Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 12, 1916, Page Two, Image 2

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Published each Tuesday, Thursday anil Saturday of the college year, by the
Associated Students of the University of Oregon.
Entered at the postoffieo at Eugene as second class matter.
Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies, 5c.
Associate Editor .Milton Arthur Stoddard
Associate Editor...John DeWItt Gilbert
Managing Editor .Ed Harwood
City Editor .Adrienne lipping
'business STAFF.
Assistants .
I.oalse Allen, Jnnnettc Calkins, Echo y.nlil, I,ny Cnrllle, Harold Horde
Circulation Manager .Kenneth Farley, I'hone TIC!
Phone Editor 565.Phone Manager 841
Depart inents
Sports Editor.James H. Hheehy
Assistants .Douglas Mullarkey, William Haseltine
Administration.Earl W. Murphy
Assistants.Prances Shoemaker, Frederick Kingsbury
Forensics .Rosalind Bates
Features .Martha Beer, Neil Morfitt
Specials.Robert McNary, Clifford Sevlts
Exchanges .Helen llrenton
Dramatic . Russell Fox
Music .Martha Tinker, Pearl Oraine
Student Activities .Dorothy Parsons
Assistant .Jessie Garner
Women's Sports..Helen Hair
General Assignments.Elsie Fitzmaurice, John Dundore Adelaide Bake,
Richard Avlsori, Florida Hill, Douglas'Mularkey, Beatrice Thurston, Mellie
Parker, Blllian Boylen, Mary Johns, Edna llowil, Harry Foster, Mildred
Garland, Gladys Wilkins, Eyle MeCrosky, Borralne Mahony, Ross Dalgleish,
Paul Reaney, Tracy Byers, and Francis Blurock.
Desk Head .John
Assistants. Claud Hill, Maurice Hyde, Curtis Beach,
Copy Denk
Desk Head...Milton A. Stoddard
Assistants.Tula Kinsley, Harold Newton, Earl Murphy and Harold Bay
DeWItt Gilbert
Robert McNary
A moss pot of trouble that hud been
bubbling for some time over the fires of
dissension, boiled over last week when
President Huzzulo, of the University of
Washington, announced that no new con
tract would be offered Gilmore DojIj,
football coach.
This marks the passing from Wash
ington of a coach whose fame gained
while there has been nation-wide. He
undoubtedly has an enviable record with
nine years of victories—and only three
tie games.
President Suzzalo declared that Dobio
had failed to perform one of the chief
functions of the college that of building
up the character of its students.
That is indeed a serious charge and
which, if true, would unquestionably
justify President Suzzalo in bis action
in retiring the coach. From corres
pondence the Emerald is aware Dobie
had with Oregon athletes, i fully ap
preciates the meaning of the Dobie motto
“Defeat never; victory always."
Hut the Emerald has no desire to
strike when a man is down and from the
popular demonstration accorded the Wily
Scotchman of the northland in the wee
mmi' hours of the morning by the under
classmen of the University of Washing
ton it is to bo presumed he struck ll
popular chord in their hearts.
Hut the Emerald cannot but feel that
the passing of Coach Gilmore Dobie
from the northwest will see the inter
collegiate athletic relations of the insti
tutions clarified.
Leap Year is coming to an end and
still there are many men remaining sin
gle. Who’* to lilitni > V
The Emerald Is convinced that the
transfer of the annual stat, ion
ship game between Oregi
poll Agricultunrl College I ,1
puses to the Portland gridic . .o
gressive move. It is in keeping with
the growth of the major sport of tool
ball on the const and the inception ami
healthy start the Pacific Coast Confer
ence received from this last season.
When the students of the two state
institutions rose up in righteous wrath
three years ago and made the officials
change the game from Portland to the
campuses it was then the annual eon
If it is
Caswell & Whitt on
have it
Phone 238
We have our own
We specialize on
test was the most supreme struggle on
the const.
But ifl the spnee of three years Wash
ington State College has come prominent
ly to the fore and now Oregon is look
ing forward to its game m Eugene next
fall with the University of California
as its great gridiron battle. Due to
these changes the Whole football com
plexion has been changed.
