Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 06, 1917, Page Two, Image 2

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Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the college year, by the
Associated Students of the University of Oregon.
Entered at the postofflc.e at Eugene as Second class matter.
Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies, 5c.
Associate Editor ..
Associate Editor . ..
Managing Editor . .
City Editor .
.Milton Arthur Stoddard
. John DcWitt Gilbert
.Ed Harwood
.Adrienne EppIog
Assistant Manager.
Assistants.Lay C'arlle, Jeanette Calkins,
Circulation Manager.
Phone, Editor, 5115
.Louise Allen
Harold Burde, Echo /.ahI
.Paul Heaney
Phone, Manager, H41
Sports Editor.
.Janies S. Sheehy j
Assistants""'.'.....Nell Morfitt, Wllliani Hazeltlne
Administration.'iun 'Y-', MuJ’I)hy
Forensics .Rosalind Bates
Features .". . . . . . . . ..Mart/ia Beer, Nell Morfitt
Sneclals. .Douglas Mularkey, Clifford Sevlts
Specials ....
Exchanges ..Helen Brenton
D?amat?c . Russell Fox
Music ..Martha Tinker
Student Activities '.....^rne?
Assistant .Jessie earner
Women's Sports V.'.V.V.V.V.V... ..Helen Hair
General Assignments.. .Elsie Eltzmaurlce, John J^undore^ Richard
Avison, Adelaide T.ake, Florida Hill, Beatrice Thurston, Mary Johns
Dylc McCroskcy. Mildred Garland, Ross Dalgleish, Gladys Wilkins, Paul
Reaney, Tracy Byers, .Pearl Cralne, Jessie Garner, M. Melson, Arvol
Slinola, Bert Woods, Percy Bodtman and Erma Zimmerman.
Desk Head .Tohn De\\ltt Gilbert
Assistants. .......... Claud Hill, Maurice Hyde, Curtis Beach, Robe>t McNary
Copy Desk
Desk Head .Milton A. Stoddard
a—I....Tii'i'a Finslcv. Harold Newton. Earl Murphy and Harold Say
Itny Goodrich, youngest member of
the University Hoard of Regents has re
ceived the nst summons to that infinite
beyond of which we humans know so
little, but have faith to trust so much.
llis is the interesting story of success
through persistent striving and achieve
ment through unswerving determination,
lie came to the University as a student
in the fall of 1000, enrolled and went to
the gymnasium and asked for a suit of
moleskins, went out on the gridiron, and
there as a freshman proeeeled to make
good as a halfback and carved his name
in the hall of athletic fame of the Uni
versity. A peculiar, nevertheless fitting
climax to his athletic record, came in
tlie recent victory of the Varsity over
Pennsylvania in sunny California. When
the boys returned and were given that
rousing reception which they will never
forget, Mr. Goodrich was on the plat
form to welcome them and sing their
glories. Ills face radiated the happi
ness he felt in their achievement, not
merely because they were Oregon hoys
who had conquered, lie had a far deep
er interest at. heart. Only a few years
before he had been one of them, lie,
too, lntd been a member of a mighty and
victorious team that had journeyed into
the southland and conquered. That was
November It), 1000, when the. California
heroes were humbled by the Varsity 2-0,
ami when the conquerors returned it was
to receive a reception such as the boys
of this year were accorded. lie knew
what the welcome meant. Time had in
its transitory flight simply transferred
him from the active ranks hut had not
lessened the buoyancy of his heart in
its youthful activities.
Through the seasons of* 1000-1-2-3 he
played. Then in the spring of 1003 when
the students lmd come to realize his worth
they gave him the greatest reward they
could offer. He was chosen student body
These achievements in his undergrad
uate days are but a simple parallel to his
success when he had entered upon tin
sterner duties of life and cast himsell
into the maelstrom of human activity
lie studied and fought and conquered am!
ere ninny years had passed he was stand
ing on the crest of that hill of life when
lie could see the golden glow of the fu
tore. Then the state gave him its groin
reward, a reward for his love to hit
nluiH mater. He was made a regeiit. lit
began yeoman service. But the Gres'
God, in his wisdom, saw fit to take bin
and he now lives only as a memory. Yei
we can now say in tlie words of Him
truly uud sincerely, “Well done thoi
good and faithful servant.”
And bowing our heads we murmur
‘ Thy Will bo Done.”
Over the state, and, in fact clear froir
the East, conies the indignation felt h.i
keen, capable business men who con
fidently assert their right to judge tin
value of the University school of com
taerce. These men are aroused at whu
they term the “misguided seal*’ of tin
legislative committee which recently re
turned an adverse report to the legisla
ftire on the University and the school o
commerce in particular.
It is interesting to note the fine tes
timonials that come rolling in to l»oai
1». W. Morton, who lias served tin
school so faithfully. Only yesterday In
received a letter from a Willamette till
ley town on the west side asking tin
assignment of stndenta to that place ti
audit the cit.v'a books. The letter umk
iug the mj.test was from the towu :
In another letter yesterday from Mr.
