REGISTRATION SHOWS '! 29 PER JUT GRIN More Than Half of Mew Stu ; dents on Campus This Year Are Women. Many Picking Subjects Con ; nected With Bread and Butter—No Orientals. Registration of resident students in the T'niversity for the second semester now totals 1034, passing the thousand murk for the first time in the history of the institution. This figure, given out by Registrar A. It. Tiffany represents an increase of 29 per cent, as compared with last year’s gain. (More than half me new students are women. Their most popular choice of major subjects is . inglish Literature. Among the men there is a notable tendency toward commercial subjects. The school of commerce lias more stu dents entering than any other depart ment. The professors attribute this to its close connection with “bread and butter.” “The boys can cash in on it sooner than any other and in these days it’s money that counts,” stated Professor (}. R.McAuslan. Nearby colleges have lost some of their students to Oregon this year. About a dozen have come from Oregon Agricultural College, and the Universi ties of Washington and California. One man who graduated at Seattle is a can didate for a master’s degree here, lie sides these there are close to 50 of the older undergraduate students returning after an absence to complete their courses. The usual number of specials, seven or eight, also have registered. One remarkable fact about this semes ter’s attendance is that there are no students ... the Orient. Usually there is a Filipino, Japanese, or Hindu student but with the departure of Kulogio A. (iorospe Wednesday, none remains. (5or ospe, a Filipino in the freshman class, had intended eontinueing his studies longer until a telegram received a few days ago changed bis • plans. lie has gone to Sa,i Francisco to take the posi tion of clerk in the Phillipine office there. He will probably return next fall. One of the new students, Julius Frahm from Richmond, Ore., is origi nally from Reudsbirg, Hcrmany, where his mother now lives. Two of his brothers, one a surgeon, have just lost their lives in the Kuropean war. Frahm has been in this country four years, spending most of his time studying Fug First Spring Showing in yThxflefoif. TMx£S HIS is the hat for 1 YOU! The tilt of its aristocratic brim-the height and shape of its modish crown, make it a thorough bred among hats! Many shades and all sizes. We invite you for a try-on. Roberts Bros. TOGGERY It’s Just You! Vern M els on. If you want to go to the kind of a school Like the kind of a school you like, You needn’t slip your clothes in your grip, And start on a long, long hike. You’ll only find what you left behind, For there’s nothing that’s really new. It’s a knock at your self when you knock your school, It isn’t your school—It’s You! Real schools are not made by students afraid Lest somebody else gets ahead. When everybody works and nobody shirks, You can raise a school from the dead. And if while you work instead of the shirk And your neighbor will do so, too, Your school will be what you want it to be— It isn’t your school—its YOU! (With apologies). lish. Ho is taking special work at the University. Mr. Tiffany is particularly proud to note that one of the freshmen women came to him with a high school record showing no grades under 95 during her entire term there. He predicts another honor student. Contests Will Determine Team That Is to Meet 0. A. C. February 16. NEW RULING REDUCES SQUAD TO FIVE MEN Aggies Have 125 Out, Oregon 15 ; Coach Shockley Is Non-Committal. Tryouts for the selection of the five Oregon wrestlers who lire to meet O. A. tFebruary Hi will he held in the gym nt 4 o’clock Friday afternoon. St 'dents will he admitted by student body ticket s. Harnett, a wrestler of two years ago, lutt re-entered college this semester and will try out in the 115-pound class. Ore gon ttas some good men this year hut the Fniversity does not seem to he inter ested lit the sport as is (). A. (’. Ore gon has about 15 men in its wrestling squall. O. A. ('. has 1U5. Coach Shock ley is non-committal on Oregon’s chances. If the Fmvirsity men win in the meet with the Aggies i is probable that con tei.ts will be arranged with Washington or ( alifoi iiia or both. Decision of the cast will be up to the student body. The wrestling teams of the coast have hem reduced to five men this year by the abolishment of the heavy-weight class and the re adjusting of other weights. The heaviest class now is 105. The change was made on account of most of the heavy wrestlers being out for foot ball. width would not permit sufficient training on the mat. The classes as they will be this year are 115, 1115, l.’io, I IS and 105. The five man team will eliminate the possibility of tie contests. In tlie 115 pound tryouts for the Ore gam team Flegal will wrestle Fletcher and Phillips will wrestle for the 115 posi tion oil the team. in the 11‘5-pound class the contest will be between Daley and Hill and Jeukllts and Sether. Dun dore and Wilson will meet for the l.’