Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 22, 1917, Page Two, Image 2

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Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the college year, by the
Associated Students of the University of Oregon.
Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter.
Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies, 6c.
Associate Editor .Milton Arthur Stoddard
Associate Editor.John DeWItt Gilbert
Managing Editor.Harwood
City Editor .Adrienne lipping
Assistant Manager..Louise Allen
Assistants.Lay Carlle, Jeanette Calkins, Harold Burde, Echo /.alii
Circulation Manager.•“.I’nul Heaney
Phone, Editor, 5115 ° 0 Phone, Manager, S41
Depart inent* • 0
Sports Editor.JanTe,fl,F;- ,SI’ee^y
Assistants .William Haseltine, Clifford foevits
Administration ...Karl Murphy
Assistants.Douglass Mullarky, Frederick Kingsbury
student Activities .Dorothy Parsons
Women's Sports...Helen Hair
Forensics .Rosalind Rates
General Assignments.John Dundore, Elsie Fltzmaurlce, Richard
Avlson, Gladys Wilkins. Ross Dalkleisch, Russell Fox, Mary Johns.
Martha Tinker, Pearl Cralne, Erma Zimmerman, Percy Boatman, Dor
othy Dunlway, Ducile Saunders, Bert Woods, Arvo! Stmola, Florida
Hill, Adelaide Lake, Helen Brenton, Beatrice Thurston, Lyle McC'ros
key, Tracy Byers, Paul Reaney.
Whether it was the peculiar endow
n(nt of mental, physical and spiritual
powers or not that brought George
Washington to the front us the father of
his country is a matter of small mo
ment to us today as we revere his mem
ory and his achievement. For the cause
that has made the United States the
nation it is today he fought and con
uered. Tine, he was aided by circum
stances. But we cannot belittle his
i.<'hievements any the less because of
them. Circumstances should have helped
any man who could have endured the
% alley Forge George Washington did.
Let any man go out into the night with
the cold biting wind of a winter wrap
ping him in its icy blast, let him “mush”
through snow to his waist, and neck, and
then with his feet near to freezing, his
fingers numbed with the cold and his
head reeling with the dizziness of physi
cal exhaustion, let him attempt to build
a fire of wet and soggy wood. What
inan wouldn't rebel?
Yet Washington with his army at Val
ley Forge endured far more than that.
Washington endured it for a cause, his
And use Butter Manu
factured by
Always Fresh and Sanitary
Phone 117 -18 Park St
r.icn endured it for Washington and that
was but an incident, an incident of many.
The nation does well to pause on this,
the anniversary of his birth, to pay
reverent homage to his noble sacrifices.
Fifteen Princeton sophomores have
succeeded in stirring up action for a
cnange In that University’s seventeen
upper-class “eating clubs.” This action
President Woodrow Wilson of the Unit
ed States was unable to engender when
the head of Princeton. Nation-wide at
tention is being attracted to this rebel
lion against the system of fraternal or
ganization in practice at one of the coun
try's most venerable colleges.
Some definite, progressive, forward
movement seems hound to issue. It may
he that the solution of the problem of
student living and organization in other
Universities will he the outgrowth of this
This possibility must, of course, pre
tent interest to all connected first-hand
with such situations, although they may
he infinitely removed from objectionable
< muttons by inherent democracy and
fundamental purity of purpose.
The means, howe’er, should concern
us. Some years ago a reorganization, a
purging, a hetteriug of inter-organiza
tional relations resulted at Oregon from I
reform arising within these organizations
and not from compulsory measures im
I used arbitrarily by the faculty. Many
of the evils and objections charged to
systems such as the local one were elim
inated. Put evils still remain.
The plan worked once, to the credit
end ultimate betterment ut the organ
izations themselves ns well ns general
conditions. It would work again. At Ore
gon, as nt Princeton, movements arising
internally, front the students themselves,
Lave an impetus that cannot he gener
ated by hands which the student, under
graduate and alumnus, considers alien.
—J. D. G.