Summons, president of the American In
stitute of Bankers, Mr. Sammons told of
the fight the business men were making
foi the support of the school. The Port
land Association of Credit Men speaks
ac follows:
“As credit men, we are all aware that
the school of commerce connected with
the University of Oregon at Eugene has
been and is of great value, not only to
(he business men but the entire state of
< 'regon. Graduating better business
men, turning out young men who really
know something about business to take
their places as retailers and wholesalers
in this state augurs for greater pros
perity. It. means safer and better credit
conditions and ‘whatever conduces to the
improvement of credit conditions ad
vantages not only those engaged in com
merce but all men whose lives are touch
ed by it at any point.’ ”
With such testimonials ns these tlcre
can be no fear of the legislature rush
ing into some action before careful con
President Sends
(Continued from page one)
meet all the demands. A word of com
mendation is due the fraternities for
their essential democracy, and for their
loyal attitude in placing the welfare of
(lie University before all other interests.
The unity and strength of the University
has largely resulted front tho conscious
effort made by all the students to main- i
tain a generous spirit of democratic co
operation and to make the good fellow
si ip of the campus the outstanding fea
ture of college life.
"I want again to thank the students,
end to express the thanks of the faculty,
for their fine spirit of cooperation on
the occasion of the reception extended
to the legislature, and for the splendid
showing made by them on that day. It
ought to bring results, and we all confi
dently expect it will.”
Campus Problem to Come Before Stu
dent Council.
The problem of keeping people off
thi' grass has become so urgent that it is
to tie brought up at the Student Coun
cil meeting tomorrow night and according
to Nick Jaurcguy, student body president,
certain persons will bo made responsible
for the prevention of trespassing.
“We do need a path from the library
ti 1 toady," said A. 11. Sweetser, pro
fessor of botany, “hut in many cases the
students walk along the edge of the
path and thus kill the grass when they
might just ns well walk in the path.
Now is the worst time of the year, too,
as the ground is soft and the grass is
tender and consequently easily killed,”
11. M. Fisher, superintendent of the
grounds, said that at first lie was able
to speak to the trespassers personally
but with the growth of the University
this became impossible ami that it is
now up to the students to preserve the
lawns of the campus.
The Rex Exclusion to the Grand t'au
yon of Amona will be on next Thurslay.
i iHiUi li In !!ff IttrrTm^nsrmTrmi i ■
dir am'{cut to fit the shcdlas
perfectly, t > cents each. fc> f.rc$y
,1 gun T I'tAtKXVi A CO !N<*. M.ikcr*
E. R. Bryson, Eugene Attorney,
Will Conduct Moot Courts.
Many Volumes of Valuable
Works Added to Law Libra
ry Last Semester.
E. It. Bryson practicing attorney of
Eugene, a new member of the University
law school faculty, will conduct moot
courts during the latter part of the com
ing semester. These courts are a new
feature of the law school, and it is the
purpose of E. \V. Hope, dean of law, to
extend the work to cover two periods
a week.
■Mr. Bryson will lecture on Tuesday
evening of each week during the beginning
of the semester on Oregon practice and
procedure. The class, which numbers
six members, will give an intimate
knowledge of the Oregon code.
The last semester has seen a consider
able addition of valuable works to the
University’s law library. There have
been added the following sets and col
lections: Lawyers’ Reports (Annotated
Old and New Series): American Decis
ions; American Reports; American State
Reports; American and English' Anno
tated Cases; United States Supreme
Court Reports; Pacific Reporter; Oregon
Reports; The Century Corpus Juris;
Ruling Case Law; Words and I’hrases
Judicially Defined. The library is al
ready well supplied with most of the im
portant law periodicals, including the
American, Harvard, Columbia, Michi
gan, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California
law reviews and the law quarterly re
views. Others are to be added from
time to time.
Sororities Lead With 7, Frater
nities Get 6.
No Organization Takes More
Than Two New Mid-Semes
ter Students.
All the sororities except Gumma Phi
Beta report at least one second semes
ter’pledge, and two report two each. Two
fraternities report two pledges each, two
report one each, and the rest have noth
ing to report at present. Announced
pledges are:
Beta Theta Pi: Paul Fostir and Les
lie Sehwering of Eugene; Sigma Xu:
Charles Comfort; Sigma Chi: James
Richardson, of Creswell and Earl Les
lie, of Coquille; Kappa Sigma: John
Masterson, o' Port Orfonl. Alpha Tan
Omega, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta
Theta, and Delta Tail Delta have no
pledges to announce today.
Sorority pledges are: Alpha Phi, Mrs.