!5 pound honor, ltoyd will meet Jones, and Uutherford will meet drey in the 1 IS pound e'ass Taylor and Jenson will meet in the Hio-pound class. O V. 0. tryouts were hold Tuesday c\ i lliiig. Writer Placed on O'Brien's Roll of Honor. Fdisou Marshall, former Oregon stu dent who is now an established mags nine writer, has just received word that lie lias been placed on Fdward J. O'Frion’s short story roll of honor for UMtt. Mr. Marshall is staying at the Delta T«u Delta house, lie expects to remain in F.ngene for several weeks. Fdward J. O'lirien. recognized short jSIGl KITH CHI TO IfUITIJITE SUNDHY Pledges Will Appear in Full Dress Regalia on Friday. Three Neophytes Must Turn Out Saturday’s Issue of The Emerald. Initiation of Sigma Delti Chi pledges begin tomorrow morning when they will appear on the campus with the full dress regalia. Those to lie initiated are Maurice Hyde, Harold Newton, and Robert Mc Nary. The following program has been work ed out for the week end: Friday: Initiates appear on the campus in dress suits attending classes, gathering news and preparing copy for the Saturday night’s issue of the Emerald. Saturday: Initiates issue Emerald. Sunday: 2:00 o’clock, Iniatiation, 4 o’clock, banquet at Hotel Osborne. Those who will attend the banquet are; President '. L. Campbell, Karl Onthank, (leorge Turnbull, Eric W. Allen. \V. A. Hill, of Thb Guard, Harold Hamstreet, Kenneth Moores, Walter Pimm, Milton Stoddard. Floyd Westerfield, De Witt Gilbert, James Shelby and the new members. Issuance of the Emerald by initiates has been a customary affair of Sigma Delta Chi. The fraternity became a national here in 1010 and had as its original members: Franklin Allen, Fende Waite, Karl On Uiank, Carlton Spend r, Sam Michael, Harold Young, Poland Hendricks, Donald Rice and Henry Fowler. ■ , story critic of America, published his ■ annual report of the American short j story in the Iloston Transcript a few days ago. Later it will appear in book form. He reported on all the stories published in the best magazine’s in lOlti. making a list of the boot stories out of l the 2700 that he had read. Seventy-fee ! authors of stories on the list were placed on his roll of honor, as contributing work of permanent literary value. Mr. Marshall's “The Missing Seven teen’’ which appeared in the Saturday Evening I’ost last May was one of th > seven stories from the 1010 issues of that magazine to be given places on the roll of honor. Two of the other six honored stories were by Norman Dun can, and one each by Basil King, Irvin , S. Cobh, Melville D. I’ost. and Katherine Norris. Mr. O’Rrien classifies his stories into four groups; first, those hardly deserv ing publication, second stories distin guished by cither good technique or sub stance, third, very distinguished stories containing both of these qualities, and lastly, a short list of stories of perma nent literary value. "The Missing Seven teen’’ was on the latter list. Among other stories of Mi-. Marshall's that will appear soon is a series of short ! stories in the American Magazine, start ! iug probably with the March issue. P—..... ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ A ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ FOFNP Gold Watch. Owner may have same by calling at Superintendent of Grounds office and paying for this ad. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Imperial Cleaners and Hatters We entertain our patrons at the Rex with every cAsh pur chase over fifty cents. Telephone 392 47—-7th Ave. E. STUDENTS GROW POORER 4 4 4 4 REGISTRAR GETS RICHER 4 4 4 * SO DOES THE LIBRARY “It’s ;’ust one durn thing after an other,” ♦radically declaimed one youth as he emptied his spare change on the palm cf a greedy collector in Johnson hall. “All they think a fellow has money for here is to get rid of it.” One of the most pleasant surprises prepared for the students was an inno cent appearing little card, a gift from the registrar's office announcing that “Rec ords of the Library show that you have fines there on account of books not re turned on time amounting to blank blank debars. The rules of the Board ■ >f Regents require that all amounts due the University must he paid before grades can be given out.” .So it happens that the treasury had increased its funds by $35 before noon and the pennies were still coming in. The largest individual fine recorded was $4.S0 while the smallest was eight cents. M H. Douglass, head librarian, advises that “a stitch in time often saves niue” and believes that if the average student were not so careless in disre garding notices sent out at frequent in tervals he would be a great deal richer and would not be delayed in getting his grade card by so trivial a matter as eight cents. Mistakes are promptly remedied when j called to the attention of the library j arid if you had paid promptly what is j owid it would have saved the agony of j standing in line two hours expecting to I hear whether you flunked and then only had a bill handed you. The Varsity Barber Shop The place where the stu dents go. Bring your razor in and have it put in good shape. Ask me about it. John McGuire Proprietor. The New Palm Room of the . HOTEL OSBORNE IS NOW COMPLETED AND OPEN TO ENGAGEMENTS FOR DANCING PARTIES. It’s A Beauty IS WHAT EVERY ONE SAYS WHEN THEY SEE IT, TRY OUR SUNDAY NIGHT DINNERS SPECIAL MUSIO t Make a Date For Your Oregana has to be in by the 20th. Special prices to University Students 806 13th Ave. Tuttle Studio W. A. KUYKENDALL The Rexall Store 870 Willamette St. Eugene, Oregon Start the New Semester in The Right Way We carry a complete line of I. P. note books and fillers, tab lets, scratch pads, pencils and pens. UNIVERSITY PHARMACY Sidney R. Allen, Prop. Corner 11th and Alder. Phone 229 SAVOY FRIDAY ONLY Richard Bennett in “Philip Holden, Waster” SATURDAY William S. Hart in “The Devil’s Doable” Two stars in photoplays which enable them to show their talents It is far better to COOK WITH GAS Than to gas with the Cook Phone 28 OREGON POWER CO. Send the Emerald home