advantage of taking part in the O. A. C. debate next week. Miss Carson made the varsity team as a substitute last year and she has been in terested in debating ever since her fresh man year. Miss Schuebel is the first sophomore to make the team. She is es pecially quick on delivery. Ttaken alto gether the outlook is very favorable,” he concluded. The new squad will have its first meet ing March second, at 4 o’clock, in Coach Prescott’s office. EXHIBIT IS COMING SOON Work of Great Artists to be Shown on Campus An exhibit of 1S9 etchings sent out by the Chicago Society of Etchers will be installed in the exhibit room of the arch itecture building next week, and from Friday on, will be open to students ami townspeople from 1C until 4 o’clock each day. The exhibit will probably remain here for one week. Procured through An.rtw P. AVillet son of Seattle, who collected the exhibit of color prints recently shown on .he campus, this collection represents an unusually wide*’range of artist life. The etchers come from Paris and London, Detroit, Salem, Mass., Seattle, San Francisco and Boston. They live any where on the globe from Pawtucket, It. I., to Sicily and Florence, Italy, from Spain to Minneapolis,Brooklyn to Stock holm. or Toronto to San Homo. Vienna, St. Louis, New York, Cinueinnati and Philadelphia are also represented in the list of more than 73 different exhibitors. All the exhibitors are members of the society. Some of the most familiar names on the list are those of Frank \V. Benson, who had a painting in the exhibit of oils at the chamber of commerce two years ago; Lester Hornby, Helen-Ilyde who is known chiefly for her wood-block prints which were on exhibit shown lftre dur ing the holidays; B. F. O. Nordfeldt, Ralph Pearson, who is a painter etcher, anil Ralph Seymore, famous as a printer and designer of type. The exhibition comes here direct from Seattle, and will i ot be shown in any other Oregon city. The class in art appreciation will meet Tuesday for the first time, when Mr. Eaton will lecture on “American Etchers” in anticipation of the exhibit. EATON TELLS HOW II. Many of His Colleagues Want Domestic Science Taught, Says Legislator. Tells Also of Demand for Train ing of Teachers for Work in Grade Schools. To get a first-linnd analysis of the way the University stood in the opinion of tli tato legislators at their recent ses sion in Salem, the Emerald obtained an interview with Mr. Allen Eaton, for sev eral years a member of the legislature, lie spoke freely to the reporter, showing how the University fails in several re spects. emphasized the growing sentiment over the state for the pledging of stu dents their second year in college rather than their first, and urged the need of u home economic course at the University. The interview follows: When asked how the University of Oregon stands with the stnte legislature, Mr, Eaton replied: “Better every year, hut still not so well as it will in ten years from now if the University continues its extension work and fncludus in its campus activities the things for which there is a demitjid. There is much encouragement in the at titude towards the University today as compared with that in 11X17, when I first went to the legislature. I remember there were ten members of the joint ways and means committee, including my self. Three of these men and several other legislators did not know where the State University was located. I was re minded of this condition a few evenings ago when the chairman of the 11)17 ways and means committee referred to tin' ‘Eugene University.’ However, most members now speak of the State Univer sity or the University of Oregon. It seems to me almost a century since, in 11)07. the standing appropriation of the University was raised from .$47,5(H) to $125,000. There was much dissatisfac tion in certain sections of the Willamette valley and Governor Chamberlain vetoed .the hill. It was then passed over his veto and just when we vere relaxing from a long, bard struggle the referen dum was called on the bill and it was re ferred to the people. These difficulties which seemed misfortunes then, were not unmixed with advantages, it seems to me now, for the campaign was then begun to make the people of the state under stand the University, its needs and its work, n campaign that must never stop. “When Governor Chamberlain vetoed this bill ho stated th.it he did not believe in the state supporting an