Peing democratic is such a task when
the world is full of people who eat noisily
ami insist upon using i|tiill toothpicks,
line naturally likes to sort and choose.
Dance Programs
The kind that pleases and
looks nifty.
The Guard W a y will
please you and make you
a regular customer.
Tickets, Inv i t a t i o n s,
Cards, etc., are a special
ty with us.
Yours for Good Printing
The Guard Job Dept.
Ilavo you tried the Clarified and Pasteurized Milk fo*
ily use? We can supply your wants for formats, afterno«..
teas, dinners.
Eugene Clarifying and Pasteurizing Co.
Phone 390 144 West 9th
And for that very reason Princeton finds
itself up against the problem of democ
racy vs. congeniality'in its eating clubs.
It is an old malady and one which has
troubled before Princeton is like the
lady who recently swallowed a hundred
or more pins and is continually feeling a
new prick inside. The trouble this time
was caused by a group of sophomores
refusing to accept election to any of the
sating clubs which have replaced frater
nities at l’rinc< ton. They refused be
muse of the belief that an elective mem
bership to the clubs is a thoroughly bad
thing for a university.
Very evidently I'rincetoniuns are
struggling with the world-old problem of
democracy in a world o' unequals. Even
if their reform is only temporary, they
will have ..t least ridded themselves of
the burden of hampering conventions and ;
foolish snobbery which accumulate about
the overorganissation of old institutions.
—U. of AV. Daily.
Invites Hayward’s Men to Enter
Annual Relay Race
Acceptance Impossible in View!
of Late Season and Ab
sence of Stars.
The University of Oregon has received
an invitation from the University of
Pennsylvania to send a track team to
:heir Annual Relay Race Carnival, April
27 and 2S. Trainer Hayward says, how
ever, that Oregon will not accept the
offer, as real track work here does not
start, due to weather conditions and
ack of facilities, until April; also because
jrogon, without Muirhead and Chet Fee,
vhom the invitation specially mentions,
vould have small chances for success in
such a meet.
The letter from Pennsylvania is as
"Manager of track team, University of
Hear Sir: I notice that at the Pacific
Northwest Conference meet, your men
nude some very good performances last
•ear. Your man Muirhead should eer
:ainly be given a chance at our Relay
dace Carnival to win a national ehani
•ionship, as he would have a chance in
>oth the hurdles and the high jump.
I’Ve would probably win the javelin as
ie threw over 12 feet farther than any
one has done at the relay races. I hope
hat. you will think about this matter
.>eenuso at Pennsylvania’s relays you
lave a chance to he represented in a
noet that is attended h.v colleges all over
America, and a win here is well worth
“Hoping that you will think about the
natter and come on as so many of the
ithcr western colleges do, 1 remain.
"Very Sincerely,
"(Icorge \Y. Orton.
"Assistant manager of the Race Car
lival.” *
A stranger visiting the campus of
lie University carries away a tasting
lupicssioii of the student from whom
>o asked his direction to a certain huild
i.g A pleasant reply and a clear, concise
luswor will do much to put the stranger
ill good terms with the University, too.
A former president of Washington nf
'•n said tli.it his readiest recollection of
■ne of the biggest universities in the
'•entry was not a mental picture of mi
ncing buildings overgrown with ivy. nor
i wide spares of terraced lawn, nor of
-vholastie traditions, hut that he recalled
"nst the courteous treatment accorded
lint In the students while lie remained
i visitor on the campus.
A stranger will unconsciously think of
he University in terms of the students
ie meets on the campus. If he asks his
any to Ungineering hall, he will he glad
o have you walk along with hint.
Hive him a few facts about the Utii
versity and l am his attitude toward
11 shington. You may he able to correct
•’'.ms ideas that lie has picked up
’■ ha card.
five minutes you can do a remark- j
■i,unit of boosting for Washington,
my times you can gain the active
■ 'dp of some man or woman whose
vord for the University will carry
'able weight off the campus. U.