Then the financial profits accruing
from this change are not so insignifi
cant ns to be overlooked. It. is a foolish
head that provides all gander and no
sauce for a feast.
To The Editor:
I wish to call attention to a news story
on dramatics and dramatic organizations
which appeared in the Emerald of last
week. While 1 have no desire to enter
into a controversy with anybody, either
in the columns of your paper or else
where, I do feel that it is only fair to
the Emerald's readers and to the two
dramatic organizations now existing on
the Oregon campus that some of the
inaccurate statements appearing in tile
article referred to lie corrected.
"The 'Campus Players’ is a dramatic < "
ganization of rather ambitious purpose
and designs. The organization was not
formed by the department of dramatic
interpretation, as the story states, but
was formed last spring just prior to the
close of college by several Of the summer
school students. At that time the or
ganization elected I)r. E. S. Bates as
honorary member and as director. Dr.
Bates then had no official connection
with the dramatic department and lias
now no official University connection
with Campus Players.
The organization was so successful
during the summer session under the
direction of Dr. Bates, and received such
hearty support that we felt that we
ought to perpetuate ourselves and or
ganize upon a permanent basis. The
organization produced during the sum
mer school. "The Truth,” by Clyde
Pitch; "lledda (labler,” by Ihjen; and
a series of one not plays by local au
thors. The plays had no connection
with the dramatic department; the ntbm
bers received no University credits or
the work done, and profits were divided
among the participants. So we were not.
as the reporter states, formed by the dra
matic department and "The lave Corpse"
is not the first play which the organi
zation has produced.
We are, moreover, an upper-class,
honorary organi. ition. Wo do not take
in members of the lower division, and
we require all of our members to have
appeared creditably in at least three
university plays.
We are not rivals of any other dra
matic organization on this campus;
nor do we wish to be. And the actions
of any member of'the Campus Players
which tends in convey this impression
will lie discountenanced by the organi
zation as a whole, as 1 feel sure will
also he done in the case of the Uni
versity Players’ organization.
As a further evidence of what little
foundation there is in the report of
rivalry, during the summer session two
Toil man
J. B. Anderson, Prop.
Best Xmas Photos
Phone 770 784 Will.
members of the University Players took
part in our productions; two members of
the same organization were invited to ap
pear in the coming production of “The
Live Corpse,” and one of them hag ac
cepted this invitation and wall play an
important part. In short, our aim is co
operation to the fullest extent with
either organizations or individuals for
the promotion of the drama in Oregon.
Very truly yours,
(President, Campus Players)
Alumni Prize Contest to Deter
mine Best Speaker.
Entire Varsity Team Have Sig
nified Their Intention
of Entering.
The alumni medal contest will take
place in Guild hall, at 7 p. m. December
1!>. This contest was established by
alumni of the University to determine the
best debater in school. Only members
of the varsity debating squad are eli
gible. According to further rules laid
down by the alumni, only Oregon grad
uates may act as judges.
Last year the medal was wron by
Walter Myers. In 1014 Peter Crockett
held the medal, and the year before the
trophy was won by Victor Morris.
This year the entire debating squad of
eight members will be allowed to enter.
Those who will be in the contest are:
Earl Fleischmann, Nicholas Jaureguy,
Rosalind Bates, Lewis Beebe, Vivian
Kellems, Don D. Davis and Walter
Bailey. The two substitutes, C. N.
Patterson, and Carlton Savage have also
signified their intention of participating.
The question will be the same ns the
one used in the* elimination and final
try-outs, “Resolved that the U. S. shall
adopt the essential features of the Can
adian system for the settlement of indus
trial disputes.” The debaters must be
prepared to speak on either side of the
question. Three hours before the con
test lots will be drawn to decide who
shall have the affirmative and who the
There has beesr some difficulty in
securing judges, as alumni who were
public speakers are hard to get. The
two men agreed on to date are Earl Kil
patrick and Karl Onthank.
Directory of Eugenei
Professional Men
Dr. M. C. Harris
Roor 402 C. & W. I?ldg.
Sth and Willamette Eugene, Ore.