W. F. G. Timelier, of Eugene, and Alice
I.ytor, of Portland: Chi Omega, Mil
dred Emmett; Delta Delta Delta, Iris
Hlewett, of Eugene, and Frieda Ball;
Delta Gamma. Gertrude McCabe front
Iioquiam, Washington; Kappa Alpha
Theta, Donna Spencer, of Portland;
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Mary Ellen Bai
ley, of Eugene; Pi Beta Phi, Ella Dews,
of Klamath Falls. Gamma Fhi Beta has
no pledges to announce.
There will he several vacancies iu both
the men’s and women’s glee clubs this
second semester. Both of the p,residents
of the clubs are numbered among the
n id-semester graduates and a few others
are also leaving. It is the plan of Dean
Lyman to hold a tryout for new members
in order to give them experience in chor
al work in preparation for glee club
work another year.
The Best Peanuts
Freshly Popped Corn, Crisp
ettes, Home-made Candies.
The Big- Wagon
Opposite Rex
Series of Community Contests
Planned by University.
Opportunity of Experience to
Students Offered in
Novel System.
At the dose of the present debating
gtason in May the University will begin
,i series of community debates. This has
been done by O. A. C. for a number of
years and has proven successful. Any
town having a Y. M. C. A. or Com
mercial club team will find a Varsity
team ready to meet them.
The advantages of this new system
are two-fold according to Prof. K. W.
Prescott. It will give the students an
opportunity to get forensic experience
outside of the regular league work and
it will aid the various communities to
get in touch with the University and
make use of the Extension department’s
library and research assistance.
At first the University teams will be
rather limited in the number of ques
tions they can cover but by next year
Prof. Prescott expects to have students
competent to handle any question. As the J
regular Varsity debaters are too few in
number to take charge of these com
munity debates the new policy will pro
vide experience for many students who
would otherwise he limited to tryouts.
This policy is a part of the Univer
sity’s endeavor to make the institution of
general service to the people over the
entire state and at the same time to
bring the college students into closer re
lation with the needs and desires of
Oregon communities.
if-—-- *■
In the “Bird of Paradise,” which will
he seen at the Eugene Theatre on Tues
day night, February 13, we will see a
play that is now in its sixth season on
the road and each year it seems to en
twine itself more firmly around the
hearts of the theatre goers of this city.
Richard Walton Tally, no wknown as
one of our best atmospheric writers is
the author, and Oliver Morosco, consid
ered one of America’s foremost produc
ers, is sponsor for the production.
“The Bird of Paradise” is a sound
ethical, political and racial lesson. It is
also a strong, virile drama, and contains
a thoroughly absorbing love story.
Manager Morosco, who has become fa
mous for introducing new leading
women, will this season offer Miss Olin
Field in the role of Limna, and others
in the cast are Arthur Maitland, David
Landau, Ethel Remey, Robert Morris,
Laura. Adams, Janies Nelson, Fanny
Yantis, and the sweet-voiced Hawaiian
singers and players, who help to make
this play the most talked of drama of
the centruy.
“God's Crucible” is a Bluebird photo
play, with a delightful comedy drama
plot, enacted among wonderfully beauti
lul Grand Canyon scenes.
Bangs Livery Co.
All Stage Lines
Transfer Day or Night
Phone 21
Delilah Trimmed
Samson’s Hair
But that was long before we
started business
Marx’s Barber Shop
829 Willamette St.
“The machine you will event
ually buy'”
Special Rental Rates
to U. of 0. Students
$2-50 per month
Underwood Type
writer Co.
Phone 373 691 Will. St.
Pictures, Picture-Framing, Books and Stationery
Church and School Publishing Company
832 Willamette St.
• Let Us fix your old watch
or sell you a new one
What an annoyance it is to have a watch that does not
keep the right time!
When we sell you a watch it will be a constant pleas
ure; it will be accurate and reliable.
If you don’t want a new watch, we can fix your old
watch so that it will be a good time-keeper—if it is worth
fixing. If it is not we will tell you so.
If your watch is not running right bring it in today.
Your watch should be cleaned or oiled every year.
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler
Get Our Prices For
Oregana Photos
Cornell University
Medical College
In the city of New York
Admits graduates of the Uni
versity of Oregon presenting
the required physics, chemis
try and biology.
tory methods throughout the
course. Small sections facili
tate personal contact of stu
dent and instructor.
leading to A. M. and Ph. D.
also offered under direction
of the Graduate School of
Cornell University.
Applications for admission
are preferably made not later
than June. Next session opens
Sept. 26, 1917.
For information and cata
logue address
The Dean
Box 434 First Avenue and
28th Street, New York City.
• It is far better to
Than to gas with the Cook
Phone 28
Clothes Robbed of Dirt
8th & Charnelton . . Phone 123
Outfitters for Sportsmen and Athletes, Basket Ball Suits
and Shoes, Gym Suits and shoes
Sweaters and Jerseys
Hauser Bros.