W. Hally.
The University of Washington has os
thlished a chair of Russian language
ud literature recently. This was done
o train her men ?o the growing -om
nerve between Russia and the western
dates. |
We have just been reading the
Oregon Emerald,
» * *
Prepared by the Universty of Ore
gon students at Eugene,
* * *
And we like it very much.
* * *
We note that Harold Hamstreet is
O * * *
'Ray for Harold!
* * *
Then Milton A. Stoddard and John
I>e Witt Gilbert are associate editors.
* # *
Ed Harwood is managing editor and
Adrienne Epping city editor.
* * *
We’re betting Burle D. Branhali,
business manager, and his assistant,
Louise Allen, aren’t having much
trouble getting ads,
» * #
Because the Emerald is such a good
paper, thanks to Harold et al.
» * #
We send ur regards to Jimmy
* * *
Also to Nsil Morfitt, Tulu Kinsley
and Elsi ■ Fitzma irice,
* # *
All at the U. of 0.
* * *
Oh. we would be a college boy
And study every day,
For when we got in bus'neeo
We'd get a lot of pay.
* * *
Yes, it's great to be a college boy
or co-ed.
* * *
Notice how they all talk about the
days when—etc.
* * *
No we’ro not a college grad.
We went to school.—Portland
(Oregon) News.
People in general in the state have
the idea that K. U. is an institution of
the rich and godless, according to the
statement of one of the University pro
fessors. The professor refutes this be
lief of the people and gives su'ostant'al'
reasons to support his belief.
Michigan has signed a two-year con
tract with Cornell for indoor track.
A novel convention, and contest was
held recently at Columbia. This was the
meeting of th<> American Bookplate
Society held there. A number of sample
bookplates were chosen as best and
awarded prizes.
HIS is the hat for
1 YOU! The tilt of its
aristocratic brim-the height
and shape of its modish
crown, make it a thorough
bred among hats!
Many shades and all sizes.
We invite you for a try-on.
Who pays
for Advertising?
Not the Merchant
I Who Advertises
The Merchant who does
The really progressive
merchant advertises and
gets the business which the
non-advertiser loses.
Aggressive Eugene mer
chants advertise in the Em
erald‘and get results.
The cast for the senior play “The
Climbers” to be given May 11 was se
lected by tlie play’s coach, James Mott,
last night following tryouts which v.’t-i e
lit It! in Guild hall yesterday afternoon.
The two women’s leads of the play were
won by Rosalind Bates and Eyla Wal
ker; the male leads going to Earl Fleisch
mann an 1 Alex Bowen. The complete j
cast is as follows:
Mrs. Sterling (nee Blanch Hunter).. j
.Rosalind Bates
Mrs. Hunter.Eyla Walker
Jessica Hunter.Mary Alice Hill
Miss Hunter.Bernice Lucas
Clara Hunter.Martha Beer
Miss Godesby.Echo June Zahl
Miss Sillerton.Mildred Brown
Tompson .Margaret Spangler
Marie. Ruth Roach
Edward Warden.Earl Fleischmann
Richard Sterling.Alex Brown
Frederick Mason.Earl Bronaugk
Johnny Trotter.Ernest Watkins
Or. Steinart.Ben Fleischmann
Ryder.Frank Scaiefe
Gcaesby.Bernard Breeding
Richard Sterling, Jr.Uncast
Servant . Uncast
Jordan.Nick Jaureguy
Leonard .Roland Geary
The play written by Clyde Fitch who |
considered it his best work. The plot has j
a melodramatic basis relieved by com- 1
i ay. “The play,” said Mr. Mott, "is won- |
t'erfully adapted to our purpose. It has j
good strong parts, at least ten big acting
parts and they should all work out well i
for there are quite a number of seniors
who are really good actors.
Friday Only
Margarite Fischer
The Pearl of Paradise
A fascinating drama of ro
mance and adventure
Female of the Species
A Thomas H. Ince Produc
tion, Featuring
A Mutual Comedy
The New University Chocolates
For University Students
at the
The Student Shop