Office Hours: t) to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. m.
l’houe 5111
Dr. L. L. Baker
1 lentist
Instructor's Diploma X. U. D. S.,
Office 310 C. & W. Bldg.
8th and Willamette Eugene, Ore.
(i. S. Beardsley, M. D.
410-415 Coekerline & Wetherbee Bldg.
Eugene, Oregon
Office Rhone 00 Res. Phone 350
Office hours 10-12; 2-5 p. m.
Dr. M. Ashton
Chiropractic Physician
Xerve, spine and stomach trouble, a
Violet and X-Rays, Vibration, etc.
Phone 800.
Office opposite Eugene Theatre.
Dr. W. B. Lee
404 C. A W. Bldg. Eugene, Ore.
L. M. Travis
Eugene, Oregon
Class 1S07
W illiam (i. Martin
» Probate ami Lands Specialty
* * t W illamette St. Eugene, Ore.
Olive C. Waller and
A. C. Waller
Osteopaths. C. W. Bldg.
Phone 105.
Friday Evening Function to Be
Marked With Features.
Band Music, Punch and Low
Rates Are on Attractive
Program Offered.
The second of the student body
dances, which have been revived on the
campus this year after a prolonged ab
sence, will be given Friday night of this
week. According to Harold Tregilgas,
chairman of the committee of the student
council in charge of the dance, sev
eral new features that will “make it go"
have been decided upon.
The University band will furnish the
music, and band music at a dance would
seem to be ideal according to the com
mittee. More thaq this, there will be
punch, and the admission will be 15 cents
for one person or 25 cents a couple.
The alphatetical seating arrangement
used last week at the sophomore formal
will be repeated at the dance Friday
evening. Some objection was heard to
this plan, because the girls were not able
to be with their sorority sisters or
friends, unless they happened to have
the same initial. This can be overcome
to a large measure according to those
who favor the plan, by remaining with
the group of friends until after the first
dance and returning then to the section
which includes your initial.
The committee is anxious that many
members of the faculty should take ad
vantage of the special invitations sent
Dean Straub Hopes for 1300 by End of
Next Year.
The latest figures on the total en
rollment of the University of Oregon
give 050, according to Dean Straub.
Dean Straub predicts that there will
be 1100 students attending by the end of
You Should See
Pennsylvania j
Pasadena, Cal.
Jan. 1, 1917
The feature of the annual
Tournament of Roses
Thousands will see this
great game. Will you?
Low round trip fares to
Pasadena and Los Angeles
on sale Dec. 21-23 inclu
sive; December 26-28 in
clusive. Return limit 15
Ask local agent
John M. Scott. A. G. P. A.
The Co-Op can supply many of your Christmas needs
and will greatly appreciate an opportunity to show you
an attractive line of college jewelry, stationery, fountain
pens, books, pennants and pillows.
Here are a few of our novelties:
Seal pins
Seal Lavallieres, etc.
Seal spoons
Seal hatpins
Seal cuff links
Seal fobs
Seal Stationery
Greek Letter spoons
Box stationery
Waterman fountain pens
Conklin fountain pens
Red leather Kipling
Red leather O’Henry.
Half Block west of Campus on 13th Avenue
this school year. He also prophesies <
that by the end of the next school year,
the University will be able to boast of
an attendance of 1300.
In his travels over the state, Dean
Straub said he noticed a strong interest
for the University. He remarked that
he was surprised to find even in the parts
of Washington tributary to the Columbia
river a strong tendency towards the Uni
versity of Oregon.
The Peter Pan candies for Christmas.
are curve cut to fit the shoulders
perfectly, if cents each, bjoryy
It is far better to
Than to gas with the Cook
Phone 28
The Club Cigar Store
Phone 771
881 Will. St.
Students’ Money
If some of you students see fit to drop a few shekels
here during your annual Christmas dissemination of
funds y ou can feel asured that you will get value re*
ceived and your patronage is appreciated.
M. L Kreamer
657 Willamette Street.
Register, Bldg.
“Crowning of the Gypsy Queen”
An Operetta in three acts by
High Schools Girls’ Glee Club
Assisted by
Boys’ Quartette
Rex Theatre, Wed. Dec. 13
Also.two reels of motion pictures
35<* and 25^