institution of higher learning. There are thousands of voters in Oregon today who hold the same view, but the growing generation is gradually modifying this. The tuillage tax under which the Agricultural college and the State University are operating, is a help to both in their efforts to prove their desire to serve the people, but neither is as strongly entrenched in pub lic confidence as their friends would like to sec them. “Hut to get back to the University in the legislature, the fact that the appro priation for $05,000 was carried with out opposition in the house and with only two dissenting votes in the Senate is an index of the growing popularity of the institution, hut it should not be forgot ten that-it was the approval of the wiijs and means committee report rather than a thorough knowledgs of the University that brought such a vote. The treatment of the ways and means committee is due to an number of things which 1 can not take space to enumerate here, hut rwo of which I must not overlook. On • was the visit of the legislators which was so successfuddy handled by citizens, faculty and students; the other was the presence of Cap. Kuhli as chairman of the house ways and means committee. Kuhli is a graduate of the University and his loyalty found a gratifying opportun ity in the University bill. 1 hope many students and alumni will make it a point to express their appreciation to Cap. Kuhli. The habit of showing .some ap preciation to those who support the l ni versity is one that should he encouraged; it would, if practiced, double the loyalty to th» University in a short time. Very few men, comparatively, carry out their student day resolutions to keep the Uui (Continued on page four) JUNIORS WILL FROLIC # * # * MOORES INSURES LIFE: # # « # LIVE MEETING PLANNED The Juniors, 10IN, you know, arc go ing to hold a class mooting a week from next Wednesday that will make history, so says the committee on perpetration. These four culprits have genevaied plans that they claim are to make any mustache-shaving bee look like Kincaid field before the Washington game along side of Lake Superior. All juniors are warned to be present, i An official physician and hearse will he ! provided by the committee and for the | committee. "lie sure your lungs are in good con dition that day," advises Don Newbury, head instigator. “You may have to stand up and battle for your rights. Forensic powers will be at a premium. Moores has already taken out an insurance pol icy. That's what I call gypping the com pany.". “Not a dull moment,” promises the rest of the committee. Etna.,, Wootton, Charles Crandall and DeWitt Gilbert. "Even Newbury won’t escape. This will be a live meeting. Requieseat ill pace.” STUFF CLUB HAS DEFICIT Expenses for Adam Meetings Amount to $203; Partially Covered by Gifts. Expenses for the religious meetings held in Villard hall the last week were met by the members of the Real Stuff Club, each member contributing one dol lar. The I’niversity Y. M. G. A. eontrb ed $20, the University $25, the churches of Eugene $40 and A. C. Schmidt of Al bany $5. This being a total of $190 con tributed. The expenses wire $20.3.70, an itemized account of which follows: Letterheads and envelopes $0, cut $2, expenses of l)r. II. S. Templeton $20.00; this includes his train fare, meals and hotel bill, no charge was made for his services. Blotters $7.25, train fare of advance agent to Portland $4.NO. lunch eon tickets $1.25, banners $10, half cards $0.50. posters $0.40, advertising $0.75, complimentaries at lunch $3, postage $1*1.00, one thousand hand cards $3.75, cards and pencils $7.50, expenses of I. B. Rhodes $1, ou" share of the bringing of John Douglas Adam $100. This is a total of $203.70 leaving a de ficit of $13.70. The slides used to advertise the meet ings at the moving picture houses were donated by J. A. Wells. “APRIL FROLIC” MARCH 24 Committee Working Out Plans for An nual Stunt Show. Plans for the “April Frolic," March 24 arc well under way. The committee consists of Charlotte Banfield, Kate Schaefer, Frances Shoemaker, Rosa mund Shaw, Cleon' Carroll, Adrienne Epping, Olive Itisley, Fthel Murray, ( Sara Barker, and Rolxita Killam. As usual a silver cup will he given to j the sorority or women's club putting on ] the best vaudeville stunt. An individual prize is offered to the girl dressed in the most becoming or original costume. Last year Fthel Murray, representing rn alarm clock, won the prize. Those not appearing in fancy costume will Le obliged to sit in the balcony—25c please! A new scheme of stage arrangements will he tried this year. Two stages arc to be provided in order that one organ ization may be getting ready for their stunt while the other is giving theirs. TO PUBLISH BEST PLANS Class in Playground Work Will Make Out Field Meet Events. The class in playground work tinder the direction of Miss Cummings, head of the department of physical education, is working out plans for a field meet and play festival. The plans which are the best will be printed in a booklet which will hi> sent out .