THE SECOND I y E I FRIDAY NIGHT DEC. 15 MEN’S GYM 15C Per Couple 2 Couples, 25c BAND MUSIC vSssSSE One-Act Plays Will 3e Present ed at Private Per formances. Initial Performance Will Be “The Last Visit,” a Tragedy by Sudermann. Portland, Ore., Dec. 1.'?, 1910.—(Spec ial to the KmcraId)A dramatic club whose membership is composed of for iuer students of tiie I'niversity of Oregon lias 1 ecu recently organized in this ci.y It is tiie amt of this organization to re strict itself for a limited period to the presentation of one-net plays of classic merit. These plays will be given in pri vnu homes and to invitational audiences. I.liter oa the scope will lie broadened to include full evening p'i.ys for public p;r foriniince. The initial productions will be Suler manu’s “The Last Visit”, a tragedy; and ••'I'li,. Twelve Pound Look,” a comedy, by Barrie. The works of Strindberg, Sclilitzler, Tscheokof and others of the modern realistic school will lie consid ered in the future. .Most of the members have at some time or other sei n active service theat rically. The officers are: Kliner Furu set, ’14, president; Mae Norton, ’14, sec retary; Ethel Brown, ex-’ltl, treasurer; Esther Maegley, ’K5, librarian and Man dell Weiss, ’10, director. WOMEN DISFAVOR PLAN Atliloiio Association Wants Name of ‘‘Oregon Trail” to Remain. A movement to influence the state legislature against changing the name of the Oregon Trail to the “Pioneer Way,” was inaugurated yesterday by the Wom en's Athletic Association. The women have fostered the Oregon Trail Girls’ movement, which takes its name from tho Oregon Trail, and favors leaving the name the same. A committee was appointed to com municate with the legislators asking them to pass resolutions in legislature that | the name of the Oregon Trail shall not he changed The committee named is: Ituby Bogue, Harriet Thompson, Mary jChambers, Helen Glittery, and Ruth Con nell. Eleven new members were taken into ! (he association and the girls at the head of sports gave talks. Gladys Wilkins spoke on golf; Mary Chambers on canoe ing; Frances Elizabeth Ihlker on tennis: Claire Warner on track; and Ada Hall oil archery. One hot chocolate at the Peter Pan calls for more. Everything at the Peter Pan is fresh. A new style of hot chocolate at the Peter Pan. S I ■ .■■—in Mil ...... m\mm HER VERDICT “The Sweetest Gift of All!” No nicer present could be selected than A FIVE-POUND BOX Of Our Choice Confections Elegant Exterior —De licious Interior The Kohinoor Phone 578 AuU'iutiU in all si*i a at the Peter l'uu. 1 ra TO AID FUND Women’s Building to Benefit From Fair. Pan-Hellenic Society Sells Gifts in Portland; Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Contributes. Tho Women’s building fund will re ceive a substantial boost from the pro ceeds of a benefit bazar given in Port land last week by the Pan-Hellenic so ciety. Some of the gifts for the bazar came from Mrs. Woodrow Wilson and -Mrs. Phoebe Hearst. A member of the board of regents of the University of California sent a pledge of $500 for the Women’s building besides an oriental bag and two pieces of finest porcelain for sale at the bazar Hundreds of articles were donated for this sale and the pro ceeds will be divided between the Women’s building fund and the scholar ship fund of the Pan-Hellenic society. The fair was held in the University club building and prominent members of all the Greek letter societies were there from 10 o’clock in tlie morning until late in the afternoon to sell the articles donated for the sale. In both the morn ing and the afternoon there was a half hour of music and aesthetic dancing. Tea was served from 3 to 5 o’clock in the •UDOUJOyiT ♦ 4 ♦ Ye Tabard Inn Chapter 4 ♦ of Sigma Upsilon 4 ♦ elects 4 ♦ Harold Newton. 4 ♦ 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦4 $10,000 Bond Issue (Continued from page one) this proposed field is not for football alone, but for soccer, track, baseball, and all other athletics. Jennie Huggins, student body secretary, stated that to build more grandstands on the old field would be a waste of money, as they would have to he moved in a few years, and it is difficult to move a grand stand. “I have heard the opinion expressed that Kincaid field is worse now than twenty years ago,” stated .Miss Huggins. Nicholas Jaureguy, student body presi dent, urged all students to vote on this matter, regardless of their opinion. “It is an important matter and should be de cided by all the students.” A motion to have the O. A C. game played here next year instead of Port land. as scheduled, was voted down. The resolution which is to bo voted upon December ”0 follows: "He it resolved by the Assoeiated Students of the University of Oregon that its executive committee lie and it is hereby authorized to borrow upon tlie bonds or Other obligations of the Stu dent Hody, payable at such times and upon such rates of interest as said execu tive committee may deem advfisnble, such sums of money as may be neees Presbyterian bazar in Titus Bldg., on Oth, Saturday for home made candies and food. '‘Pendleton” Indian Robes and “0” Robes THE MEN’S STORE IS READY Men’s and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats at special Christmas Prices. 400 Dozen Men’s Ties in Every Conceivable Shape and Pat tern That’s Good. , __ Priced 25