-through the-State by tlie extension de ajrtrr.ent. There has been a demand for plant of this sort by rural and small tow 1 schools. Ten days was gi /on to complete the work, for considerable study of condi tions is necessary. Two members of the class, a man and a woman, each work together, as the work divides itself into plans for girls and small children, and games for boys. Louise Bailey and Anthony Jau reguy Head Rival Fives Which Will Play Here. OAKLAND AND PENDLETON WILL VIE NEXT FRIDAY Eastern and Western Oregon Represented. Teams Are Un beaten. Rivalry Keen. Final arrangements have been com pleted for the all-state girls’ champion ship basketball game. The Pendleton team of eastern Oregon and the Oakland team of western Oregon meet Friday night, March 2, in the men's gymnasium. In n letter to Graduate-Manager A. R. Tiffany this morning, Anthony Jnureguy, coach of the Oakland team,-wrote: “I have just received a telegram from H. T. Prill, of Pendleton, saying they want to play off the game on Friday the second. That date is all right with us. The Oak land team will go to Eugene, arriving on the .r>:.‘U> train, accompanied by a member of the faculty. We will try to decide on officials for the game either tomorrow or Sunday. Will let you know as soon as we agree.” 11. T. Prill, of Pendleton, who has the managing end of the game from eastern Oregon in hand, graduated from the Uni versity last spring and is the principal of the Pendleton higli school. The coach of the Pendleton team is Miss Louise Bai ley. also a graduate of last year «; d in her undergraduate days prominent in stu dent body activities. She was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. .laureguy will be remembered by the older members of the present student body as the manager of the Emerald dur ing the editorship of Leland Hendricks two years ago. He is both the conch of the Oakland team and the principal of the Oakland high school. This is probably the first state champ ionship game of its kind ever attempted. Both teams have shown a fight and dash and tlie superior game they have been playing has led to the exchange of chal lenges as published in the Emerald of recent date. Now comes the acceptance and the staging of the game in the men’s gymnasium next Friday night. It is expected the gymnasium will be packed with the eastern Oregon backers lined up in behalf of their round-up girls while the western Oregonites will be loyal to their Oakland Amazons. After the game a dance will be given under the auspices of the management of the two teams. ALUMNI HELP START CLUB Bend Will Have College Men’s Organize* tlon; Oregon Grads Interested. Former university men mot recently in Bend, Ore., and laid plans for the s tablishing there of a university club. The plans of this club will be similar to th. se of the same organization of other cities. The members have ' 1 view, besides their own pleasure, the betterment of the com munity life. A number of prominent members of die alumni association of the University of Oregon, who are living in Bend, have become connected with this movement. Among them are: F. Lambert/. T2, II. J. Overturf ’04, I). F. Miller ’13, Henry X. Fowler '14, II. II. HeArmond, Steve Xtei.il and (Jerald Kastman. ARCHITECTS WILL VISIT i Portland Men Coming to Judge Work of Students. The Architectural club will en tertain : Wade II. Pipes, Edgar M. Lazarus, Al fred 11. Smith and W. C. Knighton at a l banquet at the Hotel Osburn, 6 o’clock, Wednesday night. After the banquet j there will be speeches and a musical | program. I They are coming down from Portland 1 (o judge the work of the architectural classes. This will be done in the after noon and the awards will be announced after tlie banquet. Mr. Knighton is the architect who dei signed the